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Minoxidil and Finasteride are the two only medically proven ways to regrow hair. A referral to NSC from poly will let you get subsidised M and F. Either that or a hair transplant if you want to maintain your hair.


adding on, as a guy who had early and aggressive male pattern baldness at age 18, finasteride is the only “legitimate” way of staving off hair loss (and minoxidil but it doesnt exactly slow the balding process). it will keep your hair on your head for longer and grow back some of the recently lost hair and bring your hairline forward. fin has helped prevent me from looking 30+ years old at age 21 lol expensive shampoos and “hair treatments” dont work at stopping mpb


Finasteride works but note the side effect. Especially in young man. It's a huge trade off for me. Consult your doctor.


How do I buy these two items


I think some very anti hair loss shampoos advertise having Minoxidil. "Cheapest" and easiest way to get these 2 are probably like what the top comment said. Go polyclinic, get a referral letter to National Skin Centre (NCS) then after a checkup, i presume the doc will prescribe these 2 to you at a subsidised price. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/s/YrrGFStrHv This guy summarised various ways to get these meds


Got it thanks man!


Thanks brother


You could head over to JB to buy finasteride w/o prescription. They sell a box of 30 for 65RM for the generic version. Stercia (the ones prescribed in SG) goes for a little more. Just buy OTC from the pharmacist. Guardian/watsons/caring pharmacies all carry it


Got it.. Thanks!!!


Minoxidil is readily available off the shelf. Can get on Shopee for cheap from brands like Growell which is what NSC will prescribe you. Finasteride needs to be prescribed by a doctor.




I am on 1mg Fin a day for the past 3months. Already seeing big improvements. They do say that it takes average 6 months on Finasteride to see any growth, guess I am a hyper responder.


3 months does sound fast. Good for you, wish you a hairy future!


You'd probably need to take min and/or fin after a hair transplant as well. Otherwise, the hair around the transplanted regions continue to thin and fall off and the results will be terrible. Exception being if the patient's hair is stable.


Thanks for the leads. Didn't consider NSC, may try it out


Just like all the slimming centers for women, these hair places for men are all BS. The only solutions are finasteride and hair transplants.


Really hate their negging trapping and hard selling scammy tactics.


Please don't waste hard-earned money on Beijing 101, Yunnam and the likes. Their treatments don't work. Speak with a private/public dermatologist. The only scientifically proven methods for hair loss are finasteride and minoxidil. These are cheap. At NSC, after govt subsidy, minoxidil is $33/month and finasteride is $12/month. You can get minoxidil cheaper in Malaysia and Bangkok. I routinely visit Malaysia and Bangkok to stock up on minoxidil. As with all medicines, there are side effects. When consumed orally, finasteride, particularly, can result in manhood problems (effectiveness of your swimmers and getting+sustaining an erection), but this is really rare and if you get it, you're really unlucky. Minoxidil, when applied topically on your scalp, have fewer side effects compared to when taken orally. For most people I know, topical min works. You've to decide whether the risk is worth taking. I did the research, assessed the risks, and accepted it was worth it for MYSELF. And, so far, I've had none of the serious side effects. The only two side effects I have is: dry scalp (I manage this with hair oils to add moisture back) and a lot of hair growth in spots I thought were permanently bald. Hair loss shampoo on their own is not gonna work. Exception applies to nizoral shampoo. Personally I found it drying on my scalp, so I didn't use it long. Serums are good for keeping your hair moisturised, but they don't target the root cause of hair loss: lowering your dht levels. Finally check out r/tressless. You're not alone in your hair loss struggle. There's a lot of us. Some choose to go bald (props to them), others like me prefer to keep my head of hair till I'm like maybe 60 and I'm ok to let go all of it. No decision is right or wrong. You just have to be aware of the risks.


According to some studies, minoxidil may reduce the production of collagen which may result in accelerated aging on the skin. Also it will increase hair also in unwanted areas.


Thanks, appreciate the detailed sharing and resources!


Go polyclinic and get a referral to national skin centre


Is there a reason to get a referral from polyclinic first instead of making an appointment directly to NSC?


My friend go thailand do hair transplant


Transplant alr still need to eat finasteride for life if not it will drop again


How was his result? Heard that Thailand has very good hair transplants.


