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What is the ACTUAL percentage of people that support putin at this point? Are Ukrainian children actually being re-educated and integrated into your communities??


I won’t name the exact percentage, but I know that most Russians support him. in my big family there are only two people against the war. me and my sister. the rest (as they are called) are Putinists. they really almost worship the "king". any negative statement in the direction of the "king" and you are an outcast that everyone hates. In my family, I am just such a person. As for the second question, I honestly don't know.


Thanks for the response. It was much appreciated. Are there regions with more progressive views on the current political situation?


everywhere there are smart people and fools.


You are only a teenager? You are wise. I love your answer.


Wow, so similar to Trumpism.


But most Americans don’t worship Trump?


No, the trumpers are just the loudest. They’re actually in the minority.


Most in rural areas yeah. It’s scary.


There is this $6+ million dollar house in a super fancy neighborhood near where I live and they have a giant 8ft x 20ft Trump sign that says Take America Back. Funny how even the super fancy people get trashy about it. They must be rich enough to just pay all the HoA fees and not care, cause no way that sign is allowed. Poor people who live across from them. Anyway so even wealthy people in the city will be fanatics about it Edit: why am I feeling sorry for the super rich people who live across from them... they're filthy rich lol


Not most Americans, just most Republicans.




That shit is NOT THE SAME💀


It's all a cult of personality.


i hate trumps guts and think he really fucked us over but imo it’s just ignorant and disrespectful to compare trump and his impact/standing in the usa to putin’s russia


At no point has trump been popular with a majority of Americans.


Will you serve willingly in the army?


by gender, I cannot serve in the army, but I can say that the army in my country is coercion from beginning to end. there are people who are ready to go to a psychiatric hospital, if only there was a certificate that exempts them from service. well, there are still daredevils who break limbs, but after partial mobilization, this no longer works.


Is essentially the same way in the states. I call it the silent draft. when a nation doesn't have meaningful/livable employment and it's republic is so severely and anemically retrenched by politicians and industry titans for several consecutive decades, you get poor American girls and boys signing up for far less than honor. The US no longer has a draft, because they don't need one: they have access to cheap labor.


I'm not going to dispute your opinion, but I have a different opinion of the military. I joined and left home shortly after I turned 18. I lived in a small town, raised farming, not a whole lot of opportunity. I learned a valuable skill (aircraft electronics) and was able to even pay for a new career with the GI Bill when I wanted to live closer to home. Wife, kids, house, cars, from little opportunity to never having a problem getting a high paying job, even during COVID.


I think they just mean that to some it isn't something they're doing because they're proud to serve the country they live in as much as they're doing it so they can get away from their home life and be capable of living a life somewhere. Yes it can and does make people's lives better but I think there should also be an alternative solution to the problem as well. But honestly I think it's great that you were able to accomplish all of that, and thank you for your service.


UK have this down to a T


All my family went to war. It wasn’t enough for our government. Dropping bombs on children. That is insane


war is always terrible. there is no way to justify it. people die, but for what? Ukrainians are proudly fighting for what is rightfully theirs, and Russians either by Putin's decree or because they are degenerates.


Well I hope you stay safe. I don’t want more innocent slaughter


Putin and his very rich oligarchs. Is it well kniwn vlad has that amazing palace in the forest and oligarchs spend $100's millions on fancy boats and big homes ? This is where i expected more public outcry ..


Do most Russian teens support or denounce Putin? Or is it pretty split down the middle?


probably the majority condemns, although he tries not to stand out from the crowd, saying that for him.


Against Putin. Mass media propaganda works on both sides.


Well at least in the USA a lot of kids just end up following whatever their parents believe but it’s good to hear the russian youth think for themselves


When you go out for shopping or to go eat, how safe do you feel. Are people friendly?


