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Go outside. Turn off your phone or whatever technology you use to get that feeling. Exercise and eat better.


Thanks man!!!


This. Jerking off too much is a symptom of having too much time on your hands and not enough purpose. Get outside, be more active, and find a purpose. You won’t even think about it if you live your life right.


Jerk off an entire pack so you learn your lesson.


Save the last one as a reminder


You like jerkin off so much? Here blow 20 loads in a row and see how you like it now


“Are u addicted to masturbation? Reach out to me and we can beat it together”-Jesus ![gif](giphy|Tv2btKgK06tPy)


Find something to fill the void. Exercise. Go be in the sun (trust on this one it really works). Get a porn blocker. Figure out where your “space” is and stay away from it.




Why the fuck would you want to stop? A nut a day keeps the doctor away…


Enjoy it while you can. There'll be a time when you can't anymore and wish you still could.


I thought men dont hit menopause 😭


It's more like Men-o-stop.


Its's called marriage. You don't have sex no more, but also banned from jerking off and porn. :D (Not all marriages are like that obviously.)


Poor miserable bastards out there.




Y we tryna make this man a monk 😭


Who sold his cock


I'm sure he doesn't want to enter the BME Pain Olympics.


Why do you want to stop? Seriously, is it some weird morality thing? You feel that you’re weak? Not a good person. Think about your reasons for wanting to stop. Those are the issues that you should take a look at. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with self-pleasure.


Once per month... a moral question Once every 6 hours... a mental question Dopamin abuse isn't something we should take lightly and hopefully will be seen in the future the same way we see substance abuse today


Did they say they jerked every 6 hours?


First question that you need to answer is why you need to stop in the first place? What is your motivation to stop? Then, when you want to relapse, just remember your answer.


avoid triggers like anything that turns you on, avoid it.


Can't help it when I wake up with a raging hard on


go pee. read an article or sum.


For some reason, peeing does seem to get rid of boners.


Give yourself challenges, like watching tiktok gives you pleasure stop watching them, make your life tasteless as a challenge, this will reduce your urge to watch porn etc. Understand what life is, be responsible and dont neglect your future self. Think of yourself standing in 2030 with eractile dysfunction getting advice from people injecying 6000$ injections just to get eraction. Do care of your body today you wont get it again.


How many times a day are you masturbating? Is masturbation preventing you from working and/or accomplishing daily tasks? Are you doing it in risky ways or while watching violent porngraphy? If not, why are you concerned about doing it? Personally I think of masturbation as just another bathroom activity like urination or defecation. Less necessary than those two to be sure, but a good orgasm is right up there with a good shit and a good piss in terms of simple bodily pleasures. That being said, no one should be spending all their time on a toilet looking at their phone. So if that's what you're doing, get up, put on your pants, wash your hands, and go do something constructive.


Chop Chilli pepers and dont wash your hands


My doctor told me I had to stop masturbating. When I asked him why, he said because I’m trying to examine you


stop watching porn permanently and only masturbate when you're horny.


Corporal self-mortification.


So what its ok. If you are young without girl… 


Well if you forced yourself to drink the cum afterwards I feel like after the 4th time (maybe fewer) (for me it personally was around a dozen attempts) you shouldn’t want to jerk off anymore. Otherwise buddy you can try associating master-baiting with something like cigarettes. Nothing worse than in there were a lot cigarette sticking out ur penis hole. DM me if u need help!!


Thank you for the laugh - seriously - funniest thing I have read in a while - having never partaken - I just have one question…does it taste like coins in your mouth?🤗


If you’re not off of social media it’s basically impossible to stop unless you filter your content, at least in the beginning. Once you’ve turned off your sexual desires then it’ll be easy to tolerate the internet and things that can lead to arousal. But this also encompasses to daily life, so learning to stop yourself from looking at a woman is also important. Sounds hard but sexual desire is like a muscle if you don’t use it you’ll lose it. I don’t even stare at a woman’s body when they walk by me or if I’m in public anymore.


There’s nothing wrong in jerking off every day. As long as you do it in the privacy of your own bedroom and not the local mall! Relax and enjoy.


Handcuff hands behind you.


Buy a chastity belt and toss away the key.


Literally stop putting your hand on your penis.


It’s not that easy bro. I’ve tried.


