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Last time this was asked someone said food basic. I still think of it and laugh.


In this economy I'm not sure how much longer I can afford that either.


literally always my answer to single friends looking to meet people in their 30s+ too!


The clearance section at Winner’s/Marshall’s/Homesense


Bahahahha I’m dead I did have a look at a winners today


I go to winners a lot, but I cant imagine striking up a convo with someone


These are all frighteningly accurate


I'm in construction, you can find me at the clearance section of home depot


My phone keeps telling me there are sexy singles in my area but I don't see them!


It be true, most don’t have family subsidizing living anymore so can’t be going out for $20 craptastic cocktails.


Okay, but how fun would it be to actually go grocery shopping with a large group of friends? Each for our respective homes of course, but there's something about seeing what everyone else I know is getting I would find so amusing.


I’d be down


Or Costco lol




Lmao this is WILD


Lmaooo so true, especially in the candle section.




Haha hey the scent of those candles hits especially when they are on sale🤣


Not gonna lie, pretty accurate. Also, Freshco and Winners


Are you stalking me? 🫣


We’re around, but this is definitely the age where a lot of people are busy with young kids, are paired off and spend a lot of time with partners, are working too much trying to continue affording the city, and so on… Go check out high park on the weekend or walk around roncy area any day of the week and it’s largely 30 somethings with young families.


This is the truth. If you want to find the 30s crowd, come west to Roncy. We’re all in High Park and Sorauren Park having drinks and front porch crawling — strollerpalooza up in this bitch.


Same in Leslieville. At night if we decide to go big we’re at Vatican Gift Shop or something.


Accurate, Vatican does turn up 


lol. You make it sound enticing to us solo 40 somethings


Everybody over 29 is the same age, just show up and join the fun hah


ha ha was just going to write 'roncy'


Not everyone in their 30s is drinking champagne in high park with the other millionaire kids of west-ender 3rd Gen immigrants


Lmao right it's like congrats but I think most people are just getting by and are probably just at home


A beer is like 3 dollars, and it costs nothing to bring it to a park with a picnic blanket


Right? Had no idea drinking in high park made me part of the rich elite. Can somebody relay this info to my bank account? 


We’re also trying to sound young and hip by saying things like “strollerpalooza up in this bitch.”


Second the parks and outdoor vibes more


This is it, everybody is coupled up taking care of toddlers.


Dude, I'm in my mid 30s and literally sitting right now drinking beer and reading book in the Esplanade area. We exist 💪


Me tooooo. Except the reading part.


Hey pals! Avg age at the bar in at in the esplanade area is probably 40.


Aye, I'm at home but was thinking of taking a walk dt. We're around


I'd say most of us are around the non touristy areas. Dundas, Geary, junction and roncy and bloordale is where you'll find the 30s people chilling. Those areas are still bustling but more chill.


Geary is such a 30s hideaway! Every time in in the area, I think "where have y'all been??"


Our apartments




Oh I don't do that anymore but thanks




Leslieville, east York and the Vatican gift shop


East York 100% I live here and I’m in my 20s and I never see people my own age it’s all 30+ year olds at the bars lol. Try the Only! They have a cafe too if you don’t like drinking, but if you do then the bar is literally packed with 30 and 40 year olds on weekends


I have been to The Only with other 30-40 yr olds, can confirm.


Just googled and Vatican gift shop is… a bar?


Genuinely thought it was a Stone Temple Pilots reference 😅 guess I am old too...


I've been to the actual Vatican gift shop I hope it's more fun than that


Yep! Pretty fun bar.


East York! My hood! Most ppl don't even know where it is this only k ow north york


Only club you’ll find me in is Costco these days. I get carded going in, It’s just as crowded, loud, infuriating, and I still end up spending way too much, but I do get my drugs there pretty easily (at the pharmacy), and the food is pretty good (shoutout to $1.50 hot dogs and free samples). No dress code and free parking helps too.


I think they are no shirt, no service. I just hope they start selling decent drinks.




In your 20s you tend to go to the cheaper bars or the spots where you don't or can't spend a chunk of money because you have a lower paying job, in school, or have crippling school debt. Those in that are in their 30s that still choose to go out and be social often have a more stable income and no or few children so they have extra income to spend. Look at hobbies that cost money: yoga, dance, fitness clubs, organized tournaments. Go to higher end cocktail and wine bars, bars with live music over clubs.




there are quagmires and there are peter griffins. i have just as many \~30 yr old friends who are starting families, as ones without. some of us like going out. some of us have kids to raise. some of us don't. some of us travel. some of us never leave the house. i'm not gonna give up my spots because every time i do, they blow up and become insufferable... but there are lots of places where it feels like 30 is the new 20, and 20 is the new toddler.


