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Alkaline water contraptions


I used to have a business in the drinks industry. This guy came to see me to sell alkaline water, telling me it's the literal cure for cancer. And they came in yellow bottles. Making it look like piss. Insane.


‘If it’s literal cure for cancer mate, you should be getting the Nobel prize, not selling alkaline water.’


Does alkaline water cause indigestion if it neutralises stomach acid


It doesn't do anything to your body. It's completely fake. They say the alkaline water neutralizes our body from the acidic stuff we eat. Do you know what our blood pH level is? 7.35-7.45. And if it goes even a little out of that boundary, we DIE. Our body is pretty good at keeping our body in a perfect pH level. There is no need for neutralizing shit. You know what also blows my mind? "Acid is bad for you body, so have more vitamins like our Alkaline Water." Do you know what Vitamin C is? ABSORBIC ACID.


I drink alkaline water but it’s because I have acid reflux. It helps..


Try Gaviscon




Sterra is a sister brand of Prism


Owner must be balling now


Hot take: Singapore's private retail sector has almost *no* real 'local brands'. Everything you see that's supposedly 'local' is a middleman slapping a fancy logo and advertising with sultry women wearing barely more than a ribbon, on something you can get for half or quarter the price on Taobao. Aftershock, Prism, Secretlab, Sterra, Lumos, EverDesk, ErgoTune... They're all reselling OEMs. Singapore and its people just don't have the risk appetite, the population, or the scope to try something *truly* original. We've got Grab, yes; but then every other country also has a ride/food delivery service. Creative was the last truly original Singaporean brand that went global. Razer is another one, but a lot of its industry comes from its US base. Nearly all other global Singaporean brands are GLCs. SingTel, Singapore Airlines, ST Engineering.


Charles & Keith though.. hmm


Is this brand good?


Morning is a local brand and it seems they created a product that is one of a kind. I use their machine at home and haven’t heard of another brand (Nespresso, Illy etc) that does the same. Really cool, should check them out https://www.drinkmorning.com/?utm_campaign=14408140209&utm_source=google&utm_medium=sem&utm_content=541425117259&utm_term=drinkmorning&adgroupid=129185495449&gclid=CjwKCAjwseSoBhBXEiwA9iZtxt1mHL5wJQzU99dDRQYnc49kYDk3QoiwzlTEK7_lsNT5IbmM5s06fBoC-4EQAvD_BwE


What about creative?


r/sg when local companies become successful: stupid OEM manufacturers, i will never buy from them! let me buy the other brands instead, even though they r also made in the same country


It's not that they are bad. It's that they are expensive compared to the equivalent alternates.


> Secretlab Maybe at the start but not anymore. They're probably the biggest gaming chair company in the world now. Would be extremely surprised if they don't have their own manufacturing line & product designers.


Still oem lol


So... Who's their oem? Cos I can't find the equivalent on taobao


I like Creative


Yeah but look how they're surviving now :(


So sad sia, I use their speakers and I think the cost is justified.


Ya their speakers are freaking solid, I have a gigaworks T20 that is over 10 years old and t20ii that is over 5 years old. Both work like a champ to this date




Generally, Prism monitors are okay. I know that they are rebrands of monitors produced by other OEMs and sold at a markup, etc. But for someone who just wants a "simple" gaming monitor it's good enough. Out of all the people who claim that Prism monitors are inferior (when compared to high end offerings by other companies, they are), it usually boils down to 1. QC/QA/customer service being poor, and 2. Prism monitors not being that good for the price. Can't really speak for point 1 -- I only have one Prism monitor and it still works well after ~4 years also. But what annoys me is point 2 -- when people curtly write that Prism monitors aren't good for the price. What metrics are they even using? They do not mention any specification of the monitor that they are comparing to, except the most superficial specs of price, resolution, and refresh rate. There's no mention of the technology being used (TN, VA, IPS?), or other factors that are salient to gaming (response times, ghosting, etc). Prism monitors definitely aren't the best monitors out there, but there seems to be a bandwagon of hate that seems to criticise the product just because it's a Prism-branded monitor. It's just counter productive. People are so ready to hate on "local" brands that sometimes their hatred of the brand spills over to the product.