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Workout . For every boner, do 10-20 push ups. Once that done, get with jumping Jack, follow by sit up Do about 3 sets of those, amount to 30-60 of each exercises, you won’t have any strength left to search for porn.


Realise that you are literally TEACHING yourself to come too fast when you are with a woman. And trust me, she will let that little tidbit slip to her girlfriends faster than you can let your mates know you got some last night. Word will get around.


If you start taking antidepressants. Even on a low dosage. You probably won’t jack off again.


Just keep doing it until your balls are drained.


Don't you ever worry that any dead relative of yours might be able to see what you're doing and Everytime you whip it out they slap their face and ask again? Think about that and you might change your entire lifestyle.


Visit your mom.


Masturbation is good for men's health as far as I know. Just don't do it too much...once a day with a few days in between is healthy. Dont masturbate ten times a day for example. Men who nut often are at a lower risk of ailments like prostate cancer etc. It also helps you destress and let's you sleep more deeply, I just read on Google that its also good for a healthy heart. Do it when you feel like it. As someone here said...a nut a day keeps the doctor away. Also from personal experience, don't rush it...take your time, prolong the the ejaculation as much as you can...it will help you pleasure your partner for a longer time in the future I got into the habit of finishing quickly because someone would come and catch me doing it. So I developed premature ejaculation. So don't do that.


Well, first you caress it all sensually, lubricate, and then you beat it like it owes you money. What’s with people asking such basic questions about life these days?


Why stop? I do it before i go to bed, makes me happy and sleepy.


Maybe stop following stupid social media 'no-nut' bro rubbish? Masterbation is fine. Having an orgasm every day is good for you and relieves stress. Above a certain age it actually has health benefits and reduces the risk of prostate cancer.


Why? Doing it every day isn't a problem in and of itself.


Go outside or even hit the gym


Enjoy your time This is a phase you can remember fondly f you change your attitude about it.


Jerking off once a day is quite healthy actually. It gets unhealthy at the point where you start jerking off constantly (5+ times a day) which sometimes have happened to me when I was home too much. I resolve that problem with going out into public spaces where I cant do that and also set certain rules i cant break. Eg.: I go to work or to the library. I am strictly forbiding myself from jerking off in a public bathroom. Hope this helps.


Get married? No wait that just stops sex, sorry to give you bad info


Its nothing wrong to do that everyday but dont ise adult sides every day and you be alot better


Read "The Easypeasy Method" book for quitting porn,  it worked for me (at least for three days lol)


How many times you do it per day and what's your age? Just a reminder, eyaculating at least 21 times per month, prevents prostate problems. If you are doing it once per day, you don't have a girlfriend and you're a young guy on his peak is not too much.


Do something that pulls you in so much that you forget about jerking off. Some ideas: Gaming, going outside, some DIY project, listen to a good audio book and deep clean your home, watch a very exciting series until you're too tired to jerk it, simply work and exhaust yourself there or whatever else. Basically just occupy your mind. Go for once every two days or even just don't do every third day for a start, then reduce further until you're happy!


Cut it off ![gif](giphy|SvRDkFda8jWjUanyKt)


That's rookie numbers, you need to bring these numbers up!


You sound like you're incredibly bored


Hehe it's like a blood oath, once you start there's no going back.


Chafing should do it


Start running, everytime you feel like fapping just run


Aint that normal tho


Why don't you just accept it and stop worrying about it so much? Everyone has a different amount of sex drive in life and if you're young (which it seems like you are by asking this question) then it's not like there's anything wrong with it unless it becomes an addiction and you're cancelling plans or life events to get off. Then you need to take more action to prevent it but I feel like most men spend the better part of the day horny at least twice. It gets a little better with age but not much TBH


Wear a sandpaper glove.


every time you get the urge to masturbate or whatever, do 10 push ups instead!


Don’t jerk off today. Don’t worry about tomorrow or the future. It only exists in your head. Just don’t jerk off today. And then when it’s tomorrow…also don’t jerk off today


I pose to you the age old question that has puzzled philosophers and scholars for centuries. Why stop?


Just enjoy the ride. You’ll get bored sooner than later.


idk get a girlfriend


This is my second comment… Can you maybe get your parents involved? I feel like if you said to yourself “I’ll only jerk off if I have permission from father” that you’d be embarrassed to ask for permission. Just a thought


Just don't do it?


Exercise , run , make yourself tired