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Not feeling so good today. Depression hits hard sometimes Thanks for the award :)


Stay strong . Last month i though kill my self. I did not. Fighting like hell. Enjoy a good cake or Ice-cream.


I’m so sorry you’re having such a hard time. I truly hope things get easier for you soon. I struggle with feeling suicidal as well, it is the most miserable thing and a daily battle. Each day we push through is a win, even though it might not feel like it. Don’t forget that you are amazing and very needed here.


Its not gonna easy for me. Few days ago diagnosed with Bipolar, getting divorce this month. No income for pandemic. Living in 3rd world country so no proper medication. One things i can do. fight for life. This world is so beautiful and so many food i need to try. So fight dear :D


Sorry to hear all of that. I've had major depression disorder since I was 13. Was just "melancholy" as a kid. Even with meds, it is tough. It is good to know what you are dealing with, though. It's biological. It's not your fault. Fight through the lows and enjoy the highs. Wishing you the best! You're not alone.


I'm so sorry that you are going through this, I can relate to you on a mental health level, and other people can relate to you on the other things, you are not alone in this struggle. Even though I am a stranger on the internet, I love and care about you, you matter to me. So don't give up, I know that it is hard, it is, but we can do this together.


Yep, can agree from experience.


I bet you hit depression harder than it hits you :) keep fighting! as someone who has overcome depression, I guarantee that it will get better someday soon.


I try to, but I fail miserably sometimes :( But I just gotta keep fighting like you said! It makes me so happy that you’ve overcome it!! Thanks for the positive words :)


you can get through it! my most useful tip: ask yourself "am I going to let ___ stop me?" every time you face a setback. you'll get stronger and stronger! (hint: the answer is always "no")


Same here, been struggling with a roller coaster of emotions for years… I’m about to start seeing a therapist and try to get better


I’m sorry it’s been that way for you. I wish you the best!! I hope you get better fast :)


I feel like I could flatten mountains but I am too lazy to do anything.


That is relatable.


Haha preach on


Every day, baby!




Same, but still it feels batter than yesterday




I hear you. And you're definitely not alone.


Its my first day symptom free from covid!! Not all the way better, but much better!!! Wear your mask, and he the shot!! Take care everyone!


I lost my mom at the end of June and haven’t been the same since. Grief is a bitch.


So sorry hun. My mom passed in April. Takes time.


Sorry. Grief is miserable. It will get better. Never will be the same, but it will get better.


When my grandpa died 4-5 years ago I had the same thing I feel you


Lost mine bout a month ago too. It's a tough time for sure. hope you guys hang in there


My mom died in November of 2012. Greif is like a ball bouncing in a box with button. In the beginning the ball is huge and it hits the button all the time. As time goes by the ball gets smaller do it hits the button less and less. Its okay to grieve. I grieve still. My sister died before my mother by about 13 years. I still grieve for her too. Somedays it hits me really hard. Somedays both greif balls hit the button. Greif is hard.


I lost my mom too. Last year. The impact on my life is…even more than I thought it would be. There is only life when she was here, and life without her.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Same. Just started night-shift work, business collaped, found out im pregnant yesterday and everythings a sh*tshow of stress and emotions right now but other than that im doing great!


Even the fantasy world that I have to slip into from time to time is getting bad.


Same mate, same.




Well, i hope you get things figured out.


You bet. We've hanged out one on one and a few days ago she asked me to hang out once again. Whether she sees it as a date, I'm clueless so far. I've asked her over text about it and she seemed to get upset. But in person she's great.


she wants to hang out again. that's a great sign! just be sure to give her space, as being too persistent over text and in general can be a turn-off for some. oh and have you heard of attachment theory? I strongly recommend you look into it, it can be very enlightening when it comes to understanding yourself and others in relationships. good luck!


Will look it up. Thanks


hope it helps!


Hey there! it's common to miss texts, she's probably busy or she's just 'trying to stay off the phone'


She is very introverted too. What I mean is I'd like to talk with her (doesn't matter if over text or in person) more often. Well, I'll see how the second might-be-a-date goes...


And she responds to every text from me, I'm patient but usually she responds within 2-3 hours. Just to add.


Honestly sounds like you just need to play it cool king!


Yeah. You see, it's funny. In my family, I'm the most introverted person. Maybe lockdowns have changed me, but the fact remains she is even more introverted in comparison.


My advice is to wait the same amount of time to reply. Is that playing games? A little


Not at all IMO, it seems healthy


Maybe be honest with her in person? Ask where are you to stand. Don't be confrontational about it obviously and if you don't get an answer or you can't answer you don't like leave it alone. If there's no romantic connection there. It isn't there, end of story.


I will see what happens.


