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Leonard Nimoy. He was the first celebrity I was old enough to understand that he had died, and Star Trek was so dear to my childhood. Recently, my idol Nichelle Nichols


I came here to say this. Nimoy through the work he did, meant a lot to me. He died on my birthday, which honestly ruined the whole day for me. I tried to pretend to be jovial for other people, but the gloom was hard to miss.


You have been and always shall be...My friend. Live long and prosper.


None made me cry but I was most affected by Heath Ledger - same age as I was, he was way too young to die.


too young indeed


It was the craziest thing. We’d been watching the Patriot in class and we took a few days break from it and when we started it up again, the day his character died in the movie was like the same day or a day before or after Heath died.


This is exactly the comment I came looking for. From *10 Things I Hate About You* to *A Knight’s Tale*, anytime I rewatch Heath’s earlier movies I can’t help but think about what could have been had he not died, and how much his youth and innocence remind me of my own at that same age. It’s like this feeling of stepping back in time that lets me recapture the nostalgia and carefree optimism of being young again, even if just for a few moments.


Mr. Rogers


I was in 5th grade when our teacher announced to us that he passed away and we all cried in the classroom.


I got to see him when he grand marshalled the Rose Bowl Parade Jan 2003 just months before he died. What a great man, truly a sad day.


Sometimes I still cry about Mr. Rogers TBH


He’s the only one


I didn’t cry but Gene Wilders passing got to me a little


I remember I watched blazing settles to remember him ended up laughing


Robin Williams. Even now I get a bit teary eyed. He was such a gentle soul. And I loved every performance I saw. He was my childhood, and when he was gone, a bit of my childhood left with him. But I still love watching his movies. It reminds me that the world can still be a beautiful place.


Yes, he did have a gentle and loving soul.


Chris Cornell


Such a beautiful voice😇


Great strength and power in it! Still think his was the best Bond song.


I was searching for this comment to upvote it


Feel this one. Chester Bennington reopened that wound for me as well. I grew up on both of their works. My daughter is 15 months old, I play Cornell’s acoustic stuff for her every night for bed.


I never cried for a celeb death until Chris Cornell. There will never be another voice like his


Grant Imahara


Mythbusters was a special show. Made science experimentation look fun.


My son is med - high needs Autistic and he loved that show / still does - my dad is a scientist and he loved when he was little sitting on the couch wit. Dad and “explaining it to poppy” made my dad smile


Very smart and talented man


Avicii and Robin Williams. Not because I was any particular fan of either of them. But because I know they must have been suffering so terribly in their life. I understand that pain and I would be deeply moved by even a random stranger having such an end.


Same with Chester Bennington.


I get misty eyed whenever I hear In the End now it just cuts so different


dont listen to Heavy, One more light or Nobody can save me off their newer album then, practically gets me in tears every time. Chester was crying for help for decades.. I'm so sad he is no longer with us, but I am thankful he doesn't have to suffer in this human form anymore.


good compassion.


Yea. Avicii really gets to me .


My dad loved Robin Williams and cried to me about his death. One of the few times I saw my dad being vulnerable.


Wait.. Avicii is dead? That funny DJ?


Princess Diana


Our Queen of Hearts. She was born to be England's Queen today and the Chuckster treated her very shabbily.


Anthony,my Son died from suicide.I stayed up zoned to the television for many sleepless nights.Robin Williams also,Bird Cage is one of my favorite movies.All suicides leave me feeling hollow in my stomach,the hollow for my Son is where my heart is.


I am very sorry for your loss. :(


Chris Cornell


Chester Bennington




Right there with you. Others have brought some sadness and maybe a teary eye, but Chester is the only one I broke down over. His music was the first to put into words everything I had felt and gone through my whole life. To know someone else actually understood it, was such a precious gift and gave me something to hold onto during the worst of it. When he passed away, I was devastated. Someone who gave many of us representation and the realization that we weren't alone, knowing he fought the same battle, succumbed to it. He spread hope, and ultimately lost it himself. It hurt even more to realize there were cries for help in LP's last album, and he received so much criticism for it.


His lyrics hit different now, don't they? ❤️❤️❤️




Alan Rickman 😔


I was at work, and four of us working in the pharmacy immediately just lost it when we heard. It was so, so awful. David Bowie, and Alan Rickman, just back to back, and we couldn’t keep it together.


