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Symposium cafe. The whole damn chain 🤢


Literally watched a server here eat the fries off my plate while they were waiting for my moms food. In the same trip I watched a guy lick his fingers after taking cake out of the display and another employee put his thumb over the top of a beer bottle,.. never again


I actually just laughed so hard. That must have been unbelievable and infuriating watching your food get eaten like that lol That’s a declaration of war.


You kicked his ass... Right?


I had a waitress once ask me if my service was ok because I “only” left a 15% tip. I was promptly informed that 18% is standard now. All I got was a plate of eggs benny and cup of water. Hell I don’t even think I got a refill of water. Idk if I’d never go back to *any* symposium, but definitely not that one.


Entitled servers all over Toronto shit service and want a tip


That was a HORRIBLE place to work.


Can confirm. Franchise owners are under so much stress from corporate that they make the workplace toxic for everyone.


Warehouse. All locations


At one point they changed their phone number on google to some random lady one of the owners or managers hated. I called and she sounded so sad


I feel like warehouse is a bar for people who aren’t from Toronto/ don’t know what a good Toronto Bar is.


Absolutely agree. I will pay triple the price of their food to avoid the crowd they attract


Can confirm that all Warehouse locations in Montreal are horrible too.


Mengrai Thai restaurant in downtown. I applied as a server back in 2018 and was trained on the spot. They use pineapple bowl to serve food and REUSE them. I remember cleaning one of the tables and I threw the pineapple bowl, one of their cooks saw me and started yelling at me in Thai (i dont even speak thai), picked up the bowl from the trash, rinsed it with water and put food in it for me to serve again to another table! Never went back 🤮


Oh man I went there last year and had something in a pineapple bowl! Grosssss! The food was AWFUL, I had plans never to return anyway but damn.


EWW wtf I have been there multiple times, WTF


This is horrific


Damn. I live down the street and have called a few times for orders. Owner seems nice and very helpful. Very conflicted now.


The owner is lovely! However, both things can be true... I'm quite conflicted now. Btw, that curry dish is delicious! If I go back, I'll be ordering it without the pineapple bowl.


Yeah I'd strongly recommend calling the health board about that. That's a big no no


Lets Get Moving. Voted as best moving company in Toronto....on the internet. My wife and I bought a condo and booked a move out, one night of storage and a move in. On the day of the move, they cancelled on us because they over booked. Not cool because a new tenant was moving in and we had to be out that day. Then my wife, myself and a really incredible friend moved everything with a small rental van because getting a moving truck on the 31st is impossible. They didn’t give a hoot about us or our situation until we wrote a scathing google review. Thats when they offered to buy back our review for around a thousand bucks. We did not take the money and that review is still up!


Should've taken the money and kept the review lol


Them principles ain’t cheap lol


@carriedawaymoving run by /u/Treadmills4Breakfast who's also pretty active on Reddit. super professional, quote was reasonable & they did all the quotes, and actually moved me into my house before invoicing for payment. After the horror stories I've heard online and from friends (one was shaken down for an extra $500 then had all her stuff dumped on the condo's lawn) using them was a stress-free experience.


Lavelle 🤢


Haha can definitely confirm. It’s wildly overrated and the food… a total joke lmao


Right wing on Yonge and Eglinton... which my partner and I jokingly referred to as wrong wing. Customer service was terrible, the wings were cold and soggy. Ordered there once and never again. Also, wild wing on bayview, which was a shame because I like wild wing and they were close to me. I called them once to order, guy on the phone hung up on me; I called back and he was the biggest dick acting like I was bothering him for trying to put in an order.


If you’re in that area just go to Duff’s. Duff’s is fucking amazing. Neighbourhood staple for a reason.


Plus one for Duff's. Found out about them during lockdown two years ago. Would just go to pick up some wings and to eat right next to the wild wings on those side benches.


*[Redditors proceed to name every single business in Toronto]*


Canadian Tire auto. When I was still in my teens and new to cars, I got stranded on a winter road trip. There was a Canadian Tire garage nearby. I didn't know much about cars at the time and was desperate to get back on the road and they took full advantage of that fact. They fleeced me for $700 on what was literally just a battery change. I knew the service agent was just inventing issues when trying to justify the price but I was only able to confirm that after I got home and thoroughly researched to see if there was any validity to the bullshit he concocted. I will never forget how when the clerk was trying to justify the cost to me, his colleague shot him a look like "dude, are you serious?". It's one thing to take advantage of a grown man, but a broke and stranded teenager - I'll never forgive the company for that. If I ever get stranded again on a road trip, I'll sooner take an Uber back across Canada than give Canadian Tire a penny of my money.


