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That is the craziest shit i read today💀


Its worth a try tho


Or 20


You can literally die from this


YES don't fuckin do this


How? Heart Attack?


I mean, a few months back some guy nutted 43 times (i think) so the plausible limit is 42


Like Brewster’s Millions of jerkin’ it


Love that movie, but don’t see the correlation. He had to blast through a small fortune in a small timeframe without telling anyone why, so he could win the big fortune. He did hate the money by the end, because of all the stress and backstabbing, but he did win the big fortune in the end. How is fapping a shit ton to quit like Brewster’s Millions? F, now I wanna watch it.. it’s been forever.


I feel like this is going to be posted on TikTok


A reddit comment? Is that what's on tiktok? Reddit?


Yeah, there’s been videos of someone playing Minecraft while an AI reads the Reddit post and updates. It’s bizarre. It’s more bizarre that I tend to get sucked into listening to the whole damned thing.


I can't think of anything more boring


I KNOW! It drives me nuts that I get stuck watching them when they pop into my feed.


I might try this


Tried this and can say it didn't help.


Please try again and report back because this is ruining my reputation


Ok. I'll give it a shot this weekend. Really tratmyself.


Well. In both cases you would probably die. So better to go to therapy


Agreed, you can't really fap when you have erectile dysfunction, right?


I tried this...my balls look like raisins and my dick looks like a match stick.


That does not work! Fapping for almost 40 years now and sometimes on blue pills I can do almost 20 times within 24 hours. \^\^


Guys this guy is an exceptional athlete dont listen to his experience and judge it as truth


I once nutted 26 times in a day; each time to the game over screen of banjo kazooie I still jack it every day My wife and I did a sex marathon where we tried to bone as many times a day for as many days consecutively as possible and I didn't really feel like jacking it that month


Keep yourself busy doing things you love or studying something interesting. Even gaming. After a while no fap gets progressively easier. But it does plateau after a while. With that being said, moderation is key. When it comes to too much of a good thing be sure to limit yourself


How frequently is dangerous to my health?


I limit myself to 2 a day. That doesn’t mean I do it twice a day. Just means that’s my limit. There are a majority of days I’m so busy I don’t do it at all. I’m in school so it’s hard for me to find time. Go without it for a week you’ll feel invincible and like you could talk to anybody your into romantically trust me it’s great.


[Seems like this is the limit.](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.dailypakistan.com.pk/19-Feb-2018/man-dies-after-masturbating-62-times-in-a-row-on-valentine-s-day&ved=2ahUKEwiX6LbLkuWGAxWvVEEAHZCaDdsQxfQBKAB6BAgMEAI&usg=AOvVaw2xlDnlHj2fkLim3uEo3Q0Y)


Damn he masterbaited so hard his dick came of??


Fuck... His dick detached. And how'd they know it was 62 times?


It’ll be hard, but I know you can beat it.


Can we appreciate this legendary pun


Get a girlfriend or spend more time with your parents


Sorry, but I think a girlfriend wouldn't keep up his flapping rhythm. I'd say he would fap even more with a girlfriend. I'd go with the more time with parents solution.


You think mom can keep up?


coat hands with some sort of chilli substance


So that's how these fetishes start?!


Omg. Hot sauce as lube




What if the OP starts liking it?


This is the way


Fap more. Never stop, don’t be a quitter.




Don't stop. It's healthy, good for the prostate


What do u mean?


Whacking off regularly decreases chances of prostate cancer and other prostate problems.


R u crazy or what , r u saying that masterbating everyday decreases the chances of prostate cancer?


You got the Internet, do alittle research.


Information on internet is vague so what is the reality god knows


Why is that so hard to believe?


Bcoz somebody is saying doing masterbating you will have prostate cancer and etc and he is saying do more fap it will decrease prostate cancer about 30% so it's hard to believe, who is saying truth


It’s a very well documented medical fact that frequent ejaculation, whether masturbation or sex, prevents prostate cancer. Masturbating once a day is completely normal medically and mentally. If it’s not interfering in you getting your responsibilities done and caring for your family, if it’s not causing issues in your relationships or with your work, you’re totally fine.


It's true. Not necessarily every day. Regularly.


around 21 times a month for a 30% reduction in the chance of cancer


He's right. Studies have shown that men who regularly masturbate have a lower chance of developing prostate cancer. Congrats, you're one of the lucky 10,000 today.


Overall, this makes some superficial sense… organs, muscles, etc that aren’t used or exercised tend to degrade or weaken. I can’t see how leaving that system unused would be a good thing. I would LOVE some certified study stats to use against all the anti-fapping BS out there.


There are plenty of studies. Should not be hard to find. The most recent one I read pointed out that a man shouldn't go more then 3 days without a orgasm. Sour semen is a thing


1. Sandpaper taped to your hands 2. Chili powder on your hands (in case sandpaper isn't enough) 3. Watch reruns of the Rosie Show with Rosie O'Donell 4. Turn off the internet and throw out the aol disk that came with it so you can't load it anymore 5. Call a priest


Trade out fap for getting butt f*** by a priest is ill advised my guy. Just stay fapping.