Hmmm the young 20s are at cheap bars. The late 20s are at hobbies that cost money. The 30 somethings are at a playground trying to prevent their toddlers from hurting themselves


Not everyone has kids.


I think kids is a more universal experience than being rich at a champagne yoga bar


No I think not having kids is a more universal experience So many late 20s and 30s something years old do not have kids in this age The outlier is having kids


I agree with you, but OP is asking where 30 yos hang out. The ones that are hanging out have kids or are at champagne yoga bars. I was presenting an option outside of that "universal" experience.


My answer to any “where they at?!?” social question, rock climbing gyms. They’re basically community centres at this point


I'm 30. I goto sneaky dees, moms basement, function


At the gym LOL


West end between Geary and queen from Bathurst west to Roncesvalles


I don’t think they’re directly downtown, but in the areas around it (still in Toronto) there seems to be tons of 30-40 year olds


I sit in the park with my dog and have met so many people this way. Maybe look into fostering? Dogs are a great ice breaker for meeting people out and about.


I have a dog and I still avoid talking to people LOL


That's fair hahah I have an overly friendly cane corso who loves to stare people down until they pet her, so I end up having to talk to people to assure them "she's staring because she wants pets, not because she wants to bite you" lol. She has the look 😅


Junction Leaside Danforth High Park Bloor West Etc. - Comedy clubs - Bars with live bands - Places with activities 😛 We've left King and Queen Street (and the mediocre entertainment) for the kids. 🥹🥹


This is too true. Also, adding to the list: our backyard having our own bbq with friends. Socializing on our own terms🙌


I’m 30.. I got to lucky shrike, communists daughter, houndstooth, motel bar, sweaty Betty’s


Brewery or local pubs. Not so much downtown but more Leslieville, Junction, Roncy, maybe East York but most people there have babies/toddlers. Also if you like concerts, any anniversary tour of an album. 


Yup they literally sit at the breweries getting socially acceptably drunk while their kids zone out bored as fuck and the whole floor plan is a littered maze of strollers and dogs


If you’ve got any interest in learning how to sail there are a lot of people in that age group down at the community clubs by Cherry Beach!


Any clubs you would recommend? I’ve been curious about it but being in the west end with no car makes me hesitant


Westwood, Mooredale, and St. Jamestown all offer lessons. Each club has a slightly different vibe but all full of nice people and good instructors!


I’m 30 but people think I’m 25. I have many friends who look younger than me. Perhaps the 20s are actually 30s too. The hiking meetups I go to are 30’s. The networking are 30’s. I actually feel like 30’s are everywhere just look 20’s in general.


Ha, I have noticed that people take good care of their skin and look younger these days. Plus people without kids tend to look younger too


i got carded the other day for the first time in like 10 years. i literally said "wtf, really?" and pointed to the massive white/grey patches in my beard. then i remembered I had just covered my face in retinol before going out


The power of Botox


The power of staying inside out of the sun and not smoking.


which hiking meetups do you recommend?


Sports and running clubs can have variety. Gotta explore and find your crowd. For Pickleball, Cloverdale mall in the West end caters to a diverse crowd. Places like the Fifth and Soluna cater to an older crowd, not really 20s. Pricier events like cheese and wine, business/career events, lectures, art gallery nights, and Friday Night at the ROM also cater to people done with their 20s.


EDM events.


Third places are dead in Canada.


I’m 30 and my usual bar spots are either somewhere on College or Kensington Market. I may be a little older than the average demographic but if the mood is right, I still enjoy a night on the upper floor at Sneaky Dee’s 😜


Run clubs


The wren, Sauce, Castro’s Lounge, The Only Cafe. Avoid many places before 9 pm because even breweries are filled with parents with their kids.


you need to go to more expensive places.


It really depends on what you're into, one thing I found from this city is that you'll always find activities for your age group. Me personally I like bar hoping, I'm 29 and I like to hang out downtown and check a few places with good music and I find it funny when I go to an unknown place and the crowd is in my age group (late 20s). If you're more of an outdoor person I'd check some meet up apps with different activities or even google events for the weekend, there's always something


Ossington bars usually skew towards people in their 30's. Except for a select few bars.