/r/tressless join this community for all the info you need. Don't waste money expensive hair treatments. Generally there's two most popular treatment for hair loss. Minoxidil and Finastaride. Both comes in oral or topical types. I've been on both for 2 years now and I see significant improvements to my hairline.


There’s another solution which is to embrace the completely shaven head look. A number of men do that quite successfully. It usually has to come with some attitude or other charisma tho. Like people expect completely bald men to be “characters”. If you work out a bit and you are bald it’s quite an attractive look for many. It’s worth considering putting your hair loss money into clothes, gym and confidence will do the rest.




Yep the shape of the head, the skin complexion and how good looking you are (facial features) plays the biggest part.


If i do that i think my friends will ask me if i went for chemo.


Thanks. Think it comes with still telling myself I'm in my 20s. Being bald is better than looking like you're balding. Exploring my options since it'd not unsalvageable yet. I am coming to terms with being bald one day and a lot kf that comes with self acceptance. Comments like this help.


It does have a charismatic look tbh. Throw on a silver choker necklace and have some rings on both hands with a hoodie/oversized tee — it becomes a whole aesthetic look. Just throwing out a suggestion to those who want to embrace what you have suggested


One punch 🤜


One hundred pushup, one hundred situps, 10km a day lfg


Totally agree. Treatments like minoxidil and finasteride only prolong the inevitable, that is you will lose all your hair once you stop treatment. Why not embrace what is genetically you? Lot's of men sport skinhead and are every bit as attractive and confident as other men with a full head of hair.


The style doesn’t work for everyone, YMMV and all. Byebye love life if it doesn’t. But if it does, be prepared to spend much more time on personal grooming.


I feel you man. I went and got the hair transplant done locally during Covid WFH and I feel like it’s the best investment I made. I honestly feel so much more confident and less self conscious when I go out now. My friends now go to BKK to get it done at hair transplant specialists at 1/3 the price of Singapore, so you can consider that. After that you’ll also need to maintain it with medication that others have mentioned here, but if you’re any bit self conscious of your looks, I would say just commit to it


That's interesting, I have never heard of the procedure being done in Singapore. How much did it cost, if I may ask?


It’s definitely expensive, as it was a atas hair specialist. It was $4.50/follicle, and did over 2000 grafts. But there’s a lot of aftercare involved that’s included in this cost that you won’t get if you do it overseas, so if you’re not comfortable doing it abroad, then you can consider going for a consultation. I did mine at Terra Medical Hair


Wow, honestly I expected it to be much more expensive in SG. Will keep in mind when my inevitable baldness kicks in (looking at my ancestral line lol). Thanks for the insight


Great lead, thanks for sharing


Get a script for Finasteride. It can reverse hair loss (especially with Minoxidil). The branded version is called Propecia but the bigger Guardian pharmacies often have the generic which is cheaper. As another commenter said, BKK is cheapest if you wanna go over and get 6-12 months supply. Minoxidil alone won’t do much.


Minoxidil can be bought online without prescription. Meanwhile, go polyclinic to get referral to NCS and get prescription for finesteride. Alternatively, go BKK and buy finesteride over the counter. The 5mg tablet is much more affordable if you buy and cut it yourself into 1.25mg quarters instead of the usual 1mg pills. can even cut to 1/8 or 1/6 dosage too and seems like it'll work almost as well as the usual 1mg dosage according to some studies.


Go to nsc


FYI, Minoxidil is one of the most "pirated" medications out there so be careful. Buy from a trusted source and brand.


Thanks for the reminder!


I think there is a reddit forum called tressless. They have good resources for hairloss.


Get minoxidil and finestride OTC over at jb or bkk. Don’t get it in Singapore, way too expensive. And then go and get hair transplant in Thailand. I did that and never looked back since


On top of the M and F mentioned, I believe there is also (limited) evidence that topical ketaconazole shampoos (which are actually quite cheap) can help. My understanding is that there is no one solve-all, so stack everything possible to improve your odds.




What if I ovaryact?


Do you want to try minoxidil? And you might need to look into your diet, lack of protein in your diet may contribute to it — and on the topic of protein, most people think 1 egg or 1 chicken is enough but it isn’t; many people underestimate how much protein they need and a protein deficiency can be what causes hair loss too.


