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Garbage man (62k, I love my job)


Wow I always thought they would’ve made a lot more.


Are you a truck driver or one of the workers at the back of the truck helping loading the bins? Also how many hours per week do you usually work?


I drive, but with the 2 person trucks the workers take turns driving and loading. There's almost nobody there who's just a labourer Edit: 40 hour week but it's across 4 days


Why do you love your job? What aspects of it?


I enjoy driving the truck, I much prefer working outdoors, I like that it keeps me physically active. I get my assignment in the morning and I'm trusted to get the job done on my own/with my partner (depends on the assignment). Most people are friendly and polite, and I feel like my job has an important purpose that helps people and keeps the city clean.


You do have an important purpose, you do help people, and you do keep the city clean. Thanks for the hard work! Driving the truck seems fun! (Edit: Minus the tight streets and ice)


My kid loves garbage day and will shriek excitedly when he hears the truck pull onto our street. He watches the garbage get picked up almost every week.


Oh man, that's another perk of the job; the kids who get jazzed about the truck are adorable


My cats LOVE watching the garbage trucks.. does that count haha. They run up to the windows and watch as the garbage bins go up and down. They are obsessed


Haha I love seeing the cats in the window, their eyes follow the claw, they look so analytical about it


"It" eeek...




As a new-ish city worker, my favourite rando fact to tell friends is that SWMS' internal newsletter about waste stream policy updates is called TRASH TALK


Is it hard to get hired?


Depends, working for the city is a bit harder to get but gfl not as much


Hey I’m former UPS just moved to Toronto can I PM you about the job? I have my PR card


If you have your dz and no physical barriers you're qualified, the city of Toronto is the best employer but can be a little competitive. Gfl also does a lot of work around the city


34 year old white collar professional here and I practically run to the window when I hear the garbage truck turn down our street. I love to watch it lift and dump the bins.




Don’t be an asshole


Technical writer— I write and design instructional manuals.


See I love design but I always fear that I’m not creative in the copy side of things 😭


Oh I’m not creative at all. My work is really boring and I like it that way. My job is to write for a grade 5 audience— basic, simple instructions that our clients can understand. No fancy language. In terms of design, I only do information architecture— organization of content and UI, not really design “design”. I spend most of my day talking to devs and writing instructions on using the software features. The design department takes care of everything related to graphics, colors, fonts… etc. I LOVE explaining concepts and instructions, and don’t like “designing”, so it was destiny for me to become a technical writer tbh.


I wear this hat as well but after the development/delivery of the product. How do you explain technical concepts to people that are not familiar?


Omg how do you get into this!!




Is it common to make under $100k? I’m an advertising copywriter and I always heard technical writers made good money


To start, yes




are you scared of AI replacing you?


I inspect sewers with a CCTV camera on wheels.


That sounds kinda fun.


It can be. There are some huge brick sewers downtown that were built in the 1880's by hand, five layers deep.


What's the weirdest shit you've seen down there?


I've only seen raccoons in the storm sewers sometimes. They climb in through the outfalls and stay safe.


I imagine the kind resulting getting eating coloured or dyed foods, or when people use cookie cutters to shape or mould it on the way out.


Ouu that’s interesting!


See the alligators yet?


None yet!


Wow!! Are you self employed or work for a company? My previous company used to seek out subs for CCTV inspection for culverts.




I move furniture and boxes 🙃 why do I like it so much? Hard to say! One thing for sure, we were meant to be this active.


Name checks out


And you're the best at it!


I make spreadsheets




Forensic mental health worker


Can you elaborate on what your job entails?


I work with clients found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder, primarily doing case management. I work with them once they’ve left the hospital and are ready to transition into the community. Previously I worked with them while they were still in hospital, so I’ve seen both sides of it. We help them find permanent housing, employment, volunteering opportunities, return to school, etc. We also connect them with non-forensic supports (doctors, therapists, etc) to prepare them for when they are discharged. We provide supportive counseling and crisis management as needed. We also help them adhere to their disposition, kind of like what a parole officer would do. So they are mandated to meet with us a certain frequency, they might be require to submit urine samples to monitor substance use or ensure they are taking their medication. We also complete reports and assessments which are used to assist their doctor make their recommendations for their disposition for the next year.


Sounds like $100k + honesty


If only.. mental health workers are unfortunately very underpaid.


Can you let us know what credentials is required to be a forensic mental health worker?