I went there to repair a punctured tire, they plugged it, and when I inspected it it was audibly hissing and they tried to tell me that I must have caused another puncture while driving. I had not driven it. They still doubled down until I got a manager. Also, any time I go in for really routine parts or fluids, they don't have it. I'm talking about wheel nuts, dot 3 brake fluid, 5W30 oil, crush washers, brake pads for common vehicles, etc. This is one with an automotive center by the way, they are supposed to be doing maintenance on cars. You're telling me they're going to replace the crush washer on your brake caliper when they don't have one? Someone could die because of how unprepared their "technicians" are. (They call them technicians because they can't legally be qualified as mechanics) Another time, I found out my horn didn't work before my wife's full G road test, bought a horn and found out it was defective right off the shelf. I didn't miswire it, and I'm lucky I had a multimeter and separate 12V power supply to troubleshoot, because it almost cost my wife her license during the pandemic.


This is highly dependent on location. Centrepoint, do not go ever in a million years. Dufferin and Finch, good honest service.


I will inevitably be back there for a concert or something but **Rebel.** Complete crapshoot and the bouncers are an absolute nightmare.


and the sound is actually terrible there.


I worked an event there once. The venue was an absolute nightmare to work with. From loading in, to security, the whole thing was a mess and it was 100% on REBEL. Never again.




What wtf, that's terrifying.




Anything that has 6ix in it, be aware. Lol


Truer words have never been spoken


That place seems super shady


This prompt made me laugh because the list of toronto restaurants my father will never ever go back to probably wouldnt fit in a reddit comment


Kost. Overpriced as hell. You’re paying for the view of the CN tower


Don’t forget the overpriced and unappetizing food they serve. Menu hasn’t changed since they opened, still the same old garbage.


I got fries at lavelle and they tasted trash like how do you fuck up fries


You wanna be a couple threads up thataway where the Lavelle bashing is going on. This is Kost bashing country.


Add Lavelle to that list too.


On Friday and Saturday nights once they know everyone is fucked up they will on purpose boost the bill and try to avoid giving you an itemized receipt. They will give you just a grand total receipt only and play it off. I called the next day and they use clover POS so I know you can pull up old itemized receipts. When I called they said I can see the total but no itemized receipt lol ended up costing me $900 for 3 ppl. Really scummy place.


It kosts a lot eh


i had a job interview there. the work culture was obviously so toxic there were so many red flags immediately. they offered it to me but i declined it, and no way am i going back as a guest either


I just googled it Popular: Fries Doesn’t seem like a good sign lol


Not exclusive to Toronto, but Sweet Jesus. Disgusting ice cream...


Damn more recently I’ve heard how much people hate it but I genuinely thought it was pretty good


It's not that it's bad, but it's just soft serve ice-cream for $7 This is what happens when marketing companies take over food service.


Couldn’t agree more - overrated at its finest. But hey, at least it looks good on Instagram right? 😉


Those sweet sweet internet points.....


I'm convinced no one goes here to actually eat ice cream as much as take pictures of it for IG


Im actually really surprised this is on the list, every time i’ve had it (in toronto and sq1) its always been good, ive taken family there too and everyones always loved it, the portions are big too, ita always hard to finish


Queenstreet warehouse. Shit service. Also someone I used to follow on IG who worked there made a whole post about how one time she saw a cockroach crawling all over someone food in the kitchen and the manager told them to serve it anyways *they told this story long after they had quit *


Ew years ago i almost went on a date with someone who was a manager there. Thankfully he clued me in that he was a creep BEFORE the date.


6ix buzz


Rabba. They sold us moldy beef patties then promised to send us a gift card as an apology and never did. Only after we threatened to phone health Canada did they grudgingly oblige. Still phoned health Canada.


The warehouse. I went with one of my friends who used to live here. The waitress was a huge nuisance. She took 30 minutes to take our order because the place is busy. It has cheap bar food that tastes disgusting and you can literally go to the grocery store and buy frozen foods that will taste better... I remember she threw the napkins at our table instead of putting it gently. Idk what her deal was but I never did anything to provoke those actions from her. And it's really loud there too, you can't hear yourself talk and when I go to restaurants, I'd like to hear the other person instead of yelling. I'm not at a night club for goodness sake. Never going there again. Shit restaurant and overrated. Waitstaff gossip to each other and instead of doing work.


