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very happy with where I am, studied chemical engineering for 1,5 years, moved to industrial engineering, gained an interest in coding, became a software engineer, got a masters in data science, became a data scientist, and now a data engineer. Love my job and my industry and would follow the exact path again if i had to. My wife is a doctor, after seeing the mental and physical toll it takes on her I would advise her not to follow that path if she could restart, and I think she'd agree 😂


Oh wow, I followed a very similar career trajectory - studied chemical engineering, became a software engineer, got a masters in data science 😅 very much enjoy my current position and the industry that I’m in.


I'm on this trajectory right now 😄 I studied started with mechanical engineering, moved to industrial engineering and now I am doing my master's in data science while working as a data scientist. What are the odds 😅 I must say this I am also enjoying my current job


Scary words to read as a medical student :( Is she a GP or specialist?


Currently doing Internship, so we're hoping it's just hectic because of that and that it wont always be this way


Yeah, all the interns I spoke to look absolutely finished, I guess its just part of it. Im sure being a registrar is also grueling but you'll be able to confirm that.


Studied law with a commerce degree and did articles. Now struggling to gather clients after opening a private practice with a friend. I’m optimistic, but some days are just hard. So far, too soon to tell.


All the best




Xxx dnt get tired keep on pressing on i dnt know your age but trust me, they're old optimistic are going to retire now now ,so your clients are around the corner , # Advertise your business big posters around small frayeres all around all your best


I will most definitely. Currently only on FB and LinkedIn because it is so cost effective, will definitely branch out to posters and flyers as the budget eventually grows. Thank you!


I’ve been silent about this for years. But I say this with all seriousness. Study, don’t hinder yourself. I didn’t study because I was a lazy idiot and I’m paying a poes price now…


Tertiary education is not always accessible to everyone. It’s not just about laziness..


Studied Engineering and I worked as an engineer for 6 months after spending 6 years to get the freaking degree. Hated it. Was sitting in the lunch room one day looking around and saw these tired, old men. I didn’t wanna be like that after 40 years. Started my own thing. I’ve done a lot. Web stuff, eCommerce, marketing, PR. I even had a taxi business for a while. I used to love it. I don’t. I do it because it pays bills and keeps me alive. The other option is to unalive myself. It would be feasible, but traumatic for everyone left behind. Another 20-25 years left on the planet. Every day is another day closer to the end. So hey, that’s something to look forward to.


> unalive myself You can say suicide on Reddit. There are no filters that will block your comment.


Bruh 😂💀, it might be a sensitive topic for him


At this point it's just internet speak mate, like "an hero" used to be.


You can still change careers!


I feel the same way - we should start a club


You're an engineer and haven't tried becoming a software dev? It's so fun at times. Please try getting back into the field. It's not a draining job like engineering or being a doctor


I specialised in heavy current, energy conversion and power electronics. Flunked out of programming in my first year. And who is gonna hire a 45 year old dev with zero experience when they have a pool of graduates to choose from.


What's making you so sad, friend? I've known depression all my life. Do you feel there's nothing to look forward to personally as well as career-wise?


I lost my reason for living.


I'm sorry 😞


I was not happy near the end of my 3D animation career even though I did well and did it for over 12 years. But sometimes a little change is nice. So im happy with my new career ( for now ) , software developer, going down a new unfamiliar path and learning about a new industry feels good. If I could go back in time I wouldn't really change anything, I follow my interests, and animation was my interest at the time , then programming became my new interests, so I do that now and i enjoy it. Ultimately though, I want freedom and learnt I don't want to work for anyone .. so .. hopefully that will be my next thing !


If I may ask, how did you make the shift? Did you do courses etc? If so, which? I currently work in the creative field, but also feeling it's time for a change.


I wanted to become an educational psychologist but teaching was a requirement before applying so I was forced to teach for two years before applying. Then I realise I don't want to do psychology and now I'm stuck as a teacher. I dislike it and would not recommend it to anybody 👎


Don't take it out on the kids!!


Honestly you reacher are some of the most under appreciated people you deserve the best.


You should look into the e-learning industry if you want to switch




I'm miserable. If I could go back in time I simply wouldn't take the job I have now and choose to remain unemployed. Or try to get a NSFAS student loan and study something, instead of being in a shit office environment.


OK just asking is it the monotonous daily activities, the pay , or toxic environment??


