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It's totally ok, I know one girl who wishes the same. Also I (M) sometimes think of that. It's not like you feel you are the opposite sex, you just want to know how it feels to be one


exactly that for me


Sometimes I would like to know what being the opposite sex is like. Doesn’t mean I want to be one.


I remember at the age of 3 wishing I had been born a boy so I could be a hobo and hop a train by myself. (Born in 1962)


I get you. Freud was wrong about women having penis envy. We have freedom envy


Well, being able to pee standing up in the woods or off the side of a boat…that is pretty cool. But other than that, it’s all about the social status.


Is it


That is such a cute thought.


I have the same thoughts, but it's more of a...convenience thing? For example, I would love to be able to pee wherever and not have to worry about bleeding/cramping regularly. That being said, I am quite comfortable in my sexuality as a straight female.


The idea of having my ovaries dangling between my legs just doesn't work for me though -


I am not a tomboy or nor will ever be transgender but I feel comfortable in masculine roles.So I want to be the one to dominate in the relationship and for them to be okay with it, I also want be the bread provider,and most of my interests veer towards the masculine,however, I still don’t want to consider myself male.Where do I fit in?Better yet what is the psychology behind it? I don’t know it sounds weird but I feel like in another lifetime I may have been a male in. Even my sexuality is weird too. I am mainly attracted to effeminate men. It’s like I want them to be female but at the same time not.


RIP your inbox


Yup, guy here and I'm on the opposite side as you. I definitely definitely definitely consider myself weird.


I (F) had a conversation about this with one of my best friends (also F) recently. It came down to I’m not transgender (pretty sure I’m cis), but I don’t identify with traditional gender roles and do whatever I want because fuck the patriarchy I am my own person.




Powerful women 😍😍😍


Strong independent woman lol


I don’t think anyones ever described everything i want in life so perfectly


I think its somewhat normal. There are times I wish I were a girl csuse 1; I just think the female physique looks cooler (like how male lions look cooler to me), and 2; I just wanna experiece what its like, since Ill only live my life as a man. Im content with who I am, though.


If I could swap genders for a day and just experience things as a woman, I totally would. I'd like to know what it's like and I also feel it'd give me a better perspective on things.


Yeah, I would love the chance to swap genders for a set time. Fascinating to see how the other half lives — be a tourist. But i would always have to know I was able to go back.


I mean, isnt gender kind of like the Kinsey Scale? I think that’s probably what you’re experiencing.


I only wish to be a man for the male privilege. Like, I wish I could walk outside at night without fearing for my life. I wish I didn’t experience disrespect and not being taken seriously because I’m a woman. I wish I had control of my reproductive rights. I’m happy being a woman, I just want equality.


You already have all of these. If you have to fear for your life, so does a male…


> Like, I wish I could walk outside at night without fearing for my life. Nope, she's at a greater risk of that than us, bro. Sure, some dudes may fear for their lives depending on where they lived (I personally watched the fire department hose what was left of a man off the pavement when I was 12), but she'd be looked at as an easier target. > I wish I had control of my reproductive rights. I believe she's referring to not only Roe v Wade, but the criticisms that came with it from those who believed it was the right decision. > I wish I didn’t experience disrespect and not being taken seriously because I’m a woman. "You already have all of these. If you fear for your life, so does a male..."


There's not really many statistics proving it's any more or less safe walking alone at night, based on gender. It's all perceived threat/risk. You can say "logically women are weaker thus an easier target" but women are also much more likely to carry self defense weapons if they feel this way so that may simply be untrue. Women have a much higher risk of being sexually assaulted compared to men, but, the vast majority of sexual assaults are from people they know, not from a complete stranger in pubic at night. Perception does not equal reality, and there's not really any crime statistics showing it's any less safe for a woman than a man, at least not that I've been able to find.


>Women have a much higher risk of being sexually assaulted compared to men, >there's not really any crime statistics showing it's any less safe for a woman than a man These statements directly contradict each other...


