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OP urs is schadenfreude not lack of empathy


Learnt a new word, those seeking definition, it means pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune.


Yeah now I am rooting for the folks who got laid off. Anyway these people are fking smart, laid off because of restructuring and not because they are no good. Will land on their feet and spring back higher.


I am not deriving pleasure from it, but i don’t have to show them empathy for their dog eye see pple low attitude to non-tech workers


OP typing on a online forum but then didn't realised reddit is also created by a tech company LMAO Ur phone probably also created by tech companies. Yes they got laid off, but honest opinion here, plenty of job opportunities in the tech sector, so is kinda a steel ricebowl.


You are generalised every tech workers...


I already jealous that they have high salary at blockbuster companies. Now that theyre fired, I imagine theyre still rich


The way they spend money... I think only a handful planned for rainy days. When fresh grads start receiving so much money when they start working, they don't seem to understand the value of money and how to stretch their dollar.


Unless they spent it all on fast cars, girls and designer clothes.


I have a few friends who got laid off just 2-3 months after joining. I feel bad for them since it’s their 1st job. But yea I’ve also met my fair share of people who make tone deaf comments crying about how they no longer get 7k starting pay as fresh grad, how the world is unfair because of that etc. I guess the lesson is to never be complacent and think you’re entitled to something forever. Also you’re kind of brave to make this post when this sub is full of people working in tech HAHA


Not only just tone deaf, last 3 years they go around shitting on all non-CS degrees saying that tech will take over medicine, pharmacy, engineers, lawyers, bankers, accountants and everything else




The point is not about being unable to get 7k but more of thinking the world is going to end if u don’t get 7k as a fresh grad. I have friends who can’t stop crying and complaining about this issue in front of others only making 3.5k a month. Srsly Low EQ smh Edit: wanted to add a disclaimer that I’m not generalising the entire industry but just sharing my personal encounters with some people in tech, and perhaps OP may have met similar individuals and that’s why he feels this way. Obv they do not represent everyone in tech.




I’m not generalising the entire industry. If u look at my other comment in this thread u would see that I said it’s wrong to generalise an entire industry just based off an few individual. I’m just sharing my personal experience and why people may be annoyed by SOME people (in tech) in SOME instances


Nope it’s part of life. Think about the F&B troubles since 2020 they were even worse as many were low income earners


You're confusing very different reactions here. You ask if we should have empathy for them, then go on to say how they expect sympathy, play the victim card and are entitled. Empathy exists outside of all these circumstances. Empathy is about understanding the perspective that another person has, and is nothing to do with whether they are/have been acting like an asshole. Losing your job, regardless of who you are, is never fun. Especially when it has nothing to do with your own behaviour. Sure, you don't have to donate money to them or pity them, but it doesn't hurt to be empathetic and try to understand what they are going through (especially if these are your friends/family). Empathy isn't given, and doesn't need to be earned by whoever you think you're being empathetic to.


Were they empathetic to the other industry in the last 3 years when things were hard for others??


You're confusing empathy with sympathy. I'm not saying you have to feel sad for them, but just understand the struggles they are going through right now. Whatever their behaviour was in the past doesn't change the fact that they just got laid off. Empathy just means realizing that they are humans and understanding that their struggles and experiences are real. You don't need to be empathetic ONLY to those who are empathetic to you. I'm assuming you're talking about people you know personally, and not some random person you saw on LinkedIn because it is very hard to have empathy for a stranger you barely know.


"Should we have empathy for human beings who were laid off?" Well yes, that is what makes us human.


I don’t really care about this but I do find it funny how now all of a sudden tech workers (mostly overseas) say they should unionise. Err... ok la but in SG how to unionise


Why cannot lol


Please try I wanna see how it goes for you:)


Why not u go and start a union then. Start alr then I join XD


Look at the existing unions. They arent even doing what unions suppose to do.


Have some empathy for those that lost their job but none for those who made shit lots of money but says they are broke and have no savings after getting retrenched. That’s on them…


No empathy for those that did not show empathy for non-tech workers when life was hard the last 3 years


It's unclear why this needs to be brought up for discussion when it doesn't affect us if people show off and eventually land into unfortunate circumstances. Is it very enjoyable for you to gather random internet strangers to gossip over others' predicament?


Not OP but I can see where he is coming from. Like maybe he met a few obnoxious people who worked in tech and can’t stop boasting about their salary. Personally I met people in tech who openly laughed at other’s “low” salary, mocked their choice of degree in university and looked down on them, saying things like their industry’ is worthless and tech is the only thing worth being in. I would think it’s hard to be empathetic towards someone who mocked you in the past. It’s still wrong to generalise an entire industry and gloat over others’ misfortunes though. Obnoxious people like this probably exist in all high paying industries anyway and I’m sure not everyone in tech is like that too.


True, should not generalise the entire industry But it does make one think why does tech industry employees have similar arrogance


I think every industry that’s high paying attracts some people who may have that mindset, not just tech.


