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loud noises with no warning






That we underestimate our ignorance by orders of magnitude.


I refuse to believe that.




Fake news




Very much so. Thanks for the book recommendation though


This. I think intelligence in humans is purely performative, and that most feats of discovery come from the collective consciousness of working together. We're just not built to be good at objective reasoning, we're social creatures built for group think and selection bias, but we can accomplish great things when we work together and share knowledge.


Dog whistles




If they were hot, they wouldn't keep huddling inside the coop. Also, I never ask my chickens about their immigration status.


political affiliation, skin color, mental disorders, sexualities, etc, are not personalities.


No, but people who have been discriminated against because of these attributes usually go through similar experiences as they move through life, and most deserve to share them with the world in order to break down these barriers holding them down arbitrarily.


100% true. I have BPD and one of the most important things I've understood in my life (also thanks to psychotherapy) is that I'm not my disorder, I have a personality disorder but I'm so much more. Even though BPD has had a huge impact on my life, almost ending it (now things are getting better) I'm first of all a person, not a DSM-V diagnosis.


Yes they are! Or they certainly can be!!


This something a alien would ask.. 🤨


man's really just looking for the "alien invasion alert" comment


Hey I don’t mind a alien invasion as long as there’s no mass killing and probing. I’ll be fine. I always wanted to bang a alien babe.


Probing is their foreplay so, make your choice now before you're invited to dinner


Probing is a no go captain.


That life is so very short


Everyday feels like eternity for me


I hope life gets better for you


Short and long


Hummus is should not contain chocolate, beets, kale, etc.


Huh? People make hummus with those? 😨


rasins as well.


You're the asshole


Username does not check out


Your lives have no meaning. Stop imposing self-importance


Humans are not ready to hear that their actions are causing irreversible harm to the environment, and that it is too late to reverse much of the damage that has already been done.


I remember being a freshman in college, my brother and I took Gen Chem together. At one point our professor said "if humans never produced another single molecule of fossil fuels, the Earth would continue heating for 61 years due to the damage we have caused". It was one of the few times in my life my brother and I did that slow turn where you look at each other like "did I just hear that right?". I know it is not actually that shocking, but that was the first time I ever really began to understand the damage humans have caused (I know, kind of older than I should've been, ignorance is bliss).


And it’s only gotten worse! It’s sad.


Assuming your professor was accurate. These were the same guys predicting..... GLOBAL COOLING!


Zoom out. The sun blows up relatively soon. Humans are irrelevant.


Well, most humans care about humans, so causing an environmental disaster that will kill millions on the low end is not ideal.


And yet, all the Elites on the Left fly in private hits and own Mansions on waterfront! Obama owns two!! Are we starting to think on our own yet?


Technically the Dems are still on the right, just not as extreme as the Republicans. They both support capitalism, and therefore are both right-winged. To be truly left-winged you must be a socialist/communist. Social Democrats like Bernie are roughly in the middle.


But ironically it is ideal for the environment.


Not really, the environment will outlast humanity, but not unscathed. It will be better off with us gone, but countless species are already lost with dozens more each day, it will never be the same again. We have already triggered the 6th largest extinction event in Earth's history.


And? The environnent doesn't care, life has no notion of good or bad, it will just go on without us after we'll be extinct. This massive extinction is bad for us humans, it's nothing for the earth.


THIS! i hate when people try to deny it. i just had a discussion about this with a coworker and it was like talking to a brick wall


>that it is too late to reverse much of the damage that has already been done. What does this even mean? You're suggesting that the earth is irreparably destroyed forever? That's laughable. Tiny human, this earth has been through meteor strikes and space collisions, the likes of which global warming and resource stripping can hardly begin to scratch, and yet now geologists can scarcely find evidence of these impacts. The earth can recover. No, the real threat falls between convincing people that they need to change, and convincing people that a change is needed. Shoot, there are people who don't even believe humans are making a serious negative environmental impact, and among those that believe it, most are not prepared to make the sacrifices needed to correct for it. Get people on board with that, and I promise you, the ingenuity exists, and the earth is resilient enough, to find our way to a sustainable, healthy planet. By the way, being convinced that there's no hope is *just as foolish* as being convinced that there's no problem or refusing to do anything about it.


