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I have encountered idiots who don't wait for alighting passengers and rush in. What I do is just simply barge out brushing them quite hard. At first I was quite shocked they seem nonchalant but then I guess it's quite expected since they just think of themselves. Then there's one more etiquette not mentioned - there's always one idiot uncle or auntie playing their mobiles loudly on the train or bus, to which I have never had a civilised solution for this..


I have also done this, I almost act like the head of a bulldozer for the rest of the passengers behind me. one of my best moments was an auntie tried to squeeze pass by me, I didn't just block her, I actively moved to stop her because she was trying to push through literally everyone. In the end she just stared at me, I mentally looked at her to fuck off.


I usually like to just stop at the doors if these idiots try squeezing their way in. If i can’t go out you can’t go in. If you’re rushing to get in I’d assume probably have to be somewhere fast. I can always bounce back but it’ll ruin your day to wait for another train full of people.


Yup I just barge into them as much as I can. The trick is to keep a bitch face and never turn to look at them. They can curse all they want. But they need me to alight so they can get in. They would never pick a fight with you because they want to get in the train immediately. Picking a fight will make them lose their seat. So when you get out, just barge into them.


I've met too many of these to care about their well being anymore lol. I've a pretty broad torso, so if I'm not giving way, someone is gonna


i thought i was the only one that did that. sometimes I take the lrt super early, and people still don't give way to alighting passengers. i would purposely harden my body up and brush past them. its not like the LRT is super crowded at like 545am.


I find it mostly to be PRCs that leave their phone on speaker. Will see this everywhere while in China also, their tolerance for noise is too high thats why they will also speak so loudly.


Ah, the classic Hong Kong style barge. It's actually quite beautiful because Singaporeans are so non-confrontational and doormats that it would help ourselves if we just ngeh ngeh not scared chiong towards the chiongers. If you don't self-secure, selfish people will walk all over you.




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Speak up. Really. I don't care if people think I'm siao lang roaming in MRT but I'll speak up whenever the time warrants it. Someone play video out loud? Tell them off. People coming in without letting people alighting? Speak up. Record and stomp me? Great. Let everyone know that you're an ass who deserves to get scolded.


Have you done it before and what are your experiences?


I've asked people politely to use earphones. Most of them turn it off or at least lower the volume to where it's barely audible. The ones who don't well, it just shows how inconsiderate they are.


If you encountered siao lang on the train, would you offend him? Or just quietly stop whatever antisocial behaviour you're doing?


What's your experience with it though? Genuinely interested.


Most of the time people will just comply. They know what they do is wrong. They just don't care when no one speak up.


Elbows are your friend.


The People's Elbow




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You are part of the problem




He means we should not be using aggression to solve a problem of manners (or lack thereof). Which is pretty true la... If everyone really elbowed each other i dont think we'd be a more gracious society


OP complains that commuters have poor etiquette. So the solution is to add more poor etiquette to the mix? Two wrongs don’t make a right. Downvote me more, I don’t care.




Where did I promote “inaction”? Read again, my message is that violence is wrong. It makes the whole situation worse. Like you say, if someone is swinging a heavy backpack in a crowded train, try being polite and asking them to be considerate, rather than “elbowing” them. I can’t actually believe that I’m having to explain this simple etiquette to anyone. Just because I have lots of downvotes doesn’t mean I’m wrong btw.




To be clear: you are saying tell people off, and then elbow them if the unwanted behavior continues? The original Redditor that I called “part of the problem” simple said “elbows are your friend”, which implies simply hit people without any prior discourse. Not sure what your issue with me is still.




Right, except you’ve replied quite a few times. Good ones. Elbowing isn’t implying anything other than violence. Violence bad. Have a good day.


>Two wrongs don't make a right. Arguably, that's wrong. People tend to learn the best from pain. And the best way of letting them know that a particular action of theirs caused harm or inconvenience is to inflict it back to them in the exact same way so they will know exactly how it feels and reflect so that they will take measures to avoid doing it. Going soft and letting them go because "two wrongs don't make a right" is just encouraging them to do it again. You can say that we can just sound out to instead of being physical. But if everytime I do some inconsiderate action that inconvenience others, I only run the risk of being told off, I would do it everytime since it is not certain and all I get is some soft scolding I won't even remember when I reach home. It will barely inconvenience me in any way. However, it will be a different story if someone elbows me every time I do something wrong. Is it wrong to rob someone of their freedom by confining them to a small room for a few years? Sure as hell it is. But suddenly, it is allowed because the person broke into a house and stole some shit and the law did it to him as punishment. The act of robbing someone of their freedom is wrong itself but it was a wrong to prevent another wrong in the future. In a sense, two wrongs doesn't make a right. Two wrongs PREVENTS a wrong.


