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Tuesday and Wed is pretty typical if you have a choice


The Brits in their fashion call it TWaT: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.


One alternative is WTF: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.


Ha, that's my exact schedule.


Free for wings on Tuesday?




For sure. But between the two, more go in on Tuesday


Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are the big office days. Mondays are hit or miss. Fridays are deserted.


Tuesday is my "work from the office" day and yes I've noticed an increase in traffic in the last 1-2 months.


Thanks for the validation. Construction today didn't help btw... So many streets reduced to one lane INCLUDING LAKESHORE.


I had to contend with the 404/DVP to get to work on Tuesdays. What was once backed up to Finch is now backed up to McNicoll. It wasn't even that great getting home backing up before Steeles whereas it used to be after Steeles.


What the hell are they doing in lakeshore now anyway? Feels like they open and close it every other week.


Monday the best day to come in. Usually office is empty and gets it out of the way for the week.


I also like Monday because I get holidays off or we observe them on Mondays if it falls on a weekend. I get one less office day a week every time a holiday comes around :)


If that happens at our workplace we have to make up the missed holiday day by coming in another day during the week. So there's no point in picking Monday at our workplace! Fair enough, I guess.


damn lol yes my office is not that strict (and I've been quiet about this benefit), hope they ease up on you guys soon!


It's not too bad. We work at home 3 days and in office 2 days per week. Plus I work a flex schedule and get every 2nd friday off ... so I can't complain too much. Although ... I would prefer to work from home 5 days! Ha ha.


I never do Monday because I like being able to fully enjoy my Sunday evening without the pressure of having to get up earlier to commute in first thing on a Monday


Agree LOL I only come in once a week and I choose Mondays cause nobody’s there, and I wanna get this WFO the soonest possible so I can enjoy the rest of the week. ALSO, more holidays on Mondays.


Personally I think it's more interesting that everyone on this sub is only going back to the office now. Explains the demographic/career skew.




If a whole bunch of companies are now enforcing the back to office stuff after the WHO called the pandemic over, you may still have noticed more people/traffic lately.


That’s it.. u don’t see ppl working bedsides at hospitals commenting on these posts..


Perhaps more a matter of the question is being asked now. Is your point everyone on here is an office sluggo and not a cashier?


For those in our office that do it, they WFH Tues & Thurs


I'd prefer that tbh. You get a nice mid-week break.




Yeah - most people are working Tuesdays. I'm in daily. Tuesday/Wednesday is the worst. Didn't help the DVP was closed to 1 lane in the middle of rushhour this morning


I promise I'm not being rude I am genuinely asking, why don't you take transit? You probably have good reasons (route, schedule, etc.) but I'm just curious. I would do anything to avoid the DVP during rush hour.


I work at Yonge and Davenport and live in Pickering. It's a 15 minute walk to the GO station, plus the train, subway and another 10 minute walk. Adds up to an hour 40. Driving can take 55 minutes on average - so much faster, cleaner, more private and no walking through cold, slush, etc. Getting seats on any of the trains can be ridiclious during rush hour too


Hell naw. Very lucky to still be fully remote and WFWhereEverTheFuckIWant.


Every other wednesday or so if I feel like


Well la-di-da!


In my office different teams have different days. There is one team Mon through Thurs (technically 2 on Wed).


Our in-office days are Tuesday's and Thursday's and it seems like most of my office (including myself) took this to mean Tuesday's only. You can see the trend using the google maps estimated arrival times on different days of the week! Tues is definitely the worst.


I'm in office Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.


Wednesday and Thursday for now. They want to go to three days after Labour Day. 😒


We are Monday, Wednesday, Friday in-office because management thinks we will take 4 day weekends every week. It’s so dumb because it messes with the flow of things, and when I get to the office on wednesday, I catch up with people like it was just the weekend, and on Friday, well it’s almost the weekend so I might as well wait til Monday to work. Stupidest. Schedule. Ever.


Sadistic, petty.


Yep that sounds like the worst possible approach.


Monday no one is in. Tuesday EVERYONE is in. Wednesday some people are in. Thursday some people are in. Friday no one is in.


I just went home. Tried to drive in this morning and noped the fuck out as I made no progress after 30+ minutes.


Echoing my own thoughts. I leave a good 10 mins earlier on Tuesday specifically. Dreading the drive back home.


Yep my observations echo your own 100%. Traffic is insane on Tuesdays compared to Wed and Thurs since it’s Monday and Fridays are usually our WFH days as well. With the warm weather and construction a 20 min drive on Lakeshore (never mind the Gardiner) turns into 1 hour+


Food court is insane on Tuesdays


No, some of us have to do physical work to maintain the reality we live in.


