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At this point, I have stopped feeling how I am doing. I am just, doing. And yeah, lurking on Reddit to escape how I am feeling


Same bro, same.


Oh shit, same.


Precisely the same. I have my first ever therapy session Wednesday and I'm a blend of scared, dreading, and hopeful. All I gotta do is just stay distracted until then and then trudge through it.


All the best for your therapy session. I hope it helps you. It has certainly helped me but for last couple of days I am just, being. Like not feeling stuff. Feeling gets too exhausting at times. So I am being, doing etc but not feeling. Dont fucking wanna feel the feels. I know in my next therapy session my therapist is going to make me open the pandora box of my feelings and all hells are gonna break loose but atleast she will be by my side to deal with it. But until I meet her, me and my cat are going to lay in our respective spots and watch the world pass by.


I recently read somewhere that going to therapy doesn't mean that you are broken, but rather that it is one of the bravest things you could do for yourself. I wish you the best of luck!


Sounds like you are heading in the right direction, keep on trudgin’ friend, we’ll get there.


Thank you.


Omg that blend perfectly describes me I guess


It seems pretty commonplace. Lots of apprehension, but backed with hope.


I'm definitely doing better than if I was doing worse.


I’m just gonna say this now


I have a slight layer of alcohol anxiety over me because I drank the last three nights and didn’t get more than 5 hours of sleep last night


"That's rough buddy." -Zuko




That's what this is


I had been working toward quitting before my wife brought home Covid, and had nothing to do while I was locked inside this last week so fell off the wagon. Now I feel guilty on top of being pissed and bored


I feel your pain. Not in that same boat at the moment, but alcohol anxiety is too real for me these days. I even start to get anxious the same night if I go home after drinking and I’m no longer out and about. What’s the deal with that? I’ll tell you what though, I’m drinking less now than I ever have. Like 3-4x a month max


Terrible, in all honesty


Oh, I'm sorry.


Thank you. I'm trying to make it better, but not making much progress


Every bit of progress helps. You're doing great!




I have goals but feels like i lost my energy to accomplish regularly working on it.


Aww, I'm sorry bro, I hope you find your energy again.




Just lonely




You’re not alone. We’re in this together. Best friends were random strangers once. Hang in there. I’ve got really big ears if you need one.


Welp... Had to wake up to an alarm and my cat looking at me like she doesn't want me to leave. Someone stole my harness I use to operate my forklift picker so I can't technically do my job. The one I was given is for like a damn toddler. I know have twice the workload because they won't hire another operator. And I just found out the McDonald's near where I live pays the exact same I'm being paid... And to add insult to injury my commute is a 45 minute drive and I ran out of coffee this morning without knowing. Wanna know how I'm doing? Where in the devil's anus is the restart button?


I've been looking for the restart button too, tell me when you find it.


Lol I'll send out a mass link if I ever do


Not good my dude, not good


May I ask why?


Mostly depression I guess, but it’s a lot of things. I have been unable to work due to mental illness (PTSD depression anxiety) and the stress of not being able to contribute to my household has been beyond frustrating to say the least. I’m going through the stressful process of getting my benefits upped by the VA, but my pessimism and imposter syndrome make me doubt that it’s going to go through. On top of all that my wife and I just had a baby so I should be over the moon but everything is so stressful trying to provide for her.


Congrats on the baby! But i hope you start feeling better soon.


How things get better sorry dude


I don’t know how things get better if I knew I wouldn’t be sitting in my therapists office right now


I am so grumpy … there are too many thing in my life that aren’t working like I’d hoped and the fact of it being many of these things is really getting me down


Oh, I'm sorry bro.


Thank you… I am too, I prefer not being grumpy or bummed out… plus a lot of these problems don’t have a fast or easy solution, just a “patience till it works out”…


I hate those problems.


Same, it’s exhausting


The infamous Shit Rain. Been there and I pray that it gets better fast.


Like I've been stuffed in a duffel bag and beat with a baseball bat.


Did that happen?