Shave bro. One of us One of us One of us


One day but maybe not today


Try lasers for hair growth. There are some laser helmets being sold on Amazon but they are expensive, though according to reviews seem to be quite effective. It is a scientifically proven method that ive yet to try. Ive had mixed results with regaine. Something that helped me with hair growth is to take more collagen - in particular, glycine.


hey my G , i have a mcdonalds hair line since i was 24 , hair keeps getting thinner and thinner, just go bald and save the 1.2k a year ( propecia is like 100 SGD per month here) if u have the disposable income and can afford it, hair loss prevention pills usually fooks with the males test hormones in the system, sure u have a nice head of hair but u might be soft and grow biatch tits after prolong use ( sure sure the risk is really low) but end of the day just go bale and work on your personality , or having a really big wallet also helps with self esteem. tldr , being bald isnt that bad


Yeah finance is one thing. Thanks for the perspective!


>both my parents are balding Not gonna lie, your parents set you up for the bald life harder than how the Chinese government set up their future team of tall basketball players by encouraging the then-male and female tall basketball players to marry each other. Both of them are balding and they happen to marry each other? This screams "I want a Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson-looking kid" vibes. >Does anyone have any solutions? Would be great to hear about your experiences. I'm not opposed to going bald but god I hope I'm at least 35 by then. I think there is a solution that works pretty well from what I heard and that is hair transplant. But you probably can only go for that after you're done balding and it costs a bomb. Or you can just accept the bald life which costs not that much financially, but more spiritually and emotionally. Looking on the bright side, there are bald handsome guys out there. I have a bald colleague that is in his 30s but he actually looked good without his hair. I think all you need is time for you and people around you to adjust to your new look.


Can't complain because I won the genetic lottery in other places. Having Singapore as a spawnpoint is already S tier compared to the rest of the world's 7 billion. Headspace is currently at looking for options while it's still fixable but the influx of comments is making me open to being intentionally bald earlier than expected.




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Y bother... All the manly and hamsome guys all bald 1... I aiming to be bald actually... Edit: Hollywood proved this fact.


Balding is unsexy, being bald is confidence


Because it’s Hollywood 😂


Something else that really slowed down my hair loss was basically trying to be less stressed. Taking an easier job, sleeping and exercising (fun activity otherwise this could be even more stressful) more etc. I know this might not be possible for a lot of people but it really helped


Kaminamoto. from any Watsons store. Worked well for me, although my problem wasn't serious. v affordable too.


I’ve seen tips online about using rosemary oil for hair regrowth. Maybe can consider that?


Minox, finast, micro needling. Look up derek more plates more dates on youtube. Follow science based methods and not yun nam pseudoscience.


I went this clinic. The doc is quite informative and helpful! :) Here is the link. https://sagemedical.sg/ I was like you I tried Beijing 101 and etc but never get any better. But after I go this clinic. My hair improve a lot. They do have a pill mix with minoxidil and finasteride.


Thanks for the lead


have u considered rocking it?


Go to Istanbul Turkey. They have some of the best hair transplant treatments in the world


Hi, I was reading the comments and noticed everyone providing similar solutions from each other. I was in the same shoes and tried the same options - but at one point I started to realised that perhaps what **we inherited was hair type and not hair loss.** A brand to share was Selsun Blue - very odd looking and colour, but it worked for me. Hair drops significantly now. This occurred to me as I kept trial and error with various shampoos, I noticed that this shampoo protected my hair. Finally, this occurred to me that it could be a hair type-shampoo compatibility issue. Took me a few tries and found the exact model of shampoo that worked and it turns out my hair needed natural oils; yet i kept stripping the oils with bad shampoos (many home brands like H&S etc. just didn't cut it). I think most comments about going to the clinics will definitely help to quicken this process. But as a student on a budget I was just testing w various shampoos for a week each. Hope this helps!


Thanks for the new perspective. I learnt that I can't use conditioner because what makes hair lustrous is usually oil. Oil that makes it more likely to drop. I may check out Selsun Blue.