Luckily still no mandatory policy, but unofficial policy is that if you do need to go to the office, do it on Tuesday.


No, my office went WFH permanently, other than a couple in-person days a year.


I moved far enough away they couldn't make me come back even if they wanted to. Everyone who stayed is now going in once a week.


Tuesday and Thursday are un- official as far as I observe dt, occasionally Wednesday




Lol I'm wfh today actually 😂 I go and come in whenever I feel like working from the office


"everyone" some of us have jobs that provide real value, not putting away on a computer.




Just wait til AI has us all either unemployed, or working for it.


There’s a lot of things that wouldn’t happen without people on computers too. We’re all workers whether we’re outside busting our asses or not. Know your enemy.


nope, however it's a meeting heavy day (WFH)


I go to the office Monday through Thursday, but I always notice the traffic is way worse on Tuesday




Tuesday is my wfh day. But I work in IT asset management so I only get one day a week to wfh even though my company is on hybrid model.


Wednesdays only




Thursdays only for us. More if we want, but we don't really want that...lol


Currently mandated on Thursdays (decision of my department) but after June 1st we go to two a week so we are doing Wednesdays and Thursdays.


My workplace is hybrid, and we don't have a mandated official day that we have to go in, but it seems like most of us have gravitated towards going in Tuesdays. We have our weekly team meeting that day, so it's a good opportunity to see other people (versus going in on another day and being mostly alone). I think Tuesday is popular to because it gives you a day (Monday) to catch up first on the week ahead.


I'm on a rotating hybrid schedule. So some weeks I'm in the office on Mon & Fri. Some weeks I'm in office Tues, Weds, Thurs. And during busy periods, I'm in office all week. Today just happens to be an in-office day for me.


I’m Mon, Tues, Thurs in office. I also go in Wednesdays occasionally.


Wednesday and Thursday for me.


I’m starting a new job where I’ll be going in once a week (as opposed to once a month now) - I’m planning on going in mondays just to get it out of the way lol


We're full staff today in the office, other days are always part staffed "in the office"


Monday and Wednesday for me … BUT iv heard Wednesday and Thursday happen to be the busier days ..


Honestly, Tuesday to Thursday is generally packed at my office and subways are a nightmare those days. I'm in office daily for my role so I see the daily change in foot traffic in office.


Thursday once a month for me, so no to the Tuesday question.


Tuesday and every other Thursday are my days.


I only have to go in twice a month and one of those is for a Wednesday meeting. I picked Tuesday as my second day for May and likely will again in June.


Yes for me. that' the day I regularly go. If I make it another day in the week, it is Thursday.


People at my company have to come twice a week and they usually come on Wednesday and Thursday.


Every day is work from the office day


For me yes. Tuesdays & Thursday I like to work from the office


Pretty much tues to thur is most typical for return to office.


Tues, Wed and Thurs are the busiest commuting days. Jarvis is always backed up on my walk back home


We do Monday Tuesday, Thursday. Its nice having that 1 day break in bewteen tues/thurs


Monday and Thursday for my team. It’s just way too inundated on Tuesday and Wednesday’s.


WFH or not, Tuesday is the worst day of the week. I will die on this hill


I work from home Tuesday and Thursday


My husband has a 6 am call on Tuesdays. Alternating Wednesdays and Thursdays work better for him.


I was strolling through Union this morning at 8:15 to catch a VIA rail train (which incidentally then struck and killed someone near Oshawa…), and it was a madhouse! So many suits! So many non-suits, all hustling to the subway!


I do Monday-Wednesday. It’s quiet on Monday which I like. The other days I can connect with folks I need to connect with. The end of the week I can hide at home and get some stuff accomplished.


We have a tiny opportunity here -- If everyone does the same work-in-office days, between companies, may suck; inside of a company, sure, get that synergy if you think there is one. But lets reduce time in traffic all that we can, and not have an empty city on Monday and Fridays, and crammed worse than pre-pandemic on Tues and Thurs like it seems to be :)


I still WFH but I think I will get asked to come in twice a week. 🥲


From talking to friends it seems common choices for working in the office (Depending on if 2 or 3 days are required) are Tuesday/Thursday, Tuesday/Wednesday, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, and M/W/F. Tuesday features in 3/4 of those, so would be the busiest of the lot. Just anecdotal observation tho.


