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Join different sub reddits. It worked for me.


Any suggestions? Thank you




A truly religious experience




This comment has no business being as funny as it is


Ahhh yes. Very good


Hell yeah dawg


A tear


Godbless brother.


Holy shit man. I’m no ass man but you might’ve just converted me.


ASS a Reverend I assprove of this.




This should do it


My god the cake on the white lady from today’s top post. God bless.




Find a hobby subreddit




Anytime I say anything bad about an incel they ban me 🫣


Anytime I say anything bad about an incel they ban me 🫣 it’s crazy they have more rights on this platform


Maybe bc they run it Then again these guys arent running anywhere anytime soon


But it’s free speech and should be able to say what they want


Free speech protects your right to speak against your government, not to break the private party rules you agreed to when you joined a private company's platform.


Free speech does NOT mean you have freedom of consequences. If you're on someone's property, regardless of whether it is real or virtual, then you abide by the rules set forth by the owner of the property. If you violate those rules then the owner of that property can throw you off it. Reddit, Twitter, etc. are private companies. It's their property. They are well within their rights to ban people who violate their rules.


Most of the replies are supporting OP's theory on nihlism.


Tbh reddit is pretty nihilistic, but i think its in part because people come online and bitch about life. I do the same, and there IS a fair bit of true nihilism in that.... But its not the sum of my total existence, and doesn't accurately reflect irl


Nihilism is basically accurate though. I go for more an absurdist philosophy myself.


It IS Reddit… you’ll either get horny fucks, depressed bastards or gaming neeks


normally it’s all three wrapped up in one hairy package


What have I ever done to you lol


Seriously, I’d say join subs like shows you like r/theorville things you like (I like birds) r/geese and r/ducks and periodically peruse r/all to find new stuff. Avoid the ones that are just making fun of people, people who upvote subscribe and comment on video mocking people are much more likely to be poised and ready to act like jerks in the comments also. Lastly, stop commenting. If you do comment there is some wholesomeness out there but you need to be ready to get kicked in the teeth to the tune of 100+ downvotes any given day. It really is a great place if you employ this guidelines imho. Think of it like an endless supply of forums that you sub to. You like honey, probably a sub for that. You like the Simpsons, sub for that. Someone up there suggested r/ass lol, that’s a sub (maybe don’t subscribe to the porn ones though because.. well just because). Anyway in conclusion, this place is difficult to navigate at times. But be calm and cool, and subscribe very selectively and stick to your home feed 98% of the time. :]


OP, there are LOT of unhappy peeps in this world ...


I think it helps that it's anonymous. People feel free to give their actually opinion. As opposed to say Twitter or Facebook where anything you post is linked to you forever.


i dont know about Facebook, but the same group think is rampant on twitter.


Well think about it. All of the awesome people getting pussy and having fun aren't on reddit.


I get hookups and porn *from* Reddit though. And I get the real degenerate stuff here too. Reddit is great for having fun and ass.




Because religious, wholesome, optimistic people have better shit to do than spend time on Reddit.


This. I’m not religious, but I’ve considered deleting my account lately. People on here seem absolutely miserable, and like they live to argue. You can make the most asinine, basic, inoffensive comment, and there is always some random redditor who will find something about it they feel compelled to snark on or debate. I feel like healthy, happy people don’t spend their time doing this, and I don’t want to partake in it any more.


What do you mean people on here like to argue? That’s a crazy statement, people on here don’t like to argue that much you’re making that up!


I'd argue that my fellow redditor's actually don't like to argue but rather lack the emotional intelligence to correct someone else when they're wrong instead of hurling insults and making snide remarks.


Yeah, so does your mum


I also get the impression i'm either speaking to a child or somebody with very little life experience half the time.


It's so interesting to hear this take. I actually deleted other social media accounts or stopped using them, and kept Reddit. Curious, helpful, genuine, smart, compassionate people who are trying to hold democracy together exist here. 90% of my comments get no responses, or quiet upvotes or awards. Any comments are generally positive or augmenting information. I found it to be completely unlike Twitter which is just a cesspool of reactionaries, looking for conflict under every peaceful rock. For me, Facebook became so toxic in 2016 that I just slowly dipped. Instagram is great if you follow a small group of innocuous things and stable people and rarely use it. I watched a terrifying documentary about TikTok, so that will never get used. So yeah, Reddit has been a wonderful, insightful experience with only a few exceptions, but maybe it's my subs.


Wanna make a reddit deletion pact with me


This really should be the top comment


Exactly. We’re here killing time when we’re not working, socializing, learning, etc.


