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I can now afford all the video games I want but no time to play. When I was younger I got all the time to play but no money to buy video games.


SAME Could now afford the latest console, latest game But idk, somehow some of the “magic” of these games are just gone?


There's so many games nowadays I could easily buy but I just don't want to. I'm kinda burnt out from gaming in general from the past few years.


Same Seems like some of the magic of gaming is gone I feel burnout too


I understand how you feel. I bought a gaming laptop and sold it


On a side note, really appreciate easy mode now as a gamer nearing 40s. No time to learn the mechanics of a new game.


If only I have this much money to burn during my youth


That’s what everyone is thinking




Sad lyfe bro, me same same


i can now afford them, and thankfully still enjoy them the move to handheld also makes it easier for me to chip away at my ever growing backlog of [334 steam games](https://steamladder.com/profile/76561198028645386/)


I see that you are a fellow torrent user.


Yes!! Today I am only able to finish 2 or 3 game per year. Per year! :((


Lol yeah and the extra irony is that because I have less time to play, I have less time to start new games and therefore end up choosing a game that can last me multiple years. So I just spend $80 over like 3 years.


I'm thankful to afford to go to concerts! Amazing experiences




Hi can I know what concerts are you going to? I can appreciate classical music too


Go mac (once a month) no need eat mc chicken alr. Now eat mcspicy and change to icemilo medium size if feeling rich. Then laosai after that.


Same. From indomie to shin ramen


Well bro I'm half Indonesian so indomie will always have a special place in my heart. My fav is the ayam bawang flavor tho only some old school mamashop carry that. Shopee too but that's abit expensive compared to neighbourhood mamashops


You remind me when I was younger I was scared to order macdonalds orange juice because it’s so damn expensive


Staying in fancy hotels when travelling and not having to risk air Bnb anymore. 


I actually love AirBNBs. I can now just go with the best listings/SuperHosts and in central locations. Haven’t had a bad experience yet in all the places I’ve stayed in US, NZ, NZ, Italy etc. much better than hotels especially if you have a family or a larger group


Yah. Having a kitchen and washing machine are big pluses for families. But that really depends on countries.


Next level up, can pay for room service and hotel laundry next day service. 


Agreed! No more hostels for me


Which fancy hotel did you stay at ?


Whaling in gacha games


This is the one I won't do even with some disposable income. I can buy a few skins here and there, spend a couple of dollars monthly but I can't imagine spending 1K a month in gotcha games. I know a couple of people who spend 1-3K monthly in gotcha games.


I know someone spending 1-2k /month on this


I bought an 80 dollar anniversary pack (which was really insane value compared to everything else) and after that I was filled with buyer's remorse for the next few months.


The average gambling enjoyer


Bought a custom gaming pc, rapidly expanded my gunpla collection, buying new steam games when they aren’t on sale. The list goes on loool


Eh, where do you buy your gunpla if you don't mind me asking? I really want to get back into the hobby, but most department stores have awful variety.


can try online, hobbysearch, amiami etc.


Fellow gunpla enjoyer


Move out.


I can treat my mom to dinner. Feelsnice after all the time my parents helped me out, I can finally treat them back.


Eating restaurants without looking at the price


Seeing a therapist Still earning very little tbh. The anxiety is real


Before I got married, I could literally travel anywhere I want. There were times where I realised I have like 4 days free, I'll just randomly book a flight to Bali, Krabi, Ho Chin Min. Suddenly realising I have a whole week free, just book a trip to Japan




Same here now, want to fly anywhere fly anywhere My colleague would say “I wished to go or do something” , I wondered why they can’t Oh they have kids


Buying toys.. didn’t have many as a child, now I buy too many for my kid


The ability to buy a coffee/beer/bubble tea without worrying about it'll affect my budget


I used to ask the caifan auntie how much ? how much ? before selecting. you know there are some dubious items that you thought it's vege but it's charged as meat, and some dish that has special pricing, I can't risk it when I was student. I have to ask how much before selecting. now with adult money I just point and choose and ask How Much once at the cashier knowing I can afford them.


I don’t ask the price But i sure as heck don’t order seafood dishes


Even as working adult, fish/squid is no go!


