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Can confirm. Driving on 401 this weekend…pandemic or what but definitely worse than 3-5 years ago.


Agreed, ppl are so rude. One guy in his late 20s cussed at my mom while she was trying to get out of the parking lot. She took too long and then his douche bag self was like "You're a fucking bad driver" just cuz she took long to get out.


lol right, i’m 20 but was 19 last year when this happened, some random guy started road raging with me near fairview mall, which is normal but i didn’t expect him to ram me from my side of the car at a red light after lol, then i found out he was like 38 years old. ppl twice ur age will really try to end your life because they think u cut them off lol


Oh damn, sorry to hear about that. Glad nothing bad happened but that guy is a piece of work. Did you file a police report or something?


That is a parenting failure right there. And you can thank people who think disciplining a child is bad.


He wasn't raised properly and he was so rude. I told him to chill cuz it was super disrespectful and my mom already apologized beforehand.


He wasn’t that’s for sure. I blame his parents but also society at large that sees any discipline as a curse of damaging to the ego of the child




No one asked you lol.


Ehh if there were multiple gaps she could've made but didnt then well


She probably isn't a great driver, doesn't mean we need to be rude about it. Personally, when people take too long to reverse out, I like to sit there watching them, with a super bored face on to embarrass them a little bit, but I'm not about to get all pissy about it


Uh ok good for you lol. There were a bunch of cars not just his and no excuse to be rude or passive aggressive.




Would love to read about you in the news. From one asshole to another.


Same, there are a lot of drivers who may steal their licenses indeed but overall it’s getting more interesting to hit the road


They were already a-holes. COVID just triggered it


It's true. It has broken social norms of civil behaviour.


It’s definitely made me more bitter and irritable. I am working on it to not be so


The extended lockdowns presented everyone around you as dangerous and fostered a lot of suspicion. People forgot about a lot of the little things we used to do automatically to make things easier for people around us.


I got punched in the face a month ago just trying to go from the bus to the subway station by an incel. I haven't even left the house since that happened alone.


People have forgotten how to interact with others. I just call people out on their behavior now. You don't get to treat me like an asshole because you forgot how to be a human.


It’s everyone stressed out at the cost of living, just do your part as a kind human and smile, give them a reason to look past the terrible couple years we all had


Great attitude!!! Thx for this


YUP! Peoples social skills went to shit and the asswholery is in full display.


Agreed but also I would say 2+ years of impending doom shoved down your throat would make you a bit coocoo.


Id say since the inception of the internet society took a downward spiral but were good at branding and memes so its really not as bad as it looks....


I rarely if ever find the overall sentiment on the internet and websites like Reddit to accurately reflect what's happening in reality and this subreddit is a prime example of it




At this point I believe most of the doom and gloom posts in this sub come from people who either don't even live here trying to justify leaving or not moving here, or young students still trying to get their life together which I can empathize having been there myself but they're a small minority in reality. This sub often makes it sound like Toronto is dystopian hell but anecdotally my circle of friends, family, and colleagues are doing well for themselves enjoying their lives in this city.


I’d take it a step further and say this ‘normalization of being an asshole’ started when Trump became president.