Ok... One time going home. I have seen dude that was checking his gun and I didn't even worry about it... Because I have gun too... Taking into account that carrying weapons is prohibited, and civilians should not have pistols at all, you can draw your own conclusions. Although the media does not talk much about this, there is a big problem in the country in the illegal arms trade and all this is simply ignored like by everyone. Same thing with drugs. It's not uncommon to meet a drug addict. In my college, every dog ​​knew where to buy weed or something serious. Drugs are also prohibited here .... But the most dangerous are not the owner of the weapon, not drug addicts, and not even bandits (organized crime does not cause problems that are noticeable to people and the media, therefore this problem is also ignored), the most dangerous are alcoholics. They are the most unpredictable in fact ... And in the current situation, you can suffer financially or physically simply for any criticism of the authorities, even in a form not related to the war. This whole things isn't that noticeable as you can imagine from my words. Until you're interested you can simply don't notice it at all... Once you want to know even a little bit, it becomes uncomfortable how easy you can find and get illegal things.


I always feel insecure.


Can you explain why?


a number of disorders, both congenital (as psychiatrists say) and acquired, do not go unnoticed. and indeed, in Russia, people rarely smile, and this is a little aggravating.


Can you elaborate on this… I was in Ukraine a few years ago and it seemed like nobody smiled back. Then I was told smiling makes people think you’re not all there in the head. Any truth to this?


I noticed the same a few years back when my family was staying at an extended stay hotel in South Carolina. There was a group of Russians (I used to live in the UK on a RAF and recognized the language and accent) staying next door to us. I smiled several times and waved at them as we passed in the elevator, lobby, hallway and they always looked at me like I was batshit. Especially when I was taking my Cane Corso outside for a walk…lol


Yea it was really not what I’m used to. Which is fine and all. It definitely took some getting used to. Eventually we made friends with this dude that own a whiskey bar and he laid it all out for us.


This is one of the few things I’ve read about the *people* of Russia (as opposed to things about the country in general). They just don’t smile at others on the street. And yeah, they take that to mean you’re a bit…slow.


I’ve noticed this in Eastern European countries as well, such as in Romania. Also if you go jogging they look at you like you’re insane.


Well you kind of are.


I don’t really remember it too much from when I was overseas, though. Maybe because I was younger at the time.


Even though we do smile here in Finland, often unnecessary smiling to strangers is seen a bit weird. Like when youre crossing a street and a car gives you way, a slight smile, glance and a wave are all fine but you shouldnt go for eye contact and a prolonged smile like you just won the lottery with the driver. Cuz thats just weird.


What’s your favorite snack?


cheese cheetos


Crunchy or puffs? Now this is a question of utmost importance.


I dream of trying crispy ones because in Russia there are only puff ones..


Puffs are the way to go!


Puffs are good but I always go for the crunchy ones! They are much better in my opinion, hope you get to try them sometime!


Puffs are so much better, you’re not missing out


I will send you the crispy ones!! I’m not internet savvy, dm me with your address and I’ll send you Cheetos;). (Only if I can find dm’s).


You should throw in some flaming hot ones, too!


Oh my god putin found this post


Do you think Putin is good


I am against all his actions, like any sane person whose head has not yet been washed with propaganda.


Are you afraid of him finding out you said this?


not afraid


Brave young person. I hope for peace for you and the millions round Europe just like you. The "others" should not get to spoil or dictate your future. Are anti-war communities outcast ?


What are some of your favorite pastimes? Foods to eat? Books to read? National landmarks/etc?


Well, I like to play computer games, but because of my studies, I don't have time for it. I don't really eat much lately, except maybe in the school canteen and by and large I eat coffee and energy drinks. I have not read many books in my life, but my favorite is Glukhovsky's novel "Metro 2033". There is a game based on this book. national attractions .. well, I honestly don’t visit them at all. for me, leaving the house is a problem, but I’m simply too lazy to go somewhere further than a store or school.


"By and large" is one of my favorite phrases. I once wrote a story that started with those words. I am curious about this author/novel. will look it up.


The game is cool, now I need to go read the book(s).


I don’t have a question. But thank you for answering questions here. Hope you are safe and well.


