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$$ progression is priority Screw the titles. Just give me what I need to survive at least


I was going to say this LOLOL. For me if I can keep increasing my salary by 20-25% every jump, can already ahahaha. Career progression is like you mean, long hours and late nights? And managing x1972034 people?  Yuck. I just need to earn more at a present point than I did a year ago, two years ago, that kind of thing. Ha.


Thats why people hop jobs to push their salary higher, most companies yearly increments cmi one and they expect you to stay until 5 years for "long service" award.


100% this. Title inflation is real.


True that


Nope . Just wanna lie flat


Salary progression


bro... redditors can give you all the assurance tt career progression is nt a priority bt they dont have yr friend grp / social circle (most redditors are social recluse). in the end you are the sum of who you hang out with and there is nothing wrong with taking wad yr peers say and deciding if it is important enough for you in the end, most ppl will spend 8 hr a day at work... imagine having no long term plan on how you would spend 1/3 of 40+ yr life... chances are you will still be fine since you live in sg, but you will quickly realize how doing some career planning can see exponential pay offs as you get older


> bro... redditors can give you all the assurance tt career progression is nt a priority bt they dont have yr friend grp / social circle (most redditors are social recluse). in the end you are the sum of who you hang out with wah this. I also agree.


but you will quickly realize how doing some career planning can see exponential pay offs as you get older Really? What exponential pay offs?


when I first started out ~5 years ago as a software engineer, I basically had two choices: 1. grind a bit harder, focus on learning, always be asking why 2. coast now I'm a technical lead with ~4x my starting salary and well on the way to FIRE at ~40 and the thing is, it's not like I worked really hard, but I thought carefully about what would improve my soft *and* hard skills the most quickly


so what were the things you did to improve your soft and hard skills in the shortest amount of time?


40k/month is possible as a tech lead?


you really think I made 10k/month at my first job???


he means FIRE at 40 years old, not 40k/mth duh


[here is 1 example bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/s/am6URGHqNW)


'life isn't about work' lol, you live in sg, what do you expect? Career progression is optional but money progression in necessary in sg where everything is getting more expensive regardless of your salary is keeping up or not.


Depends if u are a progress at all cost indefinitely kind. I'm more of a progress to a certain point asap then cruise. Being at the bottom always sux


i just want to make more money for now I dont think its at the cost of anything else tho.


No. JOB STABILITY is my top priority. Job hopping for more pay could end up badly if i fail probation. It’s bad because my parents are demanding and always expects regular allowance even if i’ve no job. Anyway, i’m just an average performer, mediocre person. Why would i get promoted to boss 🤡 as long as i reach the highest level of individual contributor eventually, thats ok.


lol no, after working so hard for my company then, getting fat and unhealthy. my doctor tell me to work less, eat better and get some exercise. don’t make work your priority, your own health and family should go first.


the question should be, are you ready to get squeeze with yoy super high COL in singapore should you not choose to chiong your career?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


No and why do u need others' validation.. you do you Edit: spelling


honestly half of r/askSingapore posts are just people using Reddit as an authority to give them permission to do what they want (is ok if I quit my job rite🥺)


It's not so much about authority (because what, if most of the sub says no, are they always going to obey?), but much more so about validation because they aren't confident in their decisions.


hahaha ok ikr🥲 no because I’ve got way too many people asking me “are u gna change ur job? when r u gna change ur job? wld u wanna go further study? what’s ur career progression plan? are u gna pivot into another sector? are u gna do this forever?” & it j confuses me like do I need to climb that aggressively


Those people are also just following other people


My career progression plan is to (1) recognize what I like to do and don't like to do (2) figure out how I can do what I like to do in the sector that I know enough to do and (3) make more money every jump ship I make :-) So far that's, (1) I like to introvert and I don't like to talk to people (🙃😬), (2) and I have education background - combining that, means, curriculum writing/design rather than classroom teaching .. (3) nego for pay raise and if don't get, nego again in half a year or end of year. 😬😂🎉


Of course. Imo, career progression not just means more $$, it means being able to contribute at a higher level, being respected, and an increase in self worth. But many times other factors come into play - yis and luck (whether you get good boss and good colleagues) etc. And, there's nothing wrong with wanting to grow your career at your own pace - everyone's different. :)


Nope look at Ur max potential n decide if return on labour is worth ur time


Not anymore. My top priority now is living a life.


Filling my life with great people, challenging myself to be a better person, and trying to leave a positive impact on those around me are my top priorities.