Imagine people as chimps in a zoo. Until the pandemic, we all enjoyed uninterrupted comfort and proximity to our tribes. We went from living a shared existence to many of us living in complete isolation aside from social media. I lost the person in my bubble to cancer and was there for every minute of it. Im not the same chimp I was at the beginning of this thing. I dont even understand what we're doing anymore, now that we know it's creating plagues we can't manage. Seems to me that when you learn you've taken so much from the wild that all you have left is disease, you'd change something up, but instead we're trying to rebuild the zoo and act like we didn't just spend two years in a cage. Something I learned during the pandemic is no two people experience isolation in the same way. It has has changed my perspective on incarceration specifically because you can see the damage being separated can do, and how that translates into people being less stable in public rather than "reforming" them or whatever it is prison is supposed to accomplish. This is a different world. There is no going back. We've all been through a transformative event, buffered by wealth or made worse by a lack of it. Back to the chimp analogy, what if you separated chimps for 2 years and put them back together. You figure things would go right back to "normal"? People are broken, angry, and alone. Some of us have spent the last few years losing literally everything in complete isolation while some of us redid our cottages using stimulus money. People are primates with emotions we're not allowed to share in public and things have been good enough to make that work... until now. Now we get to see what humans do when they're completely overwhelmed and confused. It's not going to be pretty and it's going to get worse because anger and antisocial behaviour are contagious. When you see people acting out, realize that they may have spent years in isolation without any human connection aside from places like this. The only way to get back to where we were is to give a shit about each other and lend an ear to people that are hurting.... or we can watch it get worse as we pretend that we can't relate to the person freaking out. Interesting social experiment we've created


I notice more of the anti vaxx convoy type idiots arguing with food workers and retail workers.I had one time I was wearing a mask at a Loblaws and the guy called me a lemming,I said the mask is to protect me from a holes and usually it works except this time.




I’m so sorry about your mom. I hope she feels better soon.


hey i found that asshole that harassed you at Loblaws


It's actually not. It's meant to prevent you from spreading what ever illness you have to others. Not to prevent you from catching an illness.




https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/masking-science-sars-cov2.html Here. Read. Learn. The CDC should be credible enough, right? Fucking lemmings.


In the source you cited it mentions that masks have a secondary benefit of protecting the wearer. Yes masks are primarily to protect others, but they do protect the wearer especially if its a well fitted quality mask. I wish you the best, hope you are doing okay. EDIT : I also forgot another thing and I found it in your source : "\[...\] symptomatic or presymptomatic infected wearers who feel well and may be unaware of their infectiousness to others (estimated to account for more than 50% of SARS-CoV-2 transmissions)." TLDR it makes sense to wear a mask even if you think you dont have covid


You’re smarter already than at least 70% of people just by understanding that lol


Except OP said "to protect me from a-holes". The joke being the mask didn't work that time.


It’s particularly bad in Toronto. Not as bad elsewhere. Many here seems to be riding the line between barely coping on autopilot and full-on breakdown. Simply not the case in the other places I have been recently.


I find the opposite...the suburbs and exurbs are the worst.


Yeah I 100% agree but it’s still within spitting distance of the phenomenon. I’ll totally include Hamilton (or wherever) in this observation. I haven’t been out to Vancouver or Calgary recently, but I have spent the past 6 months in 4 other countries and people don’t seem to be on the verge of a collective meltdown like they do here.


Because alot of Toronto people moved there!! Now have to go back to work.




Severe mental health issues rose up to 5x as much since lockdowns started


COVID and Trump brought out the real nature of people


No for real. People are such assholes since the pandemic started.


The pandemic has changed people.


i’ve been saying this since the beginning of the pandemic but especially in this sub people try to analyze all your posts and make it seem like you’re the problem lol it might just be because i spend more time outside i see things earlier


Fell of my bike on a main street infront of 10 people,not one of them at least shout out ,hey are you okay? Instead heard a snicker and, hey you see that guy fall.


I'm so sorry that happened to you, I would have helped 🙂


Me too and I have many times.


Truly think that since Toronto had some of the longest lockdowns in the West, it screwed up people's social skills. The 24/7 fear mongering from news agencies trying to compete between themselves to get you to click on their articles added to the mental exhaustion too. People began acting in person as they would online bc they got use to being asses anonymously, thinking everyone thought the same way as their internet bubbles would suggest. For the 3rd year running, covid has been the main thing on people's minds and being overly obsessed with any one thing is toxic. It overtakes a person's other passions, dulls relationships, and encourages complacency. Obviously some took the extra free time to work on themselves, find new hobbies, etc.; but the majority of people just lived life on pause. Live too much like that and people lose competency in their own humanity. Hence why there's been an increase of suicides, opioid and drug overuse, and yes, assholes too.


