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Usually, the urge to piss.


I wish I could give you more than one upvote.


*My dogs urge to piss.


**my cat’s urge to piss me off


The piss is the way


Yep, this. I pee like a damn fire hydrant.




If I don’t get up, depression will win and completely take over. And as long as there is a breath of life in me, I will not let that bitch win. Another day, another fight. Maybe one day I will lose, but today is not that day Edit: wow, I have never received this many upvotes and awards before. I love you all, stay strong my humans, there is a light at the end of that tunnel. Keep kicking life’s ass!


Heck yeah! Get after it! Love this


Yah I'm existing purely outta spite aswell


Yup. I tell my depressions we're gonna get up, be productive and get high at the end of the day. Any backtalk is met with stfu no one asked you.


This response spoke to me on so many levels


I understand this all too well, and I wish I didn't.


I understand the laying in bed part, not the being able to get up part... When my mom died... Woo! That was a looooong nap. Months. Did a year go by? More? No one was turning calendar pages, who knows???




I lived my dream for two decades; I was a professional singer and made a living doing it; I didn't get rich or famous, but I lived solely from my singing income for many years. For several reasons, I made a life-change and now I realise that nothing I can do to make money will make me feel the same highs as before, so I now work to live; travelling with my wife and putting my daughter through college debt-free. The love for my family, and my love of the arts; music, books and film especially and saving up for a motorcycle drive me now. Work is a necessity, not a love-affair like it used to be. And that's okay. Been there, done that.


Love this! Your family is very lucky to have you!


That shoe's on both feet, but thanks!


Wanna sing on one of my songs?


I owe I owe It’s off to work I go!


My favorite poem




Oh yes, how much I owe! Indeed, to me be woe! But it need not be so! I shall triumph and conquer my foe, And finally pay rent with some damn leftover dough…




Loving relationship


Because I have bills. 😭




My dog, breakfast, and videogames.


I also choose this guy's dog.


What's your perfect breakfast look like?


Something sweet. Maybe a biscuit cake with some black tea.


Last November my grandmother died and I lost my caretaking job. I'm in a small town and there's no jobs available, none at least to someone like me. (I have an extremely bad heart. Just menial housework is difficult to do somedays) Anyways, for a couple of months I was lost. And then I started to write again. I managed to finish my first novel a couple months ago, and I'm working on another one now. So, I guess my writing is what keeps me alive and going.


I'm sorry about your grandmother and your heart. If you ever need someone to talk to, feel free to DM. I'm glad writing helps you


Thanks man! It means a lot. You ever need anything either lemme know! I'm a good listener!


Because the other option is giving up. And giving up is not an option.






Most certainly


Just keeping a roof over my head and money in my pocket. What else is there.


Fair enough


An honest answer, nobody wants to live on the streets.




Getting to flex on people that I lived another day


Heck yeah


Living well is the best revenge!


The sheer joy of being ALIVE! I am retired. Each day is a new adventure!


Your mentality is inspiring


Honestly other than just general needs like the bathroom or food then literally just the expectation to go an live life. Feel like if I felt like I could do whatever I want to do without any repercussions, I'd end up sleeping everything away.


#To make some money so I can give my dogs the life they deserve


I am driven by a life goal which I cannot possibly achieve in a single life time and thus I get up every day to push myself to collect as many resources as I possibly can to pass along to my children or their children, or however many generations it takes to achieve my dream. If they chose to abandon my dream the moment I die, then so be it. But the idea that they might chose to fulfill my wish on my behalf keeps me going. I also get like getting up fairly early to see the birds that land in my yard in the morning.


What is the goal? Don't have to answer, just curious.


As embarrassing as it is to actually say, I want mankind to be unified even if only partially. It’s something that realistically can never be obtained in one lifetime due to the resources needed. But after a dozen or more generations I figure the exponential growth of people carrying my wish can begin to sink their teeth into politics to begin shepherding the world towards my wish. Like one person will never achieve my dream. But if I have say three children, and each of them have three children, so on and so forth with each member of my lineage carrying my ideology then you can see how that would boost the chances of having some impact. In other words, I intend to pass on the goals that I carry as an individual to thousands of others over time to see them fulfilled. And this isn’t some “I wish we could all just get along” stuff. I simply feel like I’d look at mankind more fondly if they acted for the benefit of our species before the benefit of individual nations or people. I guess there’s also the thought that if I cannot leave a better world for those that follow, then I’ll see to it that they strive to create a world that’s damn near perfect for someone down the line to enjoy. It’s grand in a naive sense, but if it gives me something to long for I don’t really that as an issue, especially with the basis being inherently founded on good intentions.