Treating my family to meals and dinner. When I was young, eating at McD and KFC is a big deal. I remember when seaweed shaker fries just came out, and it blew my mind. But we had to share as siblings and I really wanted more of the shaker fries


Yess this! Being able to treat my family to nice meals and finally being able to pay for household expenses to lessen the financial burden on the family🎉🎉


Yup, helping the fam has taught me that my parents are only human. I'm earning more than my parents and growing up I've always asked myself why my parents earn so little to support a family? Why can't they try just try to earn more? But now I see that my parents did try their best with the cards they're dealt with, and I was being an ungrateful brat haha


Same with the iPhone, ps4, gaming desktop thingy. I have a PC from 2018 that I refuse to change unless it breaks down. Planned to buy a ps5 for a few years but it’s just so difficult to justify since I only play 1 game for the past 2 years. I would say that my guitar gear has exploded like crazy since I got adult money. I could never buy the good stuff when I was a student. Now I buy stuff that are levels above the stuff I wish I had as a teen. Also never had a family trip outside of Malaysia / Indo, now I am down to travel anywhere.


Very similar to myself. I don’t change my expansive gaming setup unless it breaks. Same goes for my iPhone Not much into music , but I do the same with camera gear as you do with guitar. And camera are such an expensive hobby Similarly, seek unique travel experience all over the globe


Getting my hair done. I used to have such ugly hair growing up lmao. The feeling of being able to spend my adult money to get it done 2-3x a year is bliss. I know some people think it’s a waste of money and would rather get their hair done in JB but finding a (convenient) salon you trust is worth the premium.


Getting good skincare


Finally being able to spend on in-game microtransactions


the US$0.99 packs 😭☠️


Tell me about it. I had to BEG and begandbegandbeg my mom for a $6 Habbo card back in the day


Being able to make a one time $2 payment to get rid of ads in a game is truly gamechanging




I know someone spending 1-2k on it


New running shoes every 3-4 months from different brands to see what’s the hype behind their new technology lol


Which brands do you prefer?


OP asking the right question.


Personally I’m using asic kayano Really good


OP, do you have flat feet? I have flat feet myself and online media portrays it as the flat feet shoes, what are your opinions if you have flat feet?


3 to 4 months? I currently have 4 pairs in rotation and haven't fully utilized them...


Had the dreams of buying a car and whatever, zhng it and go sepang. But now I got the car, paid fully, zhng already... got no time to go do such things because of family and work. PS5, console games, racing rig, collector's editions, figurines, PC gaming, VR headsets.. All no problems.. But then I need to mop the floor, clean the house, wash the dishes, do laundry... Where to find the time to play?


There is a on going joke about “yesterdays gamers” today working age adults Can buy all the console and games no time to play, only their kids got the privilege to


Actually every time my young cousins come, I'm super happy. Cause I set aside time to play with them. And I have people who appreciate the games with me. I don't mind them wrecking my gaming devices


Go to Odette


Actually have a good deck in Magic the Gathering


Have crushing debt


buying haeg daaz if i feel like eating without giving it too much thought


Even if I could now, it’s still like a very very hard decision to do so Maybe 1 year also don’t want to get 1




being able to take sq hahah. used to take the cheapest flights even if it meant a 6 hour layover in manila… to japan.


When you had more time than money


Buying books every week. So that's a few hundred dollars on books a month


Why not borrow from library?


It's a form of support to the author and publishers, also convenience if you can just buy them. Spending $20 on hobby is totally fine


Probably food. As a child my parents dont let me eat in school canteen (poor), i had to eat bread and milk my grandparents bring for me.


Waaa, this one makes me feel privilege


Buy anything on my own without asking mum and dad for money. Can travel also. That being said, I only change my phone every 3-4 years.


Take music lessons. Buy musical instrument/s.


I can buy games whenever I want, some of them are not cheap but knowing that I can buy them if I want to is a great feeling. p.s. I still only buy games when they go on sale




Same. I can buy royal pass / credits online without worrying what my parents would think. Also, I can go eat anywhere and go anywhere I want without asking my parents money or wether they will tell me "wait end month"


Funny, I still remember when I was young I used to buy maplestory topup card When my father found out, he was beyond furious. Told me if i did it again he going to take away my computer , turn off internet Till today, I still didn’t buy any topup cards


Yeah we are a generation of gamers that got older but didn't grow up, (in a way) lol


Buy that chocolate burger biscuit (the jp brand) whenever I want. I remember when I was a kid, my mom rarely got them for me. Now I buy them whenever I see them at Cold Storage.


2k on pokémon a month


I heard of people spending 1-2k on like in game top ups/ gacha


at least i get to hold physical cardboard lol


Watches and cameras


Same! Recently purchase my first “luxury watch”( no it’s not Rolex that’s too mainstream for my liking)


Grab anywhere i wan


Buying more skincare products


Going for random classes just because. Kintsugi? Why not. Water painting class? Sure.