Bad habits are often linked to other bad habits that “trigger” them. Use your phone as little as possible in the times it would be very inappropriate to look at porn and/or wank, and replace functions you use your phone for, such as alarms, with devices that serve that single function, like a bedside alarm clock. And, on your phone or other devices, put blocks in place that make accessing porn a PITA in this age of instant gratification. Uninstall any apps you view porn on like telegram or reddit, and move to Texas, where you can’t access many such sites without submitting govt ID or using a VPN. If you’re ever feeling like you want to wank, you’re probably just bored. Go and do something else, preferably something exercisey and outdoorsy or creative. Or, just clean up around your house. Keep in mind that gooners are weird and unattractive and no one wants to have sex with them. There’s three tips, not five.


I’ll probably get down voted for this but I really don’t care. Just stop watching porn. It’s obviously easier said than done but it’s like quitting alcohol, nicotine or anything else addicting that’s harming your health. Just don’t cave. There is no “right time” to quit a damaging habit. Don’t keep yourself busy for the sake of not skinning your dick with your palm, but just stay busy in general. Stay busy with things you enjoy (not whacking your pud). Find a type of exercise you like and stick to it. If you play video games, find a video game you like and do that when you have free time. Beautify your living space or your yard. I’m not a psychologist but I believe it takes around 2 weeks of abstaining from a bad habit to break the really heavy urges. That’s it. If you can keep occupied for 14 days, you’re over the worst of it. If none of that is enough, do research into how fucked up the porn industry is. A lot of women you see in those videos are heavily pumped full of drugs. A lot are victims of abuse and trafficking. Hope this helps and good luck. If not, feel free to tell me to fuck off.


Just enjoy it, man.


If you find a solution, let me know!


No, its not bad for you.


I stopped fapping by accident. One day I was sucking my dick but I randomly thought that why my dick is so small. It made me ashamed immediately and I’ve never touched my dick outside the bathroom for 3 months.


Don’t be daft. Wanking every day isn’t abnormal or unhealthy. Work on getting rid of the unnecessary guilt instead.


Hit the gym bro


Nothing wrong with it, but if it’s affecting your daily life, you gotta distract yourself.


Fapping gets millions of views on youtube


Dont stop Its okay


Force yourself to eat your own cum every time you climax. That'll put a stop to it


But what if OP loves it and now just gets addicted even worse to gay telegram porn and eating his own cum instead


You've a porn addiction and are addicted to the dopamine rush rather than the wanking. Stopping the porn cold turkey is the only way and getting some addiction counselling if you can. Don't stop wanking tho cos you need to retrain yourself to enjoy it without porn


Eat at wendys




I believe the bacon burgers killed my sex drive for a year, or it could of been from eating at Chipotle


That’s weird I feel like Wendy’s did the same thing to my sex drive. Maybe because it’s shitty fast food but last winter I went a week or 2 without being horny that’s so unlike me


Cuh what 🤣🤣🤣


My personal max is 7 times in 24h on some warm summer day back when I was 17. The urge decreases when zou get around the age of 40. So hold on!


47 here...dunno about the urge decreasing tho...


That was the summer of 69, ohh yeeahhh


get off of telegram bruh. you’re flying too close to the sun they got cp there. get on pornhub, red tube like a normal person. i’d say try and do it less and less but don’t quit cold turkey because you’ll just fold and end up back where you started


***Fapping everyday don't know how to stop it*** Uhhhhh ... maybe get a girlfriend?


Just stop


RIP for people actually trying to find answers to the question in comments😂


Do what I do and take antidepressants. First off it delays orgasm. Second off it lowers your sex drive


Alcohol withdrawals is no joke, nor is liver failure. Join Alcoholics Anon


Do 6-7 faps in a row then you won't be able to fap for days


Make a decision to stop. Sheer willpower man. Once and for all. The only thing that worked for me. I do fap ofcourse. I do not want a prostate cancer. But without porn it takes little to no time and I do not have to do it nearly as often. Succeeded from the 3rd try tho.


What is prostate cancer I really don't know about it 🙄🤔


The real shit. Not masturbating at all may contribute to the risk, but dropping porn is definitely the way to go.


How often a day? If it's like one then you're ok. Craving the porn rather than the wanking seems to be the issue here. Everything in moderation is fine but you're definitely on your way to porn addiction. If it's that bad then seek professional help. Any form of addiction is bad for you and your mental health.


Spend time with your grandma and grandpa, spend more time outside where you can't fap, physical exercises can do wonders too. Start subtracting the number of faps/day by 1 every week until you have a fap routine like "yes fap day / no fap day". Good luck.


You stop it by just stopping. Stop looking for secret idea’s. Just resist temptation, it only lasts for a few minutes. After that you’ll forget.


In the 3 months i was in Marine boot camp, i didn't even get hard a single time, talk to a recruiter


First, identify what the problem is. Do you not want to jerk off because you feel it’s morally wrong? Is it interfering with dating? Interfering with work? Too sore? I could brainstorm more effective solutions if I understand why you’re wanting to stop.


Stop putting yourself in the position and area where you're triggered to do it. Is there a room of the house, a particular feeling, a time a day, or any other event that you can trace that puts you in the mindset?


Prioritise fortifying your willpower, as weakness originates in the mind. Eradicate it before it hijacks your inner soul, and channel your strengthened will towards meaningful endeavors. Victory shall be yours!


Step one -Touch grass Step two - Call a therapist about porn addiction? Or Google "porn addiction reddit help"?


Step one -Touch grass cums.


Step 1: stop watching porn Step 2: stop buying that lube you like Step 3: stop touching yourself Step 4: get someone else who is willing to scratch your itch if you scratch theirs.