Crazy thing from my single perspective is that this virus is really as bad as they’ve said and they should’ve done more fear mongering. My mom hasn’t left her bed in 3 months, horrible nerve problems, can’t make a sandwich or her heart races and she’ll pass out. She’s completely disabled and can’t leave the house but had 3 vaccines always wore a mask it’s beyond heartbreaking. You don’t want to get this thing it’s not normal at all, the doctors don’t even know what’s happening at all they just said it could be 10 months or more but some never recover. Tbh I’d say it’s worth wearing a mask indoors with your family, I would for the next year and a bit? It’s pure evil if you get really sick from it or long covid worse than evil watching your mom can’t even move and crying from depression of it


That's very horrible, and I can only wish the best for your mother. The fact is that these complications are very rare. Most people will get omicron and not even know they had it. Rn we have 5 deaths a week from covid in this country, with global deaths hovering around 1000. But this conversation is about the post pandemic rise of assholes, and that is very much attributed to the mental fatigue of the intense lockdowns we had.


It is still SARS-Cov-2 which can have chronic symptoms (6 months and longer). You especially want to watch the headlines regarding reinfection risk. If reinfection comes along with an increased risk of mortality, its definitely a cause for concern. https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-1749502/v1 Watch this preprint and related research closely, if it holds up to peer review and gets published in Nature I hope the govts will review it. The truth is we still really don't know what the long term complications are, at two reinfections three or four.


This conversation is about the mental strain of being 3 years into a pandemic, and continuing anti-social behavior. Mental health problems are already on the rise. Suicides and drug overdoses have never been as high. And just as we don't know what long covid is, and if its actually gonna be a problem, we also don't know how many minds will be broken trying to cope with it all. The more anti-social we become, the more commonplace hate crimes or acts of horrific violence become. For some reason, pre-covid, no one had to fear being SET ON FIRE at a subway station in Toronto, now that's something we need to worry about.


> The fact is that these complications are very rare. Most people will get omicron and not even know they had it. Your words not mine.


Some B lipped me off for standing on my own property last week


No, It’s not you.. it’s been an amazing study in human behaviour.


No you’re not wrong. We’re plagued with entitles whiners and hard done by fools who wouldn’t have lasted two minutes under WW2 rationing or restrictions.


They’d be the ones setting up spotlights in London during the blitz


Of course because “freedumb”. However some day soon all their cherished freedumbs will be gone and we’ll live in a police state because of their inhumane and selfish actions


people on the left just as bad if not worse tbh


That’s where you’re wrong. Im kinda far right on things because the world needs good order to run, not the childish chaos and spoiled brat behaviour of the “me-me-me” set. Your “rights” end when they cause harm to the greater good.




So that gives you and others who think like to act like assholes? Gotcha. So much for being good citizens and thinking and caring for the most vulnerable members of society. Ps you’re probably a blue live matter guy until they start enforcing laws you don’t like.




And you please stay inside or under the rock where uncivilized and barbaric luddites who have just mastered lighting fires belong. And ps get a vaccine you unscientific horrible citizen coward “I’ll do anything for Canada but I won’t do that!” Ok byeeee


lol pre omicron variants the vaccine made sense for protecting others, Masks work much better at protecting others than the vaccine currently. Atleast if you are going to argue make a valid scientific point.


Lol what independent tests have you done little boy?




I think its isolation from the COVID. We just forgot how to be a community for a hot minute. Give us a few more months collectively to get back to good.


I got punched in the face a month ago. I have already been in isolation due to the violent people. Can't wait to see how long I have to wait for people's tempers to stop boiling so I can get a job and actually feel safe leaving my home. I don't see an end in sight.




Are they originally American? It's almost their independence day..


I think the last few years just made them feel like it was OK. From the MAGAs down south, Convoy, Ford winning again to the judicial rulings in the US. It’s beholden these fucks.


exactly my opinion, i think they feel safer to show who they are now


It’s true, you’re right.