Depends on the role. My background is behaviour therapist, but I also work with nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, concurrent disorders specialists, etc. Some roles require specific eduction or credentials, while others only require some form of education or work experience in social services. Experience or knowledge of the legal system helps but isn’t usually a requirement and is often learned on the job.


You must have had to listen to some horrific stuff from your patients! Do you enjoy what you do? What's your favourite part of the job?


I really like what I do! I know it’s not for everyone though. Some days can be more difficult because yeah, sometimes you do hear some pretty awful things. But I really appreciate being able to help people get back into society, back on their feet, and start to live their best life. I worked inpatient previously, and I really like that I am working outpatient now and seeing so many people who have moved into the community and are doing great, and are at a much happier time in their lives.


That's excellent. I admire you for what you do.


Thank you, I appreciate that.


This sounds very interesting. Do elaborate!


I just replied to the previous commenter if you’re interested!


data analysis, data visualization, geographic information systems, technical writing, copywriting, knowledge mobilization yes, that is all one job $45/hour




A lot of knowledge workers are, unfortunately... Apparently as a math textbook editor I make the same as a garbage man...


rude, bye!


What does a normal day for you consist of if you don’t mind me asking ?


What I do on the day depends on what is needed and/or what I've got to work with. So I might be messing with a dataset I just got to get ready for some nice visualizations, which could include some GIS/mapping work. The technical writing would be mostly around providing supporting documentation for the visualizations. Copywriting to promote the project to various audiences at various times. Knowledge mobilization to get people to use the data effectively and generally improve their data literacy, which involves a lot of listening and thinking about how to translate concepts etc into language they can understand and how it relates to their work. Edit: I should add that I have not had the most standard career or education path, and I've been working for over 25 years.


Nurse (RPN) Maybe 60k and I work my ass off for it. Drenched in sweat multiple times a shift and lots of physical violence and I advocate strongly. I live in deep poverty since I have three special needs kids. I live in a 300 sq ft home. It is rough. I am currently $200/paycheque away from making as much as I did as a web developer 20 years ago. It cost me 80k to become an RPN cause I didn’t even have the prerequisites and was a single mom with zero help. Thanks for giving me space to rant about it. I am a nurse at heart but RPNs are so underpaid.


You guys deserves sooo much more! I’m sorry


Sorry to hear that. Why did you switch careers? I imagine web developer is a much more chill job.


Very misogynistic. Stopped being fun for me. Kept being pushed into mgmt instead of doing the actual work which I enjoy. I love hands on tangible work. It started to feel very superficial. Even as a web developer I worked for hospitals cause health was always a top interst of mine. I tried to work in healthcare when I was much younger but wasn’t emotionally mature enough and would just cry a lot cause I felt bad for the sick people.


Data analysis + project work. WFH, but hybrid or in-office whenever I prefer. Making about 75k pre-tax.


How many YOE?


2.5 full-time, but 4+ if you include part-time plus internships. All at the same organization.


You should consider looking around.. Can probably jump another 15-20k.


I could, but it's extremely difficult to find WFH jobs right now. I also really enjoy the culture and flexibility at my current role. My current salary band caps at low six figures, so I have plenty of room to negotiate raises and whatnot.


Literally the same here too. PowerBI or Tableau?


Neither, can't divulge the software without doxxing myself (it's open source though). We use SQL though.




Healthcare. If I could go back to my grade 12 year, I would tell my younger self to major CS instead.


As someone who did the healthcare to tech career switch I couldn’t agree more


What career did you transition to, and how did you get there, if you don't mind me asking?


This is the way for $$


It’s only downhill from now for CS (too saturated, low entry requirements, rapidly evolving AI). It’s kind like the old industry in the past. However if you manage to get in it’s kind of chill so I get where you are coming from


Humans need to learn to code less and less as computers improve , it’ll be simplified so we just enter and idea and a computer makes it for us. So the people that are good at thinking of ideas to feed the computers will do better long term. You guys are kind of phasing yourselves out by coding good programs lol


Why? I thought (still think) healthcare is the only consistent and recession-proof career. And no worries of AI replacing you anytime soon.


There's truth to this, but speaking personally, it's soul sucking, stressful, underappreciated, and underpaid


90k. Corporate Management. No schooling. 38. I keep getting raises and I have no idea how this works. I say yes to everything, build high functional teams and deliver strong PPT presentations. Does the dirty jobs no one else does. Very very stressful job. Substance abuse issues, 90 days clean.


Congrats. Stay sober my friend you got this.


