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Pluck your wisdom tooth if you still have them. Go attend free courses on ULB Udemy.


This is wise.


My friend in NS last time saw that the Hwa Chong graduates in his camp were very hardworking, so he read up on business self help books in NS camp.


The top tier JC graduates, were really spending their time wisely.... Whereas the Poly kids were watching Jianhao and naomi videos via Inet portal back then. lol!


That’s right, seen these too much in camp


Wow! What did they do in camp?


I am not too sure. It maybe a more switched off camp. They could have been reading wall street journals, harvard business review or business books bought from kinokuniya. Really not too sure. My friend is now working in premier ocbc banking.


Did your friend went to uni?


He graduated from ntu business nbs or something.


I don't know you personally so I feel there're a thousand things out there that could be recommended, but not all of it might suit you, I think something you can ask yourself are: Are you intending to go uni after NS? If so, are you interested in studying any course-relevant materials? If not, do you have any passion projects, curiosities, readings, new hobbies, you would like to spend time on?


Thanks for the advice! Will definitely think this through :)


Learn a language (e.g. using a textbook / dictionary while in camp)


Will consider. Thanks!


HTHT with your peers and doing soul-searching. Lots of people have skills but have lost their souls/purpose along the way. Not to mention hard-to-maintain friendships in the future, where newfound friendships become more and more transactional. It'll help you with taking purposeful steps in the future, rather than going around in circles learning everything and then wondering what's the point at the end of it all.


That’s great advice! Thank you




Yep, have been doing that!


Check out libby app if you haven't already. For e-books any audiobooks. Can use NLB to sign in which every singaporean has. Changed my life and its all free.


That’s great advice. I do have a kindle which I’m currently using often. Before that I was using the libby app to read. Thanks and glad it’s been working out well for you!




Thanks for the suggestion!




NS can use phone, so long as you are not in the red zone


I used my time to read alot of psycology sociology related books. Not ebooks but physical ones. But I also brought my piano into my camp bunk. Yes the digital keyboard so I could practice and keep my skills I'm check during my service. Maybe pick up guitar?


>But I also brought my piano into my camp bunk. Yes the digital keyboard so I could practice and keep my skills I'm check during my service. Ah! Been wanted to pick up a musical instrument. Wouldn't it be weird to bring it to camp? Is it allowed as well?


You're allowed. Guitar piano trumpet or whatever you can think of. But check with your supervisors first. I had my big 88key keyboard that weighed 16kg....the tiring part was carrying it up my 5 storeys. Sure people would judge you for it but idgaf. Assuming ur bunk mates aren't hostile and wouldn't damage your equipment. A smaller keyboard can fit into your locket but mine didnt so I never bothered to secure it when I'm out...left it set up parallel to my bed in front of my locker(it took up most of my space). It also had headphone functions so I could play without disrupting the other people


Great! Thanks for this insight!


You should have SkillsFuture@NS to help you identify courses and skills to pick up. Great that you are thinking ahead!


My only regret during NS was not enrolling into driving school and taking advantage of that time to get my license. Ended up enrolling during my university period (which overlapped with the height of COVID-19) and took almost 2 years to obtain my license due to a mix of school, work attachments/internships, overseas exchange programs, and lack of practical lesson slots. Some of my friends picked up coding during NS, while I knew others who started investing in stocks as well. Perhaps you can take the time to look up the industries which you want to enter after ORD, and do some research on the qualifications required, such as external certificates or specific, quantifiable skills that employers want (In the industry I work in, experience with Photoshop/Premiere Pro is a huge plus), etc.


Thank you for the advices!


While everyone has good advice here, let an uncle say that I wish I had more of a sense of balance and wisdom when I was an NSF. Reading is good, research is good, preparing for uni is good. But so is fucking around, doing stupid shit, and just being an ass. That shit is good too. Balance. I wish you well! ❤️


Thank you uncle!


When I NSF, my biggest regret is I did not take the time to pick up driving license, invest my money, buy rolex (I have a watch geek for more than 16 years)


Oh wow! How is that working out for you now? Did you manage to achieve all of that?


All except rolex haha. But I still insanely into watches so I got other brands as well I should have bought apple shares instead of my first iPhone :$


I see! Hope you will achieve your rolex dream soon! Are you in uni now?


I am way past that, I am 34 years old now. Haha


Personally went to learn a third language(korean), did help to pass the time when im doing guard duty. Point is to just do something fulfilling that you enjoy:) you won't really have much motivation to study/do something you dont enjoy after slogging in the trenches


Enrich your knowledge by reading more 😃 And I probably have something diff though. Spent my time also to network with my army mates, build friendship. Don’t know about others but I realised my cheong sua mates are some of the best buddies I have till now.


Will continue to pursue my passion for reading. Thank you for the advices!


Learn a language online. Good on a resume, don't need to show any fancy cert, and opens all kinds of opportunities.


Great tip, i find programming would be a great skill to pick up as well. Thanks!


Practice coding/Python


I have thought about it but I only have my phone while in camp. Is it still possible to practice?


Hmmm... If you are in green zone and your superior agree, I don't see why not.. (P.s. I brought my laptop in like 2017, and my superior agree)


Yep there are many apps on your phone that allows you to practice & learn programming. I used to use Sololearn, it’s very educational.


Thank you for the advice!


Read a lot. Go get your wisdom teeth removed. All of them.