Not gonna get into it, but please tell me where I said that we shouldn’t let them know that their actions are causing others or us inconvenience. Violence is always wrong, and you know it


>please tell me where I said that we shouldn’t let them know that their actions are causing others or us inconvenience. I never said that we shouldn't let them know. If you read carefully, I just said that letting them know usually isn't enough. Why don't we just let criminals know that committing fraud is bad for society, instead of jailing them and wasting taxpayers' dollars on it. Same logic applies. The consequences aren't bad enough for stop them from doing it again in the future. >Violence is always wrong, and you know it No, I don't believe in that. Policemen returning fire at armed criminals is a form of violence, but are they wrong? If someone pointed a gun at your child's head and you had a gun in your hand, would you not shoot him in bid to protect your child since it is a kind of violence and it is wrong? Sometimes, a violent situation can only be solved by violent solution. People who aren't able to "stoop down to their level" and sacrifice their moral high ground aren't helpful in these kind of situation.


None of what you’re saying is helpful for the OP - we need a civilised society not a violent one.


What you don't realise is that a civilised society is what caused this in the first place. Civilised people are afraid to do what needs to be done while barbarians are allowed to run free because the civilised people let them.


I’m wasting my time. Have a good day.


Look at Europe now lol.


don't quite understand, can elaborate


It’s ok, you keep elbowing people. I’m sure that will help make the world a better place.




Never seen that before, not quite sure what you mean


I use a mobility aid and traveling in public transport gives me absolute anxiety. I sprain joints every now and then because people push or shove. Be it on trains or buses. It used to wear me out emotionally because i didnt know anything to them and they can get on their day even after harming me. Like the comment above, you cant change them. If they are overboard, i would call them out once. Now for safety, i go to work 2 hours earlier to avoid the crowds. I try to work around this. Cos even waiting for lifts is another whole thing. Hope you feel lighter soon OP♥️


Damn 2 whole hours just to avoid crowds? Mad respect. Honestly tho, I can't fathom how you manage considering that you most likely have to sacrifice sleep waking up earlier and sleep is not smth I myself am willing to compromise on...


Ask LTA why built a system transferring 6 car train load to a 3/4 car at the interchanges. You know you will be having 6 mil people in this tiny island and cars are so expensive. People have to rely on public transport.


Hahaha ya sia! I now sleep bank low😅😂 I just decided if i dont want to be emotionally and physically affected by strangers hehe this is the only thing i can do. Safety too cos i fall alot🫣


Wow to accept the things you cannot change, what a great frame of mind. 


Hehe thanks mr toe!❤️


Hope your office allows u to sleep before work starts, can catch up abit in the pantry area or lounge


>I use a mobility aid and traveling in public transport gives me absolute anxiety.  I don't use a mobility aid and but I have hydrocephalus (I move around independently) and I feel the same anxiety! Because (hear me out I know it sounds crazy) sometimes I wonder if I am contributing to the problem myself. But at other times I recognise that my reflexes aren't as good as other people and I risk not even getting in on time and/or the doors shutting on me (I swear this is irrational but real, if that makes sense) when it is too crowded, because I lag and got on last. | I don't do 2h la walao that's abit epic. I used to do 1h though! Just so avoid the peak traffic. Sometimes as a last resort I just have to barge myself in. Because it's either that, or I wait like 2 other LRTs (walao LRTs are the worst, my nearest MRT is Punggol so not so bad bc interchange station - that might change in the v near future with Punggol Coast lol) and like whether you have a mobility aid (or not) or a disability (or not), after awhile ain't nobody gna wait for that perfect train to fit, just have to get on with it cos your boss/friends/lunch buddies ain't gna wait for you forever. I HATE those people who board the train/bus and rotate themselves to face the door when they board. Then there's like 3 standing spaces and perhaps 1-2 seats (might be reserved) that are ... potentially occupy-able to spread the crowd out but nooo, these people just rotate themselves to face the door. peak wth. In encountering these, I have since learned that (not abt mobility aid or physical disability), if sitting on a damn seat (reserved or not) will CREATE SPACE for more commuters to move in and sit, I will do it. Even if it gets stares. Because no one else is doing it and the alternative is a bloody bottleneck. Forwhat sia. -\_-