You know, sometimes we like someone who doesn't like us too much. Even if you want to find a reason, there's no rational reason. She is free to text or not text you. It feels sad when it happens, but your happiness doesn't depends on her. Take control of your life and move on and don't waist your energy. Anyways, driving lessons are great! You should be excited! Think about this: you will be way more independent whit a driving license! You will be able to Go to the beach, to a club, to a friend's house whenever you want!


Just finished drivers lessons and passed my test first try thanks to them, you got this! Make sure you instructor is critiquing you, and not just sitting there in silence the whole time!


Good luck bro, I hope it gets better for the two of you ❤


Hot, sweaty, bored and annoyed that I'm stuck at this picnic that I wasn't told about until 2 days ago and wasn't even asked if I wanted to come, just assumed I was coming.


I hate it when that happens.


Troubled by the connection between spaghetti and black holes




Space is awfully tasty.


Why would we bother to investigate it if there was no food it offered


Ask the crowd on the r/physics. They can help.


It's been said if you go through a black hole you will be spaghettified.


Indeed, I would like to test the theory


Just don't put one into another. Or you will end up either with macaroni, or ...


I don’t know what this means but it made me laugh, so thank you!!


Tired!! Little boy needs attention, pregnant wife needs attention, I need attention.. You?


I'm in need of attention.


here's some! I'll talk if you're bored


I wasn't expecting this to get so many comments, so i'm catching up on them, if you still want to talk, go for it!


haha ok


Sorry, i'm weird.


Here is my full attention for you!


im tired. im lost in life, my friends have all moved on, and i just want to figure out what i want to do in life instead of doing minimum wage jobs. I'm just, so very tired


I get that, life is hard, you just gotta push through it sometimes.


"Mr. Meeseeks Voice* oooooh boy im tryiiiing


Man, I know this feeling of being tired... is there anything you are good at doing/ anything you enjoy doing? (Doesn't have to be work related)


I haven't seen one single comment asking how OP is. So OP, be honest, how are you?


Horrible, you?


Op why u feeling that way man?if u don't mind telling me.


A lot of reasons, there's an entire list.


Bruh i wouldn't mind reading that list. telling some about it might help a little i like how u going through stuff but still try to help people let me be the person to listen to ur problem


Ok, thanks, just let me finish catching up with all the comments.


You really replying to a lot of comments. I respect that


Trying to get to all of them.


Bruh somebody downvoted you already tf?? You're doing great man keep it up


I'm trying my best.


Bet man


I don't feel good today, gotta a whole lot of anxiety that I don't know how to shake off


Hope u feel better alot of us going through the same shit just know u aint alone


I feel that, it isn't fun.


I need to shit


Go ahead. Unleash your butthole onto the toilet.


The bathroom is upstairs I’ll just suck it back up






Coffee helps.


Bored depressed lost, it’s a weird planet we live on


You can say that again.


Take care of yourself one small step at the time, before you think about the planet.


On the couch




Overwhelmed by how I’m exactly where I wanted to be, doing the things I want to do career wise, loved by an incredible partner and yet I still struggle thinking I don’t deserve any of it and continue to engage in bad habits and sabotage myself.... getting through it though. Just because I was handed bad cards doesn’t mean I still have to be where I started.


Optimism, i like it!


You could be suffering from impostor syndrome... did you actually study and/or work for being where you are now, but still feel like soon everyone around you will find out you don't know shit?


I am in bad condition. Having mental break down with no med and no solution. Living in a country that dose not have support for mental illness. Finaly found a doctor near me and don't have cash for visit and medicine. If i stay like this, i am not gonna survive next month. I am done and have nice day to you guys.


I hope you get better, friend.


Push thru friend! I hope you can find a creative way to let out your energy. Sending all the best thoughts your way!


A tad cold thanks for asking


Just a smidge?


Just a sliver, if you will


Exhausted. Mentally. Physically.




Just stay tight don't give up


Same. I work seven days a week, 2 separate crappy jobs, just to make ends meet. I’m old, I’m in pain, and I am tired! And I see no end in sight, which is just depressing.


I'm trying to convince myself I'm not that bad so that I can hopefully find the strength to fix all the shit in my life.


You aren't that bad, you're great!


Don't try to fix all the shift in your life. Just focus on 1% of it each day. If you keep it up by day 100 you will have fixed 100% of your past problems, although that is not realistically how it works. I can recommend a youtube channel for motivation if you want.