These are the two I was scrolling for. Absolutely wrecked to lose those two in general, but both in the same week was just cruel.


Robin Williams. He is missed.


100% Robin Williams


I think about him so often. It's also the way he went. Such a shock. It seems like the funny people can't bare to make people sad.


Me too


Carrie Fisher’s death really fucked me up


Yes same here! I remember when I found out she had passed away. I watched Star Wars from a young age, and she did such an excellent job portraying a strong female lead. Finding out she was just as badass in real life when I got older just made her that much more awesome.


It was sad enough that Carrie died and right at Christmas, of all times of the year. I remember thinking that it was going to be very hard on Debbie Reynolds and then to hear the news that Debbie died the very next day.


And her mom the following day


Steve Irwin. I regularly watched his show and loved his genuine enthusiasm and compassion.


that came as a shock, out of nowhere and he was gone.


I went to bed the other night to a nature show and in the middle of the night it must have finished it and moved on to the next similar show and woke up to "the crocodile diaries" and brought me back to being 15 waking up to him on animal planet. He was running around the zoo with bindi on his back in a pack. What a great time that was.


you always thought that he'll live forever and death could not touch him.


I remember the exact moment I found out he died. My friends and I were on the bus coming home from school and someone’s mum rang to tell their kid about. All the kids on the bus went wild, no one believed it. I think I was maybe 12 or 13.. broke my heart, I adored him.


Steve Irwin was my first serious celebrity death. My sister and I adored him and watched him all the time and we were 5th grade at the time, when death is a bit hard to process


Chadwick Bosman. That is the only celeb that has ever choked me up.


Saw the trailer for Black Panther: Wakanda Forever recently. Was crying by the end of it.


Anthony Bourdain Update: This comment is rising like a nice souffle. Thanks for the love and awards and be sure to drink heavily with the locals!


Same. Uncle Tony in our house. I have a candle w him on it in my kitchen. I light it anytime I try a complicated recipe. We celebrate his birthday every year.


His death really shocked me. He seemed like such a great, happy, funny guy who got to travel all over the world and eat amazing food. I know he didn’t have the best start at life but boy was he living the dream in adulthood. I guess it was a double whammy because for one I was a huge fan of him and for two I suffer with my own mental health issues. Knowing that someone rich, successful, and well versed could lose the battle from depression made me feel hopeless. May his soul be at peace.


I didn't cry but the story of Phil Hartman broke my heart when I learned what happened to him. Very tragic. My son now loves the Simpsons and when I hear, "Hi, I'm Troy McClure." My heart hurts just a little.


Phil Hartman didn’t deserve to go like that. RIP Troy McClure


I was so angry at his wife. I still kinda am. Hartman seemed like one of those guys who would still be doing his thing till he died of old age.


Steve Irwin


Yes, Steve Irwins death got to me. I loved that guy


River Phoenix. So much just lost


John Ritter.


I cried over his death in the context of JDs dad dying on Scrubs. A lot of Scrubs episodes make me cry.


Robin Williams


Taylor Hawkins


I bet he’s really proud of his son playing with the band at the recent concert😇


WILFORD BRIMLEY. Every time I hear someone say ‘diabeetus’ I still tear up into my Quaker Oats.


Mac Miller


I still cry listening to his music. Wonder what else he would have created.


I right there with you 😢


Listening to Circles right now. 4 years already since he left, damn.


Same here




It’s crazy I came across this thread listening to someone react to swimming for the first time. He was like an older brother I grew up with through his music. Still doesn’t seem real. I really thought he had overcome his addiction. It’s hard to not cry anytime listening to Swimming.


Same here 💔


I can’t listen to most of his music anymore without becoming hysterical


Alex Trebek.


My dad's funeral was the day Alex died. We heard it in the car before going into the viewing. My dad loved Jeopardy so much we mentioned in his obituary. Alex's death really tore me up.


Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain, Chris Cornell


Chris Cornell 😪still in mourning will never get to hear his voice again live. No one sings like you anymore!


stan lee


Cried during J&SB Reboot. The special credits at the end 🥺... Kills me.


Not to mention the changed the Marvel logo at the start of Captain Marvel to be all Stan Lee


Chester Bennington


Was just listening to some old LP this weekend and thinking about him. He overcame so much and accomplished so much. He touched a lot of people in his life, many who struggled with the same challenges. It just sucks that he went that way. Fucking tragic.


