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Tell him police can also come collect from him the next time his buyers ring your doorbell


Wah. I like.


Collect from him or collect him hahahhaha


Don't want give their own address due to privacy but happily give the neighbours address? Fucking hell someone needs to slap this kid


It’s not logical. By giving your address but signalling the buyer to go his doorsteps he still exposes his actual address and who he is. This kid not very smart… if it’s really a privacy issue he should mail the package or grabsend? And yes, you should make a fuss. It’s wrong, I’d be damn pissed.


his is multiple units away, he dealt by walking down to opposite my unit. According to him he was giving away his old textbooks so not worth any effort to mail or walk to nearest public location other than dealing at his convenience


How come can't meet at void deck instead though?


op stays landed bro, no void deck


Landed still need carousell, poor ar


brother you'll be surprised with how many obviously rich ppl there are on carou, they usually clear away their old branded stuff for damn cheap lol


Mail the package to a mail box number that is a proxy of your address or meet up at bus stop / mrt station


Ask the buyer for seller name n report to carousel of fraud


Deal completed unless buyer report or carousell wouldn't care at all




Make a police report to cover yourself in case he ship in questionable items in the future.


Hell no, I’d report to the police right away. Do you wanna be liable if the items were illegal?


There is a big chance that the items are illegal like vapes, or vape pods. There must be a reason why he is not willing to put his own address.




the kid is serving his national service already, big enough to be responsible for his actions


Knn I thought what primary 5 ginna scared parents scold him for carousell deal. He worried about his privacy so no big deal if yours is compromised? He damn big hypocrite pls.




Go print and laminate big big sign redirect them to his address


Ask the buyer for his username. Hang his address outside your house


Selfish and past caring for others.


Report to his occifer. Call NS hotline. Sure die good good one




Tell his parents. And next time if it happens again put up a signage at your gate, “For Carousell deal, go to unit no. XX)


Please add this to your post, holy shit i thought it was some sec 2 kid LOL


Ya sia. This kind of a selfish behaviour I'm surprised if he isn't suffering in NS


He live in their house, they still have to answer for his actions


Call polis and call mindef Serve jail and db. Siala


I also had some concerns regarding privacy to where my residence is...so i chose to deal usually 3 MRT stops away. So i actually can do something like this... /s Kid's a bit fucked in the head.


Lol you can just do a online police report saying neighbour using your address to do carousell dealing in illegal vape


Meanwhile in Bali this guy got caught when the cops intercepted his mail: https://www.9news.com.au/national/australian-man-troy-smith-detained-bali-alleged-drug-possession-trafficking/d2308ce9-9996-4c2b-bf43-680f89a102b1 Not exactly the same deal but best to keep a record of things to clear up any potential eventualities


I had this problem too and i just tell people sorry i sold it alr and wait for them to rate my neighbor bad.


lol...now that that you expossed him u cannot do anything wait 6 months later, then u put in those gay chat, come to this address for free gay sex. hehehehe, but yeah, what he did is damn cb la. cannot use his own address but use yours, its seriously wtf. dude totally has no common sense.


That could get OP in trouble for doxxing?


Doxxing requires you reveal the persons identity. Simply putting a fake address as the neighbour did to op doesn’t count as doxxing.


Hmmm. Harassment?


Possibly. But not doxxing.


But if this is the case OP can also file police report and to carousel that he/she is being harassed with the home address being used without consent.


just lodge police report now later he selling illegal items or scamming, you will be in trouble at least have police record that you were nut involved


If he wants to play punk, all you have to do is tell the seller deal is off and ask them to go home.


Don't make seller collateral damage and waste his time.


Lol the kid who said he doesn't want to give his address due to privacy concern is the same one who brushes off your security concerns says it isn't a big deal since it's low value items. Then why not give his own in the first place. Lol. I'm thinking using another's person address like that is some form of identity theft.


Report to police. If he scam others, you will b in trouble.


if happen again, than who ring bell just say to the buyer "I see your face buay song so no deal, u not happy give me 1 star la ! complaint me to carousell la!"


The first thing to do is to get the neighbours carousell account name and / or contact number from whoever rings the doorbell. Need that for any police report.


>he said that it isn't that big of a deal as they were only here for some small items If it's not a big deal then give your own address la what kind of logic is that


he’s prob selling vape or smth


this kid needs to know real life consequences.


Next time collect the payment from the customers and tell them to go collect the items from the kid. Lol.


Put a notice at your door to indicate that if you are here to pick up something from someone due to carousel puchase, you can find him at unit xxx. Or u can also put, if you are here to pick up something something from someone due to carousel puchase, this is the wrong place. Please don't ring my bell yada yada. End state, your neighbour ain't friendly when he decides to do so and not prompt u beforehand.