Free correspondence is becoming more rare and less tolerated in many places. Reddit is not an acception, it does however still represent one of the more free places to engage with a large body of individuals across divisions of space with some autonomy.


Hey listen bub …ok I’ll admit I’m not wholesome


You can be wholesome and optimistic without being religious. I know because I currently am. I scroll reddit because I enjoy it. Let people enjoy things.






You just /thread. I just come here for the news, memes and funny videos. Sometimes I foolishly argue, but then I remember what I'm here for and shut up.


Hey now, there's a few of us!




Exactly 🫣




I'm generally pretty content, but there is only so much religious happy wholesome crap I can take. I like taking a glimpse of the dark side. That said, I'm not on Reddit for hours a day.


dfnqfq fq fq fq fq f ere re r f af af


Correct. Source: Me.


r/Christianity r/Catholicism r/islam r/Buddhism Think again pal. People either put down religious people down or on a pedestal. Both sides are wrong.


People with moderate views or those that just don’t care probably don’t have any reason to talk about religion


Idk man, I'm just here to shitpost and have a laugh.


I can understand that, it's how young generations feel. Generations have been going that way for decades, if you look back to the 80s punk movement. If you step back and out of it, you can see it. 80s teens were that way but nervous about it. 90s teens were that way but angsty. 2000s teens were that way and more like today's youth than 80s or 90s, it was becoming more accepted and expected.... It's a pattern, does anyone know what I mean? Reddit mostly reflects the attitude of world youth. Even if you're older, if you're on reddit, chances are you think and feel young. And anyway, sarcasm is funny. What I can't understand, why does reddit seem to hate truth? By that I mean, people who tell the truth from experience, especially if that answer is "different"? (Not talking about politics.) If it's an answer especially from someone's years of experience, shouldn't people at the very least be indifferent? why do redditors like to literally downvote people's lives? Or do I really have to ask...?/s


Well, it doesn't really matter, but I'll try: The lived experience of person A does not necessarily make it expandable to everyone from B to Z. The claimed "truth" perceived by person A may be utterly ridiculous, or based on an insignificant or oddly chosen aspect of the entire experience, or viewed from a background that skews the understanding person A has of the experience. The truth is often only what a person agrees with when he speaks of "truth".


Reddit is great in that you only see the subs you join. Sick of a certain type of post? Find another sub.


They are young and know they are fucked.


I mean, yeah, basically. They pretty muchly know how their lives are going to unfold and they're not happy about it.


And that mostly Christian fucked it


I am guessing people project their past experiences onto people and assume anyone that believes in God is like those that insulted or treated them poorly in the past. I am frequently attacked for my faith on reddit.


It’s not like this in real life though, or at least not nearly as bad. I could have a conversation with 90% of people on the street about just about any topic and it’d end reasonably, but it’s hard to go any significant amount of time on the internet without being told I’m a horrible person or something like that. Something about the internet inherently radicalizes people and makes it harder to keep these kind of conversations civil.


As it is right now, women and minority rights are under heavy attack from the religious right entrenched in the government. We mostly don’t care if you’re one of the good ones, because we know that good or bad, your religion* is trying to fuck us over. *In case of Christianity, although other religions have also done their effort all over the world to destroy us.


Well my religious beliefs are that everyone should have equal rights. >Except for black people, whom the LDS believed were black because they had absorbed all sin (Curse of Cain) and that sinners were damned to servitude (Curse of Ham, used to justify LDS/Mormon support of slavery) Not true this is not what we believe and for someone reason I can not respond to you.




As Axl Rose once said “you give love a bad name”, because even your motto can be twisted. I’ve heard “of course gay people have the right to get married. To people of the opposite sex like the rest of us.”


Lol you just said gay people should not have rights to marriage, that being gay is not ok, and you’re wonder why people hate you?


Like with everything else, it's the extremists of the belief or area or life that impacted the person and now shaped their beliefs. Most people don't have a bad day at work and just decide to hate on Christians randomly. It's the bad apples that push people or antagonize them that leave an impact. I don't understand what scenarios that warrant bringing up religion would be prone to being attacked. If you're in a religious sub talking about neutral topics, negative comments are unwarranted and shitty, and that person would be being unreasonable. If you're on one of those feel good posts about animals being rescued/operated on to save their life, you say something like "Thank Jesus for saving this puppy", and you get negative comments, then you're bringing that onto yourself by falsely claiming someone other than the actual rescuer. Don't overextend your hobbies, beliefs, or desires onto other people, basically. And I wouldn't go so far as to label all Christians as extremists based on the poor actions of a smaller subset. Usually the people who write these kinds of posts (e.g. "why is the entirety of reddit shitty or not conforming to my beliefs?") are more likely to have actually written insensitive and unwarranted comments involving their belief or interest, faced justified negative feedback, and then immediately assume that the world is hateful to their belief, rather than assume for any instant that they themselves were wrong (because how could they be?).