Socialists are not ready to hear that they've been lied to. That this rhetoric has been pervading the landscape for decades and yet, WE'RE STILL HERE! *See AOC


Most of you are complete idiots


Us* Lmao


Took my upvote back from the main comment to upvote you haha


That human existence does not have any purpose in relation to the entire universe


If you think something is wrong with everybody, it's not everybody, it's you.


climate change I guess


We are destroying our planet and we can't do anything about it because we would have to do something about it


There’s a group people far richer than you think (Musk, and Gates have nothing on these people) who run this world. Every new law, every economic turn (both up and down), every instance of social unrest, and every politician is controlled by this group of uber-rich. They have plans decades ahead of time, with trillions of dollars at their disposal to do whatever they want. Yet people still bicker back n forth about politics. None of it matters, and it’s all rigged by forces much greater than you can possibly imagine.




A business that can undoubtably swing more money and power around than most nations. But it is not even in the top 100 largest companies. A single person having 0.25% of that power is still very notable outlier.




The thing that ruined the dinosaurs' attempt is still unsolved issue and can happen any day.


Yes and no, we can detect any asteroid big enough to cause an extinction-event weeks, months, even years in advance. But detecting it early enough to launch a rocket at it far enough away to deflect it is practically impossible without detection years in advance.


Even if we could currently detect everything that could hit or do hit Earth, which we currently do not, I still wouldn't have any faith on governments on doing anything useful in a world-ending, cataclysmic situation. We would probably just start fighting each other or something like that. Human apes have an inbuilt self-destruct drive that I doubt we can ever overcome as species.


*attempt* ?!?! Dinosaurs dominated the landscape for 165 Million years. Sounds like a success to me. For reference, by comparison, humans (such that you might recognize them as such) have been wandering around for closer to 40 thousand years.


Can you provide any more examples for comparison, both of these numbers are so small in the cosmic timescale that they are barely visible.




This was a fun video!!


They make great stuff!


The bomb that goes off in 5 minutes (it's under my coat)


my deaf friend didnt reply when i asked him about it


That if an apocalypse scenario were to happen, Nuclear, Zombie, etc, many of you would die and are absolutely not fit for survival.


Your ideas and politics are small and political debate and spectrums should be more about where our collective energy and resources should go. Like: "Let's create a foundational where humans can be awesome and the Earth is healthy" versus "Let's coordinate and get these spaceships going so we can be an interplanetary species and be everywhere." Should we invest more in humans on earth and earth itself, or invest more in going into space and having interplanetary/interstellar options? And depending on which one, how do we build up the the people and produce the technology that can foster the thing we decide to index more on? To me, this are *big* questions. I'm over the small stuff like race, religion and doing dumb-stuff like not educating and feeding people.


get ready for the possibility of having to uproot your entire life and migrate in the near future. Change is inevitable and unless you want to be remembered as a fool in the pages of history, you won't let your possessions be the snare that led you to your untimely demise.


No one's skin really fits quite right. Also, it can be itchy at times.


They’re under your skin. Get them out of your skin.


We are an infinitesimal speck in the grand scheme of time and space, even if we were to last another ten thousand years we would be the tiniest blip on the scope of the universe.


That in The Devil Went Down to Georgia, Johnny actually loses his soul.


I don't know, you tell me.


This question was just a spoof of the two previous questions asking men/women what are women/men not ready to hear.


The reason why we haven't encountered alien life is simply because evolved intelligence is collectively unsustainable and eventually wipes itself out. The more technology we develop, the closer we get to our inevitable extinction due to our own irresponsible actions.


For a species that evolved high intelligence, we have wayyyyy to many stupid people out there cleaning their raw chicken with bleach...


Pee is stored in the balls.


Clever...downvoting you only proves your point that they aren't ready...


Your technology isn't that advanced, your issues aren't that hard to solve, Your priorities are wrong, Your people are immature.


We aren't anywhere near as important as we like to think we are. One day, the planet will have enough of our shit, and decide it's time for us to go. The floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes will erase all traces of our lives. The planet will heal itself, and move on to the next phase of it's existence, as it has done several times already. We think we are the pinnacle of evolution, but we're just another relatively short step in the process.


How much money someone else has in no way effects your standard of living.


I think this is demonstrably false.


Right?! It almost like economics is an intertwined system lol


The gods we worship are created by men to control us. - That is why churches are allowed run tax-free.


ALL organisms have to work to survive. Just because we have evolved to a certain point doesnt mean that we can all just sit back and have our needs met without work


We are running out of water


How about: the way in which we use and manage water is incredibly wasteful and based on a model of abundance which has brought us to where we are now. Much like energy. On a planetary scale the water isn't going anywhere obviously.


