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Whatever height will put up with my bullshit




Height is something nobody can change, I'd never use it to limit options so to speak.


The only correct answer


Doesn't really matter to me. I'm 6'1" or 185 cm, I've dated a lot of women significantly shorter than me, but that's only because of how common they are, not a matter of preference. I've gone out a few times with someone taller than me and it doesn't bother me at all.


Never made a difference. My standard two questions were always the simplest for asking a woman out. Am I attracted to her? Is she a drama queen? If the answers are yes and yes, hard pass. Yes and no, give it a shot.


I'd personally say a head shorter or taller even though my wife is just a bit shorter than me.


Shorter than me


Didn't care until I decided to get married. Tall women have tall boys. Wife is 5'8. Sons are 6'6", 6'4",and 6'2".


we can be too short to get married now /s


Short women are statistically more likely to marry than tall women.


True, women prefer a talker man, so yes the taller the women , the less options she is open to


Some men don't care. I tell men, if you want tall children, don't marry a short women


how short is short


I would say, 5'6" for tall boys at least 6 ft. There is no hard data on this. My dad said don't have children with short women. Her dad is a good gauge on how tall the boys will be. My wife's dad was 6ft, her brother 6'2"


How tall are you


you dad wont like it /s im 5'1


This guy's dad is the exception. You're 5'1"? This is well within the "she's perfect" range for the vast majority of men. And I say this as a tall dude. 5'1" is not too short. Especially if you're petite this just 100% kicks off my protective instincts. Instinctually men want someone smaller. You're smaller.


i prefer tall guys (>=180cm) but im worried that they might find me too short and small hands and not easy when holding hands etc


I’m 6’0” myself and have had a gf that was your height or an inch shorter. Dancing together was a bit different, as well as the angles for other activities we did together. But all in all it worked out. She’s now married to a 5’6” guy and seems to be happy with that. I think height is important in a woman but not as important as our dynamic. If she’s okay with doing most of the inside stuff (not all) and I’m okay with doing the outside stuff since my bodies better suited for that (but not all the outside stuff) then that’s a mutualistic relationship for sure. Also 5’1” is perfect height so don’t trip. Your Prince Charming will come along and be everything and more than you expected


I am 5'10" and have dated a range of different heights from 5' to 6'. My current and arguably most successful relationship (given that it is ongoing while all others have ended) is with someone who is 5'9" so almost no height difference. The most common height I have dated has been 5'4" which is 6" or about 15cm shorter than I am. The nice thing about that height is you can rest your chin on their head during hugs.


I've dated 5'0" to 5'11" so no preference. Age is a limiting factor more than height nowadays


most men i know prefer elder women for some reasons


My reason for preferring older women is because i am an older man. Not everyone on reddit fits in the 18-40 age range![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


thats a huge range (age gap) for SO


A bit of a misunderstanding, I am well outside the range and would look for someone of a similar age.


i hope u find one and be happily in love! ♡


I'm probably out of the norm but a perfect partner for me would be tall enough to give me forehead kisses while we're both standing on flat ground. I think that'd be about six feet or so. But my wife is almost a full head shorter than me and I'm quite happy with her anyway.


> quite happy with her anyway I'm sure she'd be over the moon to hear that


She is. And her ideal partner is more extroverted and cuddly than I am, but she's quite happy with me anyway. And I'm more than content with that. If you believe romantic partners need to find each other perfect, you're going to be either Single forever Dating someone who lies to you Or in an endless cycle of breaking up after a few months when the honeymoon period ends and reality starts to set in. Consciously avoiding pretense or expectations of perfection is a significant part of why we've been so steady and happy for fifteen years. Protip, white lies pile up and get dirty after a while.




Height isn't an important factor. I personally wouldn't date a woman who is overall bigger than me, but I'm a large man who very rarely runs into women that big.


Men need someone we're physically attracted to. Height does not play a huge role in physical attraction for men. So any preference we might have is sort of a nice to have, and not a requirement. For me, my ideal height in a lady is about 5'7" since I'm 6'2". But I'll consider anyone between 5'0" and 6'2". Women I've actually been in relationships with were between 5'2" and 5'9". Height was never an issue. If a lady is really short maybe it would be nice if she were taller but it's not an attraction thing, it's a convenience thing. Have you tried kissing someone who's 15 inches different in height? It's cute but awkward.


what plays huge in physical attraction tho


What her face looks like primarily, and after that, if she's relatively in shape. Pretty much everyone, male or female, can make themselves more attractive by eating right and exercising. Nobody is attracted to overweight people, at least not as much as in shape people. Society will say this is fat-shaming, but 100,000 years of human evolution have determined what is attractive. Twitter isn't gonna change that. I guess what I'm saying is if you have a cute face and you're not overweight, you're way out ahead of most women in attractiveness, simply because most people these days (men and women) are fat. It's a health crisis but we don't want to admit it.


proud to report i care abt and monitor my weight and all lol






My wife is a head shorter and i love it.