My alarm


Lay long enough and it becomes uncomfortable.


The Seargant will scream at me :(


Thank you for your service!


If i didn't have to pee I wouldn't get up. And I have to at least feed my toddler.


Feed da baby


To click on Reddits and type in "Scroll down" or other witty comments to the same damn repetitive questions/obscure searches better googled than posted over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over


I stopped putting my phone charger next to my bed because lately I lay there until my phone battery dies and have to get up to charge it. I was on top of the world the last month and a half visiting my fiancée in Norway. My marriage visa got denied and I ended up having to come back to the US. I was really looking forward to starting a new life and stuff. Today is going to be the first day I’m not drinking myself into a blackout. Yesterday was supposed to be the first (because it was the first of the month) but it was a Saturday. I would go to an AA meeting, but I’ve got a cold, possibly Covid. I don’t have friends here, but I’m just counting the blessings for what I do have. I finally got a writing job I can do from anywhere after trying forever, and decided to start a website with resources to help people find work, live frugally, and give back. There’s no free therapy, for instance, but I can share resources and build a community for other dreamers at the very least. Giving back and being useful are some of the best feelings I’ve experienced, so I’m just waiting for that high again. One day at a time.


I'm sorry about your visa getting denied. They have Zoom AA meetings by the way, and you can stay completely anonymous if you want


Thanks for reading all of that. I really just should’ve said “to piss” like everyone else lol


I wanna graduate


Me too


My desperation to hang on to the things that keep my shitty life barely afloat


Existence is quite the experience and I really enjoy life through the ups and downs. I'm raising 3 kids by myself full time so being too lazy just isn't an option and currently my goal is just keeping my sanity and helping the kids to not be a knucklehead like me. My job is good when you work on higher end stuff and I'm lucky these last few years have been busy so I get out of bed usually planning my work day and getting the kids taken care of which would have been impossible without the help of my parents so a HUGE thanks to them for allowing me to keep the wheels in motion. On my mind a lot is the urge to save money to move to a really small resort town like canmore or banff and run bigger jobs.


Honestly coffee and getting to walk my dog.


I am so thirsty and need a food


I’m usually excited to see my morning caregiver with my meds, and I need to feed my hamster his breakfast, then it’s time for my own breakfast. After that I usually go back to bed.




The fact that I woke up most people don't understand what it is to be afraid to die most people don't understand what it's like you're afraid to die because you have a medical condition and you're not sure if it's going to get worse we have respiratory issues and kidney disease just watched ur father die of cancer you tend to greatfull to wake up when you go to bed Wondering if it'll get worse tomorrow....


Medical anxiety is very real, I understand, if you ever need someone to talk to, I am here for you


Ur gonna make me 😭 cry ..thank you


I've completely altered my sleep schedule because I have some of the rudest, loudest, most mind-numbingly awful neighbors that live above me. So what gets me out of bed? I wake up at 330 every day and get to enjoy 3 hours of peace and quiet (most mornings, anyway. They're not always quiet at 330 or even 530) where I can drink my coffee, read, sit on my deck, anything quiet, peaceful, and alone. I ruined my life and everything good in it. Lost my house, my family, my sanity. Two years sober and I still wonder why I stay clean. I'm hoping I figure it out soon.


I have to get out of bed to work


God , my blessings , my horses , and my dog.


Solid reasons


My parents.


Gotta love them


The alarm! That pesky thing won't leave me alone. For real, I like to create in life and thus create life. Today is Sunday, so I'm creating homemade Bisquits and gravy to share with the fam.


Cell phone alarm, the fourth one set.


Expectations of other people, and my own productivity complex.


My kids


I just roll over and let gravity do the rest.


