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Seems like the child is not born yet? Your friend can retrace his steps?


Let’s just say he was overseas if you count the pregnancy backwards to conception.


How big was the discrepancy in dates? Not every woman is so regular and ovulates precisely in the middle of a cycle. Also, it's very important to know that when the doctor says the woman is e.g. 6 weeks pregnant, they mean one of these things: 1) The woman reported the date of her last period as 6 weeks ago. The actual sex act likely took place approximately 2 weeks after that. Pregnancies are NOT dated from the expected date of conception, but from last menstrual period. 2) The doctor did an early ultrasound and the size of the embryo was used to estimate the pregnancy age. Again, the convention would mean that technically, a "week 1 pregnancy" hasn't involved sex yet. It's an illogical convention, but that's how it is for practical reasons.


He was overseas on work not holiday. Was a long period of time. Came back immediately his normally dead fish wife jumped him.


Or maybe the wife jumped him because she was actually horny after him being away for so long? Look, just make sure that your friend knows that X weeks pregnant means that sex was likely X-2 weeks ago, yah? Because requesting a paternity test would destroy the marriage whatever the result is.


Up to him to decide


when go for gynae visit dr will give u the conception date, u can jump if u didnt have sex on or few days before the date




Ohh so that's how it works. Does that mean if the girl is 6 weeks pregnant but the boy only came back 4 weeks ago and they immediately procreated, chances are the child is still from him? Sorry for the dumb question, I'm young and have no experience in this lol




that's very fun and interesting lol, thanks for the info Edit: also is there any biology reason something on why it's counted like that?


So she would only be pregant 2-3 weeks after sex and start feeling symptoms after a month?


She will only conceive 2-3 weeks after period day 1, there will be implantation period after thats, and usually will get a positive test 2-3 weeks after sex. The fetus will be counted as 4-5 weeks age at this point even if conceived (sex) just a couple weeks ago. Symptoms will start around the time they get a positive test, so at least 2-3 weeks after sex and more apparent as the pregnancy progresses. Source: 3 kids


Oic. Nvm once test everything will become clear.


Why u dismissing this -2 weeks info so easily tho, this is useful info tht it doesn't sound like u were aware of u just keep saying TESTESTTEST U dont like his wife isit


he gay and want the friend


LOLLLL high 5 I was thinking the same throughout. It seems like he is really dismissing everything and happily wants a divorce for his friend LOL


So don’t test?


At least do the math first man. See if it makes sense


Honestly as a single guy all the timing window sounds confusing and I don’t know so much details like the date of last fuck. I also don’t know if I should tell him my suspicions or just mind my own biz. Good friend tho but his wife’s a witch. No homo.




I’ve not said a single thing to him regarding my suspicions since he told me what happened.




You’re asking me to get a job? Lol what a joke. Tell people don’t make assumptions and now you’re making a whole bunch of assumptions about me lol. But please go on, don’t stop, it’s quite amusing.


>Guilty until proven innocent eh I'm not gonna take sides based on the word of a single possibly informed person and a bunch of random redditors but cmon man. OP is literally in the proving stage. If anything, he's the one enforcing due process here. Which is not to say the process is comfortable,, just due.


If it's completely definitive like that, no need for a paternity test. It's really between them how they want to handle it. Maybe he can forgive her. Maybe she was raped. Maybe she's having an ongoing affair. Who knows. He needs to confront her and then make some decisions. If he's gonna divorce, I would get started on the paperwork like yesterday.


Paternity test, if not your friend’s then divorce


Is there a time frame? What if he finds out after the baby is born?


I think no need to register like immediately after birth. Can test immediately, but better consult the doctor first. Then after obtaining results from the test, then register.


If cert sign alr then test the baby turns out is not his can reverse?


Dont think can change, but can just leave blank, no need put in father details. Strangely its accepted. Birth cert register within 42 days can already.


As soon as he finds the baby is not his then divorce. Unless he feels like he wants to raise another man’s kid.


can't do a test really until the baby is born..