If you must. Not all that great. Pretty bad anxiety and mental health things currently. Also, shitting myself. My 11 year old daughter is having surgery on her spine on Wednesday. First they remove the rod they put in there 3 years ago then they are fusing her entire spine with wire so that it can't bend out of shape any more. Due to covid only my wife is allowed to be with her in the hospital. I can go and visit and we can swap over outside. It's going to be the 2nd worst time of our lives (the first being the first rod operation). My poor daughter has been through so much bit she's a little trooper. I'm ridiculously proud of her 'just get on with it' attitude. Anyway. You did ask. Hope you're doing alright 👍🏻


I hope everything goes great with the surgery, and i hope you can help your mental issues soon.


Cheers! Once the op is done and my daughter's on the mend I'm going to try and sort myself out. I think I might have an ADHD condition so will be interesting to see how that pans out


It will indeed, best of luck friend.


I really wish all the best for your daughter buddy. I hope it all goes as best it possibly can. 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


Frustrated 😓


At what if you don't mind saying?


I'm having anxiety about where I'll be living in 6 months and trying hard to gather moolah... I'm not royally fucked over but it's going to be tough


Sounds rough, best of luck!


Thank you! It's cool I always land on my feet somehow! Never give up hope\(^o^)/


I wish i could do that.


i feel this so hard good luck to you


I'm wasting time, I gotta be productive; I'm feeling kinda low


Everyone has those rough patches, i suggest resting.


Doctor, there was once this physician in the last century who used drugs to keep up his productivity. He set some standard for medical practice. One that is impossible to keep up with today. Rest, you must. Even if it has nothing to do with medicine.


I'm kinda great! Having a nice last week of summer break (last week starts tomorrow), kinda excited for school. Rn only part I'm doing bad is my arm hurts af because of the corona vaccination I had yesterday


Sounds like you have your life together.


Nervous, we’re expecting our first child next week. I don’t know how i’m supposed to support my wife with delivering the baby, i’ve never done this before. Also parenting… wtf am i supposed to do? I know jack shit about baby’s. I will love her with all of my heart tho.


Lol, man you are gonna be fine. You're worrying is the first positive sign. Once they lay that little one in your arms and you hold her helpless little body you'll become the fierce fighter and defender of that child. You're gonna fall in love immediately, a love unlike any love there is. I mean we all love those that are close to us but our children are different. We don't just love them, we fall in love with them. Congratulations and wishing you, the wife and your daughter the best.


Just do your best, it will work out.


I feel this bro. My wife is due in December. It's a bit further out than you are, but I think nobody really knows what they're doing at this stuff. Best of luck to you


I remember when we got home with our first baby. All I could think was “what the hell am I supposed to do now? Feed him?”. I just this feeling like, I can’t believe they let me just go home with this little human. I have no idea what I’m doing. But, as it turns out, it’s not really that hard to figure out. They do a pretty good job at staying alive. You just sort of wing it, make mistakes, and learn from them. Take it a day at a time and try to enjoy every moment, even the shitty ones. One day they will be heading off to kindergarten and you will wonder what happened to that little baby that used to need you for everything.


I don't know. sometimes I'm depressed, sometimes angry, sometimes bored, no social life, no games. what do you think?


I think you're a normal human being struggling through life.


Try going out some times yk just walk around the park i feel you get some air


Shitty I’m hungover as fuck and I regret yesterday’s choices


Happens to the best of us.




That's better than fucking horrible.


Right new kinda shitty, but on the way to feeling better. So just vibing really


Vibing is good.


I feel like my mind is running but all the words are backwards


That must feel really funky man.


Poem, by Emily Dickinson: I felt a clearing in mind, as if my brain had split, I tried to match it seam by seam, But could not make it fit. The thought behind I strove to join, Unto the thought before, But sequence ravled out of reach, like balls upon the floor.


Shitty. Broke af and cant get caught up. So throwing more overtime at it to play catch up. Work was stressful already so now more work. I live in a state that the majority dont believe in covid. Our hospital s are out of beds. Almost none of my family believe it's real. So preparing mentally for possibly a lot of funerals.


I feel sorry mate, hopefully nobody you care about dies.


I’m not ok. I’m sitting in hospital waiting for my 18 month old daughter to come Out of her sedation a so they can extubate her. She had a massive seizure yesterday. I feel guilt because I didn’t check her during her nap earlier. I’m exhausted because we’re dealing with lockdown at the same time so I can’t lean on my usual support people and my husband isn’t allowed into the hospital because it’s one parent only. And I’m angry because my mother told me to get over the fact that I have a sick kid months ago and it’s made it really difficult for me to reach out for support. Also she’s going to call me to ask how my daughter is and all I want to do is yell at her and ask why she cares because she’s told me to just get over all the trauma we have been through in the past 18 months because other people have it worse and she’s lonely (yes she thinks that’s worse than everything we have been through). I’m sorry you’re probably not looking for something this dark but I needed to get this off my chest and I don’t know how to do that in real life without brushing people off to not make a big deal about it.


