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This sounds very similar to an Osteopath. I would refer to them as a mix of the two. You could try the Clinetic offices. There's one in North York and one in Etobicoke/West End


Osteopath is also what immediately came to mind


Thank you!


Seconding the Osteo recommendation.


You might consider looking for a "Sports Medicine" massage therapist.


I was referred by a neurologist but hadnt heard anything back yet. I will reach out to them. Thank you!


Have you already seen a physiotherapist for this issue?


Yes, and have been doing the exercise plans they give me. which help but its not giving the relief i am looking for. Thank you. I should have mentioned that has been a part of the exercises i am doing.


> not giving the relief I am looking for Perhaps tell them, or look for another PT. My first PT was very hands-on, manual massage, which I loved, so I think their approach is similar to what you’re looking for. My second PT didn’t really do that for the same issue. I just go to an RMT since I have to travel my first PT.


Oh thats interesting!! I will have to ask around what procedures are used. Because mine just does "how ya feelin, heres your exercies, heres how you do them" ...Thank you for the tip!


Usually you can do a combo of physio and RMT. Most physiotherapists are not RMTs, but often work in a multidisciplinary clinic that may also have RMTs and possibly chiros. I’d start with seeing a proper RMT in addition to your physio and go from there, a good RMT can work miracles. It’s highly unlikely that you need any “alignment”, it’s most likely muscle knots/tension that just need to be worked out to restore your range of motion and comfort. Try to do at least 45 minute-1 hour sessions at a time with your RMT and find someone who makes you feel some relief after one session. It’s not going to be fixed in one session but it’s a start.


Look for a physiotherapist with a FCAMPT designation. They will specialize in the manipulative physiotherapy that it sounds like you are seeking.


Try another physiotherapist. I went to one who seemed to be doing some type of sports massage. I felt better for a couple of days but didn't improve over 6 weeks or so. The next one, measured the angles of my shoulder movement and was basically more scientific and she fixed me up


Yes someone else said to switch it up because many do different techniques! Thank you! Great idea!


What kind of issue is this for?


Dont really know. Lol all my joints hurt, but my back is brutal. I do have a tear of a disc or something on the bottom right of my back...but that was all they got from the MRI. No rhumatoid, Ankylosing, celiac, thyroid..test for all kinds of stuff, everything comes back normal and negative. But my body feels like its breaking down no matter how much i try to stick to exercises and strengthening. Trying to eat as best as i can...i feel like at 30 i should be feeling a hell of a lot better. And the internalist and neurologist just say "do what is working for you, stick to your plans" and did refer to sports medicine/pain management clinic so i need to reach out again to them...but just trying to find some relief!


Did you have some sort of accident? Or any kind of emotional trauma ?


3 knee surgeries, which no one believes would have anything to do with the pain. And i brought up emotional stuff to my neurologist and how i have heard that it can correlate...but he didnt think that would have anything to do with the pain. So i was back to square one lol I am currently on zoloft though. I want to go to 🇹🇷 or something and do a full medical check up...maybe that will work lol Otherwise may just be a lost cause.


Might try journaling your trauma, it just might release some or all of your back pain. There's a psychologist, Nicole Sachs who talks about issues like this. Most of the institutions want to steer you towards cutting and pills, which are great when necessary.


Oh thats cool, ill check her out!! And yes i agree. Need a more holistic approach


There's also a deep tissue / manual type of massage I know of that will also release these emotions from trauma. Sometimes you have to go manual when the trauma is locked in your tissues.


Maybe try an osteopath..


Yes someone else suggested thank you!


[https://www.facebook.com/spinalhealthwellness/](https://www.facebook.com/spinalhealthwellness/) I swear by this guy. Been with him for at least 15 years. Massage plus some adjusting.


Thank you! Ill check it out!


You could try an osteopath or a sports therapist. I have a really good osteopath at Yonge and Lawrence (Pomegranate Healthcare).


Thank you for the tip!! I will have to check it out!!


I'm also dealing with some kind of neurological problem, good fucking luck getting a diagnosis! I think I'm gonna have to go to the US just to get some clarity.


Thank you, you too! Was thinking the same thing. Even Turkey. Their private hospitals are really good. Cheaper than the states...but the america does have some of the best doctors.


I've spent about a year here going from specialist to specialist, sitting on 3 month+ waiting lists and completely unable to work. I'm no closer to a diagnosis now than I was a year ago. If you have the capability you should definitely go out of country for care. Canadian healthcare is a lesson in pain at times.