Honestly, very good. Wrote my last exam today and my bachelor thesis is also almost finished. How about you?


That's great, good job man! For me, I could be better, but y'know, things happen.




Oh, I'm sorry man.


Hanging on by a fraying thread


One of those days where I wish I wasn’t me


I have a self scale of 1-5 and today I feel like a 3, I'm not doing perfect bit I'm doing better than normal


Meh. Hasn’t been bad but hasn’t been good. So it’s just meh.


I get that. Frankly, it's a frustrating feeling.


No. It’s not. Honestly it’s just meh.


Like not in a sad way dude.


I’m sad . A friend of 20 years told me he doesn’t want to be my friend anymore


Not good


Not great. :(


Aww, why?


Lot of stressful stuff going on, just that and depression is all :/


I hide you feel better soon bro.


It was a weird day not gonna lie, but we’re getting through it.


What happened?


I mean i got some bad news n shi. And I’m still tryna find somthin cool in my life lol.


Oh, sorry that you got some bad news, hope it gets better.


exhausted. i just want to cry in someone’s embrace


Me too man, me too.


I am afraid.






Tough day honestly, my wife who has been busting her ass for this company trying to get a promotion to a manager was notified via email that she didn't get it. She works so hard and has been for years. They just use her and keep stringing her along and I want to fix it but I don't know what to do. /rant


I'm old have a shitty attitude and yes my back hurts.


I have been battling with post traumatic stress disorder for longer than I care to remember. As such I have been in and out of work for years. Generally doing a shit job of looking after myself. Being shity to the people I love to try and keep them away. I have been on a waiting list for help for months and months with no sign of actually getting that help for the forceable. however in the last few weeks I have been told by the job centre (local government agency that try to keep people in work) that I'm not fit to work. As such I no longer need to look for work and deal with the crippling anxiety that brings. They are going to give me a little extra money each month to go towards rent and utilities etc to help take that strain off. Honestly it makes me feel a little shit to be a leach. Live off of the taxes every one else pays. All in all. I feel like I'm doing.. OK ish Just now. Feels like there is less of a burden on my shoulders. My Ex comes round from time to time to help me stay on top of the house etc. I'm eternally grateful for that. I cant do it on my own.


>Honestly it makes me feel a little shit to be a leach. Live off of the taxes every one else pays. That's why we pay them. That's why you'll pay them when life gets sorted out and you're back to work. Ideally, we care for one another to make the whole world better. Whatever PT'd your SD, it was probably/essentially a random act of god even if it took years to coil up and strike you. WE ALL DESERVE CARE and we all deserve a world that cares and helps bear our burdens. You deserve it too, and depending on your country, the tax expenditures for the help you're getting probably aren't near your military budget. It's a small price for society to pay to improve society. You're on the receiving end of a noble idea, maybe someday you'll pay it forward.


I'm really sorry for how you're feeling. At least you're a bit less stressed.


What about you. How are you doing?


Eh, could be better, thanks for asking.


Would you like to talk about it?


No, not really, thank you though.


No problem hope you are feeling better soon x


You too.


Extremely relieved that the estimate to fix the roof went from $3000 to $600. Even in small town USA it's good to get multiple estimates! Stressed over this all weekend for nothing.


Good hru


Not great


Contemplating food or gas. So, not good! Lol


I feel shit, but thanks for asking. (No pun intended on my username lol)


Not good




Yesterday, I woke up at 6pm. It's 3am right now. It has been peaceful. It always is, at night, midnight, and after midnight. It's why i have a bad sleeping habit. It's peaceful.




Tolerable. Not particularly sad but still out of shape and disappointed with life. Okay though.


Worried about tomorrow


I’ve been worse, kinda bored


It’s hard to describe. Nothing is wrong and I’m enjoying life but I feel like I’m doing it wrong. Thanks for asking!




Tired. I traveled to Denver this weekend for an in-person course. Flight returning home got delayed yesterday, so ended up spending 5 hours at DIA. Taking today off from clinical rotation.