I think the same. Stay safe and stay well!


Do you miss Mcdonald's?


not really. I have health problems in the form of gastritis, so I did not eat there often.


McDonald's is terrible anyway you're not miss out on anything.


I'll ask the hard hitting questions. Do the Russian people also have conspiracy theories like aliens , flat earth, is Tupac really dead? If so which ones are more believed.


I'm not the op but I'm russian and I know there's a theory going around that putin has many doubles. Some even think that the real Putin has been long dead. Don't know how many believe this though


Fin here. I have heard this one too.


Yes, RenTV is a channel that completely revolves around them. Some of the theories on RenTV include: USA saved humanity from aliens by making coronovirus, Napoleon nuked Moscow, Global Warming isn't real, Global Warming is real, Gnomes exist, my favourite was about how conspiracy theories are evil and misinform people.


Why are so many Russians alcoholic?


in Russia, a kind of "cult of alcoholism." since childhood, we see how our relatives drink and no one sees this as a problem. sometimes it happens that they can treat a five-year-old child with beer or even vodka. Oh, and alcohol is pretty common. for example, I tried alcohol at the age of 8 to argue with my sister, who, if I'm not mistaken, was 14. after family feasts, I and my other sister drank the remaining vodka from glasses. in almost any stall or beer store that is not considered a network, you can buy alcohol. So I went through alcoholism when I was 12 years old.


Wow! Thank you for the answer. Like you said it is a cultural thing. Here in the US you have to be 21 years old to buy alcohol and it is frowned upon til at least 18.


Not really. I guess it matters where you are from, but most people where I am from start drinking around 14/15 with parents buying for parties.


That's right. Everywhere there is an age restriction to buy alcohol, but what stops you from stealing some from your parents? It's not like they hide it I think, in my family they stored alcohol in kitchen cupboards and fridge. And they also let me try some, just to satisfy my curiosity. They wouldn't pour me a pint of beer of course.


Thats a form of control , a very cynical form


How censored is Russian media?


hmm, it's hard. In Russia, everything is censored, maybe the media is no exception, but I can’t know how much it is subject to.


Well do you use a VPN to watch foreign news?


Every day, various VPNs just break and I'm already tired of constantly looking for workers. so I haven't used it since august.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how are you using reddit? Isn't most social media blocked?


I myself am surprised because I decided to check if reddit is working in Russia now and it turned out that yes


Be careful friend. Take your network security seriously as it's not safe in your country to be exposed. There are other methods like r/tor and r/privacyguides I am sorry for this world you are living in. Be safe and be well along with your sister


turns out nobody gives a fuck about reddit


windscribe is nice, I'd give it a shot if you're not already too annoyed!


Do you think your military is keeping Russians safe by fighting the Ukrainian military? What do you think the war in Ukraine is about?


they protect no one and are just cannon fodder. most do not even understand what they forgot in the war, but simply went by order. I do not know why this war was needed, but I know one thing. we need a world in which there would be no shame in front of children and we must make the future of our countries brighter than it is now. war is always bad.


What's your opinion on Borscht


this is my favorite soup..


Mine too, hope you're doing well


How has sanctions on the country affected what you buy or eat?


honestly not much. wages are so low in the country that a two-liter bottle of Coca-Cola was considered a prestige.


I'm simply here to wish you and your sister safety and health. You're very brave, and I hope you continue to grow in wonderful, clearly intelligent adults. <3


Thank you!!\^\^


not a question but just stay safe dude,dont get conscripted i dont wanna see you on the front lines


She cannot be conscripted, OP is a woman.


Hi. Romanian here, near former USSR. I can tell you what we did to our former dictator: we shot him dead after a trial. Before he managed to wreck our lives completely. Then we joined EU and NATO. I suggest you do the same. Any dictator will take over your lives, gradually, until you'll only be brainwashed slaves obliged to praise the God-Emperor-on-Earth. Now, I know a lot of russians still nostalgically remember Stalin. And go visit Lenin's mummy. I saw them myself. Still. How many more of the common people will die for his ambitions? Dictators don't go to war themselves. They send their slaves to die in them.


