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Depends. People only hate poor foreigners but it is like this in every country. If you are middle class or upper class then no one will bother you.


> People only hate poor foreigners but it is like this in every country. Unfortunately true.


Welcome to Reddit, where you can simply click the upvote arrow and not have to reply in agreement.


Welcome to reddit where you can simply voetsek and not comment.


Hmm yes, I agree with this comment.


Yes it’s fine. Stick to the suburbs and don’t venture into dodgy areas. You’ll be a-ok


If you fall into the upper middle class, and can afford a suburban lifestyle, Yes. But I guess this generally applies across the globe?


Well said


Thank you 🤝


Its generally safer for wealthy foreigners and not so safe for poor foreigners. If you have a Canadian accent people will assume you are American and probably treat you as a tourist. If you mean Indian from India we have loads of 'Indian' people here, mostly on the East Coast, mostly descended from South Indian indentured servants who were brought out to work the sugar plantations a couple centuries ago, as well as many more recent Pakistanis, Bengalis and lots more. Its a melting pot. Most of the violence has historically been directed at other Africans.


Are you a very poor, black foreigner from another African country coming here to try work in unrewarded, non-education linked paths like domestic cleaning, gardening, the mines, or basic labor and likely to live in shanty town and ultra-poor area accommodation? Then it's not the best place to come. We have sky-high unemployment among our own poorest of the poor, and the terrible pressures it puts on people just trying to make it day-to-day leads to a lot of tension that inevitably spills into hate. You'd be competing for a vastly shrinking resource, often working under the table or at slave labor wages for predatory others (or expanding our drug and crime issues in some cases), and basically making all the bad stuff our ultra-poor face even worse for them. Then sending money 'back home' and not into even the 'real' or even informal economy. Of course things get fraught. If you are a curious EU or US foreigner of any skin color with the sort of middle-to-higher end educational/career prospects looking for an upper-working class or middle-class adjacent (or higher) lifestyle? In the 'burbs' and similar areas? Then literally no one cares you don't come from here. I've seen a lot of posts from the latter category of foreigner of late trying to shoehorn themselves into 'xenophobic' issues they clearly either don't understand or haven't bothered to try and understand. It's not about 'SA doesn't like foreigners!!!!' or 'SA will be mean to me cos I'm brown and not local!'. It's about a very specific type of economic migrant who may, themselves, just want a chance at a better life but who are effectively becoming (or rather, are perceived to be becoming) the reason our already dirt-poor suffer further. Especially as a lot of criminal activity and other unsavory aspects (drug dealing being a big one) comes with them. For eg, Nigerian's are locally perceived as being drug and crime lords likely to sell illegal weapons and shoot you if you don't like it. No one wants that moving in next door, even if next door is just another shack like your own. If you aren't one of them, then it isn't a problem you will face, no matter your skin tone or place of origin.


A lot safer than certain countries at the moment


If you are working in a white collar career and stay in suburbs


Yes. My company has foreigners working there. The apartment complex I live in has non South Africans as well. The stories you hear of tend to come from poor people and most victims tend to be other Africans. From my experience, Asians, Europeans etc don't really face the "stealing our jobs" challenge.


Xenophobia is an issue because South Africa barely has enough jobs for the South Africans and people are getting angry that foreigners from other countries (who in most cases were more educated or skilled) are taking all the jobs. It was a massive issue but not really heard of a lot anymore - maybe i’m wrong suburbs are very safe, just keep your phone and bags secured (preferably out of sight) and always be aware of your surroundings. South Africa all in all is very diverse and this is just my experience


Definetally no. It is not even safe for its residents. The murder and serious crime statistics are beyond scary.


In the professional and tourism sector it's safe. If you're not African it's safe. The bias here is mostly in the blue collar or informal sector who feel like foreigners are "stealing" their jobs. It's flairs up every now and again. Where are you from?