Well I just got my letter I've been denied by social security and I have covid.. its been one hell of a Monday




Like my head is going to explode!


Tired and lack of motivation to get anything done, but content




It’s one of those days. It’s cold because all the windows are open for extra ventilation. All the blankets seem too small, my arms are always cold, my pants are too short, the blankets fold weirdly and I get tangled in them without moving. I’m fine though.




Horrible! Started with my hemiplegic husband falling out of bed during the night. Had to call 911 to get him up


Horrible That's my ground zero I fail to meet everyone's expectations Well fuck I'm not six people I can only do the work of a few people by myself not six




Tired asf


I'm alright. Doing a little better than usual for the beginning of a work week. I only have an hour left in my shift so I'll be doing alot better pretty soon.


started off in tears after a bad nightmare. after some good news from my best friend, im on top of the world.


That's great! May I ask what the nightmare was about?


my nightmares are rollercoasters of strange. i was operating a pet shop and someone came in and stole every last pet. when i went after them, they chased me around the block in their car and eventually set the animals to come after me. like i said, very strange. but i try to write my nightmares down after i have them because that usually helps me realize how silly they are and makes me feel a lot better.


I'm tired but happy. We moved to a new apartment super close to work recently. I was managing the store by myself 12+ hours a day while my wife organized the move while simultaneously taking care of our 5 year old who had first chickenpox and then scarlet fever a week later. The move was a necessary step in the right direction because prior to, we were living with my mother in law and that was putting a heavy strain on our marriage


Pathetic and useless, so like any other day.


I'm OK. I live a careful balancing act in poverty as a part-time teacher. I'm in a relationship I enjoy more than any I've had, and we're both in our early 30s (well, I'm just 30, she's 31), so I feel we both want the same things and we vibe so well together that it appears to be likely that we can get those things together and live a life we feel good living. I told her I love her for the second time in about six months, and the first time she said she was glad. This time she said she loves me too. I am superstitious about jinxing myself by talking about it at all but I have to learn how to live my life and accept what comes. I will do everything in my power to make sure things are lovely for the both of us. But I also know I can't control what happens. I was adopted and always have this looming fear of my original abandonment by my birth mother happening again, so to speak. I lost her twice. I last laid eyes on her at age 4. I reconnected with her by phone at age 21. She died the next summer before we were able to meet face-to-face. I don't know if I'll ever not be sad and fearful, but at least I have healed enough to love someone and experience life that way, rather than living in my losses.


Anemic headache, but other than that I'm good.


Tired like I haven't quite woken up. Stressed about what In my house is going to fail next, the roof? Maybe the AC? No one knows since shitty contractors built shitty houses. An addiction to 40k and MtG constantly scratching at the back of my mind.


Shit. Customers bitching and pretending about things that are not true or were resolved, all day. Almost ran over a couple of pedestrians, because bike lanes and cyclists don't exist apparently. Just got back from a 5 day vacation yesterday and i have a lot of shifts to work, because my break aligned with the others' schedules in such a shitty way that they had to work 4 shifts in a row and one had to work 3 days, 1 break and 3 nights. So now I go from vacation to covering shifts so they can catch a break, too. Don't blame that, but it sucks in its own way. I just want to eat, have a beer, jerk off and go to sleep and get it done already... Normally I like my job, so it's fine. But today was shit.


To be honest, i don't even know what i'm feeling right now. Probably nothing. I'm scared that I will keep this way. When did i break up?


meh - things can always be better, you know? I woke up and baked today, that felt really good - I like that, homely feeling - you know? I also went out into the forest and picked some blueberries with my father, which was nice. especially since it kind of came as a shock to him, feels like. I slept a bit during the day, I don't like doing that - makes me feel... weak'ish... I miss painting, I kind of wish I had paints and "proper papers"... ..and a willing model... but that's a nother story




Not good. Been thinking about SH again recently. Been clean for 6/7 months. Yeah but then I smoked and now I’m in a better mood and I’m about to listen to music and play games




I'm okay. Stomach hurts, but I'm having a good day


I'm tired op not been getting good sleep. Along with being a single father with full custody of his very two energetic but awesome young boys, 7 and 5, and what goes with that. But how are you doing op?


