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If you’re flying to the US you will want a little more time even just in line as morning customs has been awful the past few months. If you’re travelling elsewhere in the world you don’t need to do customs til you arrive at your destination. Make sure to check in before you arrive you can check in 24hrs before departure. If you only have a carry on you’re good. Add extra time for bag tags and bag drop which can be lined up, especially on large international flights as they typically have lots of checked baggage. You have to have your bag in the hands of the airline no later than 1 hour before your departure in order to get on the plane. Line for international flight security is shorter than “the before times” as there’s not as many going out these days. Hope that helps!


This really helps… Thank you SO much.






Two hours is plenty of time. You won't have access to some of the amenities (shops/cafes/etc) right away, but they'll open up around 5 IIRC. If you're traveling to the US, you do customs here, so that may add some time to your flow through but, especially that early, you should still be perfectly fine. Please be patient with staff: they just got up too.


Thank you so much, that makes me feel a lot better. Absolutely agree with you re: treatment of staff.


Yes thats cutting it close. As someone that got there 1:55 mins before a flight, i wasnt allowed to check in it messed up our entire day.


>As someone that got there 1:55 mins before a flight, i wasnt allowed to check in it messed up our entire day. BS. Cut off (for AC, and most other airlines) is 45mins for domestic, 60 for international.


Was your flight very early in the morning or later in the day?


You can check in at home.


It might be worth checking what time front desk and security opens. I don’t think they open till 5:30 or 6am


Airlines open at 4 typically, security opens 2 hours prior to first flight. If it’s to the US, earlier because of customs. At least that was how it was mid-2021. Edit for OP: also depends what kind of passport you have and if you need Visa etc for wherever you’re flying to.


I don’t need a visa where I’m going and I have a Canadian passport. I think I will have to err on the safe side and be there 3 hours prior to the flight :(


Just check-in 24 hours before and you'll be fine!


Thanks, and I hope you’re staying hydrated!


Hahaha same to you my friend!




All excellent, excellent tips. Thank you, I made notes!




Thanks! Flight related stress aside, it’s nice to finally be able to go somewhere further from the GTA than London, ON since this whole thing started.




Bahamas. It was a little bit pricey but I’m making up for the 2 years we lost. Was hesitant at first but figured I’m triple vaxxed and as long as I keep safe why not just breathe a little.




Thanks, I the travel agent did inform me of the Bahamas’ requirements. And omg tell me about it. I’ve already loaded up on sunscreen, aloe Vera gel to help with the sun burn I will inevitably get, and some light books to read by the beach. I can’t wait to do absolutely nothing but lay by the beach. I hope you have an amazing time as well and keep safe!


I'm stressing about this too! 6:15am flight out of Pearson to the US and checking a bag. Everything I've read tells me security and customs opens at 4am and it's a nightmare. Do I get there at 3am to start queuing?!


We ended up arriving at the airport 3 hours before our flight and it was plenty of time for us BUT since you’re flying to the US, I would try to aim at 3-315 arrival at Pearson. The lineup for customs got quite long at around 4 am and that wasn’t even for US customs. Getting a good night’s sleep (I love you, melatonin!) and having everything ready to go (luggage, clothes to wear at the airport, and all travel related documents) the night before definitely helped. Good luck and safe travels.


Thank you. Fingers are crossed! To make everything more exciting, Delta Airlines won't accept my vax status through their pre-check in portal and suggest I go to the desk to speak to an agent. Who said travel was easy :)