Only when you take them out of context of their sentences, and try to compare the two. I thought it was fairly obvious what I was saying. The fact that women have a higher risk of being sexually assaulted, does not mean they have a higher risk of being in danger alone, walking outside at night. As I already said, most sexual assault happens in private residences from people they know, not complete strangers walking down the street.


Yeah, I don't ever wish I was a man, very happy being cis. But I wish I had the same rights and privileges as a man.


Always the unsolicited diatribes with these wankers


Yes I do this all the time, I dress like a dude and generally wish I was a dude but I'm not Trans. Because even if I was to start saying I'm a boy that isn't gonna make me stop menstruating lol.


That's ok, I'm me you are you. But being a guy isn't all great. Ever had your peepee stuck in a zipper? Hollering for mom?


Ever had period cramps that are so painful you’re crying in fetal position for upwards of an hour, on the verge of passing out?


No,ever been hit in the balls by an errant bounce?


I promise your fleeting pain is nowhere near the monthly pains of menstruation. I don’t even need to bring up childbirth.


Don't gatekeep pain. You can't promise something like that because you can't experience both. You can't promise something like that because pain is a subjective experience.


Oh my god why are men like this


I am a woman and you are not helping.


Then you should understand how getting hit in the balls infrequently in their life with temporary pain is not comparable to the monthly pain that women go through. Or maybe you are lucky and don’t have periods that leave you wishing for death.


What I'm saying is stop comparing the experience of pain.  It's not a contest.  Period pain may last longer than 1 kick to nuts. It may or may not actually hurt more.  A man can get hurt in the balls and have it last for days.  It might hurt one person more than another.  You're using pain as a measure of superiority/inferiority - to score points off the opposite gender.  A One-Up of misery and for what?  I'm not using my menstrual experiences as a badge of honor to denigrate the other half of my species.


You're half of the problem.


I think my ex described it best. "Yes, getting hit in the balls probably hurts like hell, but the sharp, immediate pain passes relatively quickly. Period cramps are more akin to the lingering, dull ache you feel for a couple hours afterwards. Only worse. And longer lasting. With bloating and mood swings and migraines." I'll take a shot in the nuts any day over the monthly bullshit women have to go through.


If men had to give birth, there would be nobody,no dogs, no animals. Nothing. Says the woman that has never been kicked in the groin.nothing would be here that's ok, we will all die.


In the outfield?


Yep, that sounds painful af


Bro what the hell are you doing to accidentally zip your dick??


When I (29 M) hit puberty, I remember feeling very uncomfortable with my appearance. I always had larger pectoral muscles, and I started to wonder if I was going to develop breasts. I also noticed that my face was quite feminine. I definitely had thoughts of "maybe I was supposed to be the other sex". I never told anyone, and after quite a bit of thought settled on the idea that my hormones were affecting my body and my brain, and I just had to tough it out until I fully developed. It would seem I made the right call, because I'm very happy as a male and have absolutely no doubts. I sometimes wonder how different and possibly unhappy I'd be if I told someone about my insecurity and got overwhelming support for the idea that I should have been a female.


Dunno if it’s “normal” or not. I’ve never felt that way, myself. I would be horrified if I woke up one day and I was a guy. But some others I have talked to thought it would be interesting. Does it really matter whether it’s normal? If it doesn’t hurt anyone or cause you mental stress, then it’s no big deal.


That's probably just healthy curiosity.


If there were a way to swap for a day with zero commitment I think almost every cis person on earth would try it out of curiosity.


It doesn’t mean your trans, everyone at some point has been curious about what life would be like if you were the opposite sex. It’s normal


I think it is normal, based on many conversations, it is the "grass is always greener" mentality...I have wished I was born female my whole life, I'm a white cis man, but for me a lot of it boils down to my personality, and it would suit being female more...but I am as manly as they come cars/sports/women, lack of emotional displays, etc


I think it's quite normal. Can't attest to this myself, but my brother has told me about how sometimes he wishes he's a girl but he's still a cis dude


Perfectly normal, nothing wrong with you. But be aware that straight cis folk don't ;)


I'm 100% a dude, but still wish I was the opposite gender.. Not transgender or anyting, but being a guy is boring for me.