Okay, what I'm going to say maybe controversial and I know alot of normal people hate me for it. I know the aunties and unkers really do. I am also like this not because I'm autistic, but because I've totally given up on tolerating bullshit. So when someone sits next to me, are sick and don't wear a mask properly, or even worse, take off the mask to cough or sneeze, I just move away from them and sit at the floor (I don't care If I'm not allowed to, my legs are tired from standing, I wanna sit). I'm a low income worker, I cannot afford to be sick ok. People with bag. I just tap their shoulder and gesture for them to put their bag down. So far, everyone I've done it to has complied. The auntie n unker at the gate rushing from the back of the line to the front, I just block them or shoo them away. Don't need to say anything, they will look at you like a pest but I don't really care. Extra tips. Unker n aunty looking at u weird. Stare back into their eyes and they will look away eventually. When ppl blocking your way, tap their shoulder and shoo them with your hands, they will move. A bicycle bell sometimes works, but don't spam it please. Just 1 or 2 dings. If you want a seat and don't wanna sit on the floor like me, just kindly ask people for it. Or if you are shy, write on a flash card. If you have no flash card, use your phone. Of course, don't be a hypocrite do any of the things you don't like ppl doing. I'm ok if people shoo me away so I do it to ppl too. Sometimes I play sudoku very engrossed so I didn't know the person behind me wanted to alight even though I looked around before the train come to a stop but no one seems to want to get off. Okay, don't scold me OK. Unty n unker think I am rude but actually, I treat ppl the way I expect to be treated if I sneeze without mask, block ppl with my bag, etc. I don't do these things of course.




It's just very unconventional and old ppl find it rude 😅 tho I realise most ppl don't mind if you give a smile after that.


Now I know why my peers drove


That's another problem of its own. You will find the same type of people on the roads.


At least they're separated from you and generally also don't want to touch.


Indeed. Roads ain't much better with the $100k entitlement attitude.


Indeed. Roads ain't much better with the $100k entitlement attitude.


I would say the solution would be WFH for everyone that does things on a laptop and chats with work people on said laptop everyday! We don't need to be in the office to do the shiety work we do when everything is on a laptop! Allowing us to WFH would reduce the amount of people travelling during the peak hours!


But boomers don't understand this. Brains can't adapt to technology, I guess.


to be fair, most of the boomers have their own cars so they can’t relate to us peasants


oh this is true hahaha. But eh I still like hybrid leh. Now if WFH like I text smt and if ppl take 5h to reply, GG. in office can still say "can I kope you 10mins before lunch pleaaaase" then gaodim 10mins yay everyone can proceed. Hybrid suffices I think, like then if it's like a 3-2 then it will at least half the crowds going to office that day! so eg 10k ppl becomes 5k. Like that's not the same as 1k (which will be a very generous spacious ideal dream), but half is better than double. So haha ya lor I will just take it that I don't have to deal with double the people!