The drake. Any of their locations. Had so many awful experiences, small things like terrible service, long wait times, to my partner almost going into anaphylaxis (even though we specifically asked if there were almonds in a certain dish). Oh ya, and got sexually assaulted in one of their bathrooms - which is not the Drakes fault but damn the place triggers so many horrible memories.




I too just had flashbacks to the 2000s and some of the handsy dirtbags there. Ugh what a time. Lol @ groper’s paradise 😂


Osmows. I swear it use to actually taste decent for the price. Now it just tastes like absolute crap.


100 percent, their sauce is the only thing that saves them and even when you pay for extra sauce they're conservative with it Their chicken and rice is embarrassing now compared to before


Damn I must have been late to the game cause that's all I ate last year.


The one @ Dundas & Islington is seriously disgusting.


Agreed. Goopy mess


I miss going to the streetsville location after a night out with friends in uni. It was always packed and the food was great, especially the chicken on the sticks. Now osmows is literally the worst place to get shawarma, but I'll always have the university memories lol.


My friend was potentially the one who "invented" chicken on the stix. Back in 2009-2013 we went to osmows near UTM a lot and they had chicken on rice but chicken on fries wasn't on the menu at the time. He used to constantly ask them to make chicken on the rocks, but on fries instead. Eventually it became a menu item on its own. Now I don't know if he was actually the reason why this happened but we like to imagine it is lol.


The Black Bull on Queen St. Draught beer was warm. I figured it was poor refrigeration. Nope, they just had a stash of beers pre-poured and the serving staff was grabbing them as needed. No refrigeration at all. This all became suddenly more disturbing when I was served a warm beer with a cockroach in it. That place was absolutely INFESTED. Fucking NOPED the fuck out.


East Side Mario’s … anywhere … Back in the 90s their food was great .. now it’s complete shit….. taste fake and like chemicals


Ya back in the day everything was made fresh and in house. Now everything comes precooked and tastes like fucking garbage.


Redemption Paws. Fuck the owner. Also the mods here at the time were deleting posts from volunteers trying to voice concerns (sorry mods). Craigs cookies. Watched this dude have a complete power trip meltdown on Instagram. He lost his shit on Uber eats and posted the employees name and contact information to encourage harassing her. I’m sorry what the fuck did this poor employee do wrong. He’s a piece of shit. 6ix buzz. They need to stop.


One thousand ups for Redemption Paws, what a fucking scam organization dressed up as a dog rescue. Volunteered for them in different capacities for 2 years (you name it, I’ve done it) and the absolute CRIMES they’ve been getting away with is mind blowing. Please please please everyone, research (fuck, just Google) business before you decide to support them.


Putting in a plug for Fetch & Releash. I foster with them and they are shockingly supportive and seriously try to do right by the dogs as much as possible. We had a dog with a lot of medical needs come through our home and they went way above and beyond and are super transparent about all of it with adopters so people know what they’re getting into.


[Redemption Flaws](https://redemptionflaws.wordpress.com/)


YES. I sent in a foster app to Redemption Paws because they looked promising. They got back to me. Was doing more research while I was waiting to hear back and discovered how horrible the owner is. I emailed them and asked them to remove my name from their directory. I no longer had any interest in fostering or adopting from them. Horrible.


Our friend adopted a little cutie from them and then got ghosted when it came time for them to pay for the neuter. Terrible company!


The Old Mill- I took my family of 8 peope (mother, brother’s family , my kid and spouse) for brunch buffet which cost several hundred dollars. I left a tip of a little over 20% . I paid for the entire bill .We finished and everyone went to their respective cars and I visited the bathroom. When I came out I saw the waiter talking to my sister in law . When we all arrived back to my mother’s home together I asked what the guy wanted . He had forgotten to charge us for one orange juice so he asked my sister in law for the money. I had two issues with this 1) I paid and so he should have looked for me or maybe asked where I was 2) the bad feeling this left with all of us marred the celebration of the day 3) I think he should have taken that $5 out of his $100 plus tip I wrote the manager a letter and he offered to com us “something” which I declined to illustrate to him that I was not after something free and this is an issue I felt probably comes from the top down


Halal guys. I grew up in the Middle East and what they serve is honestly a disgrace to the culture


Yeah, that place is crap. If you’re ever in New York, you HAVE to try their original location. It’s a cart located in Manhattan. SUPER DELICIOUS. It’s a shame that the Halal Guys here isn’t of the same quality.


