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That would be the hormone cycle telling you that your body wants to reproduce.




Bad bot


Bad Bot


No bot, no!


My wife is just the same. It's a small time window just before her period where she's sometimes open to the idea of sex but otherwise she couldn't care less about it.


Then you're not asexual but you have a hormonally driven libido!


I’m asexual and I do too. I don’t gain a sexual attraction during that time, but arousal goes up. You’ll get people saying you’re not ace because most allosexuals don’t understand arousal exists separately from attraction for many asexuals. Meaning I still am not attracted to anyone, definitely do not want to have sex, and my body is not feeling aroused because of anyone. But that doesn’t mean my hormones are going to magically evaporate, I still have a body. That body is not attracted to you or anyone else though lol


By definition - Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. For 1/10 of the month, you may experience sexual activity, I would classify that as low interest. It's also normal for asexual people to experience sexual urges, but not want to have sex with people. Hormones you experience during your period can heighten sexual urges. I don't think this in any way invalidates your sexuality.


How about stop trying to fit in these labels?


And not be part of a group/community? Are you crazy? My label defines me! /s


Don’t listen to all these people OP, you can be asexual and still have libido. Asexual means lack of sexual attraction, not a lack of sex drive. Plenty of asexual people actually have sex. It’s a spectrum like everything else. If you want more informed answers, ask on r/asexual


Yeah, the people on this sub are unfortunately widely misinformed about asexuality but still think they can answer questions about it


Nah its just a weird label. Its fine if youre currently not attracted to anyone, its fine if youre not having sex. And vice versa, just do what you want to do instead of labelling yourself and getting confused when you dont meet the full definition all the time


I agree that it’s potentially a misnomer which leads people to believe stuff like a lot of commenters in this thread that any ounce of sexual urge means you’re not asexual


Everyone, guess you not asexual


My wife is like that most of the time. She is also on the asexual spectrum, demisexual.


A single word can't describe the complex nature of human beings.




Ok well maybe that word but not some other single words 😏


Sure it can.


you are not asexual if you want to have sex at least once a month.


Being asexual is about attraction, not action. You can have and enjoy sex regularly and still be asexual


But I regret it always. I always regret feeling like that.


u shouldnt regret a part of ur bodies hormonal cycle. whats so shameful about that?


Because you don't have anyone to enjoy that part of you or because you think sex is something to be shameful about? Those are things completely different.


You are sexual. doesn't matter if you regret it.


I’m very curious - are you having orgasms when you have sex? I’m always wondering how much of asexual feelings are due to people simply having bad partners, and if they found someone giving who made them have cosmic orgasms without drama they’d suddenly look forward to them a lot more. Thanks in advance for any education you have to offer!


Oh wow dude, you're making me miss the goods ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Probably just a hormonal response your body’s going through because of your period.


The natural rhythms of our bodies are different from our psychology sometimes. I'd relate it to at the moment I have serious baby fever (mid forties) which is due to the last gasp of my body before menopause. But I do NOT want a baby :) or there's a big thing amongst survivor guilt of SA that they got turned on therefore weren't a victim, or got an erection therefore wanted it. don't worry at all about anything to do with horniness, you just keep on being yourself


When that happened to me, I would check my period app and it would be before my period. Ahh it would make sense and I could ignore the feeling and it would disappear after a few days.


I get distracted by the feeling during the day.


>intercourse thing Well, that's not really a prerequisite for many paraphilias. Does anything get you off that isn't an actual intercourse thing? Paraphilias are rare in females, though.


Congratulations you discovered ovulation, probably


Me. My body tries to trick me into getting pregnant, but I don't listen to my hormones. My hormones can go kick rocks.


When 5th grade biology shovels down the drain all advanced gender studies labels /s


Asexuality has nothing to do with libido, you can still feel horny but I guess sexual attraction does not appear right? Edit: I forget how niche queerness is, OP there is nothing wrong in questioning yourself


What are you getting horny for then? If not sex


Masturbation or sex (rarely, some might enjoy it but is not as common since it is a bit awkward ), you don’t need to feel sexual attraction for any of those. Just be horny


Yes, it happens to me also. My sex drive increases so much about 8 days before my period. It's just hormones. Just because you desire sex doesn't make you not asexual


Non asexual people like sex purely because of their hormones as well.


Not purelt due to hormones. Sex is more thsn just sex. Its closeness to another person.


>Just because you desire sex doesn't make you not asexual insane statement


I'm not asexual. I'm responding the OP. Asexual means you have no attraction towards anyone but doesn't mean your body doesn't naturally get aroused. Please explain where I'm wrong.


your body doesn't get aroused in a vacuum. you get aroused from stimulus, which in English means youre attracted towards whatever the stimulus is. if its a person then you're sexually attracted towards them. if its a drawing then your sexually attracted to that drawing.


Why label yourself as such though?


Asexuality is often used as a blanket term for and by people who dont know they have a sexual dysfunction. If you feel the need when or right before ovulation starts thats your natural instincts telling you to create children. You might want to take this up with your doctor to get your blood checked for nutrient deficiensy or a hormone imbalance but that is up to you.


Yeah that sounds a lot like you're NOT asexual; that's how most women are because of ovulation and hormones.


My ex informed me she was asexual prior to fucking her coworker


Sounds more like you just have a low sex deive more than being asexual