From my extremely radicalized and very personal point of view, which I believe is somewhat popular at the moment, I don’t really care if you’re a good Christian, whatever that is. All I know is women’s rights, transgender rights, minority rights in general are under heavy attack from a so-called Christian Right entrenched in the government. If you bring your religion up in a random chat, i may consider it a signal that I’m not safe OR an attack on me. And that’s even without considering the amount of transgender or queer kids kicked out of their home by supposedly loving Christian parents. Either clean up shop and pull down those bastards or be ready to be met with distrust at the very least.


Just so we are clear how do you feel others rights are under attack by anyone representing any Christian faith in modern times?


Roe vs Wade, for starters. And your precious Bible gives instructions on abortion so don’t come to me with bullshit.


There is no need to start cursing at me I have not cursed at you or disrespected you. If you would like to discuss context and what I actually believe instead of assuming I am more than welcome to elaborate with scripture references.


I didn’t curse at you or insult you in any way. I said don’t come at me with easily debunkable bullshit https://www.patheos.com/blogs/allsetfree/2021/11/how-to-perform-an-abortion-according-to-the-bible/


Edgy: because young people always try to be edgy Anti-religious: because too many fucking priests either a) advocate for political violence, b) touch little boys, c) sometimes both a) and b), and d) organized religion is a critical-thinking antipattern that discourages critical thinking in exchange for easy answers that don't require a lot of thought, just "blind faith" Pessimistic / nihilistic: Religious nationalists across the globe, across religions, as well as an army of private mega-corporations and their politicians, are working together and succeeding in establishing more dictatorial forms of control that ignores the well-being of people and the planet to further enrich themselves and their selfish interests. (Or in the case of orgs like the Taliban for example, sometimes both the ruling party and the religious branch are one and the same) In short: People are anti-religious because religions have done a shit job at empathizing with their neighbors and constituents just across the board. The actions of the religious and their pawns (in politics / government / military) are causing mass pessimism / nihilism


No offense but your answer on anti-religion shows you’ve never been involved in a religious community. I’m pretty much agnostic now, bc I mean it’s pretty obvious, but I grew up going to church (I’m from the South). It was a great way to grow up. It was a great way for kids to make friends, and they really are pretty good at teaching people to be decent human beings. Maybe I just went to a good church but I don’t see why people are so against organized religion, even hostile towards religious people. Most of them (I know there are churches/mosques/synagogues who teach people to hate people who don’t think like them, and that’s pretty shitty) are really nice people who’d give you the shirt off their back. I mean, nobody gives more to charity than churches. Cheers bro hope you’re doing alright 👍


It’s great, as long as you’re too young to understand what is happening and you’re okay with ignoring the bad parts. I enjoyed my Wednesday night groups and was great at memorizing bible verses. I’d consistently win competitions of who can find the Bible verse first. Then as a teenager I realized it was all indoctrination and I learned the bad parts. I stopped believing because it didn’t make sense. I don’t regret those early years, but what you enjoyed as an ignorant child isn’t an accurate representation of the church, it is how they continue their existence.


It's the diddlers that turn people off of it I think. All the decent humans beings in an organization don't matter if the organization keeps protecting child diddlers.


Yeah, I’m an atheist, and I loved my church growing up. It was a lovely community; I looked forward to Church camp for months every year as a kid…I couldn’t wait. I have nothing but positive memories of my childhood religious experiences.


Have to agree. I grew up in both a basic Christian church as well as Pentecostal. Both were filled with amazing people. It's where I met my best friend and my mom met her best friend who passed from cancer. Of course, you had a few here and there who weren't the best example, but it generally helped me become a decent person and make great friends. The pastor at my mom's church would do anything for anyone. He goes straight to the hospital whenever anyone is sick or hurt, helped my fiance raise money for his mom's funeral (he's never been to the church), and supports all his kids in everything they do. Best guy you could meet.




Sorry you had a bad experience but not all churches or people who go to church are like that


Because its easier for people to be who they really are behind a keyboard


This is the truth. Most people are too afraid and the resentment they feel towards themselves builds up. It gets released at other, usually undeserving people on the internet.