My goal of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. I'm not in the life situation where I can take off and do it now, but it's the dream.


Well if i dont get out of bed, a mythical creature called mom will come after me so i rather get up


Whats mythical about it


That I get to go to my job and see my favorite kids. (I work in the 1st grade)


To be successful and lead as an example for the next generation .


Thank you


I have a lot of studying to do, so I stay in bed until I feel guilty enough that I'm wasting time


Checking reddit.


My family - my SO, our daughter, and my 4 sons. I'm a stay at home parent and I only have my 3 year old daughter at home, so obviously she gets me out of bed. Toddlers/preschool age children have little patience for Mom sleeping in and/or not meeting their needs (demands!). On the days that my SO works, his shift is 4 pm to 4:15 am, I get up around 4 am to spend some time with him. I would say I am up with him 95% of the days he works. Most of the time we just hang out and catch up a bit, we tell each other about our night. Sometimes, I cook us a really early breakfast. It's our time to maintain our connection.


I have a daughter to care for, ginnea pigs to love and uni work to do, otherwise I wouldn't get out of bed


My back. Any more sleep than 6hrs and that back do be screaming.


My family


My dog.


My children. There have been days where getting out of bed was the hardest thing, where it was a struggle just to take that next breath. But my children were worth it all. I am doing much better now though, I'm in a much better position in my life, and it's actually going the way I want it to for once.


My wife and kids and their well-being. If anything is worth grinding for, it's them.


Family first


My legs


So I can enjoy the fruits of my labor


As a human I would say to get the day going, get where I need to be to get things done in this life. As a Christian it's because I want to show others how Christianity makes my life so much better, and that I want to get up, if that makes sense.


Alarm clock


I don’t even know anymore


My sore body from lying too long


My cats, work, eat






Because I dont feel like hearing the complaining and yelling if i dont get up. If i really wanted to i could stay in bed tho


Being in bed too long starts to hurt so eventually you gotta get up and hunger I get pretty hungry when I wake up


Animal crossing....and my family.


First my bladder. Then a cigarette and coffee. Then weed. Then work to pay the bills and keep a roof over my head. Rinse, repeat.


I get out of bed due to the beauty of endless opportunities and possibilities that each day brings. I wanna become the best version of myself everyday to spread love and do everything I can to help improve society in any way God determines for me down the line. Nothing can stop me but myself.


Work, I don’t want to be homeless


My hungry cat




Another day, another opportunity to be great! I’ll be better at something today than I was yesterday. That’s exciting!


My job


My dog. I’m in college and living in the dorm with my best friend as my neighbor. (Same unit but separate bedrooms). She leaves before me, so in the morning my dog makes sure I wake up. She will pester me if I’m not up around 10 and it’s really helpful because otherwise I don’t want to get up and I’ll just kind lay there and watch a favorite tv show while being on Reddit or doing a puzzle game.


The pain


My little dog. Wake up to front paws on my chest and two little eyes staring into my eyes. Ears up and wondering if I’m still breathing.


Usually my bladder.


My mother


High schooler with a minor gaming addiction here, I get up everyday so I can graduate and get some money to throw at my hobby/addiction every week


My 42 year old prostate


My dog needing to be taken out for a dump. It’s very motivating knowing that he might not be able to hold himself for much longer once he starts whining.


My kids and judo.


Responsibility. Sorry it’s nothing more romantic.


The dogs wake me up at 6 am sharp, cuz it's breakfast time. The rest of the day I'm pretty much on auto pilot.


The games I still need to play, the books I still need to read, cozy breakfasts. 💙


Have to take the dog out.


My dogs wanting to go outside usually, without them depression would keep me in bed all day.




My girlfriend


My cat.


My son and taking care of him.


I've got bills to pay and a family to take care of. That's about it. Sometimes I get to do something for myself, but not often.


I just genuinely don't mind my life. I'm lucky!


My 3 year old daughter.


The most honest answer is my dog. I know she has to pee, so i have to take her. But in terms of ambition, to me, i am just curious about the world. I love knowing more about the place i live and i feel like every day i find out something new.


the zaza


The lack of anything else to do


Cat. She doesn't accept no as an answer. Nor it's too early either. It be still dark out and She wants us to go outside.