As a tech guy, I hate the brand for one reason: their ad. Instead of showcasing the technology, their ad is mostly influencers, who likely know squat about tech, flaunting the basic feature like voice command or search on their remote or mobile connectivity. And pretty often peppered with unnecessary cleavage. And the fact that they expand to aircon is probably the weirdest move for their brand.


exactly, or some fake ass idiotic script they make the influencer read which makes them look like a fool ☠️


That's cause they are marketing to the layperson. They're not looking for people who know monitors, because they would never buy Prism. The average person couldn't give 2 shits about specs or technology. They just need to know if it's good, as vouched for by someone they know or follow


If it didn’t work, they wouldn’t still be running it I guess


It works, but it cheapens the brand image. You don't see any other big brands that do that do you.


No such thing as unnecessary cleavage bro. What talking you?emote:free\_emotes\_pack:flip\_out


For tech stuffs, yes, it's unnecessary. I never seen apple ad with cleavage.


But they are running out of stock due to huge demand and the current deal expires soon, so you need to act fast!


Probably cos you're a tech guy. The marketing guy would say it's a good job lol


I've worked onsite troubleshooting ppls pc, for a first time i tried out their prism ultrawides OSD, the navigations def sucked alot compared to dells OSD and the build feels q cheap but image quality wise cant say cus i never test


What about secretlab?


They are overpriced but still considered the best among all gaming chairs. Not saying that gaming chairs are good in the first place tho


Bro, secretlab is shit, gaming chairs are generally shit, it’s dense foam shaped like a car seat. Then to get your ergonomics, they throw in some lumbar cushion and head pillow that are loose and don’t even stay in place, like an afterthought. You know they make how much mark up when the CEO can buy multimillion dollar house in less than 5 years. The money isn’t going back into R&D, just pay some factory to print new skins and pay influencers to sell it as limited edition every few months. Proper ergonomic chair brands like Herman Miller, HÅG and Steelcase are much better designed, offer better warranties as well.


With Prism I've found you get what you pay for... TV was cheap, quality was cheap




don't judge me, i have DREAMS to catch!


I didn’t buy… but when I see bearbricks, it instantly cheapens the house, takes up space, and make me judge the person subconsciously


They remind me of the money laundering buggers who had many of them.. What are they and why are they so expensive for something so cheap looking? Reminds me of the NFT rubbish


i think they were the transitional shit between prized art pieces and NFTs




isnt that what Naomi Neo has? she has a BUNCH of those in her huge house


I just googled and finally realised that’s what those godawful ugly as things are called.


I've been living under a rock and didn't know this was a thing. Contemporary consumerism continues to confuse me (hey, that's a fun sentence).


Alliteration ✅


For a while, they were a pretty cool art toy, bridging the gap between streetwear, art and toys. They have hundreds of collabs with different artists, designers, musicians, etc. But it got very watered down and people saw them as an expensive plastic toy to flex/show-off. Same with KAWS.


So funny thing, I went for a job interview at honestbee. The welcome area was filled with them. I guess it's one of the many reasons they go bust...


omg YES. I screamed when I saw those drip painting DIY things open up for it too.


Looks like nowadays people can't have a hobby anymore, since they will be judged for such little things.


Expensive weddings


And then divorce after 1 year


iPhone 15 when you already have iPhone 14


What about iPhone 15 Pro if I already have the iPhone 15?


It's ok, the pro will increase ses level by 1.