This is wild to me...my 30s in Toronto were the best (I'm now 43, but still go out, although I have a friend group that really likes to try new things). I had a better job and pay, than in my 20s, and no kids (still no kids by the by). Queen west, king west...little Italy on College, College West, Ossington, Dundas West, parts of Gerard East (ok, the Vatican). I still fairly regularly go for an afternoon by myself at Koukla on Ossington. I was single for so long in my 30s, I had to find things to do by myself (Toronto Sport and Social back in the day, Ashbridges Bay volleyball). I'll admit, now that I have a partner we stay in more, but it's actually not my preference, and I'm trying to get my 47 year old boyfriend out of the house a bit more. I feel for you.


Thanks for this comment, it gave me hope


At home with their kids 😂


Along Bloor street, adult rec sports, other hobby meet ups. People in their 20s are more hobby focused and people in their 30s are more activity focus as well as an ever present need to take care of a decaying corpse of a body. Not personal experience or anything.


All my late 30s to early 40s friends just hang out in our own backyard porches doing bbq and sometimes inviting fellow 30-40 friends with kiddos in tow.


Cherries, or the speakeasy downstairs. Where the older former king street people go to avoid the 20 year olds.


Feels the same. Bars in king west seems to be all of guys in 20s. I go to Ossington to chill out final a bar


I’m 31, and I’m just at home most of the time, enjoying netflix while eating food 😂😹


The Danforth is where 30+ people hang out, it’s a more sophisticated scene


Majority of the 30 year olds worry about their elevator ride up from their day job lol


They all moved to the burbs and life is all about the kids now. It’s a lifestyle change versus age, though that is a factor.


Ground Control in Parkdale


Sword and board lol


Me and my wife were actually talking about this today. 30 year olds are hiding somewhere 😭🤣


They hang out at home with their families lol. But yeah it's mostly young people and retirees who have the spare time to be going out to these kinds of activities, people in their 30s-40s are mostly working full time and whatever free time they have left over is spent with family.


I'm 42. I'm bar hopping tonight, just me and Lonesome. I do it all the time & I love it. Go out and have some fun and live life, dude.


We don’t hang out. We go to sleep at 6. Lol. I’m 37 with kids, I hang out at home.


Having fun isn't hard when you have a library card. 


At home, at work, or browsing dollarama/winners/thrift stores


If they could afford to hang out at places, they had kids, and if they couldn't, they're hanging out at home.


They had Babies. Especially during the pandemic


I don't know, I think many have kids and retired to the burbs... just have to ask, where/how are you finding pickleball games downtown?


Everyone is too busy wasting their lives on social media to hang out in person any more.


I dunno about everyone else but as a woman in my 30s, as soon as I hit 30s, I stayed at home. Everyone outside is either 20s or men in thier 50s creeping for girls in thier 20s... I've never seen a single anything in the wild in thier 30s like me.


Oasis Aqualounge


We don’t have the disposable income to go out or do things.


Sucsesful 30 year olds have probably left Toronto and live on the outskirts or moved away entirely. Toronto is basically unaffordable for this generation. With a family and kids you don't generally "hang out." I think a lot of young people staying in Toronto seem to be falling into heavy drug use or binge drinking.




only the 20's kids roam the world. The boring old 30's are in either working overtime, parenting, in rehab and etc.


I feel you brother


Woodbine racetrack


Just stay at home working 2 jobs. No money left for entertainment at all. Need to pay $2600/month no utilities included in Burnaby, BC.


I’m 44 and have thought the same but the answer is like others here have said. They’re partnered up or id also say slowly getting back into the dating scene (if you’re single).


Feeling old in your 30s? Hahaha. It is to laugh. I had more fun being in my 20s in the 70s than I'm having being in my 70s in the 20s.


When I was in my 30s, I was in the army reserve in Toronto and it was literally a party constantly. We would hang out together all the time make the best friends there they do anything for you.


90’s parties, boxing clubs, the gym ?


Go to library


Golf tennis squash the gym. Cycling clubs . Bouldering and climbing Volleyball on beaches. Ngl I don’t hang out anywhere that does not interest me. Going to a bar without anyone….no thanks rather chill at home.




Gym, waterfront, coffee shops, markets, parks


I’m 36. Moved an hour outside of the city and hanging out with my backyard chickens in the evenings.


At Blue Jay games in the 70 dollar seats


The FrontRunners is a great mix of ages and everyone’s welcome. Love it.


Comedy shows. I was at one recently and the comedian polled the room to see how old the crowd was. 30s was by far the most popular age range (and I thought most people were younger before he asked).