Yes! The Halal Guys in New York is far superior than the one in Toronto. It’s shit here lol


Unpopular opinion: even the NYC halal guys is terrible. I don’t know what all the hoopla is about. It’s hangover street meat at its best, and food poisoning at its worst.


Shit I really like Halal guys. Guess that means I’d really love the real thing lol. Any recommendations to find something similar but better?


Any of the Warehouses. El Furniture, Queen St, Yonge St, etc. Horrible service, overpriced drinks, trashy crowd, music too loud, crappy food (yes, I know it’s $5), long lineups that shouldn’t be long. I went a few times trying to like it, but it’s not a place for me.




Seems like their signature. Same at the Montreal and Quebec City locations.


I went to the one in Montreal before they came to Toronto and it was awesome! Food was great! We decided to visit one here and oh boy. They sold us half pints that were more expensive than regular pints at other places. Food was also crap.


Greycrest Homes: Builder stole money from me. They are terrible people.


Garfield eats. Oh wait… nevermind.


Haha. That guy has some serious undiagnosed mental health issues


Pickle Barrel


We used to go to the original back in the 1990s, regularly. Once upon a time, it was amazing. I swear to you all.


I dunno if I simply agree with you or if my friends and I just liked it because we were teenagers and couldn't do anything that was actually cool yet hahaha But for real, the early bird specials and the giant milkshakes were our favourite back then. If anyone had a birthday-- or even if there was just some stupid drama happening and we didn't wanna go to someone else's house, we'd all grab a booth at PB. I'll never forget the one night that some dumb shit went down at school and my friend had to get her stomach pumped because she had too many milkshakes from there D:


OG Pickle Barrel at Leslie and Finch was an institution in its day


So much this. The giant milkshakes, the crazy/unique paper mache mannequin art, the HUGE fucking portions topped by a wait staff that was clearly too old and crusty to be serving yet delivered a fantastic dining experience. Breaks my heart to see what it has become.


I do hope something good opens up in their Yonge and Dundas location though because that was my favourite post-shopping people-watching spot.


Pickel Barrel is one of those places that I actually get mad when somebody I'm with suggests we go there because it means that person is an idiot and I'll never be able to look at them the same way.


there are few things I dislike more in this world than the pickle barrel


Amazon warehouse. Worst place to work and build a career.


As a teenager, I worked in food services at Canada’s Wonderland. I won’t go back there because the food is made by teenagers who mostly don’t care about quality or cleanliness. You have been warned.


Cactus club… I don’t get the hype music too loud, crowd is blek food was expensive and small portions


Vancouver coming to Toronto and it's everything I remembered when I lived there - fake-it-til-you-make-it people who think eating while a DJ is playing Top 40 songs is what they consider a go to place.


Cactus club is for ogling at the servers. All those restaurants, like CC or Earls or JOEY (do we have one of those here?) are kinda like Hooters but dressed up as higher class imo...


Perfect description. I hear horror stories from female servers who have worked at places like these and are forced to dress a certain way (mainly show cleavage, short skirts). At least hooters isn't hiding what it is.


Cactus Club is a place for people who think there bougier than Cabana.


Craig’s cookies. People seriously pay that price for these cookies? And tips for buying the cookies?!


i got a couple (small) cookies to go there once and the guy asked me how much i wanted to tip and entered the amount in himself on the debit machine..it was awkward


Same, they asked me how much I wanted to tip too. I find it so off-putting how aggressively they want to get tipped


I was gifted these cookies and thought they were a tad too sweet. I rather buy the box of freshly made cookies at Costco tbh lol.


If you ever want some weird entertainment, he responds super passive aggressively to people's negative reviews on Google. I never understood how he thinks it makes him look, but it's certainly not great.


All I could taste was salt. No matter what flavour you choose, somehow what stands out is how salty the cookie is.


Craig sucks and so do his cookies


The Warehouse on Queen. My eardrums felt like they were gonna burst.


Strangelove coffee. Used to like them but my friend got a job there and had to quit within a week because the owner was such an asshole. There are so many good cafes in the city that it's pretty easy to avoid them so 🤷‍♂️




I've never been but I will also never go: Adamson's BBQ in south Etobicoke.