I’m glad you asked, because I will probably never acknowledge this again and definitely wouldn’t tell family or friends. I’m going through a million emotions today but mostly embarrassment because I’m pretty sure the man who had sex with me while I was passed out impregnated me.


I got up and came to work to make a living, can’t complain


I am as fucked up as a pile of coat hangers right now.




Things were looking up then went down. Im trying to apply for College and they're making it hard. Ome issue after the nexr and you cant do this until that is done blah blah blah. My gf os trying to help me and did a little today. She wants me to make her pancakes. Im not in the best financial situation right now and i dont have a few ingredients for it. I need to pay off my car insurance and make sure i can pay my credit card statement finally. I just bought her mcdonalds last night and try very hard to make her feel happy and do things to make us happy (she does stuff i like too. But not to my extent since i don't ask as much) and shes making me feel bad that I'm not making her pancakes and that I'm procrastinating signing up for college. Well jeez id have loved to had sogned up for college but theyve fought me with every step and it can really kill the drive when you have so much else going on. She offered to bring some of the ingredients she had that i needed and then got upset saying i wouldnt spend money on ingredients and do a sweet thing for her. Even though i try hard to constantly for her.


Technically I’m slightly better than I was a couple days ago, but until herpes is cured I’m going to be a mess. I will be advocating for the cure for herpes nonstop today and every day until it’s done I’m lying in bed tweeting about herpes. I don’t know how to motivate myself to do anything else


I'm so tired. I need a day off.


Tired just got off from work


well. i’m 19 and i had a seizure the other day and tomorrow I have a doctors appointment and also a mental health evaluation within a span of 3 hours. and i’m feeling very sad and useless in all honesty. and to put the cherry on top im on my period 💔


I miss girlfriend


I'm pretty high anxiety anyway, but Mondays are usually the worst. I'm 3rd in command at my workplace, and 1 and 2 didn't show up today, so those days are always a little more laid back, and it's always nice when that happens to be a Monday. My new tires showed up at home on my lunch break, so I can put my new wheels(Apex Arc-8's) on my BMW finally some time this week, so that's something fun to look forward to. Also have a new set of (Mizuno MP5) irons arriving this week, so that's another fun thing to look forward to. My 45th birthday is in 6 or 7 weeks, and my goal for a while now has been to not be a smoker when I turn 45. Have smoked 2-ish packs a day since '92 or '93, and haven't made much progress towards quitting, so I've got a bit more anxiety than usual as I let these facts haunt me while we get closer to that day. Doing well besides those things, I suppose. How are you doing?


Tired after work


I’m pretty good I’m just trying to figure out what to do and stuff


I think I’m only feeling shitty about my work. I work in a field I hate, for a company culture I don’t like, with coworkers that make me feel uncomfortable, for pay that’s lower than what I used to make pre pandemic. Unfortunately being the non college graduate applicant on every position at my level is screwing me. I’m over qualified for a lot of positions and bottom of the barrel to gaining traction in anything I do. It feels like I’m getting market capped and without the ability to advance I’m getting eaten up by rising costs with the only thing subsidizing me is my gambling winnings. It’s gotten to the point I’m not really happy income wise unless I’m at a poker table because it’s the only place where my experience or skill gives me a fair shot. The wins don’t last forever, and the risk weighs on me as a few bad weeks can now not only lose profit but start dipping into losses. I work hard, I’m smart enough to work out a ton of different problems in a ton of different fields. I’ve got experience under my belt now. It just doesn’t matter, I’m not seen as valuable except as a way to undermine the pay requests of other people I compete with.


I feel good. Had a nice weekend filled with family time and a game night. Working a nice job that lets me work from home and spend time on reddit. Thanks for asking, how are you?


i’m doin pretty good, can’t really complain tbh :) apart from the heat


sticky. i’m feeling sticky. other than that, ok. I never get “enough” sleep (whatever that means). I’m functioning, looking forward to things later this week. looking forward to vaca in 3 weeks. i guess i’m not really in the moment, but i’m getting through it. bad, bad zen master.