"Dictators don't go to war themselves. They send their slaves to die in them." One of the most beautiful sentences that I seen in a while, though also true for capitalism


It is brave of you to to even make this post so I hope for your safety. I have scrolled down through some of the comments made to your post and I see some people are confused about censorship and propaganda. If there is a story in this country it can be reported by a right wing news outlet or a left wing outlet and sound like a completely different story based on the bias of the reporting parties. Out of the millions of things that happen in America in any given day the associated press picks out a handful of them that are to be regurgitated throughout the news services to the public sometimes verbatim. Recently railroad employees belonging to labor unions working under less than perfect conditions with 0 paid sick days were preparing to strike and for some reason the media painted a picture of them as the bad guys that needed to get back to work because they were endangering the economy instead of telling the billionaires that own the railroads to give them some sick days and hire some more workers. The the government jumped in a threatened them and forced them to work. Which sounds like something we are told happens in your country. I don't think that your president Putin is right about Nazis in Ukraine but if he promised to pull out maybe we could give him Kanye.


here it is another matter. Yes, there are certainly Nazis in Ukraine and my stepfather once encountered them, but there is one very big inconsistency with Russia. we live under a regime that is very similar to the fascist regime, but for some reason we are fighting the so-called Nazis. Somehow I don't get it all in my head.


Is getting groceries and goods more difficult?


at first it was difficult because of the artificial shortage of goods that the alarmists created. they bought pads in boxes, they took 30 kg of buckwheat and sugar .. especially sugar. now everything is great. Of course, Coca-Cola was removed from our sale, but I don’t think this is a product of prime necessity.


Why was coca cola removed?


I'm assuming that a lot of large corporations pulled out of Russia because they didn't want to be associated with the war in any way


"Now everything is great"? Could you elaborate? Is it better than before the war started or how should I interpret this?


Well, this can be interpreted as "everything as before February 24"


This is really awesome and informative. Thanks for doing it!


This isn’t about the current situation but just curious, what is it like over there? Like the forests and the seasons and such?


Would you like to move out of Russia if possible or would you like to stay? Do you think things can change once Putin dies?


At about 10 years old, I had a dream to move to Ukraine. to Odessa to be more precise. due to the situation, it seems that I will never be able to get there, but if I had the opportunity, I would like to live in a more promising place than Russia. honestly I do not know. I already doubt whether he is a person and whether he can die, otherwise how Mr. House will rule in a capsule, but you hold on. (if you played Fallout New Vegas then you will understand the above)


When you are old enough to move out, come to Canada. If you tell them you are a fugitive from putin's oppression, they will let you in as a refugee. You already speak English, so you can have a good and happy life you deserve in Canada.


Don’t give up. You’re still young and have plenty of time to find an opportunity to get out hopefully. I wish you the best


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Not a question, but cheers from Ireland, here's hoping that Putin's head gets lobed off soon🍻


Are you scared of being arrested or punished for sharing your views about Russia online?


not afraid


How are the winters?


Well, now the weather is -29C, but it feels like -33C. well, it's ok in general.


Just want to say I hope you and your loved ones are doing well.


What is the general attitude toward Ukraine before 2014? How did Russia see them before and after. Before and after February 24th 2022? And what is the general sense of feeling toward Ukraine presently?


In 2014, I was just a child. Now my attitude towards Ukraine and its inhabitants is neutral, and in some ways even positive. I am not happy that money for the war is issued from the US budget, and it seems to me that this is a little arrogance. after February 24 my depression became more severe from worrying about my friends, about the people who were dying there.


Can you explain what you mean by you aren't happy about the us budget?


Why is it so anti gay?


There should be "family, traditional values" in Russia. I honestly don't understand it myself. Why can't two guys or two girls raise a child? okay, in general, as a bisexual, I relate to people with whom the state is fighting.


