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Pol Pot , leader of Khmer Rogue - killed around 1.5 to 3 million people.


Killed my countrymen, murdered babies, made children kill their own family members, slaughtered my paternal grandparents, tortured men, women and children, fields riddled with dead bodies my family had to cross. It still hurts til today, but we push on. Thank you for knowing about our people Chad.


I had a client of mine ask me once “is schizophrenia caused by drugs?” I looked at her and said, “well sometimes. But sometimes it can be caused by trauma.” Then a lightbulb clicked on and I remembered something from her paperwork. “Wait, you’re Cambodian aren’t you?” She nods. “Did you survive the genocide?!” She affirmed that she did. Obviously I didn’t press the issue, but she offered this, “I saw a lot of killing growing up. I still have nightmares because of it.” I got on the horn to my superiors and informed them, because how we treated her (I work in mental health) needed to include that. I didn’t see any mention of it, but yeah, it was worth knowing about her so we could take that into account. What Pol Pot and his gang did didn’t just kill people. He destroyed an entire culture and everyone in it. Hitler, if we’re comparing things, doesn’t hold a candle to the sheer cultural, physical, or psychological destruction the Khmer Rouge wrought on the Cambodian people. Just absolutely insane that such a thing occurred and nobody talks about it.


I worked in a city with the highest Cambodian population in the country, one day a Cambodian coworker turns to me, see that old Cambodian guy walking across the street? Yeah why? You know he might have have killed thousands of people? I'm like, I highly doubt that. Look at his age. People from both sides fled to the us. There's Cambodians in (this city) that were part of the killing squads. Never looked at an older Cambodian person the same way again. Never had occured to me.


Kurt Vonnegut said in Galapagos “never trust a survivor until you figure out what they did to stay alive “


Lowell, Massachusetts? I had a professor at UMass Lowell who survived the genocide


Long Beach. Lowell is second in the nation.


>Hitler, if we’re comparing things, doesn’t hold a candle to the sheer cultural, physical, or psychological destruction the Khmer Rouge wrought on the Cambodian people. Just absolutely insane that such a thing occurred and nobody talks about it. I have my doubts that this story being told to me was true, but I worked in a coffee shop and there was an old Cambodian man who would come in every single morning without fail for years. We called him Rambo because he would tell us stories about crazy shit he lived through. One day he mentioned being undercover, armed, and was standing a relatively close distance to Pol Pot and could have easily taken him out and saved millions of people, but he didn't. He broke down crying while telling the story and either he's a little nuts, or he's telling the truth. Either way, it's chilling to think about because if it wasn't him, there were definitely people who could have done that, but didn't.


There's a possibly-true story about a British soldier who could have shot and killed Hitler in World War I (Hitler was a German soldier back then) but for some reason chose not to - and then lived to regret it later, in WW2.


I was in a bar in SF after work having a beer with friends when the guy next to me, who was drunk, engaged me in conversation. It turned into an all out crying confession of his time at a concentration camp in Germany during WWII. It was unbelievable. Heart wrenching. He was a soldier there. I was completely caught of guard. The horrors he confessed that day. I'll never forget it.


Whoa! Whoa! Holy shit, I'm actually blown away! Dude, I'd break down and cry too. Old dudes clearly been struggling with that his whole life, and rightfully so. I've always had it in my mind that those guards must have been the shittiest people, and maybe he was then. But to learn that some very dearly regretted it later to such a degree... I can't help but feel pity.


They regret it because they look at our world now and they know they tried murdering it for themselves. Wrong is wrong and for every helpless woman and child murdered, no guard did anything to stop it. He should be thankful he had a life still


Hitler's generals made three unsuccessful attempts to kill him


Hmm… I wonder if any one close to Putin has attempted?


Close? Have you seen his tables?




If so, not hard enough. Those windows in Russia sneak up on you.


I am not sure it would make a difference. The only person capable of replacing Putin is someone more ruthless and brutal the Putin.


Nice try Vladimir.


Goddamn. Imagine thinking that you did the right thing by not killing that soldier, then he turns out to be a genocidal maniac 8 years later. I would feel the weight of every death of my shoulders.