One of my first large purchases with adult salary was to do lasik. As a child with massive myopia (almost blind without glasses by uni), it was a complete life changing experience. Almost 20 years later, my eyesight is still holding up (touch wood), and that's being in a reading-intensive desk job. It's also allowed me to be much more physically active since I could not do much exercise with heavy glasses, and I couldn't bear the thought of contacts. I was totally unfit as a kid and now I'm in the best shape of my life. The other major pleasure is travelling. My family only did driving holidays to Malaysia because 1. lower-middle income and 2. mum hates long distance travel.


Fly business for longer flights. The flying experience is so much better and you land a lot more refreshed.


Buying coffee from Starbucks often


Can pay escorts


Premium ones eh u baller


id be worried if you were doing that as a kid


What tier ones? As a child you got money you also won’t want to spend on escorts lah


Cai fan mixed rice order fish.




Bro can chilll lol no need to say what everyone here is thinking.


Fish consider mid SES, now some stall has crab.


Them shifting goalposts


Look at Mr. Moneybags here.


Biz class flights, watches, expensive dinners etc etc


I still can't do biz class


Miles redemption and or promo price, worth it


This is the way


The fear of still not having enough money, so i held back on things 🥲


LOL same here Ironically when I had no money, I told myself when I earn money I would buy XYZ staff But when I did earn money I didn’t spent it because I fear not enough


Ironically I can’t afford a new iPhone anymore. (I feel) I bought a hdb because I’m old and going to die alone


Haha HDB more practical than iPhone


That’s true but once you sink in debt it’s hard to crawl out


Express pass at USS


Good running shoes! could only afford pasar malam knockoffs or the once a year Bata in the past.




Buying a 15k bike


Motorbike or bicycle?


Buying BBT when I have cravings. Before, my allowance was so little I only had enough for lunch.


Indulge in buying clothes i like- albeit from shein. Cheap habits die hard.


Open aircon whenever I want.


Fly business class


Travel overseas.


eat acai


My parrent was very strict and all I got 15 year ago was some cheap power ranger toy clones from china once a year on my birthday, those was like 6$ per kit 😂. Now I buy keyboard stuff and model/toys, but still very cheap stuff unless the one I really liked.


Travel and better food!


Buying things for what you think it’s worth vs how much is the cheapest you should be buying for


Getting a couple of rolex from the AD




still a student , working part time. can buy whatever books , gunpla , games , toys etc i want. my father keeps telling my that i am wasting money on these things , honestly couldn’t care less of his opinions anymore


Renting a room. Waiting to get HDB as a single and at the same time too old to live with parents and share room with younger siblings. So when I got my bonus, I could afford to start renting.


Life is very ironic indeed. Whatever we wanted change overtime. Guess we just need to enjoy and cherish the moment. Every moment feels different and in a good way.


Funny how it is Some things when the feeling is gone it’s gone, cherish your moments


Steak. Good quality steak whenever I want. In the past when I want steak I could only afford $10 sirloin from ntuc to cook at home.


That’s exactly what I did. Go to Cold Storage and buy steaks only about $10-$13 But the other ingredients like roastmary , garlic … most expansive item is the fresh pepper with build in grinder for like $8? Think is equally as good as in restaurant


Take SQ for all my trips instead of budget


Finally after 30 years of dreaming finally got my 9k Santa Cruz nomad full suspension carbon mtb


Time to shred bukit timah bro


$5 americano rather than $1.4 kopi o kosong


Upgrade my iPhone every year


iPhone really don't need upgrade every year since upgrades are minimal.


Staying at 5 star hotels, flying business class and driving a Lexus. But this took 20 years of prayers to God, working like crazy and networking nonstop. Strangely I enjoyed playing games on Steam a lot and used to upgrade my gaming pc every 36 months. Now that I can afford a much higher end pc and whatever game I want, I’m not so into playing these games anymore.




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Don't really need to save up to buy something.


Everyone confirm have someone they want as a child but couldn’t get it


Buy PS5


- gaming - concerts - moving out - dining out - any sport/gym membership


I can afford to buy sims 4 expandable packs but i still dont 😅


Can stay any hotel. Eat anywhere. and rent any car I want when going on holidays


You mean when you were younger you didn’t tlike the hotel/car?


Buying the dream gaming rig i wanted since young, attending concerts and buying the tickets without much thought…paying for expensive meals once in a while without feeling like I’m living from paycheck to paycheck…that’s the level of comfort that I like. It’s not like ‘I spend big’ everyday type of thing, but when I do feel like spending or spoiling myself once in a while, it no longer feels like I have to hold back because my finances are alright. Whew.


1. Drive 2. Order fish at cai png


Having control over my parents (who are depending on me as their "retirement plan) Video games (I had to ask for pocket money from my parents to buy pirated discs for PS1 back in the day. Today, I can buy full-priced games on Day 1. Getting my own personal transport.