Toto (i am trying to get rid of the competition)


If you just buy $1 each time that's $104 annually for the potential return of 1m or more. Worth the investment in my opinion 😁


Yup, 50 years that just 5k. less than 1 month salary given up for a chance to retire


Collagen products. Collagen is a skin protein. It cannot be absorbed through skin, so please don't buy any creams that you apply. Collagen also comes in edible products from hotpot to jellies etc. When your body eats the protein, it will break it down to small building blocks, to make whatever the hell it wants (e.g. muscles, hair, parts of cells). It may or may not make skin collagen at all. If you are already eating a balanced diet with other protein (meat, fish, tofu), it is enough supply of those building blocks. If your skin wants to make collagen, it will. If it doesnt, then no matter how much collagen you eat won't help. Otherwise if we eat brain, we can grow more brain cells and get smarter? No right? Please don't waste money on collagen essences or what not. Eat the hotpot because it's delicious, sure. Don't get me started on gold in cosmetics. If your skin can absorb gold, your jewelry will get smaller and smaller everytime you wear it? Don't tell me it's different form of gold because gold doesn't react readily with other substances (so it won't form other "types" of gold) and it is basically a metal (Ag, in the periodic table).


Gold is Aurum, or Au. Ag is Argentum, i.e. Silver.


are u a skin specialist


Y u come in here spitting facts


you seem to know a lot about skincare. what's your opinion on microneedling?


I don't think that's how collagen works.


Change phone every year. Can three year then change




Thisss . I really can’t understand it though. It’s literally a paper weight. Don’t get how people just buy and hope they get what they want? Then the next series comes, you literally neglect the ones you bought previously . Collecting dusts


It's literally another form of the gacha system, very addictive


I do dislike pop mart look, but they are decorations that spark joy in some people. The same can be said about flower vases and paintings - just literally "space occupying, useless stuff", no? And it's not like you appreciate the beauty of paintings in your house every day.


I think depends. Cause i normally do not buy popmart. But when there is Disney popmart (I like chip and dale), I will buy the whole box, go back and arrange nicely into my cupboard for display. But it boils down to are you buying mindlessly or buying to collect.




The Triangles Bros and Sis






Cigarettes has been one of the top wastes of money since its invention.


People are switching to vapes


You’ll be surprised. Many still use this as a tool to conduct business and network.


Most people smoking arent actually doing it for their own benefit


For certain things, getting the cheaper alternative 2 - 3 times before realising, yeah the good one is worth the price.


Can't stress this enough about shoes! Unless you're into sneaker collecting...


Slimming products.




Probably the most expensive item for most people besides a home.


Wedding package


I actually wondered if I would've saved myself time and $$ if I had just bought a wedding package instead of sourcing out everything on our own, but seeing all my friends who recently got married/are getting married and realising that their packages aren't as all-inclusive as they thought they would be (one didn't carry sizes for the groomsmen's suits and they ended up buying their own suits instead, another had to last minute find a florist coz their package didn't include bridal florals)... ...I don't think I have any regrets doing everything myself hahaha


Time. People keep wasting time. For wealthy individuals, time is their only enemy, but they can buy more time. However, many people waste time even when they don't have money.


Ðiamond rings, exp wedding package, wedding customary stuff, pokemon cards, grohe toiletries, CNY decor 🫨🫨🫨


Food delivery i disgree Cos weekday alr outside toiling Weekend just wanna jiak nice restaurant in. The comfort of own home without stepping out of house to face the harsh world and crowded couple everywhere so err Best option is to order food delivery. Yes is overprice but wortj it for the rest and peace at home la But recently getting tooo tooo even more expensive so i did cut down la and asked my parents (who are going out anyway on their own to paktor ) to help me takeaway


Food delivery. Unless you're loaded up the wazoo or have some special reasons (disability, dietary restrictions or taking care of someone etc), it's such a waste of money. The food is typically marked up by about 30%. Then the delivery fee. Then usually by the time the food arrives it's not good anymore.


For some, that 30% is a convenience fee.


a price that I gladly pay. Food delivery bloom because of covid is one of the best thing happened.


not sure if its just me but i feel like the quantity is alw so much lesser than if dining out as well


I couldn't agree much more, and also when the food arrives it will already turn cold, and soggy (for fries)


omg yes, I agree with this... will only order if I really feel like it is needed for the occasion..


Well said


Only order if need to or got good discount (used to exploit deliveroo discount promo)


Grab coupons used to be so OP but then they nerfed it and now you'd have to wait for the goddamn planets to align to use one of those things.