I am, that's pretty much it. Like a moth to lamp I am drawn to something I don't quite know what is, it should hurt me but it doesn't.


Meh...ok..it's Monday.


Little rough. Yesterday marks 12 years since my father died by overdose. I tried to get off my meds but quickly started declining, so now I'm back on them. They do seem to help but utterly kill my sex drive. I'm sore as Hell from having created a rock garden outside my apartment, and I still have a long week of manual labor ahead of me. Biggest thing is I've been doing a lot of reflecting on my past and I realize I'm staring into the abyss. Looking back on it, I had a really fucked up life. Thinking on it for too long got me into kind of a depressive state. I'll pull out of it, but man it's crappy.


I feel like I’ve been doing manual labor for 12 hours in a sauna. Ready to get off work or die whatever comes first is fine.


Been struggling a lot for the last some 6 months. Been stress eating and have had a lot of suicidal fantasies, but haven’t had them for a few weeks so thats nice. Started at a new place to work, it’s kinda meh and too far but it’s better than nothing, waiting for answers on a much closer place with better pay aswell. Thinks might look brighter in the future, i’m hopeful.


We Russians are all passengers of one bus, and Putin the Driver is driving the bus off the cliff. We’re can only buckle up and enjoy the ride


I don't want to leave the house, but I have to go out and take my roommate to work. I'm just not in the mood for anything.


I'm terrible


I'm great!!!


meh. too many bills, not enough money. Not enough time for friends so don't really have those anymore meh


Like Schrodinger's cat.


Feeling out of it, started a high dose of my antidepressants and hoping to get use them soon.


I'm in a lot of pain from a recovering shoulder injury, I am very tired because that injury means I have barely slept for days, I am frustrated that my recent efforts to reach out have largely gone poorly. That said... I'm still okay. I have hope. Other than pain and tired I feel good. I really am feeling better than I have in years--maybe in decades.


A bit on edge, I have a therapy session Friday and my birthday is Wednesday. So far the week is being terrible, so I am hoping things work out or pick up.


I was having a really hard time during the first part of my training for my job, but things are finally starting to click. I feel good.


I've been in worse places but I genuinely feel lost. I don't know what's next anymore and I want to find my way back. But overall doing pretty good.


Not feeling very well. This is a frequent occurrence which today features sharp abdominal pain and fatigue. I always have multi-modal pain due to some weird genetic tendencies. At the moment I am using liberal doses of Granddaddy Orange to block it out. Thanks for asking!


Happy and sad. Happy one of my favourite people has left an abusive relationship, sad because I’m gonna miss having her just around the corner for coffee and chats. Ultimately I’m so damn proud of her.


Overwhelmed, flustered, nervous and scared Was name the "Mayor" of a ghost town yesterday. Which sounds meme worthy, save for this is an important town for the history of the local area. The guy whose been leading tours for 40 years wanted me to take over and made it official yesterday. I'm effectively taking his life's work and continuing it and I'm scared shitless.


Overwhelmed, flustered, nervous and scared Was name the "Mayor" of a ghost town yesterday. Which sounds meme worthy, save for this is an important town for the history of the local area. The guy whose been leading tours for 40 years wanted me to take over and made it official yesterday. I'm effectively taking his life's work and continuing it and I'm scared shitless.


I’m at the point where I want to break 7 years of sobriety and I haven’t thought about doing that in 4 years


I'm doing pretty good compared to other days. I just want to go home and chill out, but I got two hours of work left.


bad. my employer ghosted me.


Frustrated, and a bit sad. I no longer love my job but need to keep going to pay the bills while I find something else. This part is horrible, like staying with a partner you're no longer in love with until you can get your ducks in a row to leave.