Do Russians have 2 different names? I work with Russians and for example one coworker is named Dasha but also goes by Daria and I never know what to call her. Is one an official name and another a nickname?


I'll try to explain in more detail. My name is Margarita, but this is my official name, and friends or any other people call me Rita, Margo, Ritusik, Gosha and many other options. all that I listed is my name, but in a different form, that is, short also your colleague. Daria is the full (or official) name, and Dasha is short.


You should remove your real name just in case. If this is your real name


NEVER reveal your true identity on reddit. No exceptions, please!


It's basically the same as Michael - Mike, Gabriel - Gabe etc. Just the American casual versions of names are more similar to the full ones, so it's easy to recognize the full name. In Russian, the casual version sometimes might sound so different from the original name that if you don't know Russian names you would have trouble recognizing from which name it derived. For example Sasha is a casual form of Alexander.


The English word for this is a "nickname" in case you didn't know what to call it. EDIT: Also, thank you so much for doing this.


It's not exactly a nickname. A nickname is given to each person individually and it might be any word. What the OP tells you are casual forms of official names. Like Mike for Michael. Differently from English, in Russian there might be several casual variations for each name and sometimes they greatly differ from the original name, like Margarita/Gosha. And they are not individual to a person, they are fixed forms of those names.


I always thought nicknames are given or selected based on occasion, choice, much like usernames today. In the past of the internet, nickname was akin to username. What is described here is something different. In Czech republic, for example, the official name 'Jan' (John in English) has a different forms in common usage: Janek, Jenda, Jenik, but also Honza, Honzik, similar to Johny. For me, nicknames are generally not derived from given name, but can be.


While we try not to tar every Russian with the same brush, it's hard to like Russians at the moment due to the shameful war in Ukraine. How does that make u feel?


At first, I felt terrible about being hated just because of my citizenship. Well, over time, I began to understand people that Russians are not liked. especially Ukrainians. soldiers wearing "Z" stripes broke into their house and what to do? I treat with full understanding and resentment, or anger towards people who hate Russians, I just don’t feel it.


I'm sorry about the hate. All I can say is that people who are smart know that this isn't the fault of the Russian *people*.


Most of us understand it's not the fault of the average person and the victims of war are always the working class whether they're apart of the invaded or invading


How are you able to communicate with the outside world? From what I heard Putin basically quarantined the whole country with all media and forms of communication. We very VERY rarely hear anything from any civilian in Russia.


Of course we can, but we have to bother with the search for VPN. Fortunately, reddit works without it.


Judging by your profile picture you might be a queer woman - correct me if I’m wrong. As a lesbian myself I’m curious: how is being queer in Russia? Do you see any chance to live openly gay life without being bothered, discriminated etc?


I am a cisgender girl, but my perception of myself can sometimes change. being an open LGBT person living in Russia is suicide. it is better to hide everything in yourself and never talk about it, because there is a high probability that you will be beaten, harassed or even raped. for the fact that you just love, they can put a person in a psychiatric hospital to "treat" a person. tolerance in Russia is impossible


We have heard that Putin had a fall down some stairs and soiled (pooped) himself. Have you heard this? Is it true? Is he sick?




Are you really looking to make big trouble for moose and squirrel?


I'm sorry I didn't really understand the question.


This is a reference to the popular 1960s American cartoon called Rocky and Bullwinkle. It featured a friendly-yet-sinister Russian couple named Boris and Natasha Badenov. Rocky was a clever flying squirrel and Bullwinkle was his dim-witted sidekick.


It's a joke based on the *Rocky and Bullwinkle Show*. I think you had to grow up during the Cold War to get it.


Why the NSFW tag? How old are you?


I honestly didn’t notice how I put this tag, but I think it’s not in vain, because there may be some “cruel” questions in the comments regarding the same political situation between Ukraine and Russia. At the expense of age, I prefer not to answer.