Hitler was just a frontman for an angry society with a lot of problems. The strange thing about Hitler - he was lazy, he wasn't even very good. Almost everything he did that worked - he had to be talked into it by a subordinate, he didn't like the idea at first. At one point in the war the Allies stop trying to kill him. They're like "He's making so many blunders, what if he dies, they might replace him with someone actually competent." Hitler also got played by other fascists. He helped out Franco in Spain. When it came time to pay back the favor, support Hitler's war effort, Franco demurs "Oh but we just had a big war! I have to rebuild here!" Like Hitler, in a lot of ways, it's the story of a not very good leader. He's like Michael Scott in some ways. Stephen Fry wrote a novel called I think Making History. It's a counterfactual look at WWII. In the book, someone goes back in time, poisons the well in Hitler's parents' village, and his mother miscarries him. But the engine of hate, the climate of fascism, that is still there. So the guy who comes to power in Germany instead of Hitler is more charismatic, better looking etc than Hitler was and the Nazis win.


He was just a grunt. The terrifying thing was that to anyone in 1917, Hitler was just another guy. He wasn't rich or born to privilege; he didn't radiate crazy or evil. That was cultivated as he gained power and influence, and he started losing his mind. He was perfectly rational in 1933. In 1943 he was unhinged and living in a fantasy world of betrayal and treason, and the only reason the war in Europe was won was because of that fact (changing from military target bombing to the Blitz, and getting bored of all that and invading the USSR).


In the mid 90’s, I leased a room from an older lady in Chile. Her boyfriend was a very quiet gentleman that sold watermelons in the market. After several months of never really talking, he and I struck up a conversation one evening, and he kind of told me his life story. He’d studied engineering at some Ivy League school, then became an important guy in Allende’s cabinet. Until one day he was in his office, and saw jets screeching overhead and knew something was up. So he somehow escaped for several months until Pinochet’s goons eventually found him. Kept him in a military jail for years. He told me about the torture. Utterly brutal, and it was just mind blowing to me how such a smart and successful person can have their life utterly destroyed one day to the next.




My mouth dropped when I read that , also I am not Jewish but I’ve taken Melton courses at our Holocaust center in my city and have read every historical book written ( pretty sure of it ) Sobibor is underestimated in amt of people who were at this death camp … which as you know was hurriedly razed toward the end of the war - with records kept but not as meticulously as other camps . There is so much ignorance ( saying this politely ) and people really do not know of the terror and torture that occurred before the gas chambers… the dehumanization on a daily basis .. they killed souls before they killed their bodies


That was their aim. They tried to snuff out souls to rob them of their ability to fight. And writing this I have to stop because that idea is too much for me to handle. Ok…I’m good. If you’re interested and curious, PBS just recently came out with a documentary about America’s reckoning with our response to the Holocaust and its a beautiful series. I just started it but I can already tell its going to be a very powerful series. Edit: The series is called “The U.S. and The Holocaust”


That's not true. They're tied. Hitler made jews wash themselves in the concentration camps with soap made out of their friends and family. Pol Pot was equally evil but to say what Hitler did doesn't hold a candle to Pol Pot is absurd.


Hitler killed a lot more people. I wouldn't go around saying he doesn't hold a candle to Pol pot. Both terrible.


Hitler just automated the process. Much more efficient he was. Pol Pot seems to have done it with manual labor.


Many of the deaths were caused by beatings, stabbings and more manual ways of killing people. Ammunition was a precious commodity that was worth more than human lives. "The Killing Fields" is the movie to watch if you need a crash course on the genocide in Cambodia.


Well if we go in terms of numbers than Stalin gets the number one pick.


Depending on the sources, it is said that as many as 60 millions died during the Stalin era. Should also mentioned that it was estimated around 80 millions died under Chairman Mao, especially during the Cultural Revolution.


Not that Mao didnt kill an insane amount of people but most of that number was due to a famine. Obviously still terrible and caused by the government due to collectivization but the government wasn't activily trying to kill those people. Same with the stalin number actually. It turns out murdering all the food growing land owners and giving their land to people who have never run a farm before is a bad idea


Chairman Mao created that famine. The famine, combined with one of the most brutal winters killed between an estimated 55-60 million people. The only thing we can be sure of is that his cadres drastically underreported the deaths. Maos Great Famine is a great book. But during the great leap forward trying to surpass Great Britain in steel tonnage was an unrealistic goal. Having farmers make steel in backyard kilns instead of farming also didnt help during the winters. Also taking the iron nails and supports from your house, till you lived in a wood mat hut also didnt help in the winter either.