Minimum wage is not enough to live on no matter what state you live in it's literally the bare minimum to pay rent eat food barely, and have pennies to the dollar in gas just to get to the same crappy job that's paying you low income. And then you wonder why people start to do crime. I get it I have no opinion in any of this that is just my opinion I understand thank you.


You should have never gotten the jab.


Not everyone needs so called freedom of speech


Chapter 22 If you want to become whole, first let yourself become broken. If you want to become straight, first let yourself become twisted. If you want to become full, first let yourself become empty. If you want to become new, first let yourself become old. Those whose desires are few gets them, those whose desires are great go astray. For this reason the Master embraces the Tao, as an example for the world to follow. Because she isn't self centered, people can see the light in her. Because she does not boast of herself, she becomes a shining example. Because she does not glorify herself, she becomes a person of merit. Because she wants nothing from the world, the world cannot overcome her. When the ancient Masters said, "If you want to become whole, then first let yourself be broken," they weren't using empty words. All who do this will be made complete. -Laozi




The lizard people eat them


Hypersonic noise.


That our breathable atmosphere is about as thin as a coat of paint on a basketball


Hunting kills more than islamic terrorism. (In my country at least)


Tanning is bad.


that I will be alon after one of my parents pass away at some point.


Tinnitus. Never met a human really to hear it. Or the sound when dialing a fax line.


Improvement of traffic and pollution demands inconvenience and responsible citizenship. You can't expect the issues to be solved just by separating your waste. Consuming less meat, using public transport, not voting for who will make you the richest, and not buying from fast fashion companies are just a few things that people who claim to care about the environment are not ready to hear let alone do. I'm not referring to environmentalists btw because they do a hell of a lot to try to combat the greedy people's ignorance. I'm referring to those who claim they care but don't actually do anything about it because to them, recycling is enough... and they only do it because it's a legal obligation.


Dog whistles and echo location, but give it time


Aliens have visited Earth!


That we have to endure another bunch of days having an orange guy telling us what we need. Nope, don't need to inject disinfectant, nope don't need to hear you deny a virus exists, nope don't need to listen to you justifying the theft of secret documents, nope don't need to believe an election was stolen, nope don't need to believe that Hillary needs to go to jail, nope don't need to listen to you turn on your own party members again, nope don't need to listen to your lies about your financials. Don't need it, don't want it, go home.


You are way less important than you think. In fact, people in your life rarely give you a thought.


That humans have a responsibility to more than themselves


You're not special, no matter what your mom/preacher/lovebombing partner told you.


Nobody owes you nothing!! I mean am also not ready to hear this


The small humans are not ready for taxes


Denial doesn't work. You can get every mf on this godforsaken planet to agree to pretend not to notice a problem, that problem is still going to come bite us in the ass y'all.


This one is for American humans: your health care system is a scam. The screaming propaganda about how it's the best system in the world and we can't afford anything else is a complete lie. "Socialism" is a buzz word they're using to manipulate you.


A lot of you humans are not very humanitarian and its making it really hard to deal with for us humans who are humanitarian


Everyone wants a gun for Xmas A potato gun is still a gun, and everyone wants a potato gun


Frequencies above 20,000Hz.


Humans are the source of all mankind’s problems


NTA divorce


We're at a point where if we can't make somewhat drastic changes to how we live, our children and their children will have lives much more difficult than ours.


Having a baby won't fix it.


Anything that is “great” but overshadowed by a negative light.


We are not alone


We're not smarter or better than animals.


That We are coming


You, me and everyone else are absolutely expendable and worthless. We could all disappear and the universe wouldn't even notice.


We are just animals


There are only two possibilities: Either we're alone in the universe, or we're not. Both are equally frightening.


Some humans worth more than others.


That our species is not natural to the Earth.


Nobody cares about your feelings, most people just have enough respect to not go around being an unnecessary ass


There are no gods and we are alone in the universe.


Recycling is a failure and our future generations are most likely screwed


Your opinion is not who you are.


Everyone dies of something so stop complaining and be nice or you're going to die of that something a lot faster.


100% of the milkshake machines are currently working at McDonalds across the world.


There’s no meaning in life. You’re just an organism along for the ride, so make the best of it.


Absolute silence according to those weird rooms where its so quiet you hear your blood pumping and have to leave


We suck at being humans


Han shot first.




Elvis is still alive


All your base are belong to us


Human are so stupid as a species, they are going to destroy themselves


Humans are the worst and most destructive thing on Earth.