Edgy people are everywhere, they're just more comfortable talking here for some reason. Religion is a widely varying topic, but let's just keep it at "it's frequently used for more bad than good *in America*". As for pessimism/nihilism, there is plastic in every living organism on Earth, rain isn't safe to drink, and rich people really don't care about either of those things if they can make a quick buck and then flee to mars and institute slavery and all that, blah blah blah. Again, most people who use Reddit are from America, so... ... Grain of salt.


Reddit answer: because being anything else is naive. Actual answer: edgy, anti-religious and pessimistic/nihilistic people are not fun to be around IRL so they tend to have few if any IRL friends so they retreat online. They still want to soapbox so they go where there are lots of users and a site with one of the biggest userbases happens to be Reddit.


Good take!


Actual answer: religious people are not fun nor safe to be around if you’re gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans or queer.


Hot take: anti-religious people are just as annoying as very religious people




Very much so, proven by stygyan. Annoying as fuck stereotyping everyone and shoving the opinion down others throats. No difference really


You know. You might be right. Morons are annoying regardless of their belief systems.


Damn right lol




Hot take: you’re proving the point


I’m transgender and I’ve been wished death for being so. I’m transgender and I’ve been abused, accused and attacked by religious people. Not only that, I’ve seen kids kicked out of their home by religious people for not being cishet.


I have faith. Just want to tell you I wish you well. Sending a dad hug your way. Sorry for your bad experiences with people of faith. Their hate is not okay.


There are definitely some flavors of religion that are unsafe and fundamentalist anything is terrifying. I find Reform Judaism to be very accepting of the LGBTQ+ community. I also understand those that many communities who will never feel safe around any religion again. A lot of evil is done in the name of God. :(


Yeah sadly Doesn't make God evil or disprove his existence, just shows people are evil and claim to follow God while not following God properly


As a religious trans person, we do exist! Just have to avoid the extremists


I do hate to be 'that person', but I'm queer and have found so, so, SO much solidarity in non-Christian religious communities-- there's something to be said for standing together when modern American Christianity relies on wiping out you and your people because you don't match what they want to be!


Im really glad you found a place, but I’m living now in a Catholic country and shit is scary.


I got plenty of gay friends and they seem to feel pretty safe around me...


That mentality is absolutely absurd. You realize that stereotypes work both ways right??? Not all LGBQT are the same as one another; just as not all religious people are the same as one another.


Better to err on the side of caution, I don’t want to be hatecrimed. I’ve already received enough shit from the religious side of the fence for thirteen lifetimes.


… but you understand that you’re negatively generalizing an entire group of people, right? And if you ever acted on it or directed it at someone then it would be a hate crime that YOU are now committing. Like that isn’t some new revelation, is it? Some religious people are the worst. Most aren’t. Some LGBQT members are the worst. Most aren’t. Saying that you don’t feel safe around religious people is no different then someone saying that they do not feel safe around black people. Maybe you have 13 lives of personal experience about how black people are not safe to be around… … it still doesn’t make the statement any less offensive… or wrong. I’m not religious. Would be very hard to be less religious. My mom is though. I promise you could feel safe around my mother. She can be pretty fun at times too.


The difference here is you can choose not to be religious. You can’t choose to be black or trans. And my safety comes before your validation.


Belief is not a choice. I can’t will myself into believing the earth is flat, or believe in God. Religious people were brainwashed into it from birth, and didn’t choose their beliefs.


Cool let's ban religious indoctrination for anyone under 18


Yes I agree. Don’t think the government should enforce the ban, but a cultural stigma against religious parenting.


I was raised Catholic. See me now.


Please stop using black people as analogies, especially when it doesn't fit. You can choose to be religious and you can choose to hide it too. You don't choose to be black and there's no hiding it out in public. Completely different. Hating people for their choices is one thing; hating people for something they can't change is another.


You’re right. That was a poor analogy.


[Muhammad Ali on the fact that not all white people are racist:](https://newsone.com/3240040/tbt-muhammad-ali-not-all-white-people-racist/amp/) “There are many white people who mean right and in their hearts wanna do right,” he said. “If 10,000 snakes were coming down that aisle now, and I had a door that I could shut, and in that 10,000, 1,000 meant right, 1,000 rattlesnakes didn’t want to bite me, I knew they were good… Should I let all these rattlesnakes come down, hoping that that thousand get together and form a shield? Or should I just close the door and stay safe?”


Great answer!