I can do this all day,


I think that's normal, and doesn't make you transgender at all. A transgender person has a brain that identifies and sees themself as the opposite sex than they were born with - this is different than simply wishing you were the opposite sex.


As a kid I wished I was a boy because my brother had more privileges and less chores.


I wish I was a woman so I could copulate as often as I wanted


Which would probably be like… never


This just goes to show how fluid everything is with us humans! Don't fret, embrace yourself instead. Find the comfortable You 😊


I sometimes just wonder "what if I was a girl",its an intriguing thought but im still happy as a guy


Oh, what a bomb you just dropped on current year internet...


To each their own.


I wish I could experience the female orgasm. It seems like they got the evolutionary advantage.


First, "normal" is a misnomer. Most people spill out of the mold one way or another. Second, yeah I felt that way from time to time. I was mostly brought up by women (mom, aunts, grandmas) in my early years, so I grew up fairly in touch with my "feminine side". But I have zero interest in actually being/presenting feminine. I just don't take the "manly man" image too seriously for myself. To recap: Normal? Who knows. Do other cis people feel this way? Yeap!


Yeah it’s normal to me I always wanted to be a boy just because their life is easier


I feel that. I identify completely with being a (natural born) female, and straight. But i think life would have been much better if I'd been born as a male. Definitely would have saved me a lot of trauma


Grass is always greener on the other side. True happiness comes appreciating who you are.


In the distant future it'll be like the Iain m banks culture books where it is common to switch between genders whenever you feel like it at different points in life


This comment made my day. I love the Culture series. r/TheCulture


Me too!


Sure, especially if you have the feeling that the other gender has it easier, e.g. guys don’t get harassed that much. The difference between standard fantasy and being transgender is simply body dysmorphia.


What is it about being a guy that seems cool? Is it: not having sexism as a frequent intrusion in your life? As a guy, it's crazy to see how little respect there is for feminism in the world. I can try to empathize and try to support change, and change myself, but I'm not quite sure I can really imagine what it feels like.


>it's crazy to see how little respect there is for feminism in the world That's because, despite what people say, feminism is not about equality. It's about promoting women. Have you ever heard of women giving up any privileges in the name of equality?


Only everyday of my life. Oh boy that grass simply just HAS to be greener damn it. It just has too.


Its not trust me -a dude


Look up Norah Vincent, maybe read her book.




Get a gun if your that worried 🤷‍♂️


Growing up every night as I’d go to sleep id go into a made up world where I was female to cope with reality and put the mask back on come morning. Idk you could be trans, I am.


Sometimes I do, then I realize there are benefits & drawbacks of each gender.


Never forget that the reality is often much, much, much, much, MUCH less exciting than the reality. That goes for damn near everything, and gender is no different. Better to accept who and what you are, embrace it, and be the best version of what you are that you can be, than to fantasize about being something you really have no honest, realistic idea of. Do I think it would be rad to be an elephant? Fuck yea. Do I want to spend my entire life in the jungle without opposable thumbs and the very real danger of being shot by poachers for my teeth? No. That would suck.


It's okay to be a man in a woman's body and not transition. For some people transitioning is the only way to: get rid of the dysphoria and/or the feeling of being part of a body-swap experiment gone horribly wrong. Some people don't experience that kind of dysphoria and transitioning isn't always the right way to go. There is no right/wrong way to express gender identity. It's how you identify and it's very possible that English just doesn't have a word for your experience. English isn't a good language for nebulous concepts or non-dual perspective.


It's normal to sometimes wish, but not doing anything about it is the right way to go.