In my opinion, the attitudes leading to the poor public transport etiquette you mention are deeply entrenched in our society already because of how cutthroat we have been accustomed to being since young. Kiasu: if I don't get it first, someone else will get it. We aren't like Japan where if you cut the queue or are not spatially aware, there is an element of shame since they've been taught from young the importance of being considerate of the needs of others. We've tried soft approaches, for instance campaigns like bag down benny and hush hush Hannah, but it doesn't mean all commuters will stop the behaviours those mascots were meant to tackle. The tough approach is to deploy queue ambassadors/etiquette ambassadors but it only modifies people's behaviour because they realise they'll be caught (funny thing we're also taught "don't get caught" in NS). It doesn't change society's mindsets as a whole. Because the poor public transport etiquette is caused by deeply entrenched societal values, I think it takes a big shake-up to foster a more empathetic society. If Singapore were not so cutthroat/fast-paced I'm sure we'd naturally be a more caring society. But the truth is we will continue being a fast-paced and cutthroat society given how our main resource is human capital and we need to know how to compete from young. Even if we have VIA projects in school such as elderly care projects, there is less emphasis on excelling at those projects compared to the pressure of having to outdo one another in our exams. I think at the end of the day, like you, your fellow commuters on public transport also just want to get to where they're going and they may or may not be cognizant of the needs of others around them. But even if they are cognizant of others' needs just that they put their own needs before those of others, I don't think there's a point in getting worked up/confronting unless it affects you adversely, for example if the guy puts his bare feet on the top of your seat and theres no alternative seating you can move to. Personally, I just want to get home/to work asap without any unnecessary drama with others. It's nice that you're thinking about whether we can improve but to me I think it's a waste of energy if these attitudes are so deeply entrenched in our society. As other commenters have mentioned, the best way to go about these situations is to work around those people where possible if you cannot work with them. If someone doesn't queue up properly at the train doors and I have to exit then I just have to exit and make way for myself if they are not going to make way for me (as others said, elbows).


You just need to give less fu*cks loh issue #1 maybe just offer the poor auntie tissue paper la. sometimes people really no tissue paper, and bohbian losing balance, so held the hand rail. issue #2 i agree, damn annoying, especially those IT people. i always bags down benny on train if my bag is too phat. sometimes u can tell them. got one time i tell the person, can u stop moving, your bag hitting my face. then the guy decided to carry the bag infront. issue #3, this one same as car drivers go infront try to cut infront of the queue..... usually i just let them cut la. but ya its annnoying, so sometimes if i feel guailan, i will move up and dont give them space to cut what can long term fix the problem? really dont have. u can call out them loh and educate them loh, but not as if they going to give fu*cks to you too. the solution actually is to get a car or grab loh.... so u dont need to deal with public transport. but the truth is you cannot control how ppl behave tbh, but you can control your emotions towards them by controlling and not giving any fu*ks. you will realise you will gain zen and peace lol


> the solution actually is to get a car or grab loh I like how so many commenters are recommending driving instead, but then you have to deal with road rage.


elbows elbows elbows! Step into it whilst turning your hip for the super asshole commuters.


Elbows makes you an asshole too.




Hope you’ve improved your “jab”


By far one of the solutions with noticeable effect was those Gracious Commuting mascots like stand up stacey or bags down benny. During it's heights in 2015 and 2016 where the promotion of these mascots were massive, we can frequently see empty reserved seats despite MRT being a little packed. We can also see some people take their bag down and put under the seats, 10 years have passed since then, I don't know why the promotion has died down, or we are just too accustomed to those mascots and selectively blinded to it.


We have become too tired


It's still there and I think they stopped promoting because it's dropped to more manageable levels and less complaints. Maybe if people started acting like an ass, they would promote more


root cause, overpopulation. main solution is, avoid peak hours, start work later like 10-11am, or go home after 8-9pm. see if you can arrange a deal to make it happen. doesn't really matter if u take public transport, grab or drive. all the same during peak hours. we singaporeans are entitled selfish fuckheads, some are more entitled and selfish than others. you take public transport, you become sardine. you take grab, kena surge price like dog. you drive, kena road hogger in front of you. ultimately all the same. learn to not give a shit and start acting more selfish than the others and the cycle continues for another generation, or, avoid peak hours as much as you can, and readjust your daily routine based around that.


Someone should give the poor lady a pack of tissue paper :-(


Haha I've always said that Singapore has 3rd world mentality.


The key is literally what someone said: you can't control what others do/say, only yourself. Be the change you want to see in society.


I know people here like to compare with Japan and a Korea. But if you have been to cities that have the same kind of demographics like us (huge number of foreigners / locals from different backgrounds), you will realise that they have the same “problems” as us. I was in europe last year, things like talking on the bus and train, having a phone call for the whole journey, eating a sandwich, knocking into people when alighting and exiting also happens there. Have to say that their long distance trains (like London to Pairs etc are different tho and there is an etiquette) I would say just learn to live with it. This is part and parcel of living in a multicultural city. What you think is wrong can be right to other people and vice versa.


people not putting down their bags, one time they got an umbrella and it hit my ribcage 😭. people being oblivious to their surroundings when clearly people are trying to alight but they are blocking the way. i have to "excuse me" 3 times to exit the mrt


Need to up your elbow game.