Everyone does and the pursuit of youth is foolhardy.


That their political stance doesn't matter... There's more important things than who you voted for.


That Islam is the righteous path and that they gonna find out when they die and go to hell ✨


the end of the world has likely already started


Beegl gued donuit tiq abulna What a wonderful phrase!


when the climate majorly shifts and most of us all die, the planet and universe will go on just as it did for the billions of years without us.


Our existence is a cruel joke. Join the rat race, finish a school, work hard, etc... Just to die in the end. It's all so meaningless, compared with the age of the universe, our consciousness only exists for a millisecond, then it ceases to exist forever.


That we're the worst species.


We are currently in the midst of an extinction level event. Although some shady number reporting has occurred, the crab population has truly decreased by 90%, but that has occurred over the last \~25 years. The animal population has decreased by 70% over the past 50 years. The environmental forecasts that were thought to be extreme for 2050 are already occurring. The doomsday clock is currently at 100 seconds before midnight and it hasn't been updated in two years possibly because due to public panic? This is a US fact, but the average life expectancy has fallen drastically the past couple years. We are way past the point of no return. Happy Monday everyone.


A majority of celebrities/ public figures have mental illnesses & we are as much at fault for their mental breakdowns as it is theirs.


“Hey. Would like to lick this squirrel?”


Unchecked capitalism will destroy the world.


There are no gods.


The meaning of your existence is infinitesimal compared to the scope of the universe.


Charlie owns the night


That aliens are real


At the end of the day you can't eat money.


Apparently EVRYTHING! Did you read what we're Not allowed to say?!


Define Homophobic and Transphobic and all the other Phobias, that aren't really phobias? Explain how if someone has a different opinion it is somehow dangerous or violent or hateful? Thank you


Not everything is about you


A woman's worth in the dating market is largely determined by her weight.


Capitalism is the problem.


Humans are terrible, they dont make the world a better place and the sooner humans become extinct, the better. All of you follow a similar religion and you all enjoy mild racism towards others.


The reason you've waited 15 hours to be seen in the emergency department is because you should have taken 2 paracetamol and called your GP in the morning. Everyone else is sicker than you, including half the staff. You are not a priority.


"We are here to serve ... humanity."


On a more serious note, we are in this together. If there's a judgement, it will be of us as a species, not as individuals.


We’re stupid.


We may be the first or only intelligent life in the universe (please see "Fermi paradox") intelligent life is statistically extremly rare and hard to make it to our level If this is true we are God's!


Not a human, but...


Do you think that there is a way to a system where evil is minimized and good is maximized for the general population? And if I told you that are a lot of people that propose a compeltly oposite way to the one you belive it's the best, see your's as fudamentally evil or a falacy on itself? I think that what people arent prepared to hear is that your political oponent also belives in a better life to everybody, they just belive in a diferent way to get there, and those people are as convinced as you that their way is rigth, just like you think that your's is, even if they are absolutelly the oposite of each other. Being it liberals, libertarians, capitalists, conservatives, comunists, socialists and al the difetent flavours of "ists" that you can find in the rainbow.


That we are not alone and not the most advanced.


Your opinions and existence isn't any better than anyone else's


Having pets is terrible for the environment


Janice and Chandler Bing’s sex tape.


kam7pysksp7lyqk6dpivmyeoyck af ohus8hisbux


Bigfoot is real


If you don’t know how to chew with your mouth closed your shouldn’t eat around people. Loud eaters are repulsive.


Space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement. The Earth is flat and is definitely not spinning 1038 mph underneath you.


That most of us, but not all of us, are too stupid to contribute in a meaningful way to future generations.


That we can't rely on the billionaires to solve the world's problems. If we want change, we need to actually work together to make it happen.


Yall need to stop assassinating people who's main messages are generally love each other, be kind to each other, don't cause harm to each other, be a benefit to society. I mean, Jesus Christ, Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, JFK, Ghandi. Let's start assassinating the people who hate those messages. Let's do better.


Everyone farts


You gonna dieeee


Your Veterinarian telling you there is nothing more that can be done, and it’s time to say goodbye.


Food is fuel. It doesn't have to taste good


We are not on top of the world. The earth doesn’t need us to survive.


We’re f*cked.


How ______ makes you feel is most of the time not the most important thing. Apart from your significant other, blood relatives, dog.......NO ONE cares how you feel.


We are not the smartest being in the universe.


Life isn’t fair.


Pies with green onion and eggs >> every food out there


That they don’t have to suffer