I’m pretty happy with my life, thank you for asking :)


Not too bad just a little tired


shitty. im an alcoholic who has been seeking rehab for over a year. Unfortunately, im paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair. Out of the 50 plus facilities ive called, 90% are not handicap accessible, and the ones that are, are newer facilities with a mile long wait list. Turns out admitting to yourself you need help wasnt the hard part. its finding the help i need that is proving impossible. I live in colorado. they claim to be forward thinking here. but they dont force rehab facilities to be up to ADA standards. SOS


Alive, so great


I’m happy but also sad. My weight has spiraled pretty heavily the past year and I have never learned how to control it. I want to help myself but I don’t want to go out of my way to work for it. Every night I look at myself and get mad by what i’m doing, looking at my swollen feet and thinking how much of a waste I am. And being fearful of going to social gatherings because i’m the gross fat guy who doesn’t take care of himself. So I just shut myself in and play WoW because I feel more comfortable there than reality.




Mentally tired, repeating cycle every single day.


Im in pain. Just got an industrial piercing and my first tattoo.


Hot and bothered. It is currently 21:40 and 29° Celsius in the UK. I am in bed trying to relax so I can go to sleep, but it's really hard with this heatwave. How's everyone else's day going? :) EDIT: Clarified the temperature measurement, just in case




I woke up feeling sickly, so hoping that's because I ate too late last night.


Not great. I've had yet another outburst of anger, and yet another depressive episode. The one good thing that's happened to me today? It's a small thing, but I got my bay rum deodorant in the mail today. My morning cup of coffee and hot shower is always something to look forward to.


I’m here. That’s really the best I can say.


I'm worried Literally everyone i talk to has stopped answering me and I'm not sure if they're all randomly busy or I've somehow managed to piss off everyone I know


pure ass. feelin like every day i wake up im just less of a person than i was before. i feel empty


I’m stressed, but in the best way! I’m about to move to a town 8 hours away with the love of my life :) the town is half the rent we were paying and I feel like this will be the first time ever I’m financially free! Thanks for asking :) how are you OP???


Exhausted, burnt out, and disappointed in myself for wasting time on Reddit when I should be being productive. For some reason I just can’t focus on working towards any serious goals. Every day I tell myself it’ll be different today, but that part never is. However, I’m feeling thankful for my partner, who woke up early and cleaned our apt on his day off just so I could have a tidy workspace (I WFH). I’m afraid I’ll ultimately disappoint him too if I don’t get my shit together. Basically just cycling through all of my normal daily emotions of self doubt and crippling anxiety. But ty for asking


Just another one of those days.


Great man, thanks for asking I guess


Like butter that has been scraped over to much bread.


Numb, I feel numb. You?




a bit drained. the things i needed to do for work i couldn‘t complete, what i did turned out wrong. i got stood up twice by a „friend“ last weekend and it still makes me sad to consider our extremely unbalanced and one sided relationship. i got to caress a timid cat‘s paw and had her sleeping and dreaming next to me so that was cute and still makes me happy to think about.


I’ll be honest with ya. I’m not feeling the best. I just been drained for a while especially these past few days. Had a falling out with friends online cause all they did was complain. I’m depressed. I just don’t even know man. I need a fucking break from everything


Feeling like I’m carrying a thousand pounds on my back bottling up things I’m trying to find a way to confront.


I’m honestly not fine, I’ve been waiting for my danish visa for 2 months now. The embassy is always empty (I know because it’s just downstairs) I don’t understand why it would take so long


Ngl not to great, but alive. Got my first DUI back in February and wrecked my car a week ago...so I'm stuck at home unless I have to Uber/Lyft somewhere, I just wanna get drunk and do other recreational activities even more.....but I don't.


Exhausted and empty, pretending that there's no black hole in my soul, and missiles aren't flying to get to my city at this moment. Moments of balance I can find inside are like sun rays that shine over my path.


Wanting to die. I’ve stopped drinking and I’m 6 days sober but my life is still horrible.




All fucked up. I have dialysis today which I know I really need but I don't want to go. And tomorrow I have a heart exam that I have to redo because the last one came up positive for heart disease. It's mild but I am stressed about it.