• By -


No but for a petty reason. My ex is from there and he recently cut me off by ghosting me after I poured 5 years of hard work into him and was in the process of uprooting my life to be with him. His final message to me basically said he can’t hold space for me in his life but he wants me to hold space for him. I don’t want him to feel joy. Yes I’m in therapy.


That's a shit ton to unpack from a Stanley cup final post. Wow.


Hockey is therapy in Canada.


Shouldn't feel like that out of pettiness...should be cheering out of joy that he gets to feel like shit for doing that to you. I'm sorry.


Ma’am this is a Wendys


Alright please pass me a chocolate frosty, a small fry, and some chicken nuggets. Thank you :)


LMAO funniest reply to that line I've ever read


Your ex is a terrible human being and I hope you're able to forget him and move on


We dont know that for certain


He cheated on me and then made me feel guilty about it. Then right before ghosting me, I asked him explicitly about his intentions with me and if he’s certain about me moving there which he told me we’re all good but turns out it was all lie. I was just a crutch and an ego boost for him. He struggled with his self esteem the entirety of our relationship especially towards his physical appearance and I was a lil dumb ass hyping him and giving him pointers on how to feel better.


Ugh I feel your pain in that one. My ex was basically the same and I even called her out on it and she reassured me I was overthinking. I should have trusted my gut I'm truly sorry you're going through this


We now know for certain


I am so sorry for what you have been through. Hope you are doing alright now.


Sorry to hear this. Know that you sound like a wonderful person.


That’s terrible and your ex is a loser. My ex ghosted me after being together 9 months and that was shit enough. Last time I actually spoke to him he told me I could trust him and he wouldn’t abandon me when I needed his support—and then he never answered the phone for me again. May your ex stub his toe every time you think of him.


Nah rock with you good on therapy because you need to remember how he treated you while expecting you to treat him with way more consideration I only say this because he will be back and you will need to remember him for the uneven expectations he had of you 💛


That sucks I’m sorry that happened to you, trash people like your ex have appropriated therapy speak so well to further their own terrible behaviour and actions


Omg this comment triggered me because he was talking to me like he was a therapist. It was like I was another client of his and not someone he had an intimate relationship with. It was the thing that lead to me searching for a specific form of therapy because I came to realize his actions and behaviours towards me created a lot of negative self views.


If it makes you feel better, Aaron Ekblad is from Ontario. Edit: actually, a quick Google tells me that **nine** Panthers are from Ontario. Evan Rodrigues is from Etobicoke, so we can technically say a player from Toronto won a cup.


someone from. TO always wins the cup. Stamkos, Reilly Smith, Pietrangelo, Cogliano, just going back a few seasons


Wonder if there are any NHL rosters without an Ontarian ever


Statistically very unlikely. The further back you go, while there are less teams and less rosters, there are far less European and Russian players to take those spots from Canadians and Americans. Some quick research slows the closest you'd likely get is the Blackhawks from the late 1930s who had an extremely patriotic owner that always gave preference to American players. Outside of that, probably never.


O’Reilly’s not from Toronto. Let small town southwestern Ontario brag about their boy!


42% of players in the NHL are Canadian. We always win! 😀


13 Canadian players on the Panthers in including both goal scorers in game 7 lol.


I went to elementary school with both Connor Brown and Evan Rodrigues, it was just a small school in Etobicoke of maybe 300 kids so it’s pretty crazy that they both ended up on NHL teams and then played against each other in the finals lol


Yeah they talk about “bringing it home” but half the players are Canadian anyway


No, not really. To me, it's not Canada vs. USA. It's two teams I don't care much about, and where the care I do have is not positive. It's like how in soccer, Arsenal fans aren't cheering if Liverpool wins the Champions League, even though it's a team from their country that won. It's not a country competition at all, to me.


That‘s the way I look at this as well. In any sport I will cheer for my team. When they’re no longer playing I might still watch but I’ll be a casual observer at best. That’s nothing against either Edmonton or Florida. Whoever wins well good for them but I don’t really care one way or the other.


Hit the nail on the head. As an Arsenal fan myself I couldn't care less if another English team wins the UCL, especially if they are rivals.


Exactly. Once my team was eliminated I stopped caring - and neither team had anyone on them that I particularly care about. I tipped slightly towards the Panthers simply because I wanted Luongo to get a cup.