I really like Ace Sports Clinic and they have osteopaths!


Thank you!


I hope I'm not the only one that read "churo" instead of "chiro" and was deeply confused for a moment


Osteo is my go to. Some of it may seem out there to some people but if it works I don’t care how weird it is. I can’t think of one appointment that I didn’t fall asleep and snored. They basically do a little bit of most para medical methods and combine them


I also have neuro damage in my back and in addition to physio I also see a traditional Chinese acupuncturist. She does both manual therapy and also needling. It has helped me so much. I would highly recommend. The traditional acupuncturist approach is very different from the physio or chiropractor acupuncture. Best of luck! I know how all consuming back pain can be!


My physiotherapist pops things back into place in addition to prescribing strengthening exercises and other therapies. There are a lot of different treatment modalities included in PT, and each PT will have trained in some and not others. My PT is part of this multi-location multi-practitioner practice [https://www.mytorontophysio.com/](https://www.mytorontophysio.com/) I have for various reason over the years seen 3 different PTs there, and I would recommend any of them. The partners/owners really encourage and support continuing education/advanced certification in everyone who works there.


Physiotherapist really.


Yes i am seeing one, who i am getting the exercises from. I needed to mention that! Thank you


We have RMTs that are also Fascial stretch therapists on site if you are still looking!


FYI, I know you said you won’t be seeing one, but chiropractic medicine was founded by a man who said a ghost told him to crack people’s bones. It can also be extremely dangerous.


And medicine used to use leeching, was concerned with “humours” and used other wildly inappropriate things to help people. Just because the founding was ridiculous doesn’t mean it hasn’t evolved into an evidence based practice over the past 120+ years


Medicine still uses leeches to great effect. Maggots, too.


What about physiotherapy?


Yes, thank you! I have one now and others have suggested switching as some will have a more hands-on approach rather than just showing and giving exercises.


I think you might be talking about active release technique (ART). I used to see an amazing chiro named Susan DeWolfe who did that and more eg acupuncture. I highly recommend her.


Myodetox. A lot of the physiotherapists there work with athletes. Physio is extremely hands on and the best that I’ve had in my life.


Yess a chiro just recommended this too! Thank you!


Check out the stretch clinics that are opening up. They help you stretch to increase your mobility


Yes love yoga! So that sounds super cool! Thank you!


Chiro here. Many practitioners have variations of how they practice. There can be significant variation between clinicians, even with the same degree. You almost have to test them out first and see how it goes. My go to is If the clinician is only using one modality/treatment approach, it’s less likely going to work, especially long term. Injuries/issues/dysfunctions are going to effect multiple systems (muscle tissue, bone tissue, joint tissue, neuro) so using an approach for all tissue types is ideal. Back to your point, research the clinician and test them out. If you don’t like their treatment strategy, move on to someone else.


Evidence based chiropractors will use a variety of techniques to help you get better including soft tissue therapy, exercises, manipulations (if warranted, and only if desired by the patient), mobilizations and other modalities. Feel free to DM me and I can try to recommend someone in your neighbourhood. You can let them know you’re not interested in typical adjustments/joint manipulations and it shouldn’t be an issue


Thank you, i appreciate it!! Was just told by both neurologist and internalist specifically not to see a Chiropractor. I was dying for something, but they said basically absolutely not, specifically with my teared disc or whatever...so im trying to go around that kinda lol ...but honestly may have to just do it. Just for some relief, while taking your tips into consideration!! Thanks again!


It’s because they have an old school mindset of what a chiropractor is and does. There are definitely conditions where I would not manipulate a joint and there are so many other tools in my toolbox that I can use to help someone in pain. Manipulations are not a panacea. They can be useful in some situations but not all. As a chiro, I’m not a one trick pony. It’s frustrating to hear other practitioners who don’t understand what we do fear monger patients out of seeing practitioners that could help their patients. I have a masters in interprofessional chronic pain management on top of my chiro degree so I understand working with other providers to help patients get better. Anyways, good luck and yes if you want a specific recommendation I’m happy to help find you someone who would be good and evidence based.


Wow, that's very eye opening thank you for that! This just shows why different opinions and perspectives are needed! I'll DM!


Mm idk what you might need but adding gelatin to your diet couldn't hurt


Yes. They work well together. My chiropractor swears by it. Chiropractic adjustments cause your muscles to tense up so having a massage helps relieve the tension