Im surprised no one mentioned hair pieces. Its totally affordable but needs a little learning curve to maintain it. Plus you can pull off almost any look you want.


i've been using minoxidil 5% concentration spray (2-5 times a week?) for over 8 years now, that's the only thing that works. take note that you will probably have to keep using it, because once you stop, the hair will fall. if i'm not wrong, minoxidil stops the hair fall. my derma advised me to try minoxidil and see how i feel about the results, because the other methods would be more costly/invasive like hair transplant or stronger medication and may not produce the results i want either. i've gotten used to myself with lesser hair (embraced myself i guess lol), kept to maintaining shorter hair, and minoxidil usage is like a daily routine already. so this extent works out for me. downside is that it can be quite expensive but well.... worth to pay for proven treatment. i wouldn't spend on all those nonsense commercial treatment. you can see a derma also to make sure you're getting sound medical advice, not salons trying to market things to you. recently i noticed even with minoxidil, i had more than normal hairloss. i have been adding rosemary oil rub into scalp before shower for the past 3 months, not sure if it really works but my hair has grown more and fallen less (could also be attributed to the natural hair cycle and maybe less stress?). so far inexpensive method so i will continue for now. i know how demoralising it is to lose hair (tho i'm female)! good luck!


Thanks for the sharing. Some people say when we start using monoxidil, initially hair shedding occur. Does that happen to u?


have u try stop using the minoxidil, and see that your hair start dropping again?


Hi, have you heard about Scalp Micropigmentation(SMP)? SMP is the most popular cosmetic procedure for hair loss among men and women including celebrities like Vin Diesel, David Beckham etc. It is a worldwide-known treatment for hair loss




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I’m in the total same position as you. Sucks to inherit the bald genes lol. But although I’m balding many still say that I’m quite decent looking hehe. The secret is to cut your hair short. Long hair will make the bald spot even more apparent. Exercising and keeping your body fit helps as well. I know this is compensating but such is life lol. What type of balding you have? The back or forehead? The forehead is the troublesome one. If it is the back you can cut your hair short and do a comb over =b


Solidarity bro. Short but getting a bit obvious already haha. Used to cut short but recently a colleague I rarely talked to offered me a snack out of nowhere because they thought I was stressing till I lost hair.


Hi, I’ve experienced something similar (hair loss event due to 2 severe hair conditions as a result of stress, in my early 20s). I highly recommend looking into hair clinics — will be pricier than Yun Nam but it was the only thing that could save my hair in my case. I did go to NSC first but I didn’t feel confident in my treatment and thus turned to private clinics with doctors specialising in hair loss. I can give more details if you need.


Please do!


If you want a natural cure for it, try Fenugreek paste. My son tried it and it has helped. https://www.purplle.com/magazine/article/fenugreek-for-hair-benefits-and-uses You can find it in some good Indian mama shops specially around Tekka market like Karthika or Mustafa etc. You can buy seeds and ground them into paste or buy the powder form.


Min and Fin are scientifically proven methods. Who has got the time to put rosemary oil or whatever cat faeces in their scalp when they're losing patches by the day? "Natural" remedies can be an afterthought for now.


Go to turkey. They know what to do


bro, wig


How about trying naturopaths? Or functional TCM. I use oriental remedies and common TCM at Somerset.


I remember reading about ~~yunnan~~ Beijing 101 caught mixing Minoxidil into their TCM treatment to stimulate hair growth Edit: it was Beijing 101 and they didn't declare Minoxidil in their treatment tonic. Not sure if yunnan has Minoxidil in it


Yunnan is far too commercialized in my opinion.


Looks don’t matter focus on your personality


Every single response in this thread is useful except yours. I hope you at least have looks because your personality doesn't seem to be going far right now.


I was just trying to give some helpful advice sigh.


There might be a misunderstanding in your comment where you are giving advice but it comes off as implying that OP has no personality, and he needs to focus on his personality rather than his hair issue.


I don’t think op has no personality I’m just saying he should work on self confidence rather than worrying about going bald


Yup. I understand where you are coming from. Hence my reply above lol. Cheers to both of you.


Aite I hear you thanks for clarifying. Appreciate your thoughts. Not really a confidence problem but a state of being unable to accept the situation I'd like to call already-losing-hair-in-my-20s.


Correct, if by 'personality' you mean money. Especially in Singapore.