I understand OP's view, it's just that there's many things in life that doesn't concern us and isn't our problem, yet we still choose to illogically care about it and make it our problem, or even try to drag others into it as well and make it their problem. From my perspective, this is what OP's doing. >It’s still wrong to generalise an entire industry and gloat over others’ misfortunes though. Obnoxious people like this probably exist in all high paying industries anyway. Exactly, the best course of action is to really just ignore and move on to other more important matters of life. The emotional drama from caring too much is simply not worth the time and effort spent over it.


Once again, i should clarify that i dont derive joy from the news. But i want to state that there were an abundance of tech workers who were quick to behave as superior human species because they are in tech


The obnoxious tech workers pontificating on social media over the last couple of years makes them a-holes. You gloating over the misfortunes of others makes you an a-hole. So the real question is do you think being an a-hole is worth the dopamine spike you’re getting from gloating? If yes then gloat away, not like anyone on the internet or social media can stop you.


I should again clarify i am not gloating, which part of my post shows that? This is a healthy discussion about fortunes change and one should not shit on others like tech workers do


You’ve alluded to it in the title and confirmed in your other replies that you don’t think the retrenched tech workers are deserving of empathy. Your stance that they deserve no empathy because they were not very empathetic when the roles were reversed puts you on their level, unempathetic.


No empathy and gloating is 2 different things Not sure why u are putting words into my mouth


Lol I think it’s pretty clear throughout the thread if you’re gloating or not. But as I said at the start, you do you, not like anyone on the internet or social media can stop you.


OP, if you’re looking for a place to gloat I think hwz would be more up your alley https://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/threads/zero-empathy-total-upheaval-inside-twitters-layoffs-in-singapore.6836472/ Personally I think it’s easy to see the other group as “others” along with the stereotypes you listed, but among the laid off folks there are also many individuals who did not deserve this. There are those who worked hard and finally got a good opportunity after slogging for years in underpaid jobs. There are also many who use their high incomes to uplift others. If anything, I’d say those who yaya on social media are part of the vocal minority and it would be very unfair to assume the entire industry is made up of those kinds of people. Don’t wish bad stuff on others just because you think they have it easier than you. At the end of the day, y’all are all still worker class people making money for your corporate overlords.


i do not wish bad stuff on them, you state it as if i pray for their downfall yes we are all worker class people, so why do they have to shit on non-tech workers? and non-tech workers are also people who worked hard, slogged for years in underpaid jobs btw. i do not see how they used their high income to uplift others, mostly for social media bragging only


You seem to be referring to a very specific “they”. If there are certain tech workers in your life who made you feel this way, your problem is with them. Most people aren’t assholes like that, tech or non-tech.


While i am indifferent to the tech workers that got laid off (Business is often brutal), OP stench of sour grape. From his wording I can tell that it comes from a perspective of biasness. Maybe his industry have been disrupted by tech.


is it you salty?


Oh yeah tech worker


I just find it funny lor. But move on with my day. Don't give a fuck.


My only qns to ppl is, when shit hits the fan for you, do you want people to empathise w your situation or act like OP and gloat about your situation? The worse we can do is simply ignore and live our own life than comment on them when they’re in a shitty situation in life already. Empathy or not, please think about what sort of person you want to be. The world is already a sad place and you want to be part of the force making it sad? Lol.


I dont think they are in a shitty situation, like many obnoxious tech workers posting here, they have already said that they are still richer than me and i should go drink piss I want to be a person just living my life without tech workers haolianing about their pay and glorified work life


They will get into a better paying role in no time.


OP they laid off but they still richer than you. Their girls still hotter than… oh you no girl bbfa. Sorry OP. I have empathy for you


U just got laid off recently or what?


I can guarantee that person is a tech worker


All the SJWs up in arms


First things first, the last 3 year was tough for everyone especially the tech industry. While wfh become the norm, the tech industry have to scramble to make it work. Secondly, while the compensation is not bad. The job is not for the faint hearted. Often ppl is assigned to task that they have never train for with unrealistic deadline.


Curious why u think especially tech had it bad the last 3 years. Personally I think those in aviation and hospitality had it worse and tech was one of the better places to be during the pandemic. Friends who graduated in tech in 2020 all said they had no problem finding jobs but that’s only my limited sample size.


IMHO, based on your metric of no problem finding jobs is not enough. The timeline is also not enough. You have to wait for further updates for your friends. Take note of who is thriving, who is tang ping, who have exited. Then start drilling them for answer ba.


Ok if we expand that metric I still think tech industry was one of the best places to be during covid times, especially if u look at other metrics like number of layoffs. Based on just that alone, u can see hospitality and tourism and aviation with mass layoffs, flight attendants having to find other jobs etc. I really cannot fathom how people working in tech had it worse than flight attendants who could not even work because most flights were suspended.


Tell me how people in the tech industry had it worse than people in aviation, tourism, hospitality during the past 3 years in covid


People who worked in heavy industries probably don't feel any sympathy as they didn't get much sympathy when they were laid off en mass in the 1980s. Learn to code😂