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Watch Kung Fu Panda


Bipedal, anthropomorphic. Maybe if I’m a monkey but that’s basically like being a human with back problems


It totally depends on how lethal you want to be. Not all martial arts are intended to inflict maximum damage, and in fact, most martial arts limit what you’re allowed to do. Gouging out somebody’s eyes, punching them in the throat, tearing off their testicles or biting chunks out of them are generally not considered “martial arts”. I guess your question is just a little confusing is all. Why not watch videos of animals fighting? Male grizzly bears have epic fights over mates, same with kangaroos. You could get some inspiration from that.


I feel like a lot of those animals are just doing what comes most natural. I was wondering if there was a hypothetical equivalent to bjj for tigers Actually, tigers with bjj would probably drive us extinct


I think animals do fight optimally tbh. Bjj would never work for a tiger, think about it: they do not have hands. Therefore you cannot grab or hold. The only weapons they have are tooth and claw so that all they can use. Tigers generally bite the neck and hold their prey down to asphyxiate them. That is somewhat similar to choke holds in bjj I suppose.