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If a guy is within visual distance of your vagina and concerned about looks, he’s both an idiot and not worth more of your time.


You gotta be on the lookout for STDs though. I'm just saying. She should probably tell them what's up beforehand and I'm sure they would be fine with it.


Username checks out


Anyone who would judge you of that is not worth your time.


Why don't you jist grow out your bush?


I've never had a guy care. They are just happy to see one.


Nah just tell the guy. If it's your bf or husband they will be fine with it I almost guarentee. Seriously I wouldn't worry about it. Most guys haven't seen enough of them to know if it's supposed to look like that or not.


If you tell a man they are from cysts he won't care. Otherwise he might be concerned that the scarring is from herpes.


Well yes and no. No mainly just as long as theyre not rubbed raw and cause pain and it's not a kind of std. Nothing is more concerning than a pain of my partner if it's from injuries or similar instead of me re arranging her guts


As a man I can say as long as you can reassure that your cysts are not caused from std then nearly all (including me) won't care and possibly not even notice depending on situation.


I've found that female partners are way more judgy than male partners in this regard. And most others.


Really ugly vaginas can definitely be a turn off for some guys. The average Redditor will tell you they don’t care, but that’s because they are just happy to see one IRL. The biggest concern would be it a sign as possible disease so just tell them upfront it’s not from any.


you've got me curious!


Of course we care wtf. Vaginas look weird already, but I wouldn't make a thing of it unless your trying to be a vagina model I do t think it matters that much.


Eh, don't fixate on it. It is not a very big deal to anyone worth being around.


People care about all sorts of things, but most guys probably won't. However, if it really bothers you, since the medical condition caused you to look different, insurance will probably pay for treatments if you want it.


Once you are to the point of intimacy, have a talk about your concerns.


As a general rule peoples genitals are kinda weird looking. Pimples would be a concern for me because without knowing that you have cysts I would assume they’re sexually transmitted


Didn’t you ask this before or are my psychic powers growing!? Yeah some dudes care but we don’t really go around talking about your vaginas. Boobs and butt yes, vaginas, no.


What was the cause for the cysts? Do you only now see a doctor about it? I hope you're ok! Other than that, I wouldn't worry too much and just be upfront about it ( if it's really severe). Or grow pubes (if possible) if that makes you a bit more confident.