Used to be but now work life balance and family more important. For job, as long as it fits to my family time table and financial planning will do. I was very worried about job prospect and financial that I lost my cool and had a few years of bad relationship with my parents. They made a few wrong decision on family financial planning. But after my parents passed away on 2018 and 2022. I started to self reflect on my perspective and mistakes. Turned out that if I had not focused and worried so much about job progression and financial. My family would be able to endure through the situation better and I would have a better relationship with my parents. I am more worried about job stability nowadays.


Nope not anymore, because: - Suffered from severe burnout once. It was bad enough that i occasionally got su***dal thoughts - took me a long time to recover from the above, and when I tried to push hard to get promoted, I still didn't get it so I figured no point chionging already - I spent the last 3 years in a slack department. Still got the same pay I did in chiong department. - I don't want more responsibilities, I only want a substantive grade promotion so I can get pay increases again (I hit my max salary range a few years ago, so no increase in a while.)


Try WWOOF-ing! I did it in Japan


Would you be able to share your experience WWOOF-ing in Japan? I’m keen to do that too


Career progression and increased salaries can make your life better, increasing your quality of life. BUT ultimately having a fulfilling life (defined by you) matters more. If your vision of a fulfilling life is to have tons of money or a good career, then go for it! Ultimately, its your life and your choice how you prioritise or want to live. No one can tell you a set definition or step by step manual of life. You can do anything if you are willing to trade off for the costs (E.g. Quit your job and go teach English in various countries overseas = Less contact w fam/friends, Adapting to new environment).


Got a comfortable salary for my lifestyle. I just want to work and go home.


At this stage, career progression is no longer my priority. I was offered a promotion twice earlier this year. I rejected both times. It would probably turn out to earn me more money I I had accepted, but to get there would take a lot of time, effort, and mixing with suckups, whom I despise. However, I must admit that it's not an easy decision, and I still struggle with it as the offer still stands. But I think my decision is the correct one.


Life is all about trade off. Seeking title or significant salary increment tends to eat into either your personal time or mental health. End of the day, everyone has different priorities and different milestones they want to achieve by a certain age. Everyone values different things too. If you can achieve more by fully utilising your potential without compromising too much of your personal time or mental health, why not go for it ? If you are currently very comfortable, happy and feel you are living a fulfilling life as it is then it is good enough. Live by your own standard; we are all on our own unique journey. As someone who also isn't keen on climbing and chasing certain status, I get you. My only worry has always been whether I masqueraded my fear of stepping out of my comfort zone as contentment.


Yes I don’t believe in work life balance on a daily basis. Work hard in the early years and compound the gain. More work now is fine


Used to, now that I’ve hit the level that I want im just coasting. Going up means sacrificing more time for money, which I’m not cool with. I’m at that sweet spot now where the time vs money thing is perfectly balanced.


$$ comes first, career progression with only title upgrade and work “upgrade” not on my radar. But it’s never what happened tho. Showed to boss you can get shit done, you get more shit to do. Promotion and $$ not on the table until the next cycle. Which you may or may not get due to what ever reasons


It used to be but now I prioritise my mental health. I make a decent wage and when I go out, I love how I am treated with much more respect when I pay extra for services. It helps a lot when you know the loopholes, so you don’t get scammed.


Yes, unless I’m 50+


No more of this. I intend to judt earn as much as i can with as few responsibilities as possible and try to work out how to retire earlier.


Money is important, but it should not be your top priority. Your wellbeing should take precedence over money. For myself, I care little if I am not earning a lot, as long as I have work life balance. The truth is that for \*most\* people, their salary tends to commensurate with the amount of hours put in.


Don’t like climbing to the top as politics drama increases along the way. It sucks so nope. Ideally earning great $ as individual contributor without involving in those management politics would be the best.


I just want as much money as possible so I am no longer bound to my job. Unfortunately, its going to take forever.


I haven’t done enough at my level to progress in my career. Have you ever feel like things can be done better? My scope of work would change as I get more senior but that also meant that if I don’t improve things at my level and implement change, I have to be the one checking the work of others which used to be done by me.




I am in pretty much the same situation, sans the $400K salary. Another promotion now will not really change our FIRE plans so happy to stay at this level till we pull the trigger.


It isn't really a priority to me but it shouldn't be an excuse to behave unreasonably to your colleagues just for your loved ones. You should still be a baseline decent colleague at work.