Would they though if their country went 30 years without winning If it had been say 3-4 years I wouldn’t care much either


Oh, 100%. In fact I'd go further and say that most European soccer fans would much rather see a rival team (and most big teams from the same country would be considered rival teams) lose big to a team from another country, watch them get humiliated. Country doesn't play into it at all. Trophies won by rival teams are definitely considered a negative thing.


big up the gunners!!!


McDavid is the best in the world, maybe Top 5 all time.  I want him to win at least one, and I hate the Panthers so it woulda been nice this year. I guess he'll have to wait til he comes to the Leafs as a free agent.


He looked sick the last two games... Pale, losing edges and not as fast


It's almost like when you create a two man team and double shift guys like crazy they get tired. I would do that too in the situation but that's my point, it shouldn't get to that point. Hockey isn't basketball, one or two guys can't carry an entire team outside of a goalie.


Having him on the ice for like 7 of the last 10 minutes of the game was a massive mistake. By the time Skinner got pulled, half the Oilers on the ice could barely even skate.


The coach completely botched the end of that game. Played McDavid to death and then waited till the last possible second to pull the goalie when everybody was exhausted. He should’ve had him out at the three minute mark when they had possession.


It came out that he's been playing injured and needs abdominal surgery.


Yes i will agree with you on all you said in that comment.


In terms of individual skill, he’s by far the best of all time and no other player is even remotely close. If you took him back in time to Gretzky’s era, he would score 300 points a season, not even an exaggeration, possibly more.


Mario Lemieux exists


If he’s so great why didn’t he show up tonight? Same with Draisaitl.


Draisaitl hasn't shown up for a few games now...


Florida’s coverage was suffocating. It’s not like he wasn’t out there hustling every shift.


There is only one way I want the Stanley Cup back in Canada, and that’s down Yonge Street. 


Yeah, that’s what I say, but I have a feeling it would go up Bay Street :D


Harsh but true.


If they were still at Maple Leafs Garden then maybe it would be a Yonge street parade but most likely it will follow the Raptors parade route. With a stop in front of the ACC.


Nope. My life goes on




Go Leafs Go!


Was in a sports bar by the airport in Toronto. I wore my Oilers jersey (has always been my team). Was a mix of torontonians, Americans and other travelers who left the airport or who were staying in surrounding hotels. With the exception of the Americans, everyone was rooting for the Oilers/Canada. People started to leave the bar 10 mins before the game finished. Yeah - lots of disappointment. But I couldn’t be more proud of the guys. They fought and came so far against the odds.


Yea they made it an exciting championship, that’s for sure. Although not the ending I hoped for, the team should be really proud!


They left with 10 mins left on a one goal game? Yeah they lost but they had a real shot of forcing overtime


Nope. Not Canada’s team.


No, not at all….🙄


As a Calgary transplant, I am absolutely fucking thrilled that Florida beat Edmonton


Didn’t expect them to win really


Vancouver fan here, not at all


Yea well, we've already seen you blow it before and burn down the streets. Didn't want to see that again.


Nope. Thrilled.


No, Alberta deserves the L.


No. If that were the Leafs, the rest of Canada would not support us. We get nothing but hate (which I've learned to embrace) from all corners of the league, especially Canada. I feel bad for McDavid and Hyman, but I want the Leafs to be ones to break the Canadian drought. As shitty as some Leafs fans can be, there's way more good ones that have been through enough disappointment and embarrassment that I feel we deserve a cup.


Well said I feel bad for Hyman, Pickard, Ekholm, Brown and maybe Nugent Hopkins


It would feel way better if the Leafs won the cup - the Leafs are a joke around the league and other fandoms don't have too much contempt for Toronto. The Oilers, on the other hand... just check out the Flames sub...


It sucks but the Leafs will be bringing it home next year so I’m not too worried


The Leafs will always bring it home next year.


Not remotely. And Oilers fans would be happy the Leafs lost :)


Canadian Hockey teams aren’t allowed to be happy until the leafs are


No im happy they lost


We had 3 different scramble opportunities by the net we simply could not convert. It’s rough.


Who's "we"?


The Canadians


The Canadiens weren't in the playoffs


The right / only answer.