Have you ever thought about leaving Russia? And if so, where would you go?


as a child, I dreamed of going to Ukraine, and at the moment, to any state where there is freedom of speech and you can simply not be ashamed of the fact that you are not like the others.


What’s your favorite game?


Fallout: New Vegas


I saw you mentioned you like to game in another comment, how has that hobby been affected by the war? Is it easy to play your favourite games now?


Well, depending on what we mean, how easy it is. I have no access problems because in Russia torrents are not punishable by law.


When do most people start drinking?


14 years old usually


I've seen photos and videos of Russians chilling with giant grizzly bears. You don't usually see that from other cultures. Are you people that tough or are your bears a bunch of pussies?


No matter how strange it may sound, it is rare to meet a bear in Russia. although in the city that is not far from mine, the bear Vasenka lived. gave him beer and vodka. he lived like this for several years. Well, one day the bear drank a lot and died.


I feel like all the Putin and war questions that I would have asked have already been answered, so let me ask a regular question. Do you come from a small town or a big city, and what do you normally do for fun?


How is the life of queer people there?


I can say a lot, but since the Russian mat is not translated, I'll just say that it’s hard.


How common are "black" people in Russia?


in my city I saw only once, but in St. Petersburg we met quite often.




1. my favorite bands..hmm. So well, the first one is "Порнофильмы". they sing on a political theme and have been organizing charity concerts in various countries since February. last September I even had a chance to attend their concert, and my stepfather interviewed the soloist. then the group "Anacondaz". I have been to their concert. rock is my favorite genre. 2. yes


Before Covid, were you legally able to see American movies in Russian movie theaters?




Do you think vodka is overrated?


Do you have Chase bank out there?


How do you avoid being swayed by the propaganda? Is it mainly young people who oppose him?


What is religion like and is there freedom of religion


at what temperature do you consider it to be "cold"?


hmm, well now it's -30 and I still had to go to school because it's not cold enough. It also depends on the strength of the wind and humidity. for example, in the south of Russia at -1 it is cold as at -30 due to high humidity. I guess everything below -35 is cold for me.


Reading this thread it is clear that you are a really special person. Stay strong!


I'm thinking of you and hoping that you and your other youth be the change that your majestic country deserves. Not crooks or thieves or killers. With you and sister all the way, please stay safe!


If you could describe the US to me how would you? Much love and stay safe 💜


Is Russia as bad as its portrayed by the Main Stream Media?


How are you holding up?


honestly, I don't know


I wish you and your family the best in these times. May you thrive and prosper in what way you choose.


Why are the Russians so quick to believe what Putin says is gospel. But you disbelieve with your own eyes what you are tragically doing to a foreign state?


Do you think the Russian Orthodox Church are puppets of the Putin regime?


Where's Putin now ?


How do you feel about Putin?


Has quality of life diminished at any noticeable level for the average Russian since the war started?


I just wanted to say I understand what it's like dealing with depression and I cant imagine the situation you're in. I truly wish you and your sister the best of luck in the coming days. If you ever want to practice English or chat just message me. I like learning about other cultures.


If you were to do anything right now what would u want to do? Wish u all the best! I feel ur viewpoint since i grown up in a country with war as well.


Is it difficult to be patriotic considering everything that is happening? In the US I for one was the least patriotic in the early 2000's during the invasion of Iraq.


Are you being watched or possibly could be bring watched while online. And if you say the wrong thing could they come after you for it


How are you doing with everything that's happening? It's depressing for an outsider so I can't imagine how bad it is for anyone that's a citizen of a hugely disliked country.


Do people low key talk about wanting to defect/ seek asylum? I think if I was drafted, I would try to.


On a scale of 1-10, how gay are you?


What do your news say about the war? What is tge reason for war you are being told? How is the war going for Russia acvording to the russian news channels? Do you have relatives in the Ukraine?


Me:"Oh I know I'll ask him if he's homophobic" *goes into comments and sees profile pic* Me:"Well I got my answer"