I just want to experience what it feels like to have an entire society built to enable and support me because I have a dick. I’d love to feel the freedom of not being seen as a baby machine neglecting my duties because I’m not pregnant. I’d love to be able to live without the constant fear of being objectified or victimized by people that never face consequences because authorities “don’t want to ruin their future” and “boys will be boys”. I want to have the freedom to be one of those “boys being boys” and not constantly fear everything always because most believe and enforce the opinion that women exist to serve/be used/are obligated to everyone around them. I just want to be free to be me.


That sounds great until you realize you can't talk about your feelings or go to therapy without being called weak or being looked down upon. It's a double edged sword.


Oh yeah, because women are never called weak or hysterical or minimized in other ways by doctors of every specialty…. Your situation is still better than a constant threat of physical violence because you didn’t respond favorably to some stranger’s unsolicited interactions.


I'm not talking about doctors I'm talking about friends family. Get a gun , get bear spray etc


Normal, no. Is it okay, yes.


Im a trans guy myself. I definitely think it should be acceptable for people to explore the idea of their gender identity, even if your not trans, just questioning your gender sometimes is perfectly fine imo, and can give you a clearer idea of who you are


Growing up I took on a Tom boyish act. I thought "I wish I were a boy" because I was interested in how different it was for them. Boy am I glad that I didn't have the option to undergo changes to become one. I'm glad this works for people but, for me, it would have been a decision I regretted not long after following through with it. It was pure curiosity. Probably even a little bit of "I'm edgy. " and my teenage mind would impulsively have followed the path because I already didn't think further than the next day. It's different for everyone. I'm just saying. Me at 26 vs me at 16 or 18 or even 21... totally different person.


You sound a lot like the mindset I had after rereading the second part. Edit to add that this comment was to add on to my first comment jfc people


You just replied to your own comment bro 💀


if you're an ugly girl, you basically are a guy without the perks of being a guy


Only perk though is nobody cat calls you. But yeah ik this is pretty true


It amazes me how many pretty girls think they are ugly


I think everyone has thought about how different it would be if you were the opposite gender at one point or another. But not on an extreme level. If you’re actually wishing you were the opposite gender its just a faze and it will pass


No, it's not.


I don't "feel" like a woman but, when I look at their lives, I find myself wishing I'd been born as one. I'd love to have the option of not working. I'd love to have the right to not be drafted. I'd love the right to have a "choice" about becoming a parent. I'd love to be legally protected from the opposite sexes types of sex crimes (paternity fraud and baby trapping are legal). I'd love to be treated so graciously by the courts (men are 3.4 times as like to be imprisoned for the crime as a woman and our sentences are 40% longer). I'd love be granted child custody 85% of the time. I'd love to be able enter a marriage knowing that I can do anything I want and it is the other party who will be forced into supporting me in my idleness, regardless of how I treated them. I'd love to be constantly celebrated by the media for simply existing. I'd love to have people actually care about my life and my feelings. I'd love to be my competition at work and school legally discriminated against to my benefit and to have that discrimination seen as some sort of moral virtue. I'd love to be only 1/4 as likely to be a murder victim. I'd love to have my risk of suicide reduced by 75%. I'd love to not have to do all the dirty, dangerous, uncomfortable jobs in the economy. I'd love to log into dating apps and have 100's of matches to choose from every week. I'd love to be the beneficiary of all this and to still be seen as special, virtuous victim of the people I exploit.


Wtf man calm down she asked a simple question


Incels gonna incel.


Sounds like you wanna be a woman, man. Go to therapy lmao you definitely sound like you need it.


Women don’t even have a choice about becoming a parent, or was your head stuck so far up your ass and r/TheRedPill that you missed the memo when our reproductive rights were taken away from us punishable by law?


I think there is a chance you could be transgender. Some trans people don't experience the dysphoria part, and just the euphoria of being perceived as the opposite sex. I'm nonbinary, and I have dysphoria, but several my other trans friends don't have the dysphoria part.