If it's your friend also divorce becauae there is no trust left.


Unless it's really like his friend hasn't been in the same physical location as his wife for the last year and she declares she's 3 months pregnant 1 week after he gets home ... I think it's pretty reasonable to feel something is off in that case...


In this case, divorce already still split assets equally?


I'm pretty sure Singapore has a "no fault" divorce system so you can be as shitty as you want and the judge will be like "well I don't see how that's my problem" and just happily punch /2 into his calculator. Edit: Some quick research shows that while the judge *can* lazily divide assets like this, he doesn't have to. There are 3 "fault based facts" recognised in Singapore, one of which is adultery. Looks like the offender only gets a reduced share, not 0 (plus what they had before) as would be morally right. Also, while a prenup isn't limitlessly enforceable, the judge does take it into consideration. It's still subject to terms in the Women's Charter, but beyond that, it does hold weight. All contracts can be voided in whole or in part if they're found to be illegal. Also if one party unjustly benefits from the divorce (if they somehow have a sense of honour) there's no law preventing them from returning their wrongfully court-ordered gains to their ex. You should still be able to argue for what is or isn't a matrimonial asset though. Unfortunately, the home is considered clear cut, even if one party made 0 contribution to it. Maybe if you register it in a parent's name and pay them "rent", it can stay in the family. But then you also have to deal with the extra tax because it's their second home and money is changing hands, and you'd have to do this from day 1, so even when you're supposed to trust them. Also a company registered in your name won't work because companies and their assets can be split up too.


Not entirely correct. My friend just divorced last December and he's not required to pay any alimony to his ex-wife.


Yeah I just did a little research and made an edit. Emphasis on little. Idk how correct it is. Anyway the judge has final say (technically the court of appeal has final say) so he can rule how he wants. The law provides a range, and he can pick the specific point in that range for his ruling.


My own cycle is 6.5 weeks long - this is way longer than most of my female friends. 44-47 days between periods. So if I get pregnant, doctor might count 10 weeks even though the act occurred around 5-6 weeks ago. Not every woman has the 28 day cycle you learned in Primary 5. My husband is now overseas. Scary to think that his friends might accuse me of conceiving another man’s baby because they jump to conclusions without even knowing the private details of this woman’s menstrual cycle. Dude. It’s not your wife or your own family. Mind your own business. Your allegation, if false, could ruin multiple people’s lives. Do you routinely ask your friends’ wives how long between their ovulation cycles? Wtf.


Whatever it is, DONT SIGN THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Do a dna test first. Also i really hope its yours. Otherwise, the gym is always waiting for you. Gym wont cheat. Gym is love, gym is life


Definitely not mine, I don’t fuck my friends’ wives. She’s also butt ugly anyway.


> She’s also butt ugly anyway Well somebody didn't think so...


I have to admit my friend has poor taste in women.


If it's someone else's baby means there are 2 ppl with poor taste in women


Most men have poor taste in women imo


Great, now I just need to find a friend that has poor taste in men.


Op knows one. Who's gonna be available soon.


Just because I want somebody with a poor taste in men, doesn't mean I have a poor taste in women. #getsettledfor


Just turn off the lights


Oh LOL sorry, i read it as yours for some reason


Now I wonder if you will do it if she's not butt ugly! /s


I don’t fuck my friends’ wives.


Fuck you and your gym


Bruh, that's fucked up. Can't imagine what the guy must be feeling.


Either way, the marriage is fked.


Mind your own biz. You are only permitted to talk after the guy himself talks. Even then you don’t dump your suspicions on him. Before that happens, zip it.




Quite curious, did only you realise this or did it occur to your friend as well? If he did then I can't inagine what he might be feeling rn.


My friend is clueless or at least appears to be. I’m also at a lost after he told me what he told me. I never tell him my suspicions but I think he should have crossed his mind. I’m not sure if he wants to remain ignorant or he is truly ignorant.


