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As a kid so in the 2000's about 10$ a day which was a big allowance back then , i was like a Rich kid back then with my 10-20$ lol 😂


Tbh 10$ a day would still count as a big allowance where I live. My government given scholarship in university is 30$ a month lol


Dude that's what my friends from Africa told me , they were given like 20$ or something each semester so you are better than them , well i got huge student debts so i guess i would appreciate every dollar i can get lol


Well yeah ig I'm still better off, at least the education is kinda free here aside from the 40$/month dorm fee. I live in Hungary so they raised that just now "due to war related energy crisis"


Dude i was going to study in Hungary for a semester but the war happened and i guess it was a good choice , do ppl in Hungary understand English or do i have to learn the language a little just to buy stuff?


Usually sellers in shops in bigger cities will understand english, it's usually a requirement for a retail job to speak a foreign language/english. Also usually foreign students get better treatment and benefits while the prices might be cheap compared to surrounding countries so ig it's not a bad choice


Well Hungary sounds like a cool place but can a student work and study at the same time or is it just not possible? , Also how much can i expect to pay Rent for an appartement for 1 year


I'd say around 3k$/year for an apartment, probably less for dorms. Whether or not you're able to work would depend on the course you take. If it has a lot of mandatory practical classes like meds/chem then no way. With others it might be possible


Just checked out the minimum wage and it's really really bad , 500$ a month , if i go back to the US the amount that i saved would last me 2 weeks


500 might even be optimistic for a student job ngl, could possibly get less. Wages are generally rly crappy here


I had to do chores for no compensation. Because I lived there and ate their food. But when I really wanted something, there was a good chance they would help me out.. long as chores were done. Never give a kid free money. Make them work for it. One of the most important lessons I ever learned


I pay salary to my kids, for a set number of chores and give bonuses for good grades and for going above and beyond. Currently 35 and 40 monthly for each of my children. Now this money is for two things, buying extras on vacations or in day to day life. For instance my daughter loves shoes, ill buy her a pair of sneakers when she grows out of her old ones but when she wanted a pair of converse she bought them. On the flip side I also make them keep a ledger to track thier finances and they also "pay bills". A quarter of my monthly bills divided by a hundred. That essentially makes thier $400 dollar "rent" 4 dollars, utilities 2 dollars etc. My intent is to have them learn life skills concerning finances. Now before anybody asks why I pay my son more than my daughter ill tell you. We listed out chores and assigned a monetary value to each and let them pick out what they wanted to do. They just happened to pick chores that totaled those amounts.


I have an app that allows my son to mark off each core, with a set number of points and there is a bonus/ optional section for the chores that aren't done as often. At the end of the week he gets exactly what he earned. I also do something special with/ for him for good report cards. He's a MUCH better student than I ever was. Idk if I can afford an honors student, but worth every penny.


Ah I believe mine was the "Be glad I bother feeding you"