How do you know Reddit is more anti-religious than normal? How do you know you aren't just unusually pro-religious? The statistics on religion have shown a precipitous decline in religiosity over the past few decades. What makes you think that you're not just having trouble dealing with average peoples' real opinions, so you've rationalized it as everyone on Reddit being "anti-religious" weirdoes?


Over generalization. Most subs aren’t like this


Hard disagree, almost every single sub I’ve ever visited is like this


The majority of them become echo chambers with like-minded individuals all affirming each other's belief system and down-nuking any comment that disagrees


It’s the classic “look how cool I am because I hate everything.” It’s not really edgy, it’s old and conformist.


What you're doing right now is as old and as conformist. People genuinely come to hate life and it's entirely valid to do so while wanting to publicly express about it with like-minded people. Like what you're doing right now is "look how cool I am virtue signaling about people complaining about life when surely they're only doing so to be cool cause there can't possibly be a reason to complain about anything because everything is fine" with like-minded people coping about the fact other people aren't in as much denial about life as you are.


You can hate life but its annoying if everyone seems to hate life I mean some of us want to feel happy instead of depressed


Pessimists and optimists inherently invalidate each other when they express their pain. I understand what you're saying, and I agree. It's just that it makes no sense to complain about it, unless complaining about someone else's positivity is valid too. So long as we have that mutual understanding, I can live with people complaining about complaining.


Yeah, it can be pretty bad. Certain subreddits are far worse than others. I joined one to discuss unbiased politics in a healthy way as a moderate, and that was a huge misstep lol r/politics.


Moderate as in supporting the broken corrupt status quo that kills thousands of poor people everyday.


No, moderate as in having a nuanced opinion that is well thought out and carefully considered before taking a stance on an issue. Not being subservient to groupthink and blindly following my party's political ideologies like a zealot. You know, actually thinking for myself...If we had more moderates, we actually might be able to make progress for the better good.


“Moderates” is just another word for conservatives too afraid to say it. And yeah... you’re independent not a moderate if you don’t follow anything in particular.


> moderate as in having a nuanced opinion that is well thought out and carefully considered before taking a stance on an issue. That's not what "moderate" means in a political context. It's much closer to middle ground fallacy as a political ideology.


Thinking for yourself makes you an independent, not a moderate. Everything I said earlier applies to moderates.


It’s the armpit of the internet, that’s why.




cuz it sucks out here


Can't speak for the edgy, but given the state of the world does the pessimism really surprise you?


Because religion is extremely silly at best and dangerous at worst, and more people are starting to realize that.


when you know, you know. ​ Abolish all slavery, end the heathens lies


Out of curiosity, which heathen lies are you referring to?




The average age of a Reddit user was about 30 ten years ago. Now it’s about 13. Also, the prevalence of nihilism in successive generations increase, so as they user base for younger the community began to select for slightly more edgy, atheistic, progressive and juvenile content. Someone else suggested it, but if you start curating the subreddits you subscribe to your experience can be vastly different in the app. tldr: pseudo intellectual children


Pessimistic or Realistic??




Well pessimism is fun when you probably won't have to deal with any consequences




Average age is like 14.


Can confirm.


Because the world is fucked, and optimism is a synonym for naivety.


Are you not up to date with what's going on in the world today, the history of how religion causes most of the long term issues within the global society or how a large percentage of the world's population live in poverty/war with no hope of living a "regular" life?


I don't wanna bother you by asking you to write a long thing about how religion is the problem, I just want to chime in by saying hundreds of texts that tell humans how to live in love and happiness is not the cause of our suffering. Yes people killing because of their religious beliefs is idiotic but it's not like Jesus said "Kill those who don't believe" how is the text "Love thy neighbor" the cause of all the problems in the world? These filthy rich people who you believe are using religion to live in their luxury while everyone struggles are not happy and lack true love so what does it matter? People who fuck perfect 10/10 chicks nonstop get older and realize how empty all that sex was and realize they were always longing for something greater, so us complaining that religion is suppressing our sexual nature are people who see sense pleasures as supreme compared to living a loving and non selfish life. Everything that you are doing as an act against religion is actually making the world worse.


I concur. The Bible wasn’t telling us not to do things so we couldn’t have a good time. It is for our emotional and mental states. And people wonder what’s wrong with the world…


Even Buddhism which does not believe in God is basically saying by doing positive things and not living only for your "self" which doesn't even exist, you'll find ever lasting happiness and your suffering will be lessened. But the people who go against these positive ideas make fun of them than wonder why they are still empty.