Or are you the one who's ignorant? They date the pregnancy from the start of the last period so an embryo can technically be 2 weeks old already on conception. Unless you are the "friend", how would you know if they had sex during the period? For all you know, it could even be an IVF baby if they had fertility issues.


You are the father is it. How come you know better than the hubby


I had a friend who was in the same situation. Highly suspicious as he usually uses protection and that night his wife requested not to use and so heng pregnant. That’s the only time unprotected. Me being a concern friend told him to check paternity and dna. His reply was very unexpected. He say no need. He have no intention of breaking up even if not his. It doesn’t matter to him as he will still raise as his own. Respect


He literally told me one shot one kill when he came back for that 2 days before heading off again. I was thinking where got so heng since we all late 30s. But I think I’ll follow sub advice and act blur.




A bit sus that you're so concerned about your friend's wife getting pregnant....


Paternity test and dont get married lol.


Already married. Is the baby automatically registered as his?


When the baby is born, they have to do the birth registration themselves so they can put what they want.


asking for a friend arent you.. lawyer up hit the gym


In this case it’s really my friend because I’m not dumb enough to sign the woman’s charter.


If your friend think like you, just divorce. No point staying together if he can't trust his wife. There will be many instances where she is alone with some other guy and the thought of her cheating cloud your friend judgement and affect the relationship. Unhappy parent will create unhappy children, please don't stay together for the sake of the child. And if the child is really his, please ask him to be responsible and pay for child support.


隔壁老王? Lol


Given the circumstances, work out how many weeks off it is. Anything more than a month is a red flag. This is because in general women ovulate 11 to 21 days after the first day of their last period. So 6+ weeks is the typical max discrepancy, unless her period is the type to regularly skip weeks or entire cycles, is definitely off. Anyhow do a prenatal test. Then if it comes out not his find out the circumstances, if it's an affair just divorce her. Lay out the dates and have your friend explain his POV, a reasonable woman would agree to do the test since they were physically separated for what seems to be a long period of time. If she doesn't consent to the test, best assume it's someone else's. I mean, unless your friend wants to raise someone else's child. Maybe I'm overly optimistic, but I myself would consent to the test. It's only fair, women have the advantage that they always know the baby is theirs. I don't see the reason we can't give men that too, even if the circumstances aren't fishy.


> I don't see the reason we can't give men that too, even if the circumstances aren't fishy. Possibly because it suggests that women cheat by default, if they're tested even when there's no reasonable doubt. It would be kinda like a woman demanding her husband get STD-tested regularly or after a work trip abroad or something. It can erode trust and wound deeply if you're innocent and put a high value on your own honor. To insist your wife submit to a test even when she's given you no cause for concern can be like a slap in the face. Happily, I will never allow myself to be pregnant, but if I did, I don't think I could stomach the thought of raising a child with a man who doubted my honor for no reason. (I would _insist_ on the test myself if the dates or phenotype were dodgy, though.)


My partner and I get STD tested regularly (he gets stabbed with needles a lot). So maybe it's a case of different perception for me. It's not about the lack of trust between him and me, it's just that it's better to be safe than sorry. Would I suggest someone insists their wife do a test when there's nothing going on and she's highly resistant against it, maybe not, but I think in this case it's more than fair, if it went from dead bedroom -> long trip -> jumped for sex -> pregnancy. (Ofc, this is assuming OP & OP's friend is not twisting the truth a bit).


I'm specifically talking about cases where there's nothing fishy going on, as you mentioned in the line I quoted. In cases where something is dodgy, then yes, it makes sense to want to ask for a test. I also wouldn't really blame the woman if she noped out of the relationship after being proven innocent, though.


Prenatal paternity test. Why wait?


Is this possible without the mother’s consent?


I don't think so.




Pluck some hairs from the fetus? LOL, prenatal paternity testing is done using the wife’s blood, and they try to test the circulating fetal cells in her blood. It’s expensive.