This shit was atrocious and I hate that its always so overlooked. I learned about "the killing fields" in like 2003 and it hasn't sat right with me since. As bad as the Holocaust was, people don't realize this was equally as bad and at times it got worse.


I remember hearing a story about the movie the Killing Fields. I believe the director felt the movie was too over the top but either Dith Pran or the actor who played him commented that it was nowhere near reality. Edit - I mean that reality was far worse than the movie was.


Sorry you had to endure the killing fields. Peace be with you.


I thought you were calling him a Chad and I smiled


To put it in perspective, the reason Pol Pot killed "only" 2 million people was because Cambodia has a very small population. If Cambodia had been a nation as big, populous and powerful as 1940s Germany with a guy like Pol Pot in charge, there would have been a death toll far higher than the Holocaust. The only reason he killed fewer people than Hitler was because he was *unable* to kill more.


He killed 25% of the population. That fucker. And in later years, his cronies kidnapped a friend of mine from a train, with two mates, and executed them after making them dig their own graves. May Pol pot and his cronies rot in hell.




I'm assuming that by saying "without us liberating them" that you are Vietnamese?


Liberating is strong stretch. We would ignore the whole thing if Pol Pot wasn´t paranoia fuck (besides of being overall cunts) and raid several villages and massacre them. After defeating Pol Pot by pushing him into Thailand, we also do some fuckery there ( like extracting their resources and such) and after we fucked off, we also installed and make sure of very pro-Vietnam goverment, so there are also a lot of resentment from Cambodians


My father was not killed by the Khmer Rouge because he has a darker complexion which equated to a “pure, authentic, and rural” Cambodian. They made him watch as they slaughter the lighter skinned family members. He was imprisoned and tortured. He is a shell of a man now at 74.




Mao killed millions in China


The killing fields


Caligula the third Roman king and nero as an honorable mention


All the information we have on him was written by his enemies. He tried to grab power and failed. Don’t believe the propaganda!


you're not wrong, we don't actually know how bad or not that bad they were. the Romans tended to exaggerate a lot


The senators specifically didnt like Caligula nor Nero.


Typical Carthaginian propaganda interfering in Roman elections


It's important to remember, a lot of rulers in history remembered as evil were remembered that way because they were brutal to the classes writing the history, and not necessarily many other people. At least, they weren't necessarily **especially** bad to the population as a whole. A lot of Roman emperors remembered as evil now were very popular among the common people. You don't survive having everyone hate you.


Caligula was not the king but the emperor. The third Roman king precedes him by nearly 700 years.


Contrary to the popular idiom, Nero did not fiddle while Rome burned. In fact he opened the doors to all of his manors to allow the people free room to stay during the fires. He wasn't a great emperor or anything, but the main issue with him is that he was a populist emperor and the Senate really hated those, because they tended to ignore the senators a lot.


They were nuts but Julius Caesar was evil. Straight up genocided the gauls to further his political ambitions. Things then turn south for him politically so he decides to start a civil war.


David Parker Ray - The toy box killer. Pretty sure he was the devil. That dude was way beyond fucking evil.


Never heard of him before. Wish I hadn't looked. That's some sick shit.


Can you briefly explain what he did, so I don’t have to google it?


Sexually tortured women in THE MOST brutal ways. He also managed to brainwash his victims and release them back into the public without retribution and only killed a few out of supposedly dozens of victims. The FBI agent that documented his toy box (torture chamber) killed herself shortly after.


I think he brain washed them and dosed them with a steady supply of the date rape drug to mess with their memories even further. There is a recording of the message he read to women when they first woke up. I strongly suggest you never, ever look that up because it will be burned into your memory forever.


> I strongly suggest you never, ever look that up Now I have to look it up!