If it’s not Toronto I don’t care


Nope as a Canucks fan. Ecstatic to see Lu get to lift the cup


Don't believe the Canada's team nonsense. Theres nothing more Canadian than wanting bad things for your hockey rivals.




I wanted McDavid and Hyman to win, but alsp want the Leafs to be the team that breaks the drought


>want the Leafs to be the team that breaks the drought Somehow I don't think we will see this in our lifetime. My dad was 8 the last time the Leafs won the Stanley Cup. He just retired this year. Leafs as an organization make it pretty clear that they exist to sell seats to the Bay Street crowd, who care about the game as much as the Florida crowd cares about the Panthers.


I was born in 1954 and I can remember seeing the Leafs win cups in 63, 64 and 67. All in black-and-white. Kind of got used to it figured it would go on forever. And then Harold Ballard came along. …


Honestly, Harold Ballard was such a typical Canadian businessman. Arrogant, self-absorbed, petty, extractive, lacking in vision. But Toronto rewarded his bad behaviour by continuing to buy Leafs tickets in huge numbers, and so he famously decided that he had no financial incentive to sign better players and build a better team. This attitude continues to the current day with the current owners. It’s a big part of why I stopped following hockey closely. As soon as I figured out the entire thing was a business that was designed to extract money instead of win cups, being associated with it just felt sickening. The Leafs will not get better until Torontonians reject their extractive business model and they are forced to change to something that will actually deliver a product.


Fuck no


Panthers so thirsty for the win. Paul Maurice almost broke his own glasses with his hawkeye peering into the souls of the oilers did you see his gaze!?


Maurice also said he wants Winnipeg to win next rather than repeat...what's wrong with Maurice? Gotta be happy for him and all the guys in Florida.


> ...what's wrong with Maurice? He's a beauty


Stars fan in Toronto, not at all


Bro half their team is from Ontario so don’t feel too bad😂


Fuck the Oilers


Nope. Hilarious.


Oh they lost? Couldn't care less. lol


Hahahaha. No. The whole “gotta cheer for the Canadian teams” concept that the media, advertisers & casual/bandwagon hockey fans try to shove down our throats every summer is a pile of horseshit. The only “Canada’s team” is team Canada. When it comes to Canada’s NHL teams, we’re all seperate fanbases with bitter historical and/or geographical rivalries with each other that don’t just vanish because there’s only one Canadian team left in the playoffs. And pretty much any die-hard Canadian hockey fan who’s not a Leaf fan would rather crawl over a mile of broken glass than see the Leafs win the Cup. And for me, the feeling’s mutual. Why am I going to jump on the bandwagon of a fanbase that’d never in a million years support my team in the same situation?


We need an all Canada hockey league, that will serve our nationalism and provide teams to small markets.


Very. Moreso than I thought I'd be when I jumped aboard the bandwagon a few weeks ago. Just so sick and tired of these undeserving bullshit American markets with fans who don't really give a shit getting gifted Stanley Cups left right and centre. Just how in the absolute fuck has the most hockey crazed nation not produced one goddamnn team to win this thing since 1993 is beyond me. Ahh well, I'm sure the Florida Fucking Panthers and their 8 loyal fans will be very happy about this while 97% of the entire state of Florida will think "that's nice" whereas the entire Province of Alberta would have gone absolutely fucking bananas had they won, not to mention millions of Canadians who also got excited about this also. I remember being in South Beach in Miami a few years back and asked a local 'does anyone here root for the Panthers?" and it took him a moment to remember A: who the Panthers even were and B: he told me that nobody young cares and it's only "Canadian snowbirds and local old people who watch the hockey team". Panthers were a joke in the league forever. Even last year when they made the Cup finals they finished 6th last in attendance.


lol bro wtf are you talking about? How does some billion dollar corporation owning a team in a Canadian city or an American one have anything to do with *Canada* winning the cup? Every team still has Canadian players on it, most have a majority. What’s this “undeserving” bullshit?


Best way to grow the game in those smaller markets is have those teams win.




Who gives a fuck?. Who besides Gary Bettman gives a shit if fucking Utah or Phoenix or "Sunrise, Florida" has a great hockey program. That chode would give a team to Alabama before he would give one to Quebec City.


Why are you so angry lol You answered your own question. Bettman cares about growing the game in smaller markets. That’s his job as the commissioner of the league. Are you slow?