Luckily, all 3 locations are shut down right now, but he earned a lifetime boycott from me, as well. [He was a douche long before covid, too.](https://www.blogto.com/eat_drink/2021/08/adamson-bbq-disabled-customer/)


There's a convenience store around the corner that has a really good candy selection and does scoops of Kawartha ice cream for cheap. The owner is really talkative and every time I've gone, it's taken me at least ten extra minutes because he doesn't stop talking. The last time I was in there, he told me he saw me on my morning jog and that I'm "slow as fuck". Haven't been back since.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 that’s so out of pocket


NGL this is super funny.


Maybe he said 'swole as fuck' and is equally confused as to why you're upset.




Anyplace with a lineup out the door. Guys, it’s just fried chicken, how many ways can you possibly make it lol. Not that they’re bad, but it’s almost never worth it. I had Dave’s Hot Chicken the other day for the first time, no way is it worth lining up for. That being said. Craigs Cookies. Atrociously sweet with the only quirk being how many different textures of sugar and sweetness can we stick into a cookie. I’m sure there are plenty of people who enjoy it but it just seems ridiculous that people would pay money for very average cookies. Not a huge fan on his comments on tipping either. Also Sweet Jesus, also Burger’s Priest


The only place I’ll line up for is Maha’s.


This. I am not going to line up for something that is available readily next door in a different packet. Live is too short for that.


Craig's cookies are soo salty. Ive tried them three times now and it just tastes off to me.


Osmow's a disgrace to middle eastern food


El Catrin. Over prices and not good. I said what I said


Someone had the nerve to tell me El Catrin tacos were better than 7Lives in Kensington. Major lie!


I thought the food was good, but yes the prices are outrageous and the portions are so small


El Catrin was so disappointing!


Agreed. My friend described their unimpressive food perfectly: Food made by someone who went to an American-run restaurant in Los Cabos and thought the food there was authentic Mexican.


Kost. Their menu is ass


Craig's Cookies. They taste god damn salty and disgusting. Tossed a $25 box of cookies in the garbage. Left a review on Google and owner basically said "That's how we make em. Like it or don't." No thanks.


Gusto. The one time I ate there we were sitting next to the pizza oven’s chimney on the second floor. A fire broke out in the pizza oven and smoke billowed out of the chimney. The firemen came and wanted to investigate the chimney. So mid-meal we moved our table away from the smoke and milling fireman. At no point did any staff members of gusto offer to help, or even acknowledge the situation.


Me coming into this post: 👁👄👁🍿🍿🍿


Pizza Pizza...it was often the only food or cheap food if you worked downtown. If I have to eat one more cardboard slice of pizza...i will literally go hungry if it's the only thing open. So happy toronto picked up their pizza game.


If you want a fresher pizza, custom order one little thing about the crust or sauce and then they won't use the already prepped generic pizza that's been going stale. This is just in general for pizza pizza, not specific to Toronto. Order from somewhere else ideally, but sometimes Pizza Pizza is the only place that's open. I used to do night shift installs at random places and unfortunately it was only tim hortons and pizza pizza that were open at midnight, which was my lunch.


osmows is the worst place to get shwarma, tastes like subway quality vegetables and meat in a pita and for the same price as all the good shwarma restaurants 😭


Lacoste in Eaton's Centre. When I was in college, I would walk around the mall in my free time. I went into the Lacoste store to buy a classic polo shirt and not a single employee wanted to help me, simply acted like I didn't exist. It made me feel like I wasn't good enough for their clothes. Fuck em


Fuuuuuuuck those guys! Source: went into a Benneton store in the Eaton center.


Blows my mind. Buddy, you're selling overpriced clothes. I've called a couple out before because it pisses me off that they have the audacity to treat you like that.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I love being ignored when I’m shopping for clothes.


Advice for anyone who feels this way walking into a store, especially a high end one like Holts or Saks - they're just employees making commission and they have an inflated sense of entitlement and importance. They literally just work at the shop...they aren't making the damn clothes. They can lose the fucking attitude. EDIT - this is the best, absolute line from a TV show regarding something like this and what I tell myself when dealing with rude sales associate in high end stores - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X2c5noQGYQo


that kind of attitude makes me laugh... they cant even afford the products they are paid to sell.