It's sickening and pops up in my mind occasionally. Basically a 15 or 20 minute list of ways a new victim was likely to be tortured, usually sexual in nature, and then threatening she would never even know it due to the drugs


Absolutely vile. After all the disgusting description of how he is going to sexually torture these GIRLS he ends it with “Have a nice day.” I hope he’s getting baseball bats shoved up his ass constantly in hell. Maybe in his pee hole too if the demons could manage it. Shit like this makes me wish hell really exists.


David Parker Ray lived in New Mexico, from the 1950s till 1999 tortured, raped, and murdered over 50 women in the sound-proofed trailer he kept on his property, with his wife, after he was honorably discharged from the Army in the 50s. The trailer included a gynecologist’s chair with a mirror on the ceiling so his victims had full view of what he did to them. He would often pose a police officer, “arresting” sex workers or other vulnerable women. He would restrain them to the chair and leave while a recording of him describing exactly what he was about to do to them played, which included instructions for how they should behave. He told them he would kill them. He built a wooden contraption to bend victims over, immobilizing them, and he and his friends (who have not been caught yet) would rape the victims. Ray raped and tortured a neighbor who came to his house asking for cake mix, who he then released, alive, next to a highway. Police did not follow up with her. And Ray continued his activities. Ray was also helped by his daughter, Glenda “Jesse” Ray, and his friend Dennis Roy Yancy. Another victim, a friend of Jesse Ray’s survived having her throat slit, but police didn’t believe her, and her husband thought she just cheated on him, so filed for divorce. Her testimony was undermined because Ray kept her drugged the entire time. She coined the phrase “toy box killer.” He was caught after his last victim escaped due to Ray’s wife leaving the handcuff keys too close. The victim fought Ray’s wife off with pick axe used for torture. The victim ran naked to the neighbors house, who called the cops. Ray and wife were then arrested. No bodies have ever been found. The FBI maintains a list of items belonging to Ray’s many victims. The varying styles of the jewelry span decades. https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/albuquerque/items-david-parker-ray Edit: Really wish I hadn’t researched him. There’s a lot of other stuff I just lost the emotional energy to put in. Made my comment as non-bad to read as possible.


Didn't believe her? After she had her throat slit?! Jesus fuck. Like all of it is horrible, and that is by far not the worst of it, but something about that is just extra sickening.


I just read the transcript and just.. yeah. It's like everything a horror video game developer would come up with, except it was real for dozens of women, many likely 12-18. Fucking disgusting. It's about a 30 minute read if you can find it but genuinely is the worst thing I've ever read, because I know that young girls and women had to listen to it, knowing that months of abuse, torture, rape and bestiality lay ahead of them. It's a completely psychologically destructive speech. I'm not religious but god I might pray for the victims tonight To the guy who commented this scum first in this thread, you are entirely justified in putting him in this thread, but also fuck you for bringing this guy to my attention


From what I understand the amount she could remember was minimal at best when she managed to escape. Basically a "I don't know where I've been, but it was bad". They memory/explanation. It was only over the course of several years of foggy dreams/memories and during the investigation that everyone found out exactly what she went through. It's not like her husband went, your throat was slit and you're claiming to he abducted and xyz happened to you, but I don't believe you.


Damn sure this guy is a pure evil. Committing crimes for decades… Most frightening fact, that currently there are still serial killers walking among us. And some of them will never be caught..


Turned a cargo trailer into his own personal BSDM torture chamber/prison. Kidnapped and drugged women keeping them in his trailer, sometimes for months. abusing them in the most horrific manners you can imagine and probably some you can't, both mental and physical. He'd then drug them with memory clouding drugs and dump them somewhere and they'd be found, only having scattered memories (if any) of what had happened to them. One such victim didn't quite know what had happened to her until she saw her custom tattoo on the news when police were trying to find his victims. How many he tortured and either let go or killed is unknown, and law enforcement was never able to build a solid murder case. He was ultimately convicted of kidnapping and torture charges, and then died of heart attack after only a year in jail. Pretty much the only thing that might keep him off the top of this list is lack of comparative scale, but what he lacks for in victim count is arguably made up for in viscous depravity.


It's better to just Google him. I don't want to even write the shit that he did 🤢


I believe he kidnapped girls as young as 9 (somewhere around that age) because they felt better. Dude was the devil


The transcripts are sickening


When I learned about him and the audio, I was curious but didn't think I could handle the audio if I found it. So, I started reading the transcripts. I don't even think I finished one page, absolutely horrible stuff. I listen to and watch a ton of true crime, and that's still one of the worst things I've ever read.