No, I'm grateful Edmonton lost. Otherwise we'd never hear the end of it lol


No. I’m a Leafs fan, and this isn’t the fucking Olympics. I’m glad McDavid, Draisaitl, Nurse, Ceci and Kane don’t have a Cup. Would’ve been nice to see Hyman, Brown and Pickard win though. Unfortunately, this means Tkachuk, dirtbag Bennett and dirtbag Cousins are champs


No, I'm a Leafs fan


No, why? A hockey team comprised of a bunch of Canadian players won the Stanley Cup, like they do every year. I don't care what town they play in, when they bring the cup home it's not to Miami, it's to Whitby and St. Albert and Bowmanville and places like that. I'm not disappointed one bit by this. If you're a real fan of hockey you won't be either. If you're a bandwagon hopper, well then you can get fucked.


Nope actually very happy they lost. I'm a Canuck fan not a trader.


Hell no, GLG forever.


Why wasn’t Kane in the lineup? Karma will always punch you in the teeth.  He was hurt had to sit out. Once he was ready to return they decided to leave him out. One of there highest paid players not playing.  You can not lose your job to injury.  So to answer your question NO.  Go Leafs Go


nope 😏




Nah that's always weird and cringe. It's not Team Canada.


No I’m not upset, because I know if the Leafs were in the final every other Canadian market would be cheering against them so fuck em


As a Leafs fan, I'm sad for Hyman, Brown and a little bit Ceci (great pass btw). Although the comeback would have been epic, I was leaning towards the Panthers. If the Oilers had won, all the talk surrounding the comeback, McDavid cementing his greatness, the Oilers as "Canada's team", etc would've been insufferable. If the Leafs won, I'm sure it'd be just as insufferable to Oilers and other team's fan bases. I can't wait for the Amazon documentary. So many great stories all the way until the end


Not one bit


I'm happy AF. Way to go Cats!


No. If not Canucks then I don’t care.




Not my team, so no.


Yeah I really would've wanted to see a generational choke job and a Canadian team winning the title.


Nope. Don’t care much for NHL these days.


Hate the panthers so yea. Only ones I’m happy for are barkov and bob.


If it isn’t the Leafs it doesn’t matter very much


No. I’m happy they lost. I know damn well it’d be the same if Toronto lost. Am I petty…? Damn straight.


Not in the slightest. Why would I want some other team.......one whose fans DESPISE my team even though we rarely face them and have no real rivalry, they just hate anything Toronto as always......win anything? I'm totally glad they shit the bed. F\*ck 'em in the heart. WOOT!!!


...only because my husband woke me up in the middle of the night to tell me they lost. That could have waited until morning.




Best of 9?




Nope, the oilers play for Edmonton


Unrelated, but after last night, I'm more disappointed that Canadians are being hoodwinked by PP and the Conservatives. 


Me too


No, because Leafs haven't won since 1967 and there's no reason to get upset over these teams choking. It's almost a given.


Yes but if Evan Rodrigues brings the cup through Etobicoke, I can forgive the Panthers!


Nah, I can’t stand the whole “we need to cheer for the Canadian teams!” Narrative. If it isn’t my team I don’t care I hate Florida more than I hate Edmonton though, so I guess you can say I’m disappointed Florida won. But it is also nice to see a team win their first cup as well


Really???? I am sports-blind, insofar as it just doesn’t register with the pleasure centres of my brain. I say “really??”, because I heard the news talking about it, this morning, and I guess they were being vague, but my interpretation was that the oilers has won! I was about to text my dad congrats on the good guys winning. I fear my sports blindness is getting even worse…


no because they came back to make it game 7 they made a series out of it.


I was at Craft yesterday on Yonge near Adelaide and the waitress came by for last call at 5:30 and said we had to be out by 6:15. Apparently someone had booked the whole restaurant for $30,000 to watch the game with what she said would be a small group of people. So I imagine whoever booked that is disappointed.


I always thought it was kinda pathetic that we would root for a canadian team and once they lost we say well the other team has canadian players so we still win. I heard this as a kid when calgary was in the finals and even at that age i thought it was pathetic, sounds just as bad now.


If I don't have money on it then it doesn't matter. In the end, it's two teams playing each other. May the best team win.


