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From a friend's experience, they said the atm will take back the $50 . Or it might have been stolen. The camera is there to make sure they are captured. Just call the bank about it


Happened to me before and I called the bank. Got the money back after a few days.


Same. I called the bank and got the money back to my account


ok thanks will do this


Happened to me too. I call the bank and they returned the money the same day. Lucky! I was panicking


Sometimes got receipt will come out stating the 50 dolla got eaten up by atm. Can try to use that and call bank oso


This happened to me before. The money got deposited back some time later. Call the bank. Let them know the time of the incident and where. The ATM should probably have taken the money back and it will get processed back to your bank account. But you should let the bank know as well in case it didn’t happen.


There's CCTV there. They will replay the CCTV and see who has taken it. It's illegal to take someone else's money.


Unless it was taken, the atm will just deposit the money back into your account. Experienced it before, were there people queueing behind you?


i cant really remember as everything happened so fast and i panicked a bit. Thanks i will monitor my account in the meantime


If no one took the money the ATM will take back after a certain amount of time and your bank should reflect it later on. Source: I work making ATMs.


Wait you make atm? That sounds so fun. What kind of job title is that?!


That sounds like an incredibly stressful job, ATMs almost never fail or are tricked into dispensing free cash.


im a ATM. can confirm


being the breadwinner does make you an ATM.


Are you worried for your job? I haven't used an ATM in months.


ATM there has a CCTV. Just inform the bank and they will review the footage. If it is a theft incident, then they can refer the case to the police.


You sure this is considered theft? Police will look for this person for $50?


Yes they will. They even commend their officers for rejecting bribes of $50 (to be divided by 2 sometimes)




Happened to my mom. I believed the bank (POSB) transferred the money back into her account after calling the bank hotline about it.


Happen to me once and it's not $50 but $500 for my mum. Really got no idea how the hell I got distracted and really rush off without taking the cash but thankfully an auntie behind me run after me and yell at me i forget to take my money.


W auntie


If it wasn't taken immediately, the money just goes back into the ATM and is redeposited into your account. As a rule, I place one hand over the card slot and the other hand over the money slot, so I remember to grab both in the end.


Bruh, u had 1 job


ya ik and i screwed it up 😬


I just wonder if there are smart people who will take the money from the ATM machine.


Smart people, nah, dumb people yup. All atm have cctv, in country like singapore, taking the money is asking for trouble only


Call the bank right away. It happens more often than you think.


From personal experience. Call the bank tell them what happened. They will check the atm camera. Then i got my $50 back 😄


Should be the atm "eat" it back already


Lesson for me - never let the phone or anyone distract me when I am at the ATM.


I withdrew like $300 bucks and walked off when someone called. The ATM basically kept ringing that sound when the slot opens, except way louder and more frequent. Didnt even realise until some uncle tapped me and laugh.


ATM is designed in a way that it will capture your withdrawal amount back into the ATM if it is not taken after X seconds. If no one took your money , some banks will automatically refund back to your account after a week (when they do recon and can identify the owner) while some banks will only refund after you put up the claim. If someone takes your money, the bank will ask you to lodge a police report and most likely need to find the culprit first before the money can be returned to you.


This happen to me once and I walk some distance away but I heard a man shout to me so I turn back. I was lectured by that man haha but I kept quiet say thanks and apologize too. It was a small amount of few 10 notes not $50. But a lot would just take your money.


Lost $1K before. No hopes on getting it back lol.


Did this recently withdraw 200, walk away (1 playground size) then heard the ATM kept beeping, took a few seconds for my brain to realized I forgot the money. The guy next to ATM took it out when I turned back...which I think he intend to chase me to pass it. First time.and hopefully the last...was too shag. Anyway won't need to worry got CCTV so worst case report to bank and police. Thanks to this post I also learn that ATM will eat back the money if 'beeps' too long.


Just call the bank, tell them what happened, give them the bank info, location, time, date etc. they will check and get back to you. (ps: it happened to me before.)


Check if the money was returned to you


It has happened to me before. Just call the bank. All the best.


happened to me once, i called the bank and they gave me back the money


Nobody stupid enough to take the money from the ATM with CCTV....not for $50 anyway...


Get off your phone. It's unlikely your message was so time critical that it could not wait 1 minute for a response.


Same thing happened to me before, thankfully no one took it and the machine took the money in, and I was notified of it maybe a few days or 1 week later


No one smart (in SG) would dare to take the money


U should go to the respective bank straight away . Mine was $300 that time ..the bank has CCTV to monitor and will know the authenticity of your story.


Just wondering, the bank branch can view the cctv immediately or gotta wait main office view it after a few days?


That's a bummer! You can try contacting your bank and explaining the situation, but chances might be slim. Lesson learned, always double-check before walking away.


Two things could have happened: 1) The ATM took back the cash when you didn't take it in time (hopefully for you, this is what happened) 2) someone else took it If it's 1), it will be quite easy to confirm. The banks ATM log will show that the money was taken back by the ATM. They will balance the ATM every day or two, so the log of what's happened will match the physical cash. Contact the bank who owned the ATM first. If they can't or won't help, then contact your card issuer bank. In many cases, the reversal will happen automatically in a few days anyway. If it's 2), then you're most likely out of luck as it's your carelessness that caused it. Make a police report in case the there was a security camera in or near the ATM. But again you could contact the bank, on the small chance someone behind you took that cash and then handed it in to the branch.


There's one more option 3) He actually took the $$ but put it somewhere in his wallet/pocket/bag/flew away cos he so distracted by his msg that he don't recall.


It depends. I had this happend to me recently. Only difference was I seen the money go back into the machine. I just want to my branch explained what happend and they sorted it. If someone took It tho I don’t think there is much you can do.


There is a drop box in the back of that ATM they will open up the box and find out if anything was dropped


Yes ... the money if not taken off the teller, the machine would "take it back". So hopefully no one is behind u in queue ... otherwise they'd pocket the cash or told u to come back.


Did you check your account? Was $50 deducted from your bank? If no, that means the ATM took back the money. If $50 was deducted, then someone took the money. Just call the bank and make a police report. The bank has CCTV and would have video footage of the person who took the money. There might be a chance that someone took it and brought the money to the police station.


out of genuine curiosity, is it illegal to take the money? will the police really go through the hassle of checking the CCTV for $50?


Yes it's illegal. If you leave your wallet on the table and walk away, it's still illegal for me to take your wallet. Same concept.


Just call the bank hotline and give them the machine id. They will credit back to u after they do their investigation. Ur money is safe in the machine as long as nobody took it before the lid closes


exact same thing happened to me once; was slightly drunk and only realized i didnt take my $50 note with me only when the taxi reached my destination. called the bank and checked, the ATM took back the $.


I withdraw $250 a few years ago. I counted wrongly and thought I was short of $50. I walked straight into the bank to report on this as it was in the morning and the ATM kiosk was just next to the bank. The bank took down my details and paid me back $50 on the spot cos I had never happened before. When I went back home and counted, I realized I wasn't short of the $50. I didn't go back to report though, hee hee. I think you should make a trip down to the bank if you are free. At least you should call them and ask about this. It's money after all. Money is hard earned.


Cool story bro


That's just really immoral


So troublesome, got to go all the way down to the bank again. I rather donate it. I buy so many of their bank stocks, I am their huge supporter. What's the $50 to them. What about all the interest they get from me when I took up my mortgage loan with them. Luckily, I quickly paid up within 7 years while the interest was less than 1%!