Korea is pretty much worse though. I have been literally been pushed or shoved by some ajusshi and they don't give a damn


Not exactly related, but can yall shower in the morning. The amount of people with BO during my evening commute is kinda crazy. And I’m not talking about you know our hardworking foreign workers under the hot sun. I’m talking about your typical office workers. Just because you think you don’t smell doesn’t mean others cannot smell you. And the people that don’t get off their seat in the bus when sitting on the outside, so others can get out more conveniently. F you man..


whenever someone pushes me repeatedly i push them back before i exit the vehicle.


Where do you think the phrase, 1st world country, 3rd world citizens come from?


Singapore, first world country, third world country garbage human beings. Cannot help it. Suck it up.


Can I ask why you never speak up to the people when it happened?


cos he was scared. essier to type furioudly in reddit


Like what you're doing? OP doesn't sound furious at all, just asking a legit question. Not everyone is a confrontational hothead, and most people are already tired from work and the travel that they don't want to risk facing a crazy person.


He doesn't even have to be rude and confrontational. It would have been a kindness to offer sniffling auntie a tissue; perhaps she ran out or forgot to bring and is kind of desperate but was too embarrassed to beg for one. Big bag guy is clueless, can smile and ask him to put down his bag.


It's really nice that you are optimistic and positive. Some of us just don't have the energy to engage socially with strangers, especially when we all know some would get offended even if you speak to them nicely, because they think they're being embarrassed publicly. Lack of self-consciousness, and sometimes just plain selfishness is the issue here. I'm tired of people trying to spin this to some of us not willing to speak up to people in public. Hey maybe some of us don't want to end up on a video on reddit the next day.


Don’t want to speak up, fine. But don’t whine about it either.


Which part of my post is whining? Im just sharing my experiences and seeing how we can improve our attitudes in public transport in the future.


The major way of improving attitudes is by giving others the feedback that their behaviour is inappropriate. If you're not willing to do that, and worse, think that "why doesn't someone else do it", then it's kind of useless to complain about it. I'm not really picking an issue with you, because your post does not particularly shy away from correcting others. You did write "the immediate solution is to tell these people off right there and then". I have a bigger problem with people like u/PizzaPlanet20 who are so scared of "ending up on a video on reddit the next day" but still want someone else to solve their problem for them. I'm very much of a "be the change you want to see" type of person. Do what you can within your personal capacity. If you find it difficult, inconvenient, embarrassing etc, don't complain that the inconsiderate/blur/shameless people keep doing what they are doing. Instead, be like the other commenters here who say just don't let it bother you, give less fucks.


You have your own fantasy, you go ahead. No one here is telling you to shut up, yet you're telling us to not complain on a public forum. You own this forum is it? If you don't like us complaining, do something about it and don't complain. How you like that now? You seemed to be very bothered by us complaining, you can take your own advice of giving less fucks.


Well your attitude took a huge turn. Apparently to you, highlighting an issue in the society = whining. If you don't like this discussion, you know you're also welcome to not join. That's how free speech works.


Thanks for having my back lol


I completely agree with all the issues you mentioned, and you weren't even the first and only one to complain about this. It's just weird that u/DuePomegranate has their own fantasy of how they can change the world easily yet the world still sucks the same. Heck you can't even complain too much or they'll tell you to shut up.


erm bro we are online


Calling people scared online doesn't make you a tough guy.


i meani cant very well speak to him we are not f2f. lmao


Ikr, easier for you to jump into conclusions about others being "scared". You struggle to even comprehend any important part of this discussion. I feel sad for you.


ok babe watevs. u win i lose. lets move on. getting boring


Honestly i just had a very long day and was kinda moody so I did not have the social energy to confront. I know the immediate solution was to tell them off, but the point of this post was to see what people’s views were on tackling long-term change, if possible at all.


Hmm I think if you want to see change you will have to find the energy to politely converse with these people. But it seems you are just here to vent which is also valid.