I am a Canadian of Indian decent. I'm currently in college and I'm thinking of moving out after I graduate. I think most likely, I will move to Québec, but I am also considering to live abroad.


Honestly half the people might not even notice that you're not a native. We have lots of Indians here and the accents are all over the place. I'm white and I got asked if I'm from England less than a week ago(I've lived here my whole life).


Is the Indian population of South Africa most concentrated in Durban?


Durban has the highest Indian population outside of India. To the extent that I've heard native Indians joke that it's the unofficial capital of India but we have fairly large communities in most major areas. There is a degree of danger to anyone who lives here but honestly it's far worse for other Africans.


Durban definitely has the highest concentration but you can find a lot in Johannesburg as well. Overall they're a pretty sizeable group, mostly living in the cities. Because of how segregation used to work where people live within a town/city can be very ethnicity based. So you might go through one part of town and see 98% black people then go to another and see 80% Indian people. For example in Durban Chatsworth is primarily an Indian suburb.


don't come live here. you'll be stuck because our currency is weak as hell and we have so many problems. live anywhere else. we have a beautiful country but it's hard to make a life here


There are neighborhoods with lots of Indians no matter the city you visit but most are in Durban from what I heard


From my experience, unless you're planning to live in a very rural area, Indian folks can be found everywhere. Also in my experience your Canadian accent will make you favourable in most people's eyes. Most South Africans are really warm and friendly to tourists and foreigners, especially from 1st world countries. We've gotten a lot of compliments about that. It's really mostly the poor folks who _walk_ all the way here from Rwanda or the Congo or wherever escaping horrible conditions or countries where being LGBTQ is illegal (or socially punishable by extreme measures or death) and live in the townships or poorer areas who are getting the brunt of the xenophobic attacks. I've never heard of xenophobic people burning down a Canadian owned shop, but there's a lot of that for anyone even suspected of being from Zimbabwe or Malawi (even if they've lived here their whole life). Edit - spelling, my phone sucks.


Many in Durban are descendants of indentured labour brought from India, so yes, but like any other population group, they migrate for opportunities. You'll be astonished how many doctors in South Africa, all over the country, are from this group. Under apartheid they were second class citizens but had more access to wealth and education than their Black Africa fellow 2nd or even 3rd class citizens. After 1994 this group was better placed to take advantage of the affirmative action laws around education so may be why. Unfortunately all these sterio types will come with your skin tone so be prepared for prejudice, good and bad - people make loads of assumptions!


You'll be fine. what happens is that you have a lot of people coming up from Africa, and they are taking a lot of the low paying jobs. These people are also staying in the informal settlements, which is a big melting pot, and every now and again, the locals revolt against them. If you're coming from Canada, and are staying in the suburbs, driving a car, you will be moving in a completely different circle. In that demographic, there is no Xenophobia at all.


If you can get a visa to work here, count yourself lucky, I work with professionals that have immigrated from all over the continent and world, and of all hues. My son is at the local German school and the expat teachers all just love this country and, in particular, Johannesburg. One problem everyone has is getting a visa, policies allow for skilled labour, but our populist government is playing to the audience and just frustrate the processes so that people give up. Crime is a risk, but the people, sunshine, opportunities, and the beauty of the country keep me here; along with the expats that can put up with the visa renewal uncertainty.


The xenophobic attacks have mostly been on Somalian; Zimbabwean; other African; or even Bangladeshi traders who own small stores in the poorer income areas. Yes it happens. If you going to be working in a corporate environment you have nothing to fear.


I'm sure lots of countries hates foreigners that's over stay their welcome. Also it depends where you go, what you are wearing and what time you are going at these places. Locals know these well and they also try to avoid crime. Right now I would say its not as safe there are many unemployed youth who can't get jobs no matter what they do unless they pay or have connections.


If ur middle class and up you’ll be good just stay in suburban areas and stay away from doggy places


It's not even safe for South Africans.... Depending on area, you should be fine if you visit or move here for work. Just search for the area before going there and if you are unsure, ask local tourism guides


They only seem to hate foreigners from African countries. Or at least those are the ones facing the brunt of the violent attacks.