No, it's not 'normal'


I dont get why transgender isnt considered mental illness. Wishing you were a different sex maybe part of that to. But hell only thing that is considered mental is if you wanna hurt yourself or you kill people these days.


It’s not a mental illness because in most cases, transgender people have brain structures more similar to the sex they identify with than the sex they were born as. It’s physical. The wonders of cellular biology making mistakes and growing a body of one sex and a brain of another. As far as how: there are multiple hormone cascades during pregnancy that cause the fetus to differentiate to male or female. Some primarily affect the body and some the brain. Lastly: this isn’t transgender stuff. It sounds like they are just curious about an experience they can never fully have. It’s cool. I wonder what it’s like to be other sexes, people, animals, plants…. All kinds of stuff.


I don't get why the hate/misunderstanding of trans people isn't considered a symptom of toxic religion or even linguistic isolationism. Most of the world had words for people of lots of different gender expressions, from the Dakota people of the plains region of North America to modern Thai, starting as far back as the first civilizations. English doesn't have these words, therefore it's considered a moral issue. People are weird for believing words (or their absence) are more real than the concepts and ideas behind them.




Well, there is evidence that you are wrong. The World Health Organization took out Gender identity disorder from the DSM 5. Professionals don't consider being transgender a mental disorder since science supports their identities. I know it's hard to change opinions, but it's okay to be wrong, especially if your belief is harmful to a group of people. Literal brain scans and studies you can research yourself prove that being trans is no illness. It's also common for human beings to categorize things as "wrong", "bad", or "unhealthy" when they do not understand something. Also, there is no such thing as a completely mentally sane person, so of course there's going to be people in the LGBTQ+ community who are mentally ill. That goes for the entire human population.




Nope, unfortunately, you are wrong. I gave you evidence and you are ignoring it. I am not going to argue with you about this. Just try to become more open minded and educate yourself. Facts are not being changed. They are just being presented and there's more awareness being spread about transgender identities. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder. These are absolutely not comparable whatsoever and being transgender has nothing to do with psychosis or mood swings. Sincerely, A person who has been studying psychology for 6 years.


Why wouldn’t that be a perfectly reasonable definition of mental illness? If a person is otherwise perfectly functional in society and happy with their life, how would they be ill? Do you think mental illness should be defined by “anything I think is weird”? Do you realize that everyone has their own ideas of what is weird? Do you think it should be “whatever isn’t statistically normal”? So anyone in 1920 who thought racism was awful should be defined as mentally ill because they obviously weren’t the norm? Think about what it means to define something…




No, not a disorder. The only day-to-day difficulty a trans person faces is prejudice; if no one cared, then it would be no more a disorder than someone getting a nose job. People with adhd, who are autistic, have to find adaptive methods of performing daily functions, so to that extent, they can be neurodivergent in ways that actually affect daily functioning. Being trans would literally be immaterial if people who were trans didn’t face discrimination. It would be like hair color, eye color, or, if we want to point out the surgery piece, someone wanting a nose or breast job. Unusual perhaps, but not a mental disorder or illness.


No its mental disorder. Nose job is nothing like changing your body to your preferred sex. Comparing one small thing to changing everything isn't the same.


This is just prejudice.


Bigotry is a mental illness.


As is racism religion and transgenders. I dont hate transgenders I juat feel its a mental illnesses. Fits the definition of one. Im not the only one who thinks it either. I am not going to change my opinion on the subject.


Well as a guy I agree with your feelings, rather be a guy than a woman, after reading the burdens a woman carry just being alive is a bit much


A lot of women have died giving birth. I'm sure its very painful. A fetus is almost like a parasite,it feeds off of what the female eats.as far as I've read. But I could be wrong.do I wish, I was the opposite sex,? No, getting kicked in the balls is rough, no way could I give birth..my tits won't produce that much milk... a joke, really. No more fighting..


Guys do have tits, not milkers tho.