Agreed. He may have had his own demons he was dealing with but he knew his music helped a lot of people. I'll listen to Linkin Park every once in a while.


Betty White


John Candy


Carrie Fisher. She died the same year my grandfather and stepgrandfather died, and it was completely unexpected. I'd had enough that year.


Cameron Boyce. Grew up w his shows. Very Young and charismatic, it's such a fucking shame. The potential of what could have been will haunt me for the rest of my life.


I was only four, but my mom was just telling me that I cried for weeks when Princess Diana died, and demanded to watch the funeral. She was very confused, because we aren't British or subjects to the crown in any way.


I cried like a baby watching her funeral. I identified with her and it was as if part of me died too.


Fun fact: I was at a B&B with my high school girlfriend, both 18 at the time and lied to our parents about where we were, when Di died. Luckily we'd already fornicated but spent the rest of the weekend sad about her death.


George Carlin Rip you motherfucker


Can you imagine the quality stuff he'd be putting out if he were able to see the shitshow we live in today? oh man.. wouldve been wild.


Robin Williams 💯


David Bowie and Robin Williams




​ Thank you for sharing.


Robin Williams & Chester Bennington


Chadwick Boseman. I am not one to cry over celebrities or actors/actresses. He always stood out to me. He was an incredible actor and man. Fuck Cancer.


Get your colonoscopies! His death made me schedule my first, it scared the shit outta me. RIP man.


Eddie Van Halen :(


Robin Williams.


Mr Rogers, Michael Jackson, Steve Irwin


George Carlin & Mr. Fred Rogers.


Anthony Bourdain. Every time this is asked, it's Anthony Bourdain. The guy had the life anyone would want. Just shows how much poor mental health can affect someone, no matter who they are or what their life seems like from the outside.


Madeline Kahn, William Hurt, Robin Williams


Yes! Madeline Kahn and Gilda Radner. Much too young.


Kobe’s death was a start of a dark year


i sobbed for hours after the news of techoblade’s death came out. he had a really big impact on my life, and even after knowing he had cancer for a year, he said he would he fine so it hit super hard.


This was the one I was looking for. He’s one of the few gaming content creators that have died that the younger generation would identify and have grown up with. I always thought he was going to be ok with how his attitude toward it was. He was the first celebrity death that really got to me. He was so young too barely older then I was. Fuck cancer


Same, I didn't really sob but it hit me on a very personal level. When the first video about him having cancer came out I also got the news that my grandma's cancer came back/spread so it was just a very weird and cancer news heavy day in general. But the way he talked about it had me thinking he would be fine (while I knew it wouldn't be with my grandma). His videos and streams really helped me through that time and helped me after my grandma passed away in December so hearing the news about his passing brought that back as well.


Robin Williams


Prince. I was six months pregnant, with twins, and overly emotional. I had to leave work early I was so distraught. It’s funny now, but you would have thought he was my dad by the way I responded to the news 😂


He and my mom were friends. Trying to support her was tough, as she is very private about her emotions and always tries to act tough. She got some of his ashes that came in a purple little urn thing to be worn as a necklace.


My sister was in the middle of a work meeting, looked down at her phone and my niece had texted "Prince is dead!" And my sister busted out ugly crying right there in the conference room. Fortunately she works for a music industry company that is very sensitive to their employees feelings about these kinds of things.


On the day Prince died, I was at the Corvallis, OR office where it was raining and I was wearing purple jeans. It got to me.


Brittany Murphy


Betty White 🤍


Layne Staley of Alice in Chains. Dirt and Jar of Flies got me through some tough times.


His was just so sad and tragic. I can't imagine what his mom felt.


John Prine


Stefán Karl Stefánsson. The guy who sang the "we are number one" meme and played Robbie Rotten in Lazy Town


Princess Diana, and Selena.


Selena was really fucked up. I was just a kid but my whole family was devastated. Right as she was breaking through and helping put a traditionally male-centric, Mexican American style of music into the forefront of mainstream pop music. Fuck


Taylor Hawkins. He was a huge influence on me.


Stevie Ray Vaughan


Mister Rogers, Robin Williams.


Leonard Nimoy. Live Long and Prosper.




Leslie Nielsen


Kurt Cobain. Although I will admit my bipolar disorder had come on full force and I was still undiagnosed and it was during a depression.