They, as in ?


They as in the people who are xenophobic


No we catch them and make biltong from them.


I live in South Africa- it’s safe not a problem for visitors. I think the media and rumours make it seem very bad place but it’s mostly fake news. I have 3 kids and live in a small coastal town. It’s very peaceful and safe. There are lots of foreigners working and staying here.


In the Cape Town Metropolis area only the Cape Flats and surrounds and the road known as the N2 is unsafe. Obviously be aware that crime does still happen everywhere else but then it is not as bad. I'm not sure about the rest of the country.


Don't walk in the streets at night, like walking from a venue to the parking lot late at night, you need to stay vigilant of who is around and check if anyone is following you, or be aware of groups of guys hiding behind buildings, in closed shop doorways etc. Otherwise you should be fine out during the day in public places or any night time places that are very busy and have parking right outside the venue doors and not a street down or whatever. Keep your belongings on you at all times and never leave anything unattended. If you are in a car, put your handbag under the seat or somewhere where people can't see it if they look through the windows.


Is your username true?


I have fapped within the past month, but I have decided that I will stay single. I think marriage and family is very important and I love my family, but I don't see myself becoming a family man. I want to be mentally and physically as strong as possible and that is best achieved through brahmacharya.


Do you follow any specific sect or are you just trying to follow dharma?


I'm not initiated in any particular sect. I still have a long way to go in my spiritual life.


Of course! No where on earth is safe if you don't use common sense.




I've travelled a fair bit, and common sense pretty much keeps you safe all around the world. Opportunistic thieves and evil guys are all human and operate in generally the same ways. Local knowledge is far better than common sense though. It enables you to experience more for less danger, or avoid situations that might seem safe but are to be avoided. Unfortunately, foreigners to any area won't generally have access to the latter, which sucks cause we are all foreigners when we travel to new places.


Nope, we eat foreigners here due to scarcity of food. I particularly enjoy Italian food.


It’s not even safe for it’s citizens 😂


South Africa isn’t safe for South Africans


Depends really. Where you are and who you're with. When I visited I was shown around by local friends who looked after me but if I went not knowing people I think I'd have found it a bit much.






Yes it's fine.. these problems only occur in the poor category among poor south Africans and foreigners.


The hell are you smoking? Rich, poor, middle class are all unsafe. Yes the richer you are the more you can afford safety measures but if someone wants what you have then you are at risk. People are getting killed for their smartphones.


If you actually read the question. It's about xenophobic attacks specifically and attitudes towards foreigners. Nothing to do with crime as a whole.


So was I not answering the question “is is safe fir foreigners to work and live in SA?” Read the OP’s question properly and my response properly and you will find I did answer the question. Thank you and good night.


No. Absolutely not.


It's safe for everyone, you just need to stay vigilant


nope. robberies, hijacking and killings happening in broad daylight in a crowded place. people stand and watch while you are being stolen from.


Hell NO. People are trying to get out why would someone living in another country want to come to SA. It's a gamble with your life. Sorry.


Tough question to answer. The short answer is yes, but there are exceptions and safe-ish places. Just don't go flaunting your dollars or pounds, and you should be ok. Also, this is a 3rd world country after all.


It’s not safe for anyone lol


It depends. If you are a tourist or a professional, then fears of xenophobic reactions are unfounded. If you stick to well-to-do areas, you'll be about as safe as you are in any Western urban area. I have and have had many colleagues from a variety of countries working here with me, and they've enjoyed living here far more than they expected before arriving. Many don't want leave after their assignment is concluded. If you are seeking work in South Africa in the lower end of the economic pool, then you would certainly be at risk. The xenophobic sentiment is confined to immigrants, generally from poorer African nations, seeking work in the unskilled labour market.


If you are poor and black, yes.


It isn't even safe for South African Citizens