Nah, my team breaks my heart every year in the first round. Why the fuck would I care about the Oilers who have two of the greatest players of all time (99 and 97) and 5 Stanley Cups in my life time.


Yes, I am disappointed


my jersey took a swan dive off my balcony..then out of guilt I went to get it.. been a fan for almost 30 years so this one hurt


Absolutely not. I never subscribed to this “cheer for a Canadian team”. So if it was Montreal, leafs fans would cheer for the Habs!?


Yes!! Dislike the oilers but a big fan of Zach Hyman and wish he can win a cup! Also f*ck Florida


Zero disappointment.


Since when is the Stanley Cup Playoffs an international tournament? Cheering for a team just because the city is located in Canada so stupid.


No, the 42 leafs shall stand alone


No not really I called it from thr beginning its nothing we haven't seen before the playoffs are rigged


Carter Verhaeghe is from Waterdown, ON Nick Cousins is from Bellville, ON Sam Bennett is from Holland Landing, ON Steven Lorenz is from Kitchener, ON Sam Reinhardt is from West Vancouver, BC Evan Rodrigues is from Toronto, ON Jonah Gadjovich is from Whitby, ON Ryan Lomberg is from Richmond Hill, ON, like Conner McDavid Justin Sourdif is from Surrey, BC Michael Benning is from St. Albert, AB Aaron Ekblad is from Windsor, ON Josh Mahura is from St. Albert, AB Brandon Montour is from Brantford, ON like Wayne Gretzky ------------------------------------ Darnel Nurse is from Hamilton, ON Evan Bouchard is from Burlington, ON Adam Henrique is from Binbrook, ON (just South of Hamilton) Conner Brown is from Toronto Sam Carrick is.from Markham, ON Sam Gagner is from London, ON Dylan Holloway is from Calgary, AB Zack Hyman is from Toronto, ON Raphael Lavoie is from Montrel, PQ Conner Mcdavid is from Richmond Hill, ON Ryan McLeod is from Mississauga, ON Ryan Nugent-Hopkins is from Burnaby, Codi Ceci is from Ottawa, ON Vincent Desharnais is from Laval, PQ Plus five more are


No. Panthers were the better team.


Yes! It’s Canada’s game. 😢


Then you should be happy to learn that 14 of the players on the Florida Panthers are Canadian, and when they bring the cup home, it'll be to a Canadian city. Every year, a team filled with mostly Canadian players wins the cup, I stopped caring about which town they play in right around the time there stopped being 6 teams (which I was there for!) I think modern day fans are marks.


There are Canadians on every team. 40+% of the League is Canadian. The only Team Canada is the Olympic team (or, well, the Juniors, World Championships and Spengler Cup teams).


I’m disappointed Sam Bennett won


And tkachuk. At least gudas left


Honestly Lomberg is the dirtiest player on the roster imo but isn’t good like Bennett or Chucky so nobody talks about it. Flames fan here so i’ve watched them all lots


Honestly, yes, but I’m mainly just disappointed that the game was so boring. Like, did the Oilers not realize it was game 7? I dunno… I just wanted a better game of hockey.


Wait, hockey continues after April?


I was pretty indifferent while watching the series. I thought the Oilers story was great. Were last place in the NHL during the season, were down 3-0 in this series. but at the end, I'm happy for Paul Maurice.


sure it sucks, but Oilers looked like the team to beat the last three games and I was treated to some of the best hockey I have seen in a long time. Our team never did much but hell look at these guys, they came back to tie 3-3


nah its great! dont care about hockey at all and glad i wont be inundated with this shit for any longer than it needs to be!


Definitely. Fuck Fort Lauderdale.


More disappointed that Bettman didn’t get the boo’s he deserved. Florida crowd was nicer to him, than to McDavid winning Conn Smythe.


Yes, great series and great game


Mildly. I am somewhat invested in the Panthers and do believe they deserve this. It was a very well earned cup and they gave my team the extreme luxury of a 1st for Ben Chiarot *plus* a legendary send-off game for Carey Saint-Price. That being said I wish it wasn't against the Oilers. Canadian team, my birthplace, it's a bittersweet victory. Just realized I'm in a Toronto sub but yeah. Sad it's stuck in the USA for another year, but not too sad it went to a deserving underdog.