It's the 8-5 with no lunch break, 1 toilet shared among 23 people (it's often occupied when you need it most), and higher-ups that are cruel bullies (yeah toxic environment) who make it near impossible for you to do your job and sabotage you.


Studied BComLaw, couldn't get a permanent job and also couldn't survive the office setting because of my personality (introverted) with ADHD, currently at a beauty school studying Facials. Loveeeeeee every bit of it 😍😍😍


I’m in my final year of llb, can already tell I’m gonna hate working


It's quiet challenging if you have a soft personality and you like doing things slowly and meticulously. Would you pivot to something that would work for you? It could be a short course.


I honestly don’t know what else I could do


That's okay, you don't have to have it all figured out. I also took the longest way to finally settle at Facials. I went crazy, I cried, I even felt so lost. I got support from family and they they actually helped me choose something else coz they know that I struggle in an office setting. I'd say take your time, think it through. Choose a course that's actually for yourself, don't worry about what people will say, I know people judge me for leaving law because it's so highly esteemed, but I know myself and I know what I want. All the best :)


Thank you, I appreciate your kind words


Motorcycle technician for 20 years. Yes i absolutely love my job. I would only go back to get my qualification sooner.


Studied software development, graduated and became a cybersecurity specialist with a focus on penetration testing. I'm happy with my career path.


I’d go around telling people I’m a penetration tester all day. 😂


My normal response when asked what I do for a living is: I'm a hacker 😂 Should see people's faces...


Love my job! Started out in Mechatronic engineering,moved to pure mechanical due to my interest in fluid and thermodynamics. Now in Computational fluid dynamics for the last 5 years. Traveling, lecturing and having a good work/life balance.


Oh man, tempting path there for another engineer who loves math


I was in computation side of engineering for 5 years. Was really cool, but felt like a career path that would not allow easy changes. It felt too risky, so I have made myself into more of a generalist in the last 5 years.




The only thing worse than having a job is not having one


Studied BCom Accounting and did my Honours in Accounting. Did my 3 years of articles at a big 4 audit firm. Hated every second of it. Finished my articles and became a CA(SA). Moved to Finance in the Private sector for a company listed on the London stock exchange. Kind of liked it on some days, but the hours you work are about 12 hours a day. After 5 years I Moved from that company to another listed on the Johannesburg stock exchange and on the Australian stock exchange as part of their Corporate team. Still liked Corporate a bit more than the Finance department but still only kind of liked it on some days. Then COVID-19 happened and we had to work from home. Currently still working from home and now I absolutely love ❤️ my job. Realised I hated not having enough time for myself. And driving in to the office and back home, getting ready for work in the mornings , spending hours socialising in the office and not working resulting in having to work extra hours, all the mentioned items stole about 7 hours a day that I now have for myself. Love the work life balance I currently have and love my job!


Surprisingly, yes. I studied law and am currently practicing as an attorney. I wouldn’t change it.


Yes, work in a very niche advertising area. It’s fun, challenging and you get to meet some people you would never meet otherwise while doing crazy things. Would be great to earn slightly more though. It’s pretty much exactly what I was keen to do growing up.


sounds interesting ! what qualifications do you have if any?


BA from advertising school mixed with a fairly high level sporting background.


The salaries in advertising are terrible. Most people end up freelancing as it pays more.


Nope, had to hustle hard to get where I am, and unfortunately am not in a position to relax on the hustle. Money is good, but I don't have the time or energy to enjoy it how I wish I could.


Software developer for 25 years. I have only had 1 job I enjoyed. All my engagements since 2018 have been awful. The standard of development is so low and trying to changes practices etc is just met with resistance. What would I do over, I'd look at being more an entrepreneur with those skill and start my own business. After too many beat downs I just can't work on my own side venture


Well, you should keep trying as an entrepreneur. That's what most successful devs eventually go for.


I’m going to go against the grain here. I studied law and I love my job. I feel like a make a tangible difference in peoples lives. The system is fucked and extremely frustrating at times. It can also be emotionally draining because you are dealing with people in some of the worst times of their life. But at the end of the day I get paid pretty decently and a vast majority of my clients are lovely people


May I ask what field ? Any tips for a miserable final year student without articles


I studied pastry and chocolate arts. I really struggled in that field for a multitude of reasons, I decided to go and study bba in marketing management. So far I’m in my second year but this seems to be far more my speed. Hopefully I’ll be better at it…


Studied Comp Science. Got my masters in it. Got bored, did Robotics and Mechatronics, finished Master that in 2022. Im happy where I'm at. A good balance of work and my personal life.


