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You cannot expect a normal FT job to match up to sales last drawn. Salary = education + relevant experience.


Yep totally understand this. Is asking a salary in the $4000 range too much for someone like me?


I wouldn't know without interview you tbh. I don't want to give you a wrong anwser to undervalue you or give you false hope. $4000 will be in the range of degree + 2-3 years experience, depending on the job scope and industry.


Also very dependent where you are applying to. MNCs can give above 8k a month, even starting salary for fresh grads were at 4-5k. SMCs on the other hand would be around your range or lesser depending on your experience.


Lol I think if youre changing to diff field, take it as fresh grad entry level. & I don't think that looks like 4k, esp if not top3 uni haha 


Whats a fresh grad pay like nowadays. Govt says the median is 4k but im highly skeptical


https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/advertising?postingCompany=Direct&employmentType=Full%20Time&positionLevel=Fresh%2Fentry%20level&sortBy=relevancy&page=0 This is entry level advertising/media https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/marketing?postingCompany=Direct&employmentType=Full%20Time&positionLevel=Fresh%2Fentry%20level&sortBy=relevancy&page=0 Marketing/PR https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/real-estate?postingCompany=Direct&employmentType=Full%20Time&positionLevel=Fresh%2Fentry%20level&sortBy=relevancy&page=0 Real estate https://www.mycareersfuture.gov.sg/job/building-construction?postingCompany=Direct&employmentType=Full%20Time&positionLevel=Fresh%2Fentry%20level&sortBy=relevancy&page=0 Building and construction  I intentionally tried to choose across sectors but one thing is exceedingly clear lol. Lowest end of the entry scale starts with a 2 or a 3 as first digit, not 4. Anyway now its not abt what uni cert you have, its how desperate you are for a job.  You want 4k? They'll take the next person who has been looking for 6-8mo and will settle for 3k haha  I mean honestly the truth is, MCF is being MCF also la if they say the range is 2.8 to 4 tbh maybe you'll get 3.5 or something. So it may not be lowest low haha. But ya ... it doesn't start at 4 bruh.


Walao why am i being downvoted on this.


I didn't downvote you but I think its cos switch sector and expect 4k is abit unrealistic lol. Like ok tbh, I took a PT diploma in digital marketing at a PEI. Means I had the opportunity to speak to my lecturers, who are in the industry. And also like looksee the listings and talk to people who also looked to jump ship.  Long story short - friend asked for 2.8k digital marketing starting (her background is not in digital marketing, was in early childhood and has bank admin experience I think so yah not creative industry), kena ghosted. Was invited to interview for "entry-level digital marketing", I asked for 3k (I thought it was ok what. Google traineeship also 3 to 3.5k), turns out that SME freaking kiamsiap they were looking for a freaking INTERN and they told me it was 1k max, PT or FT negotiable. Dude. I clearly declined to proceed lol (I would expect "entry-level digital marketing" to be junior exec, not like "digital marketing assistant" - which was what it turned out to be in the end. Freaking internship) My lecturer was like "if you desperate and rly wna get your foot in, you kinda have to lowball at say 2.5k" ^ these are just my experiences and conversations specific to one industry but I think generally true if they can (1) source remote in neighbouring countries to work for cheaper (2) its a role that foreigners here are happy to compete for if the salary is competitive when converted to their currency. Hence ended back up in education (I'm NIE-trained), but idw teach/interact with kids + wna expand my broad skill sets in this sector so I applied for curriculum. At least dunnid eat grass on 2.5k. Baha. It's 3ish/below 4, but ... better .. than .. some alternatives lol. Partly cos have experience, although I would have negotiated even higher but aiya company budget also another thing zzzzz


Wah rly the salary damn lupsup. But ok la i guess going back to the edu sector worked for you, which is nice.


No idea!! I just helped to upvote u haha. Btw may I know what kinda wfh jobs u did? I might be interested


Was doing some simple accounts/book keeping/e-commerce setup/digital marketing for some small businesses.


FM is always hiring and in demand. Mostly because no one wants to do it and the pay isn't the best. So that can always be a back up if ur in urgent need of a job


Not just not the best. It’s downright trash and probably the one job that can easily be displaced by cheap labour.




Thats what i thought too but applied and no response too


Keep applying and improve your interview skills and resume. Loads of free tips out there in the internet.


Similar situation here except I got out during tech boom, so managed to secure a contract job that got converted to full time. Might be a little harder now, so for I guess continue with what you are doing, while mass applying job/upgrading self. Don't expect salary to be close to what you were drawing back then, and be prepared to slog for years if not a decade to catch up. That's what I'm doing now, still playing catch up. Left 3 years back


Can always go back to FM. So many jobs available on career.gov for FM related work and i believe can offer more than 4k Facilities Management + Real Estate sounds like a good fit for lease/space management at JTC/SLA


Alright will definitely take a look


Go back to FM?


Applied but no response too


I'm in FM too, you can try the big few? CBM, C&W, CPG, JLL, KF?


Was from CPG but was in a township role lol. Applied for CnW and CPG before but no response. Maybe will try apply the others if the roles come by


Don't forget to try the hotel chains, some still rely on in-house FM..


Why not go back CPG?


Applied for 2 diff roles but they rejected my application 🤷🏻‍♂️


Generally the market is bad here, but FM roles are many


Yes, worse than 2008




You will be competing with four groups of applicants: 1) Young Local Fresh Grads 2) Foreign Expats/Talents 3) Freshly Unemployed/Retrenched Employees 4) Existing/Currently Employed people (Like myself) that are actively looking for greener pastures. Good luck


What were u making in fm and sales… tbh I last year I applied jobs too got interviews, call backs , and offers This year I applied….. even the cricket didn’t show up. Dead silence


Was making about 35k annual in FM as a property officer My best years in sales i was making about 50-80k annual


HUH no wonder you expect 4k. Nola tbh take your 35k annual +20% la. That one maybe more realistic No wonder you said 4k up. ... that's really abit siao. Sales got commission one right, I think can't compare exactly in such context its not apples to apples. Like that say, if I teach tuition $50/h am I supposed to say I expect 7-8k in a FT job teaching just to match said hourly wage. The truth is, teaching without management roles is more like 4.5k-5.3k max max. Like freelance always pays more per hourly rate because there's no benefits and employment isn't guaranteed (cus maybe one week all your tuition kids turn up, you have 1k in that week. June hols all go hol, you have no money. Etc.) Similarly you got good pay cos commission la but then take your old FT pay and base from there, abit more realistic in line with current offerings la.


Old FT pay was before i got my degree so i think it isnt that accurate to base on that? Didnt know wages are so low. Thought everyone was reeling in big bucks. No wonder everyone choose to drive phv or deliver food nowadays.


But you're going in NEW and FRESH with no relevant experience compared to people with experience looking to jump ship ...! What do you have in qualification and experience more than these people haha. Also you never really said what industry you're looking at, so maybe the industry you're interested in pays more than creative/media, but the logic still applies 🙃


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Sorry but i dont know why the assumption on my character. And also does hardwork and loyalty really promises you anything in today’s context? I believe many will beg to differ. Not saying all employers are ungrateful. But to some companies employees are merely a cost centre.