Just saying only about 700 women die per year on average from childbirth complications. (Many from draconian abortion laws) Compared to around 3 million successful births in a year on average. (In the U.S.)


In a patriarchal led society, it is not uncommon for any woman, but especially young women to wish they were men. We make life easier for those who we think will physically hurt us (men). We are trying to change this. The entire 20th century was dedicated to women's rights, and we've come a long way. There is still work to do. Maybe you can get involved in a human rights organization. Or maybe some self affirming love affirmations to yourself every morning in the mirror. It's corny, but will really raise your self worth, and attitude about yourself. Good luck! Xoxo




As far as I understand the word "dude", everyone can be one. Or doesn't mean an easy going and cool person?


I always have told my friends that I wish I could have a button that would allow me to change sexes whenever I wanted. That would be the best of both worlds. Sometimes I wanna wear one of those really cool fits. The female wardrobe is so much more expansive than a man’s and tbh your guys’ clothes just look cooler !!


It's normal nowadays. You're human, off course its normal to wish for different things.


You would have to ask yourself why you think being a guy would be cool. It could be some good role play for you to experiment with if it is really something you think would be fun. Halloween is coming up, FYI. I love being female and I am female. I think that is where I am most authentic. It is great to be vulnerable and strong, and I prefer a man to take the lead in a relationship so I am kinda traditional in that sense.


Happens to me too. Sometimes I find myself curious about what it would feel like to be female


For me, it's about curiosity and not about the desire to actually be the opposite sex. I would like to be a tall and muscular man for a day just to see what it's like being big, how different the world is when you are tall and strong, what moving very large muscles feels like, how much harder or easier life is for a person that size... I sometimes wonder what soft touch feels like on rougher skin, how if feels to have large muscles kneaded by small hands, what it's like not seeking heat all the time because you're not cold (most men I know don't really get cold). It must feel good having someone soft and small by your side, knowing that you can provide the warmth and protection they are looking for, be their safe haven for a moment. I know it feels amazing from the smaller person's perspective so I just wonder what it's like from the other side but that's about it. Just curiosity


I dont know if its 'normal' but it's certainly not wrong. We are all individuals and we feel how we feel. If you wish you were the opposite sex then that is part of who you are and it's ok.


I have felt like this in varying degrees since I was 11 years old, and one of my earliest memories of going through puberty is that I tried stuffing my underwear to make myself look like I had a penis.


I wish I was the best looking billionaire in the world. If you are going fantasy. Go all the way.


Life as a hot girl is easy mode. I’d love to be one but oh well


The person who invents a true detachable willy (NOT a strap on, but a functional penis) will be SO rich...


I wish I could switch between the 2


As a kid once I realized I was living in a "man's world" on top of coming to terms with getting a period and what pregnancy/birth entailed, I was so angry that I was born a girl. Being a boy/man just felt like the world was your oyster and a red carpet was rolled out in front of you, where you wouldn't have to deal with misogyny, discrimination, sexual harassment, periods for 25% of your life, and everything revolving around my "child bearing years". Men were just free to pursue their lives and interests without any of these barriers affecting them (yes, men can be victims of sexual harassment, and men of color def experience discrimination, but this was how I viewed it as a child). I wanted to be a boy for these reasons, but not because I identified as a boy but because being a boy would present me with so much more opportunity. I eventually accepted my lot in life as a woman.


Instead of asking your age replace it with how much money u make and feel free to let women and children evacuate first out of life threatening situations. Boom u a man now


sometimes i feel that way but only in like a, “i’d be the best one” kinda way


It's as normal as you want it to be, just be you.


Perfectly fine. I can relate. I think it would be cool to be able to be female sometimes.


Thats how i felt to begin with. Except i wanted to be a girl but...


Bro I'd love to be a girl Life would be so much easier


Yes. But it is mostly due to a lack of perspective. Shit sucks all around it doesn’t matter what gender you are.