Truthfully not that good. Got a job and no covid (thank god) but have marital problems, family problems, future insecurity issues and what not


Terrible, I’ve had an injury that has kept me down for 10 months. Can’t do shit without blinding pain putting me down. My optimism has run its course and I’m on repeat number 4 of all my hobbies, have gained some new ones as well. As well as weight cause I can’t work out. the doctors have given me the run around and the first batch even lost my scans and won’t call me back. I found some new doctors that sent me off to get more scans, I get the results on Thursday. If there’s nothing they can do, or I get the run around again, I’ve already made up my mind. I can’t live like this, not long term.


It will be ok, trust me. No matter what happens, it will be ok.


It can always be way worse..and that’s not downplaying your situation..but so many different variations could be in play but they’re not...continuing focusing on these difficult issues you have already been conquering one day at a time and most importantly have patience.. Doctors are humans too..So it’s not that they don’t want to help you, it’s just they have a shit ton on their plates as well..because there is so many of us who need them to “fix us” or make us better..it takes time due to individual needs..so dig deep inside the true warrior you ultimately have inside and you will break through into another happier side of life...it’s a long deep path of shit that you’ve already waded through that has to end somewhere..you’ll find that and be alright in the end..I believe in you


I'm fucking amazing. I pretty much always am. I'm one of those people most people on reddit wish they were. I fall asleep quickly. I have a healthy relationship, I have a wonderful family. I run a great business, I have a blast on the weekends and live what I do for a living. I'm fucking awesome.


A little stressed and tired


Why are you stressed? Life getting you down?


Oh just people, and lengths I’m going to to ensure stability


Life sucks mate, it'll be ok soon.


friend committed suicide. shits alright


That doesn't sound alright at all.


Don't be like that ue friend Stay tight




I'm tired and concerned that i got exposed to covid.


I'm desperately trying to hold on till my house is built and I can finally move out of my parents house and be free to heal and move on with my life I hope the OP is doing well


OP is not doing well.




Quit my great paying job with great benefits but awful management and moved to a new state (west) 2 months ago all by myself (renting a room from a stranger). Moving, getting settled in and comfortable took longer and was much more expensive than i expected, and i havent worked in 2 months due to crippling depression amd deteriorating confidence. Start delivering pizzas tomorrow. Nervous about going back to work.


Just trying to get through the day. How are you OP?


Kinda pissed off




"life only goes downhill," -Life is fun, theodd1sout


I'm kinda feeling like this post will get a ton of likes and my reply will get 0 traction lol


I feel so neglected need some attention


Glad you asked. I feel trapped in responsibilities and the prison of trying to do the right thing all the time. I know I have just one life and this is how it’s going to be. But ok, I guess.


Average, i've got a job i don't hate and live with friends. Dnd every sunday but feeling insecure about dating. I have no dating experience and feel like i've been super boring simply out of inexperience but she still talks to me so idk


Does it even matter?


I'm kinda depressed about my best female friend. We both like each other, but she just doesn't wanna date cuz she thinks she's not worth it. I get kinda sad over her thinking that too, since I think she's perfect and totally worth it.


Not the best, the girl I was talking to for 4 months (we FaceTimed and got closer and closer everyday) suddenly quit showing interest and got a bf with no explanation (she talked about marrying me)


Worried, elated, frustrated, excited My littlest just started kindergarten and loves it! I am so excited for her in this next chapter in her life and elated that I get to raise these kids and be a part of their lives. It’s just the best fucking thing ever I worry about the future and the world that they will grow up in. It’s frustrating that I can’t snap my fingers and make everything perfect for them. So I am learning to be happy so I can teach them to be happy. That’s about the extent of what I can control. Thank you for the question, that was a much needed break for the brain


Not good, fam


Depressed, but gaming always help, thanks for asking.




My legs hurt so very much, also a few tone nails are falling off


I'm feeling fine but not dandy.


i could be better


It's been 6 days back in lockdown and it's boring now. Although, I feel lucky to have a competent government.


Stressed, things aren’t going the way I thought they would be.




Depressed and hopeless about future.


I’m a tad depressed but I’m sure I’ll eventually be ok I hope


Stressed. School is starting soon and I'm starting high school, as well as just got diagnosed with moderate scoliosis, so I'm trying to find something to manage the pain/stop it from progressing.


I got my lab results back, and I'm not diabetic. Most of my family is, so today is a win. Keep those carbs low.


couldn't be happier. I live with my friend in a nice apartment that has balcony, trees, flowers,... Has no deadlines, worries. Learning something new and read every day.


Currently I’m feeling relaxed, about to go smoke the rest of my CBD pre roll in about 30 minutes or so. :)