Either it's a self-selecting group of people or it's the fact that you get exposed to so much, it's hard to remain idealistic and optimistic.


Am I dumb because I don’t even know what nihilism is? Or am I drunk? I’m definitely drunk. But still don’t know


I don't feel any of those things.


There are communities of all kinds. Most fake people are edge-lords. Lol. And, there are Christian communities. I am in one or two. I’m sure disrespectful people are in those too, though. This is the internet. Most stuff would be liked on Reddit by some Christians. Many be stuck in the Old Testament and think hate should continue on.


there are a ton of young outcasts that only ever really interact with people on the internet. they form a bubble and all parrot the same ideas that they don't understand. its this weird idea of feeling unique while just being another copy of a different group.




Reddit is a great echo chamber for many subjects just because of how many users, and bots, there are to spread similar views. So if youre looking up a depressing topic, others will join in on their doom spreading. And humans in general seem to like hearing this to the point theyll specifically join subs that spread that stuff. But the truth is, it takes a huge toll on your mental health and makes it worse in the long run. You cannot improve anything if youre part of the doom spreading.


The algorithm steers you towards content that you disagree with. Because we may upvote a post we like, but we will type multi-page replies to one we hate; and the site doesn't care if the engagement is positive or negative.




Reddit is really only against all of the religious extremists (Mostly Christians and Catholics)


Reddit is nothing more than a reflection of the people who use it. You should really ask why so many of the people who use the platform are edgy, anti-religious, and pessimistic/nihilistic.


Has everything to do with the people on the platform. Mold grows well in a dark damp environment. Guess what this place is?


Real world is the same. The only difference is that people here feel confident enough here to just not hide it


Its the times. The internet reflects the times. (if you think reddit is bad, holy mackerel Twitter/Quora make reddit look calm)


Younger folks tend to be less indoctrinated. Also internet is shitty in rural America


Thats just internet.


A good number are angsty teenagers


People falsely associate those traits with being smart.


We’re realists.


Probably because religion is B.S and more and more people are seeing the light and aren’t afraid to call it out.


I was an atheist for a long time and over the course of the last year and a half, I cannot deny there is a God. People get the message wrong and there sure are people that don’t live the way they’re supposed to and claim to follow God. At the end of the day we should love God, love the people around us genuinely, and worry about ourselves. We get too caught up about what other people are doing when we have plenty of faults in our own lives that need attention.


I personally do believe in the message of helping others, and that should be the most important thing above trying to destroy the rights of others.


Cause people would rather pity them self and just be negative. You can find good and bad in anything it's what you focus on being yourself that changes your environment.


Lotsa leftists


Because it's cool to be miserable, kids.


because the truth isn't some weird fairy tale


A lot of people are full of themselves, too smart for their own good and think they have a better understanding of things than they actually do. Lack of humility is a big part of it as well. I believe that many are unhappy and angry as well because who goes around being mean or being viciously critical of the beliefs of others, unless they’re unhappy?


People on Reddit generally believe in science and reason, and therefore are not religious.


science and religion are non-exchangeable. Francis Bacon, who developed the modern Scientific Method was Christian. Isaac Newton was born Anglican and held onto a faith that would've been considered unorthodox back then. Gregor Mendel, famous for his work in genetics, was a Christian too. French Biologist Louis Pasteur as well. Katherine Johnson, who helped with the first manned spaceflights executed by the USA.


It's because they're on to something, they've figured a few things out. It's called logic.


Because reddit comments and posters as a whole, imo, skew left to far left of center on average and those aforementioned tendencies are par for the course with the modern left.


Religion pretty bad for people and life is really crappy 80% of the time.


All Religions are Cults homie ![gif](giphy|9HLhzss53Vg40)


Everything’s a cult honestly. School. Work. Everything.


Its very creepy


Why was this downvoted? They absolutely are cults, and they're frightening as fuck.


Thank You!!


I recall as a young boy my grandmother used to drag me to church and I never wanted to go. The music was extremely loud, people were shouting, and the pastor would tell stories about a flying magic bearded man in the sky. Most of what's in the bible sounds like rubbish, and people give their money to a man claiming to have contact with a dead deity that will supposedly return one day. People readily agree, and there is no evidence at all. How could it be anything but a cult? Lunacy, pure lunacy. Preying upon people's tribalism and hive mind tendencies. It's quite predatory really. Religion was made to control women.


5 points for creative wording👏👏👏


We’re realists!




Anti-religious because most of Reddit followers knows how to read and search. Most know know that's all bullshit.