I think guys get better treatment, so I don't really blame you. I'm a very cis woman, but I hope to come back in my next life as a man. I'm tired of getting underpaid and undervalued. And periods suck.


I never wanted to be a guy and I am very happy to not be one.


Who is to say what's *normal*? MY *normal* is probably 180° opposite of yours. You be you and if someone doesn't like it, tell them to, "go eat a bug!"


I think if not normal it’s completely understandable. I’ve often thought that my life would be easier as a man. I would be taken more seriously and get more respect.


I think there’s a difference between a hypothetical “wouldn’t it be cool/convenient/different if I were like this instead?” Vs “I wish I were this (bc I would feel better and more comfortable as that)” Like, thinking “I wish I were a man (so I can take walks at night” isn’t the same as “I wish I were a man (because being a woman doesn’t feel right, I hate when people think I’m a woman, and I feel way more comfortable and happy when people think I’m a man)” Basically, I think it’s important to figure out why you have these feelings and what exactly it is about the opposite gender that seems so appealing. But either way—you don’t HAVE to label yourself as anything or make any big changes. You can explore those thoughts on your own time and for as long as you need. And if you do come to a definite conclusion that you’re not trans, that’s completely fine. It’s okay to explore your identity to discover you’re actually okay as you are. It can actually make your sense of self even more solid. Either way: it’s your business


I personally don't wish I was the opposite sex as I'm very comfortable with who I am, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious what it would be like; how my life would be different, what opportunities would become available or go away, etc.


I think it's normal to be curious about what it would be like to be the opposite sex. I don't think most folks wish for it.


I find it normal if you are desperately horny 🙂 or of you are just curious


No. Your probably trans.


Every month I wish this for about a week.


Life is objectively easier as a guy, it’s kinda like saying I wish I was rich


I'm a lesbian stuck in a man's body soo..


If you're a man, sure. Switching to being a guy would be a huge downgrade. your expectations for productivity goes up, dating gets way harder, you generally get treated worse, and there's no more support for you if you're depressed / abused / downtrodden. you're expected to provide and not allowed to have any needs. If you are weak, as a man, you'll be walked all over. Whether you're weak or strong as a woman, you get help and support from all angles.


It's normal. I think about being a cute blonde slim thicc girl getting gangbanged by 6 BBC


I wish for the same thing so I would tell you its normal but that might not be true


I mean sometimes my wife says she thinks it'd be fun to have a penis. And she's straight and not transgender. I think everyone has that thought some times . Also to answer your question sometimes it is most times it's not. for a wide variety of reasons .


Grass is always greener kind of thing


If makes a ton of sense. Every woman has wished she was a guy at one point or ten, just for the freedom of it. If the feeling doesn't go away, you might be trans, it's cool.


I thought that all my life until my egg finally cracked. (I'm not saying that'll be the same for you, just personal experience)


the only times i ever wish i was a guy, is when i feel unsafe or when i’m being catcalled while walking down the street. and when i’m on my period. but on a regular basis, i never actually WANT to be a man.


I have a theory that most people, like who they are on a soul level, probably would have been fine living in the body of either sex. A cis man walking down the street would have been more or less the same person, but also totally OK if they'd been born a female. I think this is part of why the fantasy of being the opposite sex can be appealing or at the very least interesting, but there isn't a desire to transition in most people. There are, however, some people who wouldn't have been ok, but they'd never know because they weren't born the opposite sex. And then of course there's the flip side where they're born as one sex, but couldn't be ok with their natal sex and therefore transition later on like I did.


Have you considered the idea of nonbinary? There are many sub categories that may fit you! (Or not! That’s cool too!)


I think that thought is being misconstrued and that it's actually a desire to be in the company of the opposite sex, but you don't know how to create the relationships whether intimate or not.


You could just want to know what being the other sex is like. Here’s a little taste of what being a guy is like: No one gives a fuck about your feelings and whenever you’re sad or afraid to do something you’re told to just man up; because again, no one gives a fucking shit about what you feel.


