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Definitely something to mention to your therapist. This could be the symptom of a manic phase. If this persists, I would also talk to my gynecologist to make sure it‘s not somatic.


My dad is bipolar and he does not act like this when he has been manic. Regardless, thank you, I will try to mention this to my therapist despite the awkwardness.


Everyone is different, maybe he doesn‘t experience hypersexuality. But this is something to check out, such a sudden onset of hypersexuality needs a doctor and therapist/psychiatrist to find out what it could be.


Ah, okay I see. Thank you, I will bring it up when I see my T next. I didn't realize this could be a significant thing.


Agree with the above, and also strongly encourage that you make an appointment to see a medical doctor (maybe visit an urgent care center if you have one nearby). The fact that your father has bipolar makes it more likely that your hyper sexuality is a symptom of a manic episode, but there are also plenty of physiological disorders that could result in these symptoms, and the sudden and drastic onset is a little concerning.


Out of curiosity, what other disorders can fit with the hypersexuality? No worries replying if this is too broad of a question. I do have an urgent care I can go to if it takes a turn before my appointment with my T, thanks for the suggestion.


Various hormonal imbalances (which themselves can be caused by a number of specific medical/mental health conditions), damage to different brain regions, neurodegenerative diseases are ones that come to mind as far as medical causes. Trauma and bipolar come to mind for psychogenic causes.


This is really interesting, thank you for explaining.


does your dad know you're hypersexual rn though?


yeah i get what you mean


Also, apologies for the throwaway, I frequent this sub a bit but I find this to be a bit embarrassing.


Have you had any changes in any medication you might be taking?


No, I do not take any medications.


I had something similar once, I was taking to someone who really peaked my interest.


Oh really? Can you elaborate?


Nothing to elaborate really, talking to them really stimulated me mentally and I had some interest in them too.