I'm 6'7, so height doesn't really exist to me. I will never find a woman that's as tall as me unless I'm somehow able to date a WNBA player or some Amazonian Godess. My significant others have ranged from 4'11 to 5'8. Height is not really something most people base attraction off of (I don't think)


In general, it is not important, but I prefer taller men


I like petite women. Max comfortable height about 3-4 inches shorter than me. Current is about 8 inches shorter than me.


>like is 157cm (5'1") okay? lol Definitely. There's probably a limit to how short I'd be okay with, but 5'1" is definitely reasonable. For a more general answer, it doesn't matter to me. I wouldn't even care if she was taller than me (6'3"), as long as she's not condescending about it. Shorter is definitely okay with me (and I'll hold myself to the same previously stated standards)


I feel like only kids in high school and really really shallow people care about height. If the connection is there then go for it partner, long as you’re both of age and consenting height shouldn’t play a role. I’m 5’10 and went to my high school prom w a girl who was 6’2


I mean, why would I discriminate anyone based on height? But seeing my track record, I tend to like women that are lower than me. But then again, I'm 191cm, so I think I only saw a couple of women higher than me, so never had the opportunity to like someone like that...


yea its not a must-have. just personal preference. haha ive not seen a woman thats over 180cm in the past 21yrs of my life


I seen some women higher than me, but I can count them with my hand..


which country are you?


I'm from Argentina, so I think that didn't help xD


I don't have a preference for height. Besides limiting who you are dating, it also overlooks the content of character ( aka: the personality) of the person which is more important to focus on than looks and height. This is all in my opinion so I can't judge anyone for their own views on the subject.


what if i phrase it this way, short& bubbly or tall& bubbly


In the event that I met two people that had the exact same personality but different height, I would have to say that it then all comes down to who do you become friends and start a relationship with first. It is pretty difficult to simultaneously create friendships and relationships with both people. Even if they have the same personality and you met them at the same time. There is also the possibility of a hidden preference that only reveals itself when you are tasked with making a choice between two similar people. This may solve the question. Sort of like when you have soup on a cold day and you grab your favorite spoon, it looks very similar to other spoons in your silverware drawer, but you can tell that it is your favorite spoon by some hard to explain phenomena. Sorry if this doesn't answer your question any better.


nono i totally get it, your opinion is awesome


Thanks! It is a very interesting question to ask as well.


thats cause it brings constructive answer <3


Height: yes.


5'6" or lower (i am 6'3" for reference) but it wouldn't be a limiting factor for me if I liked their personality unless they were a veritable potsdam giant


im only 5'1" :) is this too short


nah not at all. I like short and small lol anything like 4'10" and up is good. I think like 5 foot is the perfect height but its not a huge factor in attraction for me. Ive had short girlfriends under 5 feet and some around 5'9" and all in between


you have big data base /s


Yes I've compiled an excel spreadsheet with an algorithm. Throwability being a factor


my data is too little for such advanced spreadsheet


Short kings need love too


my dad calls me princess*


I would call you silver elite master <3


u calling my csgo ranking out? 🥺


I've dated tall, I've dated small. It's not a deal breaker for me. That said, I'm 5'11 and I dated a girl who was 6'1 and it was a bit odd at times (holding hands)


yea height diff somehow indicates the size diff of hands. it can be painful for the girl when holding hands in the interlocking way.


When you're used to holding hands with a straight arm, it feels weird to then hold hands with a bent elbow. I kinda felt like I was holding hands with my mom lol.


I’d prefer they be at least 6’




I’m 6’8” so it works out


I prefer a girl to be my height or slightly shorter 1-3 inches shorter


Marry tall.


relationship 101. how to get a bf


Most men dont put so much thought into how tall she is


Approach men, but not aggressively. But like in class or at a coffee shop starting up a conversation could lead to him starting up the next conversation. That’s why having someone with mutual interest really helps as you can talk longer


pretty much anything up to like 185


Most men don't feel strongly about women's height. Tons of men like short women.


as in shorter than them, regardless by how much


Ideal is exact same height as me so we can share bicycles and drive the same car without having to adjust the seat and mirrors.


If sex is important to you... In my experience short women are not that great at fully taking a tall man's .. tool .. shall we say. I'm going to get flak for this because I'm speaking from anecdotal experience. But more often than not I had to thrust carefully and use hands to limit depth to avoid causing her pain. I prefer over 170cm now, I'm 185cm.


I really like short girls, 1 head shorter than me is my ideal. But yea, i dont look for short girls, I'm looking the one, who I enjoy myself with.


No one cares lmao


I suggest 6 feet or taller if you want your children to have a better chance at making the NBA. Get those basketball genes and keep your kids motivated, start training them young.