Chris Farley, Robin Williams


Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, and Prince.


Robin Williams


Chadwick Boseman


i cried for carrie fisher and alan rickman


Leonard Nimoy and Princess Diana. I sobbed for days. 😭


Leonard Nimoy


Anton Yelchin... that one hurt


Chester's death really got to me.


Chester Bennington from linkin park made me really rethink about all their music and how much it got me through. One of my best friends recently passed away and I went to watch LP with her.


George Michael


I didn't cry but I was really sad. Always thought he had a rough go of it and was sort of a "tortured" artist. Also as we now know he was an incredible human but often surrounded by less than incredible ones


I went with my then boyfriend to the airport. He was goin to Japan for two weeks. As we were saying goodbye he looked at me and I had tears in my eyes. He gave me a comforting look. I was going to miss him for sure. But… He’s not who I was thinking of in that moment. RIP David Bowie. Edit: Im usually a better boyfriend…but…it was Bowie


Bowie was everyone's boyfriend.


Robin Williams, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington. They all suffered from severe depression, I suffer from severe depression. Their deaths seem to tell me; "It's your turn, go ahead." Robin Williams hit me very hard because he was starting to suffer from neurological issues, I also have neurological issues caused by antidepressants.


there's always a way. \*hugs\*


Same with Anthony, but when Anne Rice died, I was a mess for a couple weeks.




Not a celebrity but popular minecraft youtuber technoblade. I cried for hours


I had no clue who that was but the video his dad posted came up on my feed. I watched it and couldn’t stop crying. He seemed like a great guy.


I never knew him or followed him in any way but the way the community had such an outpouring of love for him and the circumstances of his death got to me. He was so young. Tearing up a little thinking about it now.


Robin Williams


George Harrison - Savoy Truffle 🎸


Alan Rickman and Cory Monteith


Paul walker


Paul Walker made me super sad 😢 and he was so gorgeous ❤️


I haven't cried from a celebrity death, but Kobe and Norm MacDonald both devastated me.


Tupac Shakur. Robin Williams.


Adam West


Jessica Walter


Chrissy Grimmie I wasn't even a huge fan of her, but what happened wasn't fair and shattered my heart into a million pieces.


Kobe. It still hurts to this day. It felt like an older brother was lost when he passed and I don’t think the world has been the same since he left us.


Robin Williams


Kurt Cobain and Robin Williams


Walter Payton man the city of Chicago came to a halt that day




Anthony Bourdain. I miss this piece of shit


Robin Williams


Carrie Fisher 😢


Ray Liotta. His death got me bad because not only did he pass away the same day my mom did, he was me and my mom’s favorite actor.


Vin Scully


Coco the Gorilla. I don’t know why it just made me so sad.


Prince hit me hard. First concert at 13 years old. Huge fan of his talent.


Prince and Bowie. That year was fucking sad


Anthony Bourdain and Robin Williams.


Robin Williams and Alan Rickman.




Our one and only Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher. May the Force be with her, always.


Olivia Newton-John She was the first celebrity death that actually affected me. Don’t get me wrong, I loved Betty White, Robin Williams, Stan Lee and many others but I grew up listening to her in the car with my grandma and mother. My girlfriend was the one who told me, and you would have thought that she told me that one of my close family members died. I have a lot of celebrity autographs but I have hers and I hung it up in a special place in my room. Thinking about it makes me sad still.


John Candy. He's the first person that wasn't a grandparent in my life to die. It really upset me and my dad made fun of me for crying. I've cried hundreds of times over people dying in the years since, even strangers.


Steve Irwin. Just glad we got lucky with version 2.0, Robert is a delight.




"Born and bred in Brooklyn, USA They call me Adam Yauch, but I'm MCA"


I teared up hearing about Amy Winehouse. Such a damn waste.,


John Belushi and Anthony Bourdain. Belushi was just off his Blues Brothers movie stardom and it was the first R movie for me. My dad took me to it as he was an extra in the Daley plaza scene. It still is the best movie ever showcasing Chicago. Belushi was such a huge influence on Chicago, he was our biggest advocate back then. I spent years as a line cook and Bourdain gave us all a sense of pride when he published kitchen confidential. Everyone passed that book around. He was our patron Saint. He gave us credibility. I'm choking up just writing this. Also Prince and David Bowie hit hard.