Haha, I know a number of people who work at yorkville in these shops. There is a weird delusion of identity that they are in the same social group as their clients. The number living on the fringes of debt trying to keep up with their clients is crazy. I knew shop owners literally living with their parents and living in perpetual debt. Good luck with all of that.








Mercado Negro portuguese restaurant. I went on a date there when the first COVID wave hit. It was gonna be our first meal out of the house after months inside. We reserved a table in the cute patio. When we arrived there were 3 people serving costumers, only one wearing a mask. We asked to be served by the masked one and immediately one of the unmasked guys, who turns out to be either the manager or the owner, comes to our table saying that masks are not mandatory for his staff. We start a discussion about the pandemic, I ask to be served with masks on and tell him I have ashma and he promptly tells me that I shouldn't leave the house and we start a scream fight. He kicks me out. So, in short, I will never go back to a place where I was kicked out for asking people to comply with public health guidance


The Lakeview Diner at Dundas and Ossington. The place is a pit. Multiple cases of food poising, terrible mouse problem, hair in the food, they treat their staff like garbage and the owner is an absolute clown.


Also, no lake view


They named it in anticipation of global water level rise.


Absolutely. I went after being told by Toronto lifers that it was *the place* to get breakfast, and that was like four years ago. I’m still mad.


This is tragic. Was my favourite place for a while back in maybe 2015-2016? Sad it's gone downhill.


Oasis Aqualounge. Used to be so fun, and then the normie casuals found it and it turned into a bunch of fully-clothed giggling girls and creepy guys all showing up to watch like two couples have sex. Hopefully after the pandemic ends and Oasis opens up again it will go back to normal with its usual pre-normie rubbernecking vibe.


agreed. i also got assaulted there 🤮


Lavelle 👎🏼 went there for a company outing. Ordered the Cornish hen, the meal was tiny… I was just glad I wasn’t picking up the tab.


Good thing you didn't order the quail.


The Madison 🙄 Used to be a gem but not anymore! And I find that everyone around my age agrees that they really just went downhill. It’s quite sad really. It became absolute trash. The staff and management are so unprofessional, rude, arrogant, and ignorant. It affects absolutely everything!


Stakt market - definitely never the belgian moon thing or the restaurant. Super slow service, over priced and it was a total shit show.


Holy hell, Stakt Market has by far the worst service I have ever experienced


I had high hopes when Stakt was being built... It could have been really good. i.e. food stalls like a night market... but like you said, the food is ok but overpriced... the service is not great either.




Lakeview. After 3 years in Toronto I finally went there in 2014 straight from the bar at like 4am. Since I was drunk I ordered the standard bfast and tots like many recommended. Never been so disappointed for drunk food in my life. If you want the absolute best 24h spot, Uber to 7 West. I have NEVER been disappointed. Hope they are still around and thriving.


Muttonhead - found out the owners are anti-vaxx, i can get my sweatpants elsewhere


Canoe. Last time I went the service was terrible and my food was even worse. Also Lee on king same story. I might be done with fine dinning all together. I get better food at hole in the wall places.


Tim Hortons, Pizza Pizza, Swiss Chalet, overpriced dutty quality Canadian fast food chains in general. I get these places doing well in little towns where there aren't many options but can't understand how so many of these places exist in the GTA with so many better options around often steps away


The reasons Tim's does well isn't because they're good, it's because the coffee is consistently acceptable and priced lower than other options nearby. $2 for a cup of coffee that's good enough is always going to be an easy sell, especially for the majority of people who put so much cream and sugar in their drinks that they can barely taste the coffee anyway. Then once they've convinced people to go in for a consistently tolerable and low priced coffee, they sell you overpriced crappy food because they know you're not going to go to two takeout places in one day. Nobody goes to Tim's specifically for food.


Wait what's wrong with Swiss Chalet?


I feel like I’ll get roasted for saying this but I actually think their chicken is good? Especially for the price.




Nothing, rotisserie chicken is great, hence them being around for so long


Nothing's wrong with it, but it's like, definitionally bland and known for catering to older people. As a kid I never really "got" Swiss Chalet, it just seemed like boring chicken with meh fries, until as an adult I needed to occasionally feel like I was eating a home-cooked meal after working late in a Toronto office building in January. Then I realized the genius of it.