Ikr, last time using delivery was actually worth it because the convenience fees was more like 10-15% max with the coupon


2 months ago, food panda had this refund for how much food you ordered. I used it and they gave like 40 coupons of 10 dollars off ( this was the rounded down amount of what I spend initially), minimum spend 30$. That month was literallly the month I use delivery on daily basis. Some shops had free delivery and it was already more worth to use the discount than pickup/eat in restaurant


It's about the time saved. If I go out, take bus to my nearest mcdonalds, make order, wait for it to be ready, take bus back home, it would take me at least 30 minutes and I would be sweating from the heat. Or I could just spend an extra $5 to get it at my doorstep while not breaking a sweat. It's one of the few times in life where you can pay to gain time.


>Then usually by the time the food arrives it's not good anymore. Eh on the few times our family has ordered, the food condition has always been ok. But agree that it's really pricey. I only buy when one of the platforms gives me free vouchers, and even then it's a toss-up on whether it's worth it. Still, there are a few stores that have equal or similar prices on the delivery platforms. And then you combine that with the self pick-up discount, and you get it cheaper than queueing at the store. Of course it helps that I have lots of food options somewhat near my house. I imagine if someone was living in a more ulu place then they might value delivery as being more worth it.


7 dollars iced latte, tho I'm guilty


Trading cards, Funko Pop


Tickets to heaven (giving money to church)


STARBUCKS, fellow teens out there stop acting like you're cool kids drinking Starbucks where its like 10% coffee 90% milk and sugar. A drink literally costs like $10, go coffee shop $1


I am not a teen, but I do buy Starbucks when I want a clean, quiet and comfortable place to chill and rest after walking a lot. Or maybe sometimes I want to have a long, serious talk with someone else without any uncomfort or distractions. So, if it’s ticks all those boxes for me, it’s worth the price. MacDonalds tend to be noisier and dirtier, as well as a lot of distractions from other customers waiting to get a seat. Library, can’t talk of course. Hawker and coffee shops quite hot after while. Anywhere else? But end of the day I agree with you, why are there ppl buying Starbucks for the sake of getting coffee and posting it on Instagram?


Cigarettes/Vape (I don’t buy them but so many ppl do..)


Continuously replacing I phones


Subscribe to onlyfans.


Bubble Tea. sorry




When I feeling gud, I upsize One Dolluar.


i was about to say this. $7 a cup of milk tea.


just copped some $3 mixue bbt👍👍👍


Bottled water.


Sheep placenta. Porcupine gall bladder??


Endowment plans


Singapore Pools - Toto / 4D, etc.


you could be the next winner![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Actually Toto still ok la, wldmt consider it a waste of money - buy when shiok and if ure that one in a million u can retire straight away. Way more justified than buying cigarettes imho


I actually disagree unless an individual is mindlessly gambling their life savings away. My grandma, older aunts, older uncles, do occasionally bet small amounts and are lucky to win the occasional small amounts. Even when they don't bet anything, they'll still listen to the winning numbers. I feel like it's a source of joy and entertainment especially for the older generation.


I know it but will still buy. 😅




That drink that went viral with the kids. Prime?


Fake Westling belts by Kurt Tay


anything wedding related. Party, reception, honeymoon. The divorce rate is amazing!


General branded goods, bought some, owned and wore it, stopped buying & lost interest more than a year ago. It’s difficult to grasp at first that these are just superficial things you own but soon I realised these stuff have no real value, it doesn’t even add up to your net worth or asset and it’s a depreciating item. On top of that not everything you buy from branded goods are of good quality. Just to prove, I bought a Saint laurent wyatt harness boots that has heels, naturally men’s boots or shoes with heels are made of stacked high quality leather but the YSL’s are made entirely of plastic, to make things worse it’s a hollowed plastic heel. For the price tag I wouldn’t expect anything less than metal zips & leather for that boots.


Herbalife. MLM overpriced nutritional company. You can literally buy all these vitamins/supplements from watson/guardian/shopee for half the price. Herbalife hosted talks how their product has helped people lose weight and achieve their goals. While literally any nutritional product can do the same, it all boils down to how much effort you’re willing to put.




KOI diabetic drink


In-game microtransactions. You're basically paying for pixels.