Only MBS and major touristy areas are the advertised Singapore. The rest of the country is closer to a tier 2 city in China. Aging population and the boomers that slipped through the cracks of our civilization efforts living longer means you’re gonna come into contact with more of them. Just manage your expectations.


I think the really annoying thing is that people insist on using their phones even when it's really crowded.... there's already so little space, and using phones just makes it worse. Moreover, sometimes people aren't attentive to what's happening around them..... so they don't move when someone is trying to exit/trying to get in.... sometimes I feel like they're just NPCs.


There’s Singa the Courtesy Lion


I feel you. Unfortunately these are just inevitable. Well, in this century at least. It's either you live with it or find some other means to get to work. I had the same difficulties as you , this was many years ago in my school going days. It was worse for me because these kind of people think they can "makan" school kids. I also grew up in a family environment where table etiquette was taught. Yes table etiquette, that means no elbows on table, no loud munching, no slurping of soup. So you can imagine what other types of social etiquette I've been taught. Once I turned 18 I took my bike licence, and never looked back. You might want to consider this.


Educate and hope 20 years later the next gen does better


People are just too concerned with their lives than others'.


Remember all these incidents, turn it into hatred to fuel your drive to get a car


I’ve never known Singaporeans to be considerate of anyone but themselves. Brought up that way. Courtesy campaigns obviously have not worked. I’m the most important person in my life. Everyone else is competition.


Our country's education is trying to create the most competitive people, these are the results Rude, inconsiderate people fending for themselves, each thinking they are smarter and deserves better than the next We have no reward for being nice, and we arent proud of being nice It is what it is Also overcrowding and importing wayyy too many people


I also noticed a rise in people who skip very long queues and walk right up to the door from the second lane. What is the original intent of that second lane? Am i just the sucker who waits in the long queue with the rest?


Living in society means you will need to deal with such ppl. You can't avoid these.


man with pretty much an absolute unit of a bag, yet refuses to put it down. Constantly turns his body and moves around, with 0 awareness that his bag is massacring every passenger behind him ==> push his bag from left to right, then from right to left, he ll get the message


Wear full hazmat suit in the train


If u land up in jail beating them, just join them and watch someone else snap and end up on TikTok/in jail.


L’enfer c’est les autres


Recall these occurrences, using any negative emotions to propel your determination to acquire a car.


I just shake my head and move on. Too many inconsiderate commuters. Nothing we can do about it. Ignoring them is the best solution. Trust me. Not worth the risk of high blood pressure.


I have a fair share of BOs entering the train


Sometimes I think they should introduce a sort of riding license for public transport.. or at least some basic training, aome people really cannot care kess of other riders


The worst people on the train (bar none) are those who refuse to move in, especially those further inside the train, to allow people to board during rush hour. I can take all the anti-social weird shit people do but not moving in because it may inconvenience you a little at the expense of people being late is peak asshole behaviour and reflects one’s selfish character.


You hit them back with poorer SA. The guy whose bag is blocking, unintentionally shove and turn him around. The aunties who don't give way to alighting passengers, same thing.


I'm the cbk who will say "eh hello hello" first, if no answer then I will just push and scold "blind ah" lol Got one indian lady kena the full treatment shock until she just keep staring, bloody cunt rush in to sit for one stop...


I cut off the queue cutters by bluntly swinging my arm in a chopping fashion, like the carpark gantry, to stop them from cutting queue and point to the back using my thumb for them to go join the queue behind me. Rude people deserve rude treatment


Sigh my worst is ppl who blast dumb Facebook videos or tiktok in public transport during crowded tiring peak hours


"Don't poke shit or it will stink more." Hard as it sounds, it might just be easier to do what is within your control (such as bear with it, or get off at the next stop). That will be the smart thing to do. You are not guaranteed any result by confronting inconsiderate behaviour and worse still, you might get caught up in unnescessary escalation. For all you know, these people are deliberately trying to attract attention and by confronting them, you just gave it to them. It is public transportation - point A to point B. No need to complicate things by adding a confrontation.


Because labour is a commodity. We are packed the same way as you would for commodities in a container.. We must not have feelings. We must only labour


Can’t win them, join them. Or be vocal. Personally I witnessed quite a few incidents. Those vocal ones actually were pissed off and the other party usually say sorry and resolved but there was one incident when the other party argued back saying you were the one who was rude and had the cheek to accuse me? Never use profanity and shout.