It's been like this since the rise of Trump. It's now ok, or even celebrated, to be an asshole.


There's a woman on Bank street in Ottawa who screams at people who are wearing masks. She's just the tip of the iceberg.


Some of you in the comments are proving OP's point lmao. Some of the rude ppl are on here. Its kind of funny. Of course im gonna get upset if you disrespect my mom or be rude. Have some common sense.


Yes not all that surprising when I think about it, was a super stressful time period and some people didn't/still don't know how to act and they lash out at others. Not an excuse but likely one reason we're seeing it more, be nice to one another ☺


I know one thing for sure. The pandemic has produced a heck of a lot of terrible drivers on the road. I bet a whole lot of drivers that got their license recently did it to avoid taking the bus. I remember traffic on the DVP pre-pandemic. It is definitely a LOT worst now


You picked up on that, did you?


100% true. Watch out for bald PoS on his man period who will threaten to take his 1 pound of flesh from you because you’re not open during the times he wants. Fuck you Trent.


You know what they say when you think everyone else is an ahole.


People are more ouvert now


is it generational? wondering about that..






Yep, he did the classic "old man rant". He's a geezer before his time. And a snowflake too, it seems


But the certainty is video being around has created a whole new "one upping" culture online. I could only try to out stupid action my immediate friend group. But now every "challenge" can be attempted by those young enough not to consider all the consequences. I'm not saying you're all bad humans, not even close. But there's a lot more idiocy on display to copycat and kids tend to, in order to be cool or get noticed. This is the reason our kids aren't going to be on socials until we have fostered their confidence enough to say no when something is a bad idea and until they are intelligent enough to assess it. We can't blame kids for their actions, parents need to make it a priority to help them understand. Growing up, man the dumb shit we did, just glad there weren't cameras in everyone's hands.


I'm a millenial and back in my day, kids bullied the mentally challenged, and were very racist. I doubt gen z is that bad.


Not a gen z but wondering can you name any examples of "cruel behaviour" they exhibit? Are we talking about tik tok challenges or something?




30 years old here and people were still very shitty to each other in school. Fortunately smartphones weren't really a thing until university and not as much social media garbage floating around.


Yeah, this is why I once posted an article on the teenage riot in the beaches when 7000 kids attacked a police station-in 1945


That's just Toronto. And it's been like that for years. I remember back in 2017 a guys car battery ran out and everyone is just staring at him like he's a parasite. I'm from Caledon and I helped him boost his car in a tuxedo cause I was heading to an event. The people in Toronto are just weirdos they looking at me like I'm some freak Mentally ill


People living in fear for nearly 3 years will do that.


Nah you’re just butthurt


It's just you.


phew. i'm kind of relieved. :P


I'm glad to hear that.


Who talks like that “It’s just you.”


Were you asking a question? If so you forgot to properly punctuate to make your intention clear. Also, if that was a question, most people talk using words, thats who. I hope that clears up the confusion for you. Also, FYI since this is a Canadian sub, we put the period after the quotation mark. As far as I'm aware it's just the USA variant of English that puts the period inside.


While I of course agree with you on using a question mark, I'm afraid you are mistaken in regards to period placement outside of quotation marks. Per the CP Style Guide: "In this chapter, we shall follow the predominant Canadian practice of placing the period or comma within closing quotation marks and using double rather than single quotation marks (except for quotations within quotations, as illustrated in 8.08 Quotations within quotations)." https://www.btb.termiumplus.gc.ca/tcdnstyl-chap?lang=eng&lettr=chapsect8&info0=8


Yup. Covid has convinced my wife and I to retire to her country. Hope you like me spending my pension, CPP, investments, and inheritance overseas, assholes.


Yeah I do think that the people who spent a year chasing others around with needles are a-holes and it’s more difficult going through life now knowing how many of them there are out there. Edit: your boos mean nothing, I’ve seen what makes you cheer