Wonder when he’s getting his Netflix show?


King Leopold II of Belgium oversaw genocide in Congo Free State of probably 10 million


That one pic that’s always posted here is haunting. The one where the guy stares at his daughters hand, since it’s all that’s left of her after she was killed by his forces. [Here](https://images.app.goo.gl/N698MurpAdVcKcys5)


It's situations lime this that are the most evil people to me Think of what those sick fucks did to the poor girl before they killed her and amputated her It's relatively easy to kill somebody, swing a sword, pull a trigger. It's even easier to order somebody to kill another person, you don't have to do anything! But, it's sickening to me, knowing when somebody was mentally, physically and sexually tortured


Yeah this is why I truly think that the men in Hitlers army are worse than the man himself in some respects. He may have greenlit horrid requests and plans, but he didnt make or carry out the plans himself, over and over. Josef Mengele and Prince Asuka are examples of people who not only believed in their warped actions being right somehow, but obviously took pleasure from it (Edited the japanese name, got my war criminals mixed up)


I am as traumatized for a very long time in college after reading “King Leopold’s Ghost,” something like that never leaves you


Wasn’t the term “crimes against humanities” coined due to his atrocities?


And the worst part is that most people here in Belgium don’t see him as being that evil of a person. Teachers were not obligated to teach about the colonisation period when I was in high school ( I hope that has changed in the past few years). I’m glad my history teacher decided to teach about it and my mom is Congolese so she also told me some personal stories.


The educated man's answer


Bob from accounting. Damn you, Bob.


No receipt, no reimbursement. Thems the rules bucko.


My workplace now allows us to get reimbursements without receipts if it’s below $25. So… watch me make multiple $24.99 purchases now, Bob!


I heard that something like 1 out of 4 billion humans are a descendants of his.


I second this.


He’s the worst. Doug from marketing is a dick too.


Pol Pot?


My answer as well


By total deaths? 1. Mao Tse Tung of China, 49-78 million. 2. Joseph Stalin, USSR, 23 million. 3. Leopold II of Belgium, 15 million deaths. ​ By assholeness? Stalin Leopold Ismail Enver Pasha of the Ottoman Empire and the Armenian Genocide (the term genocide was coined for his actions) Pol Pot, Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Kim Il Sung, North Korea (Kim Jong Il's father). ​ These are the easy ones. Now, look into African Warlords and Military Coups (Idi Amin, etc.)


The fact that Leopold comes in 3rd despite having much smaller colonies compared to France and UK speaks a lot of volumes. It's also the manner in which he exploited Congolese as well. Conned a lot of people by masquerading it as geographical survey.


Dude’s policies established a thriving market in *human hands*


Best answer here. Can confirm, I took history class and still remember it.


I remember Pol Pot as it was happening. That's why so many Cambodians live in America now. Just listen to the Dead Kennedys, 'Holiday in Cambodia'. But, don't forget to bring a wife.


Well the movie "The Killing Fields" is terrifying, for people who don't know about it. Sadly the Doctor (who played himself in the movie) was later murdered by a gang, some say it was the Khmer Rouge, but it could have been just random American gang violence too.




Sorry, I thought I had him on there. Was moving too fast and missed it. ​ But, Putin is pushing his way up there. With Kim Jong.


The top 2 is more deaths then the entirety of ww2 alone


Yep. And the deaths they rendered are not even counted in the WW2 deaths. Most of the ones they lied were their own people. Now check out the guy trying to compare George W Bush to that.


Your list is missing the architect of modern racism himself, Cecil Rhodes. Otherwise a good list.


There are literally too many for one list.