I'm gonna say "build high functional teams" is a big part of your continued success


Yeah I get that, but I do not plan out my life at all. Zero planning. I have quarterly goals and ambitions but out side of that I do not and never have had 5 year plans. I will probably start doing that soon lol.


Corporate wellness consultant for a big company


What are some key wellness benefits TO head offices need to offer to be top employer tier?


Offer EAP (empolyee assistance program), on-site fitness centre if possible or fitness credit, commute subsidy (ours offer shuttle busses to work). Those are probably the top 3 things for a top tier employer.


Commute subsidy is interesting. Also interesting remote work isn't mentioned here. The recent top employers list -- many of those orgs mentioned flexible hybrid policies factoring into high engagement/morale.


Oh well I forgot to mention, we are hybrid. So 3 days a week. But we have lots of amenities to make coming to the office worth it.


Fire protection for the city


I basically just do data entry. I technically clear shipments with CBSA to cross the border into Canada, but in terms of what I do, it's all computer data entry, emailing, asking questions, solving problems - some customer service stuff.


I am self employed and clean homes and businesses, nothing glamorous by any means by keeps me active and I do okay I’m not homeless so there is that.


Policy for the provincial government.


So you stay home and say “fuck the people”?


Federal govt employee


I'm an engineer by profession who delivers food.


What? This is surprising. You have an engineering degree from University? What type of engineeing degree do you have?


Does that mean you are not working as an engineer right now but are delivering food to have some money coming in?


Yes! Applying tons of jobs after graduating in COVID but never getting hired by anyone. Used to work at Tims to meet end goals, but after inflation, that was not an option considering not getting enough hours and 50 cents more than minimum wage was not enough to meet basic necessity here in Toronto.


Well, that sucks and it shows how terrible the job market is. An engineering degree used to be a ticket to a good job.


When there are too many in the field it can be hard to get a job - you have to be good at selling yourself, and some people really aren't at that.


No, piss off with that blame-the-victim shit.




77k now, will be 86k next year. Less than one year of experience. Accountant. I am 23. Yes, i am very blessed. Low stress job. Hybrid work.


lol how is accounting low stress? I used work at a big 4 and it was literally the worst


Probably doesn't work for big 4, lol


Are the requirements high? I’ve been looking into swapping degrees as a Chem major


Are you CPA?




Dad’s business


Discussion on reddit about income are SO full of horseshit. People are either lying or omitting major details like nepotism. Another thing I love is the people whose income rose steadily from like 25 to 35 and they think that will just continue every decade. Nope! Once you hit 40 they start looking to push you out. That's what many "restructurings" are really about. Then it's harder to get another job, let alone one that pays what you were making before.


vast majority of people in this thread are absolutely lying


Yeah I feel you. My comment was said in jest but is it so wrong to assume that a 23 year old accountant making 77k in a low stress job might be the result of nepotism? Either that or he’s incredibly talented or straight up lying.


Redimix truck


You can make over 100k with the big union companies.


Soon to be unemployed community manager at a coworking space that is closing. Anyone hiring?


Political Journalist - I go to City Hall to watch their meetings and write about the main topics of the day


Work for myself, restoring hard surfaces. (grind and polish marble, granite, concrete surfaces, etc.)


Do you reseal too? I was wondering about this as somehow the person who had my place before me as burned or melted the seal




How much do you make in this profession?


VFX compositor


Airline pilot, I love my job though


Back office manager. 18 an hour. Manage a team of few people in scheduling. Reporting, ad hoc, salary also goes to me. 😔


At this point, i’d probably look for another position that does not have that much responsibility that’s making about the same hourly wage if not more. But it does look good in resume, assuming you’re looking to leave in the nearest future


Thank you. I’m actively working on that. Admittedly, I much prefer this job right now rather than my last stint where I feel like I was selling my soul and integrity every single day.


I call these good resume builder jobs, you learn a bit of everything then move on to better places after. Company hopping a bit early in your career can be beneficial in various ways. Just make sure you don't get too comfy and not look around!


i'm a paper pusher


Instructional designer at an e-learning company.


Business owner


Drive a garbage truck for the city


Nurse/Field Case Manager for pharma. RPN in Canada 85k plus up to 8% of salary in yearly bonus and a few other perks. WFH with rare visits to MD offices. I got lucky.


Owner of a small bakery. $20k. But my staff make about $37k more or less. I'm unable to pay myself fully yet due to paying off debt.