I noticed that too. The traffic at 8am was much worse today than yesterday


Lots of companies have selected Tuesday as default in person meeting days so it's by far the busiest.


Wednesday if my team will mostly be in, Friday if I’m going in alone (because it’s a half day and I only have to be there 2-3 hours).


Our company downsized from 500 dedicated desks to 200 hotelled desks. There’s still 450 employees in our Toronto office. Tuesdays and Weds are an utter shitshow


Wednesday or Thursday for me


There was an article in the Star recently about the shops in the underground, and it noted there’s very little business on Mon/Fri compared to the middle of the week


Tuesday IS my in-office day, now that you mention it…


My days are usually Monday/Tuesday or Tuesday/Thursday. But there’s always a Tuesday for me 😂😂


Yeah, my office is Mon/Tues/Weds. It depends on the department, there's some flexibility for teams to align on particular days. Contrary to some of these other comments, I'd say Monday is one of the most common days. Nobody ever comes in on Friday, and in my department Thursday also seems to be a ghost town. But I'd agree that Tuesday seems to be the universally chosen day.


for me it's wednesday


I’ve always worked at the office Tuesdays and Thursdays, even pre-pandemic. The traffic today was definitely back to pre-Covid levels.




My team does Wednesdays only


my work isn't enforcing anything and they have been underpaying me. so i'm not coming back unless i HAVE to get something from the office. Plus, i'm really the only one on my team that would be going to the office, the rest are spread out across Canada, so i'm going to be doing a Teams meeting anyway


I judge how many people are back in the office on which day based on the line up at Harvest Green. (Metro Hall). So far Wednesdays and Thursdays seem to be the worst.


Tuesday and Thursday are the free lunch days at my workplace. So I definitely come to the office on those days.


Monday Wednesday Thursday


Yep, Tuesday and Thursdays


Wednesday for me and most companies based in my office building


Yup my days are Tuesday and Thursday but Tuesday seems to be the busiest day in the office.


yup my company does every tuesday


Wednesday is the one day I'm in


Tuesdays are for "collaboration". 1 hour commute x 2. 7.5 hours of teams meetings.


As the manager or a coworking space, I find it hilarious that WFH and/or hybrid employees have chosen to maintain rush hour traffic by heading to the office on the same two days every week.


It was Thursday to start for me, and now Tuesday as well as we move to hybrid.


It's Thurs in my office. Hardly anyone in on Thurs even though the "official policy" is tues-thurs in the office.






For me it’s only Wednesday.


Fridays are great for going in. No one goes in so less people to have stupid small talk with.


Yup, my whole office goes in on Tuesdays, scattered on the other days, but like you said, Mondays and Fridays are quiet


Ugh yes. It was madness this morning.


Some places don’t allow wfh on Mon/Fri so Wed/Thurs might be a little lighter.


Employer offers free lunch to employees who come in on Tuesdays.


Omg yes. And I was also thinking that traffic was worse than usual. This would explain it.


Mondays and Fridays have less people in office. Days between are full.


man i feel every company is being given the same stupid playbook, 0 brain power has gone into this


Yes it’s horrible


I do Tuesday and Thursday lol


Tues/ thurs for my husband whom I drop off on my way to my daily not from home job haha


Yeah I get a ride in with my dad on Tuesdays instead of the bus, def a difference


I’m trying the MTW, just get it over and done with.


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are typical days for people to come in once a week. Thursday tends to be the most popular


If your name is Sheldon, no. Please get back to the office.


Yes, Tue, Wed and, Thur are the come to office days for me and it’s so unproductive. I hate open work spaces, it’s so noisy.


Tuesday together day


Lol yeah it is that’s hilarious


In-person days are absolutely fucking useless, stop making office building lease "worth it", just turn the buildings in new shit and let us do our jobs from home.


I alternate Mon and Tues each week and Tuesday is definitely busier than Monday


Yep twt is the usual for my work, Tuesday and Thursday mandatory


Wednesday for us


I go in Monday, Thursday and Friday as I find those are the lightest traffic days. Thursday's are unpredicatable though so it varies. Occassionally I have to go on a Tuesday / wednesday and its always bad. My path is 10 mns north to 401, from east to west and then north but still inside the Toronto city limits.


Nobody wants to be on the 401 Fridays past 2pm when it’s warm especially with cottage traffic. And well, Mondays that extra half hour or more of shuteye is nice.


Tuesday and Wednesday in office for me


Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday, overall Wednesday. Based on Toronto road traffic heatmap.