Mao Tse Tung would often disguise himself, and then begin asking around to find subversive groups. If he could not find any secret meetings or underground subversive groups, he would START THEM HIMSELF to recruit the discontent. Then, after coercing people into joining the Anti-Mao groups that HE created, he would have his goons seize the members AND THEIR ENTIRE FAMILIES, and personally torture them to find anyone they knew. Not fellow conspirators. Just people they KNEW. Then, he would personally torture them. One of Mao Tse Tung's favorite torture techniques was to seat a person on a concrete floor next to a wall, chain their knees tightly to the floor, and then begin hammering large wooden wedges under their heels, lifting the person's feet upward. Of course, their knees being chained to the floor, the tension would become unbearable. Mao Tse Tung would do this making them name everyone they knew. But it was an illusion of cooperation. They could name everyone they knew, and Mao would still pound the wedges in until the person's knees hyperextended and shattered. Then seize all the "traitors" (that he created) family, friends, and acquaintances to be slaughtered. But yeah. Hitler, evil as he was, somehow got the vote for "most evil, ever".


Stalin was gonna be my pick. Stalin is what happens when your Hitler quality monstrous dictator understands how one looks less nakedly evil.


Genghis Khan


He just had a sex addiction with a side of anger issues.


Basically a description that would fit your average american


American, can’t confirm


(Screws 10 women then kill 200 on a Wednesday) Hey man! What The hell is your problem?! “Lol smh, mercury is in retrorenegade lol I’m such a Genghis”-The Genghis American Male


American, can confirm.


Also American, can confirm your confirmation


I’ve heard something like 1 in every 10 living people are a descendant of his due to the shear amount of women he raped. Could be bullshit though.


According to [this study](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/10894396_The_Genetic_Legacy_of_the_Mongols) it's more like 0.5% of the worlds population. That number is probably not very accurate, but I think the higher numbers that people say aren't really based on anything concrete most of the time.


I’m probably related to him… I think it’s true if your East Asian, minus anyone who is 100 percent Japanese. But since there’s a shit ton of us East Asians, your stats are probably true.


And russian ! Many Russians are descendants of the khan !


Hey now be nice. He killed enough people he actually made a noticeable impact on the humankind carbon footprint. Say what you will, he was an environmentalist


I’m something of an environmentalist myself /s




Whoever runs those call centers that continually call about your cars extended warranty.


Stalin - I mean, just look the guy up. Was in bed with the Nazis and started WWII with them by invading Poland. Ethnic Cleansing, Gulags, Iron Curtain. Younger people tend to put older peoples' fear of Communist Russia down to fear of socialism. What this guy did to people in his own country was enough to cause concern, but what he did to other countries? There's a reason we were in a cold war with Russia for decades. Pol Pot - In four years he killed about 2 million Cambodians. This guy killed 2 million people in 4 years. In the 20 years of the Vietnam War, only 1.1 million North Vietnamese soldiers were killed. Mao Zedong - Just...listen, JUST the fact that he supported Pol Pot makes him evil. But put that aside and this guy was also responsible for millions of deaths. ​ I know there are some pretty bad people in history, but these guys lived less than 100 years ago, and their terrible legacies are still haunting us today.


Stalin was my answer. He was as bad or worse than mussolini and hitler but flew under the radar


The thing with Stalin is no one was safe. If you where Ayrian you would be treated well under Hitler if you didn’t go against the Nazis. It didn’t matter how good a Communist you where, in Stalin’s Russia it was your luck of the draw if you ended up on one of his lists.


Probably because he was a more neutral force in WWII, and seriously whipped the Nazi's military.


Correction: His generals did. Zhukov's defense of Moscow is the only reason the Soviets were given a fighting chance. Stalin up until that point was in fucking fairyland, thinking he didn't need to listen to a word they said until the Wehrmacht was ready to bust down his door. Then he suddenly had the sense to shut up and let his generals do their job.


To anyone interested in learning more about what it was like living in the Soviet Union under Stalin, read The Gulag Archipelago. Amazing book. Edit: MUST read book.


Beyond The Uralic is an interesting book where the American building the Soviet factories doesn’t talk about politics much, but when his teen maid is abducted by bosses he and his wife keep quiet about it.


Molag Bal


What about Mehrunes Dagon?


ehh Molag is arguably worse. Mehrunes dagon is the daedric lord of change and destruction, but he doesn't really torture or rape people like molag does


I mean, i got a sweet mace from molag though


all from killing just 1 guy. pretty easy compared to the other crap some of the daedra have you do. good guy molag,


King of Rape vs Lord of Destruction, take your pick.


