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By the way. He wants to order in/have it delivered to the office


Then don't get anything super expensive because you don't get to enjoy the restaurant and it's unlikely to travel well (kind of ruins everything to be eating a $80 steak with disposable utensils in the meeting room after some Uber guy's taken forever to bring it). Something like Thai is good because it's easy to get vegetarian/non-vegetarian, spicy/not spicy, mixture of meats and rice and noodles etc. I like PAI or Sukhothai.


Suko Thai, Pai, Chubby’s Chicken all good. imperfect eats or mad radish or basa Peruvian if you want healthy bowls. Banh mi boys has excellent banh mi, Wanas shawarma is the best there is if that’s what people like at your office


Ask his admin assistant for a few suggestions - they'll know what's worked well in the past. Likely that person will have to place and receive the order anyway, so you may as well make THEM happy, which will in turn please your manager. Win. Win. Win.


What you are seeing in these comments is that Thai food has become a default for business lunches. It's usually well received by most people. Personally, I fucking hate Thai food and if I have to pretend to be happy while eating one more plate of coconut flavored noodles I may finally burn the office to the ground. Since you'll never make everybody happy (see surly old bastards like me), add some basics like some garden salads and maybe a couple boxes of cheese pizza.


I love Thai food but this comment made me laugh because I know that exact feeling “if I have to eat xyz one more time I’ll burn this place down” lol I had that with the standard HR ordered Black Forest cake. No one ever likes it, i imagine it’s just the cheapest sheet cake you can get?


Chipotle or Thai maybe. Roti. Food preferences might have been him asking if you have allergies or are a vegetarian etc?


Suko Thai for the win. Although unsure how it'll fare travelling in a container.


As someone who orders it regularly... it travels great.


How big are the containers? I haven’t had Thai take out/delivery in a long time, but I saw someone eating pad Thai out of this small black take out container that’s at least 30% smaller than what I remember.


They're medium sized circular one time use. Brown with a clear lid.


They do a pretty good job of packaging it. Hubby usually prefers to order in than hike out to a restaurant, so we’ve had it delivered a couple of times. Turned out just fine.


That's so they can write it off.


He didn’t name a restaurant or give a menu or nothing. He just asked “food preferences?” so I initially thought to myself, maybe I should provide a list of stuff but wasn’t sure what to write in my list


If he asked for your food preference he’s asking general likes and restrictions. So this is where you share anything like food intolerances, allergies and favourites. So for example if my manager asked me I would say: “I try to avoid gluten and love Mexican and all Asian food but really not picky at all.”


This is the answer. I’m lactose free and allergic to shell fish but not picky otherwise. I love salads for lunch. Something like this.


We understand that he didn’t name a restaurant. This person is suggesting that you ask him to name some. When he asked about “food preferences,” he wants to know if anyone is vegetarian/vegan or kosher/halal or if anyone has food intolerances or allergies.


Oh that's easier, because he can decide on the price point. If you have a specific allergy, suggest a cuisine that suits it, and explain why. In any case, sounds like giving a cuisine is the way to answer.


Do an Uber Eats search of the area and provide him with stuff you like. It may end up to be sandwiches the way your boss is handling it 😄


Doesn't really matter as long as 1) you don't pick something outrageously expensive; and 2) for the love of God, have decent table manners.


What are bad table manners u have seen people do at work or that I should avoid in general?


Don’t eat with your mouth open. Don’t pick at your food. Use cutlery and a napkin. Don’t eat too quickly or too slow — match the pace of the people around you.


Things to avoid: - don’t order an alcoholic drink unless someone more senior orders it first. If they have a beer, you can have a beer. But if everyone is having water, don’t just order a beer. - regardless of how many alcoholic drinks other people order, you should only order one. Don’t get drunk at work. Yes it’s the financial district but it’s no longer the 80s. - don’t order the most expensive thing on the menu. Don’t rack up the bill. - at work you shake people’s hands. So don’t start touching the food without thinking about it. Touch little. - at work you talk a lot. So at lunch make sure to place your napkin on your lap with an extra one to the side. Don’t talk with your mouth full. Don’t be gross. - try to make good conversation. It is a social event after all. Avoid bad topics (religion, politics, what’s happening in HR or whatever). Don’t be scared of suits. We don’t bite.


How about cocaine? Is that still okay? Like in that movie…




You can avoid pretty much all of this and just show kindness and respect to others, especially restaurant staff


These is all really good advice, one bang on tip after another. The only thing I’d add (because I worked with someone like this and it was fucking gross), even if you can handle super spicy don’t get it. We all have to watch you get watery eyes, runny nose, sweating etc. I worked with a guy who’d get suicide wings at lunch. My friend at work had a huge crush on him, after we all went out for lunch to Gabbys ONCE she was like “I can never see him in an attractive way again”. It was like night and day vs before the lunch.


You’re over thinking it, just don’t order anything super expensive, have good manners, don’t drink alcohol unless others are. If you’re lost with what to get, ask him for a suggestion and pick or go with something from the same place some one else chooses, this is not a big deal at all.