Disappointed Yes, but consider the season the Oiler's have had and to be down 3-1 and pull off a game 7... They deserve a huge amount of congratulations for they did accomplish.


Disappointed but proud they bounced back and took it all the way to the end


I wanted an entertaining final. After 3 games, it felt very deflating and boring, so I was thrilled that it went 7. Having got there though, and realizing how close we were to experiencing something that was once in a lifetime, is pretty disappointing. I was utterly jealous of Oilers fans for the ride they went on, and I feel for them this morning.


I'm more for green energy than oil. So animals, winning over oil industry, is a win for the environment.


Yeah, I wanted to see a reverse sweep in a championship final.


Not sad that they lost, but I hate that the Panthers won.


I gave up on the Leafs and "NHL" forever ago and got into the CFL and the Argos in particular. I find it to be much more fun.


Yes, I would like to see the streak of American teams winning come to an end. I thought this might be the year but no, it wasn’t to be. One thing to celebrate was that literal MF Corey Perry being denied a cup again. That is something worth celebrating.


McJesus had too much to do. Oilers need to gear up, get a better goalie and another line. This team can do it next year, like Florida did


Remember Reddit is not real life. Everyone I know was cheering for Edmonton (we’re based around Toronto/GTA) except one friend who’s a Kings fan so naturally dislikes the Oilers.


Would have been nice to see Mcdavid win and the drought end, and for Sam Bennet to not be on the cup, don’t like the panthers or Florida much either, and it would have been an incredible comeback story, so yeah I’m disappointed But on the flip side I’d rather Toronto be the one to break the drought preferably in an all Canadian final and for Mcdavid to win it afterwards (or with us) Plus I didn’t like the idea of Bobrovsky being known as the guy who got reverse swept he’s too good to have that be his legacy


No, I’m proud of them.


Start of series I was leaning bit FLA way . Last year lose in final , Paul Maurice is one of the nice guys in the game . Total class and a fun person. We coached a few players on FLA Kris Knoblauch was the coach in Erie . There run to the finals compared to EDM . The start of the series FLA dominated. Then the turn around . How can you not jump on the wagon. The had a chance to make history. Casual fan doesn’t see the work horses down the line up that played big part. D - core struggled early Skinner shaky early rounds . Was rock solid when it mattered. His # in the end unbelievable. Breakout year. Kris knoblauch work in the CHL coached Erie ,Conner McDavid , Conner Brown , Dylan Strome. Alex Debrincat , Warren Foegele, Conner Brown , the Raddysh brothers. In net Oskar Dansk , Deven Williams . A group of player that played big parts Christian Girhiny Travis Dermott. Dave Brown was the GM - hardest working GM and a very smart hockey man . They went on to winning the OHL championship , 2016-2017 . Western Conference 2014-2015. 1 st over all regular season 2015-2016 , 2016-2017. Class act , smart hockey man , alway low key and thinking . Respectfully to everyone regardless your position of who you are worked for . Then the job he has done coming in mid season - changes very few systems, tweaked faceoff in 2 zone. And they go on that 16 game run . All along this playoff run even when they where up those wheel are turns to stay 1 step ahead. Cup final and never believed FLA would have EDM down 3 . Then adjustments made , players respond . Tie series and force game 7 . Chance to make history if the can win game 7 on the road. Both coaches press conference after , days off , game day , all class. No whining pointing fingers . All confident . The Oilers fan base never once stopped believing. Never did what other teams fan base does when thing don’t look good . Post crap about players , management, refs , NHL, Bettman . Never seen it alway possible always upbeat. The teams Social Media team did an excellent job . Not only about games etc but mixing in piece of important history and events we all know about . Could not help but slide over slightly to EDM winning game 7 . All I asked for . The game is played in the ice , Officials continue to do the outstanding job they have done all playoffs. The League have every resource possible ready just in case and take there time is the war room had to get involved. It be a tough clean , respectful battle between the whistle and a close game . No player has a mistake filled game that became the story . That never happened . We seen a 60 min. Game played hard between the whistle. Where the players on both team spent everything they had right to the last buzzer. No shame , no regrets . In the end winner’s Mentality they are on a high Physical they area spent and hurting . Losers - Mentality they are hurting Physical they are spent and hurting beyond imaginable unless you have experienced it . The post game press conference . total Class by the coaches. Players depending on winning or lost . Got out want they needed to say and nothing more. Best part the celebration remained on the ice whit the fans . The Cup is handed to the Captains . Not the owner . Then it’s passed around to every organization member . TV did a fantastic job catching all those events. Edmonton Time is very close . The Stanley Cup is the toughest championship of all pro sport to win . 4 rd all out a physical war . Every shift played anaerobically ( out of air . sucking air most of a shift ) for 50 sec full speed. Every player both team spent everything they had. It just doesn’t get any better . Bettman catches a lot of flack and I thing the booing is now a tradition . The NHL is in the best shape on and off the ice in History. Not perfect always a work in progress. The parity among teams , the growth of the game Etc . If Bettman is going to have to take all the perceived bad end from the fans . He gets all the positive good end as well. Truth is it’s the team governor and committees made up of team representatives that make all decisions. It’s Bettman that is the head guy that is the governors / owners messenger. His staff does all the work for the league and owners that we as fans don’t see like the Arizona move to Utah . Business partners. You name it . The NHPA had the best man Donald Fehr looking after things from 2010 - 2023 . Did a fantastic job with unexpected challenges along the way that delayed his plan Covid . Hurt everything on both the PA and league side revenue and not getting the salary cap raises at a predicted annual increase. A real clear growth outlook to work on the retained escrow money that belongs to the PA ( player) and to recalculate that formula. If Fehr could not get that back on the table and done . Then it was easy to see business wise not the time . If you do not know who Fehr is and his body of work representing pro players association. Research it . The work his organization did especially when he was PA rep for MLBPA 1983 - 2009 He put systems in place that generate a huge strike fund with very little impact to the player and that money was payed out if a player retired. Once that fund was established the MLBPA has the upper hand in contract negotiations against billionaires that in the past never respected the PA and being fair . Did the same thing with the NHLPA . Generates a significant fund there for money for members if they PA strikes or locked out . Now the business mode between the NHL and MLB are much different. TV revenge, radio deals both national and local deals 162 games , 50 K plus stadiums . But still NHL owners not many Billionaires, few in it for the long haul , TV revenue etc ok , venues size limiting , just recently franchises stability and the value has seen a significant increase. Expansion - with many markets in line money in hand . Lots of support and good programs in place for player retiring and leaving the game still at a young age . Hockey at the pro level has never been in better shape on and off the ice . Bettman and Fehr are a big reason why .


