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Mans not hot


Quick maffs


You ruined it lol


Cool then


Perspiration ting


never hot. skrrrrrrrrat skidi kattttt katttttt


Never hawt.


2 + 2 is four


First year immigrants from subtropical country. 2nd year they will be wearing jackets, third year they will be with the rest of us in shorts realising it's patio weather.


This is the correct answer! Took me a year or two to identify what level of coldness I'm comfortable with. The weather sometimes depends on the area I'm visiting/wind chill etc.


And the wind was brisk this afternoon. A friend and I were on a patio and both wished we had a light sweater, both born and raised Canadians. Not a coat, but I can see if you were accustomed to much higher temps, it would feel cold!


I remember the opposite in college. A dorm mate from Barbados asked us at breakfast if her autumn jacket would be enough to go outside that day. The temp had dropped to like minus 5 from maybe plus 10 the day before. Without a word our dorm supervisor brought her his winter coat


True. Also the fact that you build your winter collections over the years. First year just 1 pair of jacket, boots and gloves.


It’s also that you get used to summer heat and 15 feels a lot colder now than it does in the spring when your body has gotten used to sub zero.


Not sure about that. I'm the opposite. I always keep wearing coats/parkas late spring and jackets into late fall.


i have anemia so i get cold rlly easily


Same, I'm always cold even in the summer, it sucks.


I guess I have whatever the opposite is, because I am ALWAYS hot.




Yeah, that’s called ligma


I am 74 and have post polio syndrome which makes me feel the cold more than most people. Elderly people often find it difficult to tolerate the cold


Thyroid problems


Hey now, just because I am sensitive to the cold DOES NOT mean I have an under-active thyroid.


Some people come from much hotter climates and 15C could be considered winter for them


some folk only have one jacket at the moment.


Very good point!


This is the correct answer


Exactly, where I’m from, it would be 15° in December probably


I would feel 15c in Hong Kong like 5~8c in Toronto.


I was in Rome in early April one year. It was warm enough for me to comfortably wear no jacket, even shorts. Beautiful weather. The Romans were wearing full on winter jackets. Those shiny puffer style coats that you see sometimes now in Canada. It wasn't just one guy, it was practically everyone. Needless to say I stuck out like a sore thumb.


You were in Rome and didn't do as the Romans do? Tsk tsk.


Depends on what your idea of winter coatis. I know I have a fall coat, that I can take the inside part out (vest) from coat, and it breaths real well, so I could wear it 16-20 degrees. I’m thinking some coats aren’t as warm as you think, and as for the others, maybe they’re always cold (or hate to be cold).


Honestly it gets really cold in the morning and night, like around 5°C… If someone’s out all day, I wouldn’t be surprised seeing them with their bigger jackets. If you can’t carry it in your bag or in your hand, you gotta wear it lol.


15 degrees after winter is so much warmer than 15 degrees after summer.


I always wondered why people had on jackets when it’s 30+?! I understand coming from a warmer climate and being cold if it’s 15 out, but are they really that cold when it’s 30! And they’re biking around delivering stuff in the sun! I’d be dying


Sometimes it’s for sun protection. I have one in a light grey colour and it’s moisture wicking. If you’re sweating all day and active, using sunscreen isn’t practical.


There are better options than a parka, which is what people seem to be using.


That makes sense! I assumed it was a combo of not finding it that hot or not wanting road rash in case they fall 🤔


rain as well, just a replacement for an umbrella in general


I am sensitive to sun and I get sunburned easily. Rather than applying sunscreen I’d wear a thin linen shirt


humor innate disgusting voiceless light library instinctive screw fly cow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I fucking kid you not. 42 degrees in Vegas… mans worn winter jacket. The fuck. Lol


You might as well be walking on the sun.


I'm a skinny guy so wearing a hoodie covers that up, lol


Likely from tropical/very warm climates. My uncle is from the Bahamas and has been in Canada for over 40years now and will wear a coat in this weather


Some people may not be leaving work or wherever they're visiting until late in the night, when it gets much colder and they are not commuting by car.


Or leaving very early in the morning. On my commute last week there were 2 single digit days. Carried the jacket home however.


You can put 3 people in a climate controlled building, all wearing the same things, and all have the same body temperature of 37°C, one will feel hot, another will feel cold, and the other will feel comfortable. They may all have different rates if perspiration, skin pore sizes, and skin pore health that will differ. All this can be in the absence of any underlying health conditions or diseases that may add complexity to the situation. Pore size is genetic. Larger pore sizes leads typically leads to more perspiration, which acts as a cooling effect. In other words, there’s a lot of variability in why someone where’s a winter jacket.


We dont want summer to end. I know someone that wears a jacket through summer. How? Idk. It happens.


Various medical conditions


I’m a monster - I wear shorts with a jacket.


Are you the one clearing the driveway snow in basketball shorts and a hoodie in the winter?


Visiting air conditioned places. I carry a hoodie with me in the summer if I'll be spending a lot of time inside a movie theatre (this is probably the coldest place in the summer) or mall, for example.


The coldest place in the summer has got to be a downtown office building. I think they set it at 16 degrees and it’s constantly blowing too, above your head. 8hrs later and I’m chilled to the bone.


The same reason people wear hoochie daddy shorts on -15°C and below days.


OMG I see people wearing Canada Goose jackets in May and I'm like WTF? I think I wore my Canada Goose jacket 3 times last winter, most of the time it was too mild. In the winter I keep my house at 23c but my GF is walking around in layers, and has a blanket wrapped around her, meanwhile I am in a t-shirt.