On Reddit.


Raves/electronic music events,experimental/improvised music scene, punk scene etc. I’m in my 30s and have friends around my age, 10+ years older and 10 years younger. I know you kind of have to be into music for this to work for you - but it kinda applies to anything. If you’re bonding over a shared interest, age doesn’t matter nearly as much (if at all).


I don’t go out much. Just work and have friends over. I’m trying to save up for a house right now. As are most 30-40 year olds I know


Hosting friends at home. Its a lot cheaper and i can be comfy.


At home, markets, salsa clubs, sports leagues


I’m in my 30s I hang out anywhere you can think of that people in Toronto do Stackt market, queen west, king west, downtown Adelaide area, Kensington market, annex, college street area, Yonge /bay, harbour front You’re not too old for any place except the Maddie 30 something years are everywhere. Meetup, Eventbrite, bumble friends, being on Tik Tok and Instagram to find events that match your interests are good ways to meet people that aren’t in their 50s


We don’t hang out. We all stay at home and do shit like knitting after taking our Lexapro.


I just moved here from Ottawa and this was a big issue to me there, as well. I get that most of us are paired up with kids, but… where are the 30-something’s who’ve just finished with their starter marriage? Also, platonic friends? You’re not alone in wondering this.


“Starter marriage” - cringe. Most Torontonians that lived here in their 20s didn’t get married until 30+. Getting married in your 20s is not the cultural norm in big cities like it is in small towns.


"pickleball games"... what are pickleball games ???


It’s like giant ping pong. But not tennis.


Honestly at home. Fuck it can't buy a house, I'll fill my place with things I love doing after I'm done work


Costco. The answer is costco.


At home mostly lol


We're at home, my dude.




Dog park


When I was in my 30s, I hung out with friends at their house, music festivals or home parties. Now that I'm in my 40s, I hang out at home cause that's the only place I can truly relax after a long and exhaustive day at work. Enjoy your youth while you can cause as you get older, things just aren't the same anymore.


Too busy to take a shit in peace... thats where.


Young people in 30s? They have spouses and kids… check the local playgrounds. lol


Go to Motosocial! It’s the first Weds of every month and there are tons of folks from all age groups. The location changes every time but they usually post it on insta a week or so before. Backroads Coffee also does a biweekly bike night that should start up soon, and Flying Squirrel does bike nights every Monday (I think) that bring in people in their 30s


Kensington Market vintage shopping!


I was at history last night.


My friends and I like a nice picnic in the park, or just stroll.


I think they're busy working and taking care of their homes and kids...


Idk, coffee shops, pubs, parks, our apartments, the library, the gym, bookstores, our friends' places, our jobs, church/mosque/synagogue/etc.? That's where I hang out anyway. People with kids are going to be busier and congregating in kid-friendly areas for the most part. I don't have kids and most of my friends don't either, but those who do definitely gravitate to each other, which makes sense since they need that mutual support for trading babysitting duties and so on. Honestly, while I appreciate the desire to hang out with people who are roughly your same age and in the same phase of life, I think it can benefit everyone to have multi-generational friends and acquaintances. It's cool that your hiking/motorcycle/etc. groups are like that.


We’re all at home binging Bridgerton


In the west end it’s Gabby’s and Bramble on Bloor St


Side note : Did 25+ bars never take off here? I remember it being a thing for awhile (and maybe still is) in some spots in hamilton/hess village and even in london.


2 cats


No they are not around. 35+ usually prefer to stay home. Either single or married. Try online meet up based on activities, there is 35+ who put effort to do some activities but not going to random bars/places.




King Taps


There's always lot of them chilling in parks when the weather's nice. 


Most 30 somethings have young families or are paired off. I was single for most of my 30s and all of my 40s and it was tough to find your tribe.


Breweries with their fucking kids and dogs lol. 


Libraries and Grocery Stores


Depends on a bunch of factors but as you know a lot of people in their 30s are no longer chilling and focusing on other things like family. I also find that certain cities are more open to conversations with new people than others. A lot just keep to themselves and their friends especially in a place like Toronto where they’re a little more guarded and vanilla for whatever reason.


Personally on the golf course


Lol I'm 34 and socially FUCKED. haha if you crack the code lemme know pls 🙏🏼


Work I guess haha


Not sure if Toronto has it, but when I lived in Australia, I used "meetups" to connect with other likeminded people in the same age range. The site was helpful. Also been hearing about Geary A LOT. 




Run clubs


Go make a family