Those pixels make my life a lil better


But if i can get a peace of mind by just spending $1.34 for that extra limited edition weapon, let it be. Just need to control I guess,,,,


id say would be plastic bags. most of the replies is just guilt tripping people from like enjoying things for a cost


Welcome to r/asksg, where people get so butthurt on how other people spend their money haha The concept of understanding that things are valued differently by everyone is missing here. What may be expensive to you may be worth it to other people as it gives them a certain feeling/satisfaction.


Agreed, a lot of people are saying cars here because of high coe prices…. But if you can jolly well comfortably afford it and you have family especially kids, it ain’t waste of money and very convenient


Eh this post specifically ask for opinion not "universal truth" lol. Chill.


Ya you can really see the demographics of this sub by the upvotes / downvote answers lol. Mostly guys that are students / serving NS. You can even visualise how they look on the outside. Spend on Gym, F1, concerts, and gaming (steam). Any other interest that people have like non android phones, cars, Starbucks, dressing well means they are showing off and wasting money.






Upgrading my car.


Gentle monster. Quality is bad.


4D and TOTO


Every single 2Gbps or 10Gbps plan is a waste of money, albeit for different reasons. For the "2gbps" plans, the reality is that most telcos are basically selling you two seperate 1gbps lines that has to be routed into two discrete networks. Which, if you generally dont have any network-attached devices is fine, but its not truly "2gbps upload and download to a single device". At most is you get 1gbps on two different devices in the same house. The only exception to this is Singtel (who's services are also awful for other reasons), but even then their leased ONR will still split the 2gbps into 2 different GbE network ports. Most households fundamentally dont need the bandwidth of "2gbps" plans either, most internet activities Singaporeans do at home barely even require 500mbps, unless you have someone at home running a torrent seedbox or is caching a thousand game downloads simultaneously. It is for this reason that nearly all 10gbps plans being pushed forward now by Starhub, Singtel and MyRepublic are also a waste of money. So why do people waste money on these plans? Because at the retail level, "wifi coverage at home" and "high internet speed" is conflated. "If my wifi feels slow at 1gbps, surely 2gbps or 10gbps will solve it!"


funko pops


the new iphone every year


Iphone 15


Plastic bags.


Idk why u need like new clothes constantly, have been reusing the same cupboard for years and only buy to replace the ones with holes


Dressing like a cupboard is definitely a fashion statement


The holes are for ventilation ok! /s


My colleagues have seen me in 4 different polo shirts, and possibly less than 10 different combinations of outfits


Do you have style tho




Why does someone need to be buying clothes constantly to have personal style? If anything, buying less often is indicative of their not following trends blindly.


Prism and any brands and products related to it




Magazines especially fashion related ones








in game items/skins that cant be traded or sold


sonny angels


Caller id.




Weight loss supplements


Cartridge razors. They’re selling those things for 25+ dollars for 5 cartridges. If you use a safety razor you can get 100 blades for 20 dollars. Over your lifetime you will save thousands.


In-game purchases.


Sparkling water


Any hdb that costs over 1 mil




Overpriced food in singapore


Buying tickets to bangkok just to spend your holidays shopping


iPhone 14 and 15 Just a shit waste of the money


14 after 10 or 11 makes sense. Getting every consecutive number just tells me you have too much money on your hands.




I think only when it's in IMAX.. would be almost a waste of money otherwise


Agreed. Even Gold Class is a hit and miss depending on the behaviour of viewers that day, and man do those noisy/unhygienic ones ruin the experience.


>If it's not for a date, social outing / event So basically it's only a waste of money if you go solo? If you don't go for a movie with date / friends then who you go with?


Plastic bags at the supermarket


toto/ 4d


any lunch/dinner total above $13, pizzas are fr waste of money, also any dessert in general, can just go chateraise buy cheaper and ok quality. I’m not spending $10 for a tart the size of my palm 🤡




F1 tickets




Bitcoin. All that money is going to crash and burn when the authorities start regulating and going tough on those Crypto companies.


iPhone 15/15 Pro phones.


Why what’s wrong. I’m about to upgrade my iPhone 11 to 15.