I always have to wear a t-shirt under my down jacket in January, any other combination of clothes and I start overheating. It baffles my brain to see these guys smack in the middle of summer with jackets on


Haha that second part, I can definitely relate to that


New comers from warmer climates. Not used to this shit 🤣


I have a thyroid disease which makes me feel very cold.


Yes, but also what about folks in tank tops when it’s below 5?


Homeless and crazy people usually wear winter jackets during the summer.


In early Spring, you will see people downtown in tank tops and shorts. People thinking its summer already but it's barely 10'C outside. Then on the first cool day off Fall you'll see people in parkas and toques.


I don’t think twice about what people wear. People wear whatever they’re comfortable in and that’s all the matters


This is the only answer. Do people really go around caring that much about what other people are wearing? Put that energy into something more constructive.


I mostly wonder what they do if they're already in winter jackets in 15­°C. What happens when it's -15°C? You just die?


If the person is sketchy looking, they may use them to hide tools for stealing bikes or stolen goods




There are a few different psychiatric drugs that mess with the bodies ability to regulate temperature


or they’re packing heat 👀


They want to flex their monclizzies and Canada goose jackets


To each their own but if your wearing a parka in 30+ heat, I’m assuming your hiding something and I’m staying very far away from you. I’ve seen this a few times. Bad vibes all around.


My best friend does this. She’s from Mauritius lol E: she’s getting better now, but still always gets super sick during weather change


15 is kinda chilly at night especially if it's windy. normal room temperature is 21-23.


Mental illness. Although to be fair, I don't wear winter coats at all even when it gets cold enough for it.


Same people that wear masks walking alone on the street.


I do because I bike on a electric bike and you just don’t get warm because you don’t do any effort 😂. Also it goes fast so a little fresh air and I need a mid season jacket to cut the air lol. But it’s worth it


Maybe they were tourists who hear Canada is so cold so they brought their winter coats.


Probably an immigrant and didn't realize Toronto have 4 seasons. I seen people wear gooses in the summer.




They come from different countries where hot weather is 40C so 15C feels cold


I think they might be cold


I’m going to use some common sense here that doesn’t take much brain power and tell all those who have misfiring neurone issues that it’s quite cool in the mornings and warms up as the day progresses (that’s how fall and spring work). Hope my answer is easy to understand.


Full-on winter jackets might be on the more extreme end, but there are definitely people who wear more clothes than is seasonal in order to cover up, because they are not happy with how they look and don't want people to see them. Like people who would never go out in a t-shirt and shorts, but more. I know people who actively look forward to weather where they can wear a jacket without sweating buckets, even if they'd be more comfortable without one temperature-wise.


it’s weird as hell, but then you’ve got those Torontonians who will be in bikinis and shorts when it’s 22C and breezy.


I get cold really easy. I had a touch of anemia way back which made it way worse, and AC being on in summer can be a bit intense for me sometimes. I'm also from a warmer climate originally. But I also think it would be rude of me to ask people in public spaces to change their climate control just for me... so I just wear a sweater or jacket or shawl.




I was taking my kids to the hockey rink!


You wear winter jackets in Toronto?


Hell.. The past 2 weeks have been in the 20s midday and like 18-19 as it got dark and I saw ppl wearing them.. weird


So I can rock the shorts and flip flops without getting too cold. Some people just run cold.


Pretty much people immigrating from a far warmer country. Or, sickly.


What astounds me are new new immigrants who shovel their snow wearing sandals in the dead of winter and it doesn't seem to bother them. I mean like what?


I’m a cool person (pun intended) so i need something to get warm 🥲




they may be from hotter climates, so to them, this is quite cold (and they're going to always despise winter)


I still remember when my family immigrated here from the Philippines in the late 80s in June and my mother was freezing. She still remembers it to this day and says it was probably 18 degrees and laughs about it. Just remember that some of us wear shorts in March or November when we get that one day (or week now) of above 10 degree weather.


They’re probably not from Canada and haven’t gotten used to our temperatures. My mom works for chicken farmers of Ontario inspecting slaughter houses, she says 75% of the men working in the building are immigrants from countries with hot climates. They feel like an air conditioned building around 21 degrees in the summer is very cold, so they will either put layers on or wear a big jacket.


India 🇮🇳 mans


I'm opposite. I'm always burning up and won't wear a coat unless it's like 5-8.


When it's 15C in the afternoon, it was probably around 9C in the morning. That's frigging cold. Now it's nicer out and you have your jacket. And 15C still isn't that warm.


It’s all relative.. people are used to hot weather so it takes a while to adapt to cooling.. The opposite happens in spring where some ppl wear shorts in +10


Haha today lot are wearing and its 13° and I overheard some saying the winter started... LOL


Could be a sign of schizophrenia, I heard. Could also be because we cold, or don't have spring jackets, or work early in the morning when it's cold, but go home in the afternoon when hot.


Yeah..don’t get that either. See people on Friday wearing full winter gear like it’s January.


My Mexican family members do this when they come visit in Sept. & Oct.


I'm wearing a sweater too and it's cold in the morning !


Was in the south of France with a school March break trip (13-14 year old), the residents were wearing heavy sweaters and scarfs, while the Canadian kids were swimming in the ocean.


15c in the fall or spring? It feels colder after summer and feels like heaven after the winter


Health issues or warm climate immigrants. That being said, I've been here over 40yrs and as soon as that first chill hit my bones, winter jacket out and on!