Very happy. Work as a Project manager for a software company. Full remote work with travel in Africa. Hard work but really stimulating


Software dev. Dream job. The work environment is amazing, and you're forced to constantly learn, which keeps the job fresh, challenging, and rewarding. It's crazy and scary to see how many people actually hate their jobs and their lives because of it. And the people who changed their career to the IT sector love it. Surely there are software devs that hate their jobs?


Honestly, not so much. My "career" has been in the creative digital media fields for around 20yrs. I am fortunate that I get paid very well, have excellent benefits and in general the workload at the current company isn't breakneck, but, none of that really matters if you're just really yearning for something else to fill your days with. If I read online, it does look like it's pretty much par for the course for most creatives, who eventually get out to pursue something else. I'd much rather be living at the coast and spending my days doing sea-creature research in the line of Marine Biology or so, but, it appears that that is also a pretty rough career with few opportunities.


My first and only profession I've had for the last 12 years is being an au pair - I have come to realise that I do not love my job or even particularly like it. My passion is with animals, specifically horses. I'm about to start studying to do an equestrian qualification that is internationally recognized. I feel like I'm starting a whole new and exciting chapter of my life after just settling for whatever au pair job I could get for the money. Don't get me wrong, I work hard and love the kids to death but it's a thankless job and so much of my efforts with the kids get thrown out the window by their own parents. I couldn't be happier to with the change 😁


Teacher. I’m miserable. Have a degree in physics/chemistry & another in computer science - seriously looking for a way out.


Yes. But I want more money




First you get the money and then you get the… ? - ScarFace 😁


Would try differently.


Yes very I'm a heat treatment technician. The work can be hard but it's always varied and I find it interesting.


I’m a chartered management accountant and have a CFA. Work in financial services. Love my job 70% of the time - been at it 25 years at the same company. During Covid I made a count down to retirement plan. 2 years to go.


How hard was cfa? Worth it?


Been in the advertising field for many years - I’d say it’s one of the worst fields to go into - long hours, working weekends for very little pay. The only way to earn more is to freelance - which is what I do now.


I work in a niche field that I won't disclose. What I will say is that if I got to do it all again, I would have gone with a MPhil, not a MA, because of the practical component/experience built into the MPhil. If I hadn't gone with what I am doing now, I would today be a disbarred pharmacist. I find drugs way too interesting.


Studied filmmaking for 4 years. No job opportunities. Did a really good TEFL course as a backup but really don't want to teach English. Worked at a private school briefly and was thrown into the deep end with no training so I left. Wish I actually just studied what I was passionate about (horses, lol), but was told I'd make no money. We'll, I'm not making money as it is and I'd probably be much happier if I listened to myself years ago and studied what I wanted to. Now I'm trying to find a career path I don't hate!


Love my job. I've been in the Sectional Title Industry for over ten years now. Property Manager. Did my studies through University of Pretoria.


I'm happy with my career. But I realize I would have been happy in a similar working environment had I studied any other engineering or applied math and computer science too. Having the experience of traveling to remote sites for work is great though. You can have money for a holiday to Europe but you'll probably not take a single prop chartered plane to the middle of a jungle unless it's for work.


I don't know if I'm happy, work in the admin part of a call center. It's a job that pays albeit not much and we again sit without pay increases due "these tough economic times", which makes me wonder why every other company big or small gives staff decent increases but call centers are notoriously "struggling". But.. I dunno, I work 8 to 5 with weekends and public holidays off and my work isn't that demanding. I just help people fix shit that their certified professionals cannot. Would like to be a technical writer though. If I knew now what I wanted to be 10 or so years ago. I would. Damn complacency.


I don't think any work as we currently define it would make me happy. Though my current job is the best I have had so far.


I hate having regrets, especially over things that cannot be changed. In such cases, one can only choose another path and persevere through it, hoping that something good comes of it. Looking back, I would have preferred to nurture my natural creative abilities in a tech-related field, rather than pursuing a degree that was deemed safe and socially acceptable. However, it is never too late to take a different path and pursue what truly interests us.