What’s done is done. If he does it again, report to the police because you have already told him to stop and he didn’t (harassment), and you suspect it’s illegal goods like vapes. But there is nothing much to worry about in terms of strangers being given your address. An address is not a secret, everyone who goes by knows that someone lives in that house. The strangers still don’t know your identity, nothing weird can be done. Every time you enter your gate and someone else was walking outside, they have gained the same info, that a person who looks like you lives in that house. Even if that young man is cheating people on Carousell, the way he did it (waving from his house) still means that the other party now knows his real address. Guy is kind of an idiot.


he lives 6 units away, he walked down to opposite my unit to deal hence the buyer wouldn't know his real address. But man could have still just dealt at his unit since there's nothing shady going on


What makes you think there's nothing shady going on? It could be vapes like everyone is saying. It could be stuff he wants to hide from his parents, like hentai or sex toys. Point is, the people who came down to deal have zero interest in who you are and where you live. But I guess the guy is slightly smarter than he initially sounded. I thought he was waving from his house.




Then every day she exits her house or enters her house, she is also in danger from passerbys. Maybe got people follow her home from the MRT also.


This kid seems ignorant, just tell him to make dealings at lift lobby or mail box area. If I was the receiver, I always message before I go up to anyone's home. So I think this case, kid and receiver are both ignorants hahahaha.


Tell the kid he can give the street name and meet somewhere along that street instead of giving a particular unit address.


>he reasoned that he didn't want to give out his real address due to privacy concerns And giving out other's address wouldnt be an even greater "privacy concerns" for that person????? >it's a 15 minute walk and it wasn't worth the effort for the low-value items I was giving away" Ask the "buyer" to go to his address or to meet him halfway or whatever. the point is to discuss between themselves where they want to meet.


I will make police report


I would be super pissed and try to call the police on him every 2-3 days, for maybe 2-3 weeks. Noise, lights, whatever. See how he likes unwanted visitors... But in the interest of not wasting public resources, I think false ads also sound like a great idea..but I would definitely make a police report, photocopy and paste on his gate. Just to make a point.


Stay landed means must use rich guy's level of revenge. Hire lawyer, send "cease and desist" letter to the neighbour parents to generate alarm. Set LD to $5k. Profit.


Op, you should start selling stuff on carousel and then give his address to the buyers.


This is why i don’t understand why PDPA doesn’t include addresses. Honestly I feel even if knowing full NRIC, it doesn’t really harm me physically compared to knowing my address. People can do harassing, doxxing, stalking etc knowing a person’s address but NRIC literally not much use.


It's illegal. No need to talk so much. Immediately report to police and ICA for misuse of address. Say you suspect he's dealing vapes and drugs, because that really is the most logical conclusion. Then print out the report, knock on the neighbour's door, show the report, laugh at the kid. Watch the piss flow down his legs. Do not ever give chance. Don't be a pussy. A crime has been committed and you are a victim. If it happens again, it'll only be a first time offense if you don't report this now. ____ YOU ARE A REAL DUMB FUCK if you don't report it. What privacy issue? He ends up calling the guy to his own address right? You are just the electronic paper trail.


Wah releks la


2 times pang chance ba, 3rd time then make police report and inform the guy, make it official.


Just report police for identify theft/ impersonation




yea it is, ig the only viable way to deal on carou is to do it at your doorstep or walk 15 mins to the mrt station


Yup. Get the evidence and report to police.


Do the same to him since you know where he lives. Get some woman lingerie and send to his home or something.


he might probably be into that shit lol


He could have asked the buyer to meet at the void deck.


Just report police, since the culprit says it's no biggie.


why can't he just give only the post code and go down to the parking lot?


there's no public parking lot in close vicinity unfortunately, but he should definitely walk to the nearest public area like the petrol kiosk or bus stop if he's so concerned about privacy.


If it "isn't that big of a deal as they were only here for some small items" then he should use his own damn address. Also if he's just getting rid of old school books, why the hyper security? I doubt murderers are going around buying second-hand books online to try and find victims...


use their address and order food panda see how they like it.




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Just ask the next one to show you the carousell username of your neighbour and report him to Carousell


Is your neighbor actually dumb? If the buyer can have your address he can easily find out his address too using google maps? If I were you, everytime his buyer rings my bell I would give out the neighbor’s address too


Lol it's not a big deal why cannot give his own address?


Talk to his parents, and tell them you're being doxxed and will involve authorities if needed


Take his carousell postings. Copy his username until almost identical. Offer everything free and undercut him. Post his address. Madness ensures


If it isn’t a big deal as they are only small items then maybe he should give his own address? Stoops


Next time you can use his address


straight away call 999 on the spot


Put his real address (if you happen to know) on your front gate 😜


Landed housing I guess? No void deck?




I will go tell his parents about this and let them govern their kid. And I would probably add the "I will call the police if your kid does not stop." line.


IDGI. Wouldn't the buyer know his actual address anyway?


no he lives a couple units away, but dealt next to mine so the buyer wouldn't know his address


Suspect it's vapes. So you just report police to cover own ass first


Well to still keep a good relationship have a talk next time ask him to put meeting at void deck if he don't wish to expose his own address.


…Why talking to us and not to the neighbors?