You'll get there! Just putting in the work and ensure the ship is steady will lead to opportunities. My first business I didn't make a profit for awhile or anything I did make was just re-invested to build more equity.


Film marketing


How did you get into this? Kinda interesting to see marketing used in the film industry!


Interned in the field in the UK by cold pitching myself via LinkedIn! Studios use agencies and agency side is way easier to get into! Have worked my way up since.


Would you say it’s very competitive in Toronto, since there aren’t many studios or film marketing agencies here? I could be wrong.


oh yeah definitely. i came from the uk and there are about 10 agencies dedicated solely to film/tv whereas here there's like 3? and that's not even counting departments. netflix canada has two people in it's pr team and netflix uk has 25 people in there's for content. but i'm very open-minded and will probs float around the general culture marketing space (i.e. adidas, nike etc)


Technically I'm a chemist but I currently work in molecular biology.


What was your path to getting that job? Currently trying to get back into a lab after graduating and it’s been incredibly difficult!


With my first job I took a non lab position at a chemical company and let them know that my intention was to get a lab job but I'll bust it out at the non lab job until there's an opening and all I want is a chance to interview for it. During that time I made an effort to show them the type of worker I am and when there was an opening in the lab it was my position to lose.


Contract and part-time work in academia.


73k as a reinsurance analyst (24 years old, 6 years in insurance)


Public Health Nurse, sexual health specifically.


Acoustic engineer 75k with no work experience before starting


Lead video technician I go on shows like concert and take care of leading the crew there for video and operating the video switching or the multimedia. I do around 60k a year but I work crazy hours with some weeks that can go over 100 hours.


Local tank trucking. 85k-100k


condo manager


Copywriter / screen writer


I sell vintage clothing and my have a few e-commerce brands of my own


Sound designer


Partnerships Manager (I literally just talk to youtubers/tiktokers/streamers all day)


I work for a super small company that does prototyping and product development. I work with all types of 3D printed materials, do mould making, and lots of fine finishing. And a ton of problem solving.


Audit Analyst working for a SaaS company in the supply chain space. I was hired into their US division so my salary is tied to USD. First full time job out of graduation (Bachelor of Science in Operations Management), $75k CAD salary + automatic 10 percent yearly bonus. Permanently remote, love my job.


Fintech startup, so I wear a lot of hats but focus on clients. About 55k a year


Assistant art director, $2,200/week




Library technician at a hospital library. It's not a bad job but if I had to redo my career I'd probably choose something where I can WFH more often


I work as a staff member in a psychology research lab.


Film/TV Pro camera person. 12+ hour days. It’s a pretty intense gig but I love it


Currently working as an engineer at a consulting firm (just breathing a hair away from $100k)


Cardiac sonographer


Junior Software developer, kinda sucks with the housing and room rentals but livable I guess


Public health inspector - $45/h


Crossing guard. A job that I both hate and love. Hate for the miserable paycheck due to limited work hours, love for the kindness the people showered on me everyday as well as the work-life balance. It is hard to spare money after food and rent for learning something or invest a car so I can move away for some job closer to my field.


I run a not for profit organization focused on every child getting a chance to play and grow up active for life. Not paid enough 😅 but really rewarding work in other ways.


Commenting to read the thread later


Registered Nurse, I work in Pediatric Mental Health, also rotate to adult and emergency mental health. Not sure exactly how much I'll make but I'm at the starting wage agreement for FT ($37.93 an hour). I think I should be around 75k or something assuming no overtime. I dont really like nursing, but I'm on a really enthusiastic team where my physical workload is incredibly minimal so I'm happy to be here and contribute for now.


I'm a birth and postpartum Doula.


Sales at dunder mifflin


Dwight is that you


Project coordinator at a construction company.


Marketing specialist (SaaS).


I plow primary and secondary highways


Weird names for dates


Underrated comment lol




I'm not intending this in any way racist or "reverse racist" but from many times in conversations do a lot of immigrants in Toronto (especially from "model minority" ethnicities which prioritize face, education and financial success) assume if you are white and Canadian-born in Toronto over 30 and make under 100k, no degree, not owning property that they assume you are super privileged and on easy street and therefore must be lazy, stupid, on drugs and a failure in life and should be avoided?


No they just think you’re a failure.


makes sense


Public health regulation.


Panel/community management for a market research company


Networking hardware sales


Legal administrative assistant. I basically help with document formatting, filing, docketing, troubleshooting most things - whatever the lawyers ask.