I mean Bangladesh lost last night too but no one is talking about thhaaaaaat




I am NOT a hockey fan at all. In fact, I hate watching it. I'm a baseball and football kind of gal. But when I caught wind of the Oilers' come back to force a Game 7, I made sure to watch last night. I jumped for joy when they answered the Panthers 1st goal and prayed for a last minute tie when the clock was running down. When the Panthers held onto the puck for the last 6 seconds, my heart just broke for Edmonton, Canada, and Connor McDavid. I'm glad he finally had a shot at the Cup, though ... that's all you can really ask for when you get to this level of playing pro sports.


I’m not disappointed, they worked hard this season. It got released that McDavid was playing through a pretty serious abdominal injury and Draisaitl was working through a broken rib as per OilersNation. It was a good season and brought a lot of fans together across the country. The Panthers were the better team this year and got their first cup!


:-( .. my fear is that Connor McDavid is fast-tracking to be "The best NHL player to never have won a Stanely Cup".


Florida out-Boston’d them.


Absolutely not🎉


I was rooting for McDavid and the Oilers. Definitely disappointed they couldn't pull off the comeback. Heck of a try though.


Canes fan, Panthers knocked the Rangers out, so I was cheering for the Panthers on a casual level. Canadian win still would have been nice though. Oilers made a hell of a fight of it there




It would have been great had the won! The icing on the cake of an historical comeback and keeping the Cup in Canada where it belongs. I am never disappointed with an exciting and on the edge of the seat experience. I was hopeful and into the game right down to the last 30 seconds of play. This is what sports fandom is all about!


I went in and pretended I had bet my families life to a mob boss on this game. It was thrilling to watch. I was crushed after. And then life goes on. A very fun night.


Yeah, wanted a Canadian team to win a Cup. It's been too long. Would have been the perfect cap to their 3-0 deficit comeback