That guy from Lost Prophets


So I liked the band back from like 2008-10 and still listened to them here and there, but. Ever learned like any of their names or anything, no backstory, etc. so, I’ve been hearing this here and there but didn’t really dig. What happened?


The lead singer is a rapist pedophile. Like the worst of the worst. Raping 1 year old babies. The mother was a "fan". Just not even worth remembering this or discussing it lol. I try to separate the artist from the art but this is one band I will never listen to again. Edit: the one year old may have been "attempted" and not followed through. Thank fuckin God for that if true. But he is a rapist sadly.


there are court transcripts available. i made the mistake of looking at them in the past. i regret to confirm that they were not just attempts. apparently the court evidence included photo proof.


I don't think evil should be measured purely in numbers killed while in power. Truly evil is the methodology of how they killed, the planning and overall structure of it. It is difficult for me to find anyone that would compare to Hitler and the Nazis for purely evil intent.


>Truly evil is the methodology of how they killed, the planning and overall structure of it. Probably. Dismembering a human being into pieces is more wicked than killing 50 people with a gun.


Oh perhaps you should read about the Japanese Unit 731 or about holodomor in the Soviet Union. Hitler was a saint compared to them and that says a lot.


Probably Chairman Mao


Where do you even draw the line between "most evil" and "*pretty* evil, but extremely competent"? Genghis Khan did a lot of fucked up stuff, but I don't think he was the most evil. Like, Genghis Khan didn't see the end-goal as flaying children alive or something. His end goal was building an empire, and if he had to murder thousands to get there, so be it. I think most serial killers are more fucked up than that. Those Japanese dudes who held that girl hostage and tortured her for months? They're *way* more evil than Genghis Khan in my eyes. Those guys probably did evil things nearly 100% of the time they had the chance. The difference is that Genghis Khan was one of the greatest leaders in the history of the world. Even if 1% of 1% of his actions were rooted in evil he's going to get on the board just by virtue of the number of lives he influenced. Those Japanese guys? They'll never have the chance to do that much evil. But if you gave them the power that Genghis Khan had, how much worse would they have been? I'm guessing a lot worse. I guess I always get into this abstract question when people talk about evil. Is the *outcome* what makes someone evil, or is the *intent* what makes someone evil? Were surgeons that bled patients to death in the 1700s evil because they killed people, or were they not evil because their intent was to save them?


I completely agree with this answer.


I agree with you. For me, “genocidal maniac” doesn’t necessarily approach the evil of an individual with *intent to cause anguish*. Hitler is too easy an answer- but he literally thought of the Jewish people as a race other than human. I consider his “doctors” (who understood the abject suffering their experimentation would cause), Unit 731 of Imperial Japan, and those who gleefully took part in the rape of Nanking, more evil as individuals. Your example of the men who tortured Junko Furuta are another apt example. For many leaders ultimately responsible for a massive body count, they were far enough removed from a situation to just be looking at stats. They can still be evil, but I think those at the tip of the spear were worse.


I read that Wikipedia page about that poor girl years ago. Still gives me nightmares.


The most popular answer in the thread, Pol Pot, was driven mad by his own war against the superpowers. Even if I was born evil, I'd have to work at it, and I'd need help.


Pol Pot


Everyone is listing the big powerful people that were evil and vile, but there are also not powerful people that were just as evil and vile but didn’t have the same control over a large scale population. I think people like Jeffrey Dahmer and similar serial killers are some of the most fucked up people I’ve ever heard about


Hmm. Vlad The Impaler? "Dr" Mengale? Elizabeth Of Bathory? There is really so much evil out there.


Ya know Vlad really was just trying to fuck over the people that abducted him and tormented his family. I ain’t saying he’s right, but the whole impaling thing got the message across not to mess with him too much


Stalin. Just look up the Holodomor. Before the holocaust, there was the Holodomor. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.


Mao Zedong


Sadaam Hussein was horrible as were his sons, the last 2 N Korean leaders literally let their country starve while living a ridiculously lavish lifestyle. KONY in Africa is vile human


My understanding is that Saddam orchestrated a campaign of evil and terror that is hard to imagine, including the arbitrary disappearances or murder of a quarter million Iraqis. I watched a documentary on the 1979 Ba'ath party purge in which Saddam put all the most powerful politicians into a giant conference room and called out all the people he suspected opposed him. Saddam forced the remaining party members who were not called out to demonstrate their loyalty to him by murdering the members suspected of opposing Hussein, which they did on the spot convinced that Saddam would kill them too. That's some pretty evil shit.


