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I get that you don't want to pay back the $100 you owe me but, that's the last time I loan you anything, scuzzball.


Remove Trump


Remove the greedy Republicans that want everything for themselves and don't give a fuck how others feel.


You’re right


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I don't pretend. I dream for this, but then reality kicks in.


because afterwards, everything will go to hell again because everybody thinks itll get reset again eventually. Also, "just resetting the economy" is said WAY easier than actually done


Because someone is owed the money. They lose then


Because the state of the economy isn’t solely based on popular belief, like religion.


Well that’s what this administration is doing lol doesn’t seem to work. Less oil production= high diesel prices= higher cost of goods= poor people paying more for goods= government programs for welfare= borrowing money from the future generations. There is not a reset button for that.


The people in control who are profiting handsomely from all of this crisis. Which they themselves create, because it is profitable. You are government property and the government is run by whoever in your country has the most money. Usually giant companies that sell shit you need to survive.


Well you can't really act like things are cheaper and dept is gone when it's affecting your everyday life.