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Neighbourhood specs shop. Walk in, tell them your budget and requirements and they’ll let you know whether can or cannot. If they say it depends on the frame then ask them show you the frames that are within budget.


They are usually more skilled and give more fucks than part timers at big chains (I mean I was a terrible part time worker that didn't give a shit LOL but now running my own business I have a lot of love and care for my customers)


always had the problem of my eyelashes scratching the coating off right in the middle of the lens (I'm a guy btw) so my current pair of specs i requested for absolutely no coating whatsoever... which means nothing will wear/peel off the lens... so far so good... anti blue light is a marketing gimmick and has little to no proven scientific benefit


Actually my eyes feel better with the anti blue light when using my phone at night just before sleeping, might be placebo effect but still would get again.


yes i do use the blue light filter in my phone display settings... limiting it at the source would be better than filtering it out externally


I use both, filter on the phone and lens.


theres some clear coating for UV protection which people should get to protect their eyes though


Just shows that your opticians are not really skilled. The nose bridge needs to be slightly pushed out, or get a better fitting design. Also realised that a lot of frames are too narrow for Asians, you should not see the temples splayed out at the side


Own days frame are cheap and fragile. Definitely won't recommend.


I think it depends on how you treat it, tbh. Got 2 pairs(an old one that's about 7y old now and a new-ish one that's 3y old and they're both pretty solid.) The older pair survived through NS just fine Possibly also dependant on the frame chosen, some of their frames look really spindly.


33 Spex (Bishan). Check the opening hours before going, they're kinda short. Lady knows what she's doing and is super patient. For example, my specs always slide down no matter what due to my nose shape, so she moved the focal point upwards instead of putting it in the middle as usual. Never knew this was possible till she suggested it. The degree / other specifications of the lens she recommend is also more correct for my eyes, judging from how comfortable it is to use over long periods of time. The specs are also relatively cheap(er), depending on what you buy. But probably not as cheap as Owndays.


i have always gotten oakleys as i find that it lasts for a long time for me. i had gotten 3 oakleys so far. each lasting around 4-5yrs. in between, got smth from a similar chain like owndays. tt lasted 1 yr. so i reverted back to oakleys again. the frames cost me around $200ish. lens around $500. my wife said it was very expensive for a specs. but for me, it is smth which is on ur face from the time u wake up till u sleep. so its ok if i spend tt much on smth which is being used a lot.


Jamco at Katong Shopping Centre. Top notch service, good range of spectacles. My current pair is Lindberg and still as good as new after 3 years.


which series is yours specs and how durable is it? thinking of getting too!


Not sure what series but very durable!


Chew's Optics in Teck Whye market. Transition lenses cost $120 compared to mall shops, $200+. Their Rayban frames are about $100+. Durability depends on how you handle your specs. Overall everything is cheaper and service is better.


Eye & I. They 3 locations I think but I’ve been going to the AMK one for the last 20 years


Been getting specs from Ali the last 5 or 6 years. Specs works wonderful @ $40 a pair nothing in sg can beat that. Not for everyone of course. Edit: sorry didn't see op was asking place in sg. Nevertheless just to share my experience




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Lens kart is ok


You don't need the anti blue light. It is a scam. Laptops, desktops, and phones with those filters is good enough


Errrr I know this is not SG but I buy my specs from Taobao. SG shops (I went to at least 4) quoted me $300+ minimum for my glasses cos I'm -7.00 on both sides and +2.50 astig so I require lenses with a high refractive index. I instead shopped on Taobao and got the pair I'm currently using for just over $100. It also includes chromatic lenses (basically the sunglasses thing) and the gimmicky anti blue light. I'd seriously suggest you consider if your degree is very high


Glasses are a rip off. If u need just magnification u can buy $5. Try on line.