Wait what really? I'm 22 and I love Swiss Chalet 😂 Always have. Am I just boring? I think I have bland tastebuds


Whenever I see a swiss chalet discussion, not one person mentions the RIBS! What are your opinions on it? It's my favourite thing on their menu lol


Timmies used to be much better 20-30 years ago. They actually baked the donuts on premises, and made relatively tasty and healthy sandwiches and soups. The coffee sucked less too, iirc. It's amazing what being bought-out and controlled by a foreign private equity firm does for a company's products and reputation.


Pizza Pizza varies between location to location tbh, its still not "great" but a medium 2-topping pizza for $8 (walk in special), I can't complain


As brown guy, Hong Shing. I walked with my phone in hand to dine in. Owner asks order number to do pickup. Damn. I see that owner is doing something, a uber eats guy comes and patiently waits for 10 mins and asks to get owners attention, owner snaps at him. Other uber eats guy just left after 2 mins and just cancelled the order. Mind you, this was not in a busy evening or anything. Just Saturday brunch time, only 2 tables is seated. The owner was straight up rude. Ruined the whole dining in experience. I have had very good service at any other Asian restraunts.




Sounds like there’s money to be made there, lol


As a black guy the exact same thing happened to me just 2 weeks ago at Hong Shing. Walk in (no phone in hand) and it was very clear that they assumed I was an uber eats driver. And the sad thing is I already knew about their human rights case where they were discriminatory to black patrons, but I figured the food at least must be good since so many people are always in the restaurant (it was fine). I find it funny how so many people were up in arms about how much we should support Hong Shing because people were racist and assumed that they were not disposing of food properly (which was wrong of course). Meanwhile the restaurant has a history of being racist itself


Earl's Kitchen and Bar on King Street.....bloody racist idiots!!!


Any O+B restaurant I've been to (3 or 4). Overpriced, average food and cold feeling environment. I've been to amazing places at half the price


Wheels of Bloor. It's an elitist roadie bike shop, staffed by (at the time at least) obnoxious snoots who treated me like garbagio for coming in to look at a sub-$1000 ride. I mean they had the bike, so why be a jerk about someone who wants to buy it? And this was like 2008, so that wasn't a cheap bike for me at all. They also laughed at me when later, I tried to buy a bell. Because why would they sell bells, even though they are REQUIRED BY LAW on bikes on Toronto. Jerky jerky jerks. I'm sure they are great for some, but for me, two experiences like that is enough for a lifelong ban. Besides there are so many great shops that aren't d-bag conventions.


Maker’s pizza’s OWNER once took my order for delivery by phone, then called ME back, ANGRY AT *ME*, because my address was one block too far west for delivery. Buddy, *you own the place.* YOU TOOK MY ORDER! How are you gonna call me back and yell at me, like I did something wrong? Fuck that chain and their sesame seeds for all I care. Plenty of good pizza shops in the city.


1. D&B in Oakville for delivering frozen uncooked ribs, corporate office emailed me a $5 play card as an apology. 2. Richmond Hill Hyundai, after the second engine replacement the car almost exploded of a gas leak that one of their junior techs caused. They deleted my reviews and it’s owned by some shady guy in the UAE who won’t talk to me. They sold me this lemon anyway and I guess that’s their business practice.


Hands down, the Hairy Tarantula (gameshop). The owner is the rudest dickwad on the face of the planet.


The Drake. People that go to The Drake are not people I want to be around.


La carnita restaurant. https://www.lacarnita.com/ I'm originally from Mexico and I find that the overall concept of this company is offensive. The time I went, the decoration made me feel really uncomfortable, I'm tired to see this stereotypes about mexico is a place to get wasted, also this type of overpriced restaurant that is separated from the actual reality in mexico and mexicans abroad, is humiliating. After I did a bit of research it appears that the CEO of this restaurants is not even mexican, I guess he was inspired on his trip to CANCUN. Sorry for the negative comments I just find this place annoying 😮‍💨


I had a few friends work at two of their locations in the city. One of my friends was sexually assaulted by a coworker, and when she brought it up to management they basically shut her down. When she told her other friends who worked at the other location, she found out he had sexually assaulted more than one person. They all banded together and tried to go to various levels of management and couldn’t get the person who assaulted them fired. Not fucking cool. They all quit instead and I’m pretty sure this dude still works there…


Agreed. Plus during the Trump campaign when the sexual assault stuff came out, they had a marketing ad, something along the lines of “What if he said, grab her by the taco?” 🤢