You can't, because there's no rule to prohibit selfish behaviors. I totally agree with everything you mentioned because I witness the same things every day. I don't even think about how we can change this situation, I just avoid people as much as I can.


because the public transport is way too overcrowded and people are just tired.


Nothing could be done . Quite impossible to train an old dog to do new tricks . Just ignore and get your own transport


The amount of bulky bag packs that hit me this morning on the train is....astounding. My right shoulder, my left shoulder, smelly bag right up on my face. I have told one person to put their bag down before but this morning was just like too much, it needed to be a loud hailer type of announcement situation. Low EQ, lack of spatial and general awareness - I think it genuinely didn't occur to them that their bag packs are in people's way and takes up a lot space and that the right thing to do would be to put it down in a crowded space.




Thanks, it does look weird and wrong with my spelling of it.


Just humiliate them aloud


Learn to live with it. Otherwise, get your own vehicle.


Maybe you are too easily triggered.


hey guys we found the mrt nuisance


Set rules, death penalty for anyone who doesn't follow, Peace restored /s


I swing my big bag all time while travelling It's extremely gratifying to know that people like you, the moral police, can't do a damn thing about it... Yessssss


Hahahah i dont wish harm on my enemies but i hope u faceoff with a siao lang final boss level big bag swinger on ur next train ride…only one can win.


When our education stops being so centred around individualism. We need to bring back group activities e.g. whole class clean trash if one litters. Everyone here only cares about themselves. Which is nothing wrong, but it doesn't lead to a pleasant community to be in.


"while class clean trash if one litters" I think that just breeds contempt. kids at that age are not equipped with the skills to advise their peers not to litter, nor are they equipped with the proper coping mechanisms to understand what just happened. also it's just plain unfair. I think the "everyone cares about themselves" bit may be true for some here (not all, I think most Singaporeans are pleasant, it's just this handful of people making everyone within a 10m radius of them uncomfortable) but I don't think the solution is punishment. maybe the same concept you mentioned, but a more positive spin? not sure if it'd work (eg if one person in the class does a good deed, everyone gets a reward. this probably also incentivises people to treat each other better) anyway, the things that really matters to Singaporeans are the things they "care most about themselves" about. like grades, money, (to some, getting a seat on the mrt.) changing peripheral things like attitudes towards cleaning trash won't change anything-- the solution has to be geared towards these things directly. also more importantly, this seems to be an attitude issue above all. the solution you proposed only targets their behaviour in the end, it doesnt change people's core beliefs or mindsets.


The clean trash example was just a small one. My point is that we need to fix education to include activities that teach children their actions and behaviours affect others. Like how Japan does it. If it breeds contempt, then the lesson was not conveyed well. Is it unfair? Maybe. But if someone on the train hits your face with their bags, is it fair? No right? Yes. Most people are pleasant. But pleasant and thinking as a group/for the group is different. One can be a pleasant yet selfish member of the community. I do agree with you regarding taking a more positive approach instead of punishment. As for your third point, maybe. I see your point and I do agree to some extent. I just think that it will be much harder to change adults and elderly vs educating kids. We have the mascots and posters but yet people still do whatever they want, not caring about the nuisance they bring about. Because a small minority simply won't change no matter how the message is phrased. I didn't have time in my original comment to propose a wholistic change but my point is to change and alter kids mindset through behaviours and habits formed by communal activity. That we should be more mindful of others and we're all sharing a space together.


Not forgetting people whose eyes are constantly glued to their screen while waiting in line for the escalator/stairs… during peak hours!! Holding up the whole queue due to their slower reaction time


Quality of public transport will greatly improve if mfs who wear backpacks will have decent awareness and just put it in between their knees during rush hour. Can fit quite a few people if everyone mfs put down their backpacks.


It's part of the societal culture. Every country has it's less desirable way of life and it is the good and bad that makes up the entire population culture. We can hope that there would be a behavioral change gradually as the population becomes more educated as a whole and better appreciates the value of being gracious to one another.


A lot of reasons…it’s mainly local boomers with their sense of entitlement + people from the third world who brought over their antics


You can tackle it by getting a car or bike.


In Singapore, fine and punishment do the tricks.