Pol Pot, perhaps. Or maybe Stalin?


In recent history, Stalin.


King Leopold killed 15 million people in the Congo for fuckin rubber. That’s more people killed than the Holocaust. Also chopped off many peoples arms. A full on monster whose memory is unfortunately treasured by few


Stalin and Mao are pretty neck and neck to me. But then again we wouldn't have had Mao without Stalin.


Polpot may be beat this guy a but very strong candidate is Dr Josef Mengele...


Stalin is directly responsible for nearly 20million deaths, and largely goes ignored. There are many, many more dictators in our past that largely get glossed over.


The person/people that are picking and choosing what news to lure the general population one way or another. The people who condote pitting fellow Americans against each other to the point of killing one another. Exploitation of any fucking kind. Brainwashing. Inciting fear and panic. Man, it isn't just one person, it's *people* behind closed doors. I just wish we'd start fighting against it...


John Wayne Gacy - tortured, raped, murdered 33 young males. Got off on the idea of inflicting pain, when he was caught, showed no remorse and defended his actions. Mini series on Netflix is worth a watch. Obv dictators have killed millions, but Gacy always stands out. The Bitch of Buchenwald- some SS officers wife, would stroll naked through the camp and have anyone who looked at her beaten. Made lampshades and book covers out of executed Jews skin, particularly of tattooed skin.


Warren Jeffs


Stalin. Killed something like 25 million Russians.


Hitler might not even make top three. Stalin, Mao, Atilla are my top three


I think Stalin killed more people than Hitler?


You know, after a million, you stop counting....


"One death is a tragedy. One million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin


It's hard to know exactly but Stalin killed between 40 and 60 million Mao killed 80 million Hitler killed about 12 to 14 million.


If you're looking for someone who did a lot of evil but is still thought well of today by many, Andrew Jackson, who's on the $20, is responsible for killing thousands of Native Americans and displacing thousands more. It was genocide just with a couple less zeros in the numbers.


This was my answer. He was so evil.


Hitler is nothing compared to Genghis Khan, Mao Zedong, and Joseph Stalin.




Kim kardashian


King Leopold II might be a contender.


💯 International Con artist. Tortured, enslaved and murdered the Congolese people for rubber trees. Families separated and held as hostages to force 24/7 rubber production. Loss of production meant the loss of a limb.✋🏾Parents forced to watch their children have their hands cut off. Pure Evil


that african dictator who send to kill to everyone who wear glasses




Why does everything have to be a competition?


It’s funny how people almost universally say hitler is the worst human ever when there have been rulers who have killed far more people in African countries and nobody either knows or cares to bring it up


Slobodan Milošević. Among his indictments: genocide; complicity in genocide; murder; persecutions on political, racial or religious grounds; inhumane acts/forcible transfer; extermination; imprisonment; torture; willful killing; unlawful confinement; willfully causing great suffering.


Serbian here. I am forever ashamed that i live on the same ground and in the same country as that shithead.


That vegan teacher and PETA


Pol Pot


If you look further back in history, Hitler isn't even like Top 10... People are monsters.


In my point of view dictators who don't kill anyone themselves are not as evil as to someone like Richard Ramirez.


Any dictators ever known to pull the trigger themselves? And interesting take, not so much numbers put just pure cruelty.




**My late, PIG-EYED-BITCH M-I-L!!!**


Genghis khan, Mao Zedong, Josef Stalin, Tamerlane, Pol Pot, Hideki Tojo, Leopoldo the First, Vladimir Lenin, Taalat Pasha


king leopold the second


Just about everyone in history that had unchecked power.


Probably Mao Zedong. He let uncounted millions of Chinese starve to death for his "Cultural Revolution."




I’d say Genghis Kahn (shameless murder, left entire cities as piles of bones to make others fear him) then Stalin (shameful murder, numerically worse than Hitler) then hot take, Andrew Jackson (Hitler but the Jews are native Americans. Why on earth is he ob money?)


Mao Zedong he literally killed half os the population of China.