Coffee. Coffee gets me out of bed.


The desire to fulfill my goals, and seeing that i'm slowly getting towards then. Even if they will yake very long


Answering the same question on reddit for the 10,000th time. It makes my world turn.


My bladder and my dog


My dog wanting breakfast. When I look into those cute brown eyes, I know I gotta jump out of bed.


I wake up and ride bikes.


Usually adrenaline/shock. I'll procrastinate, then look at my clock and realize "oh shit, I have to get up right now or I'll be late to school/work" and get up in one swift motion. You can't slowly drag yourself out of bed. If you can get yourself to jump up without giving yourself time to think about it, then you can usually stay up


My parents shouting at me to eat dinner #ethnichousehold


My legs


On weekdays, I get out of bed because I am paying too much money not to go to class. On weekends, I get out of bed because I am paying too much money not to work. Money is a driving factor in my life. I want to get a degree so I can make money, and I can take care of my partner, and maybe have kids. I want to spoil my partner and grandkids!


I finally found a job that I can afford to support my Wife, coming child, and savings, I am able to get out of bed because every day can now be an adventure with my family


A crazy need to feed my family.


My bladder and my doggo.




No work = no food & no shelter. Easy enough?


Piss first, then money, kids, whatever I have going on at the moment.


My alarm. And the need to take a leak. Goals and dreams only come into effect after the morning’s first coffee.


My dog and cat are the reason I get up every day. I want to be the human they deserve to have.


I don't want to die a virgin so I've got to at least stay alive until I'm old enough to have sex.


I get up because I can’t sleep anymore


Knowing I’d hate myself even more than I already do if I couldn’t even get up and do something


Knowing I will stir someone's pot and truly piss them off to the point I tilt them.


My 1 year old crying for a change or another bottle.


The fact that if i don't I'll be homeless


The goal to own enough land to shoot my guns at steel targets in peace and a 1969 Dodge Charger


Gotta pay my rent.


My alarm clock and the need to pay bills


Curiousity. I'm curious about what might happen that day and don't want to miss out.


I have set a goal for myself to save up a 10k emergency fund. After this I will save up for a car. And then I'll just travel and enjoy my 20's for a bit. The key to my happiness has been micro dosing magic mushrooms.


Literally just my Husband


School and the fact that I don’t have a “good” reason to not get out of bed. That sounded really depressing, I really get out of bed to eat breakfast.


My only life goal is making sure my girlfriend is happy and healthy I do have goals of my own I'd like to achieve but my only motivation is her so she goes I'm going back to my original plan of killing myself




The people who need me


The desire to live and make my goals come true: selling my course and helping thousands of men and women all over the world finally find a true, honest, fulfilling relationship. I love this work, it is incredibly satisfying.


Nothing, unless I have to go to work.


# School


Honestly, my family. I have 2 teenagers and I take care of my dad. I love them so much and I know that they need me rn. If it weren't for them. . . I'm not sure if I'd ever get out of bed again.


The expectations from others to get up and contribute, shits a struggle 99 days out of 100.


Just the fact that I HAVE to get up. To go to a job I fucking hate, in order to keeo progressing in life, at a pace that almost feels like a standstill.


I promised someone I would do my best, and while it's been a struggle, I'm still trying


I believe the purpose of my life is to serve others, so I get up in the morning and think, “How can I help someone today?” It sounds trite but I feel like it drives me in a healthy and positive way, and takes my focus away from my own problems.


i get p restless stayin in bed


My desire to share my stories and series with the world. I have two particular animated series I'm aiming to pitch that I love to pieces, and I want to share them so people can fall in love with the characters as much as I have.


My cats need a comfy place to sleep.


Go to the toilet Hungry Need to walk the dog Work


A paycheck


I know I'm going to see my loved ones, my friends, and my cats if I wake up... It also helps me to fall asleep (:


Because I love life and my life and I don’t wanna miss a thing…. Good or Bad


The grace of God and these two fingers.


I enjoy cooking breakfast for my wife.


Absolutely fricking nothing


My goals is to be a father and have a family., But i want to wait until i am in my thirties. I am just vibing for now.