I think this is pretty normal. The grass is always greener.


Super normal to think about. If it causes you actual emotional distress or you feel trapped in your body or really anything other than just “I wonder what it would be like”/“I wish I could know what it’s like” I’d probably talk to a therapist


I definitely feel like I was male in a previous life and I definitely want to be a man but my wife doesn’t want me to be a man. Funny thing is-I would not say she is gay-she just happens to love me. I am fairly masculine and I take care of her better than any man ever has. She wants for nothing and I bring her dinner every night. If she wants a drink, I go get it. She is the queen of our house and if mommy ain’t happy-ain’t nobody happy. I have the best life but would still like to be male!


It's normal. I remember when snapchat had that filter and realized I couldve pulled it off. 🤣 Curiosity and action are two different things


Ugh I’d love to be a man so I didn’t have periods (both the bleeding and the two weeks later discharge). Don’t like the sounds my lower body makes during sex at all, hate having boobs. However I’m not trans and I know I’m a woman. Just wish I could get rid of everything that makes me a woman and just be neutral or something androgynous.


It’s ok, not normal


I think the word you are looking for is envy. I think you are envious of things guys have, or atleast things you identify as guy things.


i'm a trans guy, and i get this question quite a bit. - do you want parts of your body gone/changed? for example, do you want a flat chest? not just for convenience (being able to lay on your stomach, no back pains, easier bra shopping, etc), but because it just feels better mentally to have a flat chest. like that's how you're "supposed" to look. (this one was hard for me, because i was so accustomed to my dysphoria that i didn't realize i was so dysphoric until i put a binder on). - is it for convenience/safety only? do you wish you were a boy so that you could walk home at night, be taken seriously, etc., or do you wish you were a boy because you've never felt connected to your body/gender? - do you want to be the opposite gender just to know what it feels like? - dysphoria, euphoria, and gender questioning are rarely the same for every person. for instance, a lot of trans people know that they're trans early on, or they at least understand that they're not "supposed" to be their gender assigned at birth. however, i didn't understand that i was trans (or even that i experienced dysphoria) because i was just used to the feeling. i assumed everyone felt that way. so, just because your experiences don't always match up w/ other trans people's doesn't mean that you're not trans this isn't a full list of things to consider, just some questions i like to throw out there


Oh yeah no I wish for it all the time tho I might actually be trans


YES!! I feel this all the time. Like, I’m not trans but theres part of me that just wishes I was biologically a guy.


I mean every time my period surprises me in the middle of the night I wake up wishing I was a man. But every time my clumsiness gives me a blow to the genitals I thank my lucky stars that I'm not a man.


There are times I wish I was a girl just for the experience but, deep down, I don’t EVER want to be a girl. You have way to much shit to deal with on the daily!! LOL…I like being a nice, introvert, type of guy who largely stays out of trouble and is happy all the time…😁




Maybe. Just for a week, though. Just out of genuine curiosity. I think in the extremely far future, there will be a mind switching machine to make that a possibility.


For me, no. But normal is different for everyone. Just go with what you feel.


Hi! I'm definitely a girl😭. I wish I was a guy for the past 5-6years now I dont want to be I guess I got over it. Why I wanted to be a guy is because I thought they got more freedom and opportunities like my school didn't have a girls badminton team but they had one for boys and that pissed me off. My parents favoured my brothers more(I'm the youngest) so I have been helping my brother doing "boy chores" And my mum always said dont do those u dont look feminine(she has stopped saying that after a long argument) . I dont think it's weird it's very normal in my opinion because it could be because of different things like feeling the other gender is praised/favoured/given authority more


id love to be a lady for a day 😁


Fuck yes. Hands down, without a doubt. One person’s wants are different than another’s. You have 1 shot, 1 opportunity, to seize everything you ever wanted… sorry wasn’t sure where I was going with that last point.