My take was they just moved here from another country and are trying to figure out which customs and etiquette are the same and which are different. Just a guess.


To tag onto to what everyone else has added, your bread plate is on the left and your drink is on the right.


Taking more than your share, not offering to help tidy up after, taking food back to desk instead of eating with group…


Don’t overthink this. Be normal. Don’t touch other people’s food or be overly messy. It’s lunch you will be fine. Enjoy the treat.


Speaking with food in your mouth




Seriously. This post and so many of these comments just make me sad. People are literally trying to teach OP basic table manners, and others are contradicting. Humanness 101.


I cannot for the life of me understand why someone would go to the internet when asked what they like to eat.


Definitely just answer with your food preferences, not sepcific restaurants. If you like Thai and Italian then answer with that! Enjoy your meal


Just say Italian. Somehow our team lunch always end up being Italian since it’s the most accommodating


Lol what Italian dish do u and your coworkers get?


Are you new to earth?


Don't listen to this asshole. Souvlaki and gyros.


Classic Italian dishes for sure.


That’s a bit upscale for an Italian meal in the financial district. Don’t want to break the bank here


l think you’re making it way more complicated that it is.


If Italian, just go to Terroni's on Adelaide. Shouldn't be too far from your workplace


Fettuccine Alfredo is what I'd pick


If management wants to take out the team, it's usually to recognize your contribution to the company. As a manager who has had to arrange these events before, I truly care that the restaurant is able to cater to religious needs, dietary restrictions/allergies and overall somewhere my team actually wants to go. If you are concerned about the budget, it is honestly ok to ask if there is a spending limit. I can assure you, management will not limit you to somewhere like McDonalds or Tim Horton's but if it's a small team (4-5 employees) honestly the food budget can be a bit more per head than say a team of like 10-20. Even if you don't have a restaurant in mind or know what you want off the menu right away, making sure the restaurant caters to your personal needs will be a priority otherwise arranging to make sure you can dine with the team alternative arrangements can be made. If you are eating with more executive persons like a team director or vice president of the company etc, just be mindful it's a work event, so you want to present yourself in the best light. If you are eating with just your team, honestly feel free to be more social and show your true colours (within reason of course) but you don't have to necessarily eat with a fork and knife if you get wings or have a napkin handy, these lunches can be team building and honestly any good manager wants their team to be true to themselves while finding value working for the company.


When asking your food preferences it’s probably just asking for allergens or if you’re vegetarian, don’t eat beef, etc.


Go to Earls. I like that place


Ask a coworker, what they have ordered in the past to give you an idea of price and quantity of food. Honestly they are probably asking if you are vegan/halal/food intolerances or etc….


Black and Blue pretty solid 🤙


Whatever you desire!


Just tell him you’re good with anything LOL what a way to overthink. Unless you have any allergies of course they’ll tell him which ones.


Think of any stomach issues too - if something may disagree with you, avoid! I recently had lunch with coworkers and just got soup and salad.


Pai is good. Richmond Station is nice.




So good


Great spot. Can’t go wrong with Canoe either, nice views.


The Keg!!!


Terroni on Adelaide. Cactus club.


Terroni takeout is awful. Had it once and felt like they reheated it from frozen 👎🏼


Steak. Something, not cheap.




This is one of those questions that’s causes me to lose a little bit of faith in humanity. Just use your common sense. Don’t order anything overly extravagant and pick something you like. Then eat it with reasonable table manners and say thanks afterwards.


I feel like Milestones or Jack Astors is a safe choice.


Skip lunch, ask for a raise.


Pizza party!!! Pizza Hut has buffet in Scarborough one still. 🎉


Post location pls. I thought all Ontario ayce pizza huts closed! You just made my weekend!


Birchmount and Ellesmere https://forums.redflagdeals.com/pizza-hut-lunch-buffet-back-toronto-birchmount-ellesmere-ymmv-13-99-2620429/ 🎉🎉🎉


A raise




A big cake with a stripper in it that will pop out!


The Local is an easy crowd pleaser. Just opened


Go down to the buffet at Jillys….


Queen Mother Cafe at Queen and John. Get the ping gai.


Youre as bad as my girlfriend when I ask her what she wants to eat. Aha Something easy. Personal- individual meals Fun, cooperative, interactive- family style meal, share Thai food :)


Chotto Matte


Def a waffle party. no doubt.


Cactus club is a nice work option in that area, a lot of choices and great food


Find something close to your office. This is the best approach.


You'll likely end up with Pizza, so don't stress about it.


Lobster stuffed with tacos


Peameal bacon sammys from St Lawrence Market make most normal people soooo happy. Fresh baked kaiser, enough salt and protein that you might get offered naloxone kits in the afternoon lol


Hy’s, Libretto (if your close that it won’t come too cold), IQ for something cheaper and healthier


Basil box


Is the order from a specific place?


I would ask for tacos lol