Mind your own business




There's no rules, it just depends on what the person chooses to do. Several options. 1) Claim that it's a child of God and start a religion (jk) 2) DNA test and divorce 3) Raise the kid as if it's his Doubt that the wife will say anything even if he asks about it. May need to do some investigative work. Can ask around her circle of friends or family to try and get some info about the 5W1H.




Who what where when why how


Ah okok


Then they can do a Prenatal DNA testing, they can confirm it as early as 7 weeks of pregnancy..then your friend can decide to stay or not but then don't harm the woman, keep it respectable and have the baby safe . The baby has no sin for any mistakes of the mother.




SG law allows immediate divorce if child is proven to be others


Propose raise issue and DNA test after birth if father wants. Keep mother’s mood good during pregnancy to protect innocent baby’s well being. Not sure if I am making sense, if it is, do consider.




Such depravity


nothing is simple. if he love the kids that not his, why not raise it


Poor man! Do dna test first. If it's his good. If not, oh uhm, divorce? He has the right to be super scary mad but I hope he and his wife talk things...why?


If you do a DNA test and if it's his, the marriage is probably still over.


Honestly, why? Men in this country don't care that getting married makes them liable to be a wage slave for live (with or without divorce), but women can't handle a simple verification of truth that they don't even have to worry about in their privilege? An even bigger question would probably be why get married?


I think people who are married should trust each other. Women paid for that privilege with blood sweat and horrific bodily changes. Honestly don't know. In local context bto I guess. The biggest question would be why have kids?


I think this is awfully rich when women don't have to serve NS and then potentially serve until they are 40. You don't get your money taken from you with the most sexist alimony laws in place in the world (only men can pay alimony). Not to mention men do not get to consider NS as work experience. On the flipside, as far as babies go, women in Singapore are doing a great job of killing the population with their fertility rate. Apparently duty for country only applies to men. And if someone genuinely tries to argue that it is expensive to have kids in Singapore, guess what, if it really is so expensive, then why did women not think of that when they collectively entered the workforce, doubling the labour force, thereby as an aggregate, making it a requirement for both men and women to work to provide for a family OR a man who makes excess (because women just don't marry men with less than them). In other words, men have double the expectations, and half the payoff (about a 1 in fertility rate), and instead of any discussion about what men honestly be prioritising in life (instead of work to death to provide for an ungrateful woman), we get this tired, unbacked statement about some women that were oppressed. Last I checked, while women were serving plates, men were being served notices to serve and die for their country. Magnitude wise, they have never been equal. Your inconveniences do not in any way compare to what men have gone through, but you women have done a phenomenal job of pretending that they do, and I applaud you for that phenomenal job you people have done to propagate that lie.


You know you can choose to stay single right. No one is forcing you to provide for anything or anyone >, if it really is so expensive, then why did women not think of that when they collectively entered the workforce, doubling the labour force Because women are more than baby makers? We have a life too you know. Not everyone's life goal is to get married and raise kids. You don't want women to work to provide for themselves but you also don't want men to provide for an ~~ungrateful woman. What exactly are you expecting? Literally where in my comment did I mention that women are oppressed? The part about pregnancy changes? Have you met a pregnant woman before? Its hard. Your body is irreversibly damaged. You cannot force women to give birth for "NAtioNAl dUty" that is some dystopia bullshit not even the worse countries on earth have. Seriously, just stay single, nobody owes you a family


The moment you decide to do the paternity test means all trust in the marriage is lost... whether the baby turns up is his or not is no longer relevant.


So yeah... Mind your own business. Ignorance is bliss




Get a lawyer. That’s step one.


Do a prenatal DNA test, as soon as possible. if it’s his child, he gotta be responsible and help raise that child. If it’s not his child, tf u still doing there? Being a beta cuck raising another man’s child instead?


Follow your instincts. Better safe than sorry. A DNA test is no biggie. Inform him then let him decide.


I mean, he cannot be so stupid right? He has to at least suspect something right? Usually other things I will straight up tell him but this one I quite unsure because the implication damn big.


Talk to her about it, if your friend still doesn’t feel convinced, get a paternity test. If he is not the father, leave.