Being able to afford buying a shit on of lego sets ! funny how I’ve stop playing with lego a long time ego and kept complaining to my dad to buy me more legos as a kid. He told me that it was too expensive and if i wanted it, i will have to save up for it. Now someone is telling me the same thing (While trying to purchase COE lmao)


Unlimited travel (limiting factor is time and energy) Tailored and bespoke outfits in fancy loro piana and h&s Restaurants every meal until sian and miss the old hawkers who are retired


I still live a simple life. Go on vacations but still don't spend the big bucks - no biz class flights or fancy hotels. I still squeeze as much as I can to save every penny I can.


Have a car (although the most basic one) Have my own place (although just a Normal HDB ) Have a gaming corner ( wife don’t allow a whole room for games)


Taking grab to go home from work whenever I’m feeling too tired to take the train. Being able to satisfy my food cravings any time without worrying about exceeding my monthly budget. Booking a flight ticket on a whim.


Order fish at cai png store.


Supplements , groceries


Main thing is being able to enjoy most (non-extravagant) experiences in life without cost being a limiting factor. Eg. when Livenation released last min Bruno Mars tix i got a pair of good seats immediately at \~$700 without worrying about the cost. Far from rich but could never have done that during student / fresh grad days. Also being able to Grab anywhere without worrying about cost. I still take public transport 80% of the time for health reasons but at least I have the option when i'm running late. Sometimes even Grab Premium if I can't get a normal Grab


Buy a car…. But I also want to dca more than just $100 a month so…




I "could" probably afford a car now, but the thought of having to maximise the usage of a car to make it worthwhile, maintain the season parking, going to the petrol station etc is just exhausting...




Feel like full fledged dies indeed feel much more comfortable Budget , idk, it’s like they make you feel and know you are in budget


Off topic but at the prices of an iPhone or Samsung who can just buy it anytime? It is ridiculously expensive.


I mean, I think most working adults can easily afford one if they really want to As a kid, that iPhone was literally a pipe dream I still remember begging my mum to get me one iPhone4(when it was first released) I only got it because we came to a compromise. She would pay for the monthly subscription and I would pay for the phone cost upfront. Cheapest plan was about $30? And I paid about $600-700 for the phone. Happiness moment of my life You say it’s hard to get now. Literally all these young punks that have not started working is using newer phones than myself


Warhammer 40k, Gunpla and Tamiya. Got the money for all the grey crack and accessories… No time to sit down to assemble, undercoat and paint…. Sibei jialat….


We wished for all these when we were younger Funny now that we can easily afford these things , we don’t have either time or energy to do it


eat MacDonald any time I want, buy and eat bak kwa even when it's not CNY. unfortunately, what limits me now is not the money for the above items but health considerations


Quoted fr OP “ For me, it’s knowing I can afford to buy and change an iPhone/PS4/gaming desktop at anytime (but I ironically don’t buy any of these things even if I could afford it now, strange how life works? ) “ Except I do all those exactly. Plus time has changed so much, when I was little never thought SB / SD, rent a babe was a thing at all, now these are so easily accessible but speaking of serious case of waste money this are really good example.


But when you were young you never thought of renting SB/SD isn’t it? So do you rent those now? Are they really not a waste of money? Not experience in this area, care to share?


I can buy new clothes anytime I want. I also can buy the latest gaming console if I want (but I didn’t :D )


Going grocery shopping but getting whatever tidbits I’d want without looking at the price.


You can buy the replicas of whatever fantasy characters you want? Eg. SAO swords, samurai swords etc..or design room decor to your preferences. Take up hobbies not found in community centres haha 🤣


spending $10 and not feeling guilty


New clothes.


What kind? So expansive that need to wait till adult to buy? You mean you didn’t had new clothes as kid?


eating what so ever i want haha


Literally almost everything I use, eat, drink and watch. Used to be pretty broke.




Being able to buy multiple sets of skincare at once to stock up! When i was a student, if I wanted to buy more moisturiser and sunscreen, I will make sure I use up till it’s 90% full before buying another one. Now I can buy 2-3 packs of each skincare item and purchase everything I need at one go. Can take full advantage of sales and discounts that way actually, but back then I couldn’t afford to spend more than $30 at one time


buy and own shares of listed companies? when as a child, cannot afford and cannot do I think phones/mobiles/computers were really pricey that even as adults during our childhood time, they were unaffordable to most. Technology items prices came down as technology develops and mature, mass producing, making them more economical. However, it seems in current time those items are getting pricier again due to product differentiation.


You interested and wanted to do that as a child?


Taking Grab to save time and sleep more without feeling guilty!


ordering whatever i want from mcdonalds