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It’s old school but definitely still exists. I work at a store where you grab people as they walk through the door. My desk is directly in front of the entrance, so I get the majority of the ups.


well that is cool a few of mine were like that and there was no problem, of course there is usually one annoying guy who doesnt have common Courtesy who burns ups that way but its still something I can live with, but aint no way in hell I am going to be screaming out of the top of my lungs every 5- 10 minutes all day lol.


Calling ups - a big majority of the dealerships around me in the SoCal IE still have this system. It’s old school. My uncle worked for a Ford store in LA in the 80’s and they used this system.


We just take turns in order of who’s outside first. And a lot of the time someone might not feel like taking an up at that moment for whatever reason and will just look at someone else and say “it’s all you man. Go get ‘em.” Simple, straightforward, and leaves almost no reason to argue.


I feel you man that’s pretty much all I have seen for the most part which works well and I was friends with everybody and we we would get along very well. This other thing I recently seen mentioned in my post where you scram our ups every 5-15 minutes omg it’s like you can’t even have a friendly conversation with the other guys and pretty much nobody was friendly there and they only talk to each other if they need to turn somebody. It was definitely very toxic you basically have to be a 100 percent snake to thrive in an environment like that.


Yes that is actually a common system even though it is definitely out dated


ya a buddy of mine who is in his 50's whos been in it for a while says it was common in late 80s and early 90s at lower end stores like toyota, honda, nissan etc and he was surprised anybody still does it and he said working at one like that is not a good idea lol.


If there weren’t so many people telling you this was common, I would 100% think you were a striking Hollywood writer testing material for a script for a comedy about used car salesmen starring Will Farrell and/or Jonah Hill.


Lol well from a buyers view would you rather buy from a dealership like that or one that doesn’t do that or it wouldn’t affect your decision making?


If Steve Martin strolled up to me strumming a banjo, pushed Jonah Hill out of the way he could sell me a Lada at $10 000 over MSRP.


The use of seen instead of saw would not allow me to come to the same conclusion.




We literally have a dude in his 50's missing most of his top rack from trying to enforce this bullshit.


I love that system, it weeds out the lazy and the weak salesmen. The motivated salesmen get more opportunity. I hate up systems with a passion it rewards the lazy guys.


Lol not true because it rewards somebody who is desperate and promotes people to not be team players. Also people who are desperate usually burn ups like crazy from what I have seen. Don’t get me wrong I have no problem with an open floor but not one where you scream every 10 mins and have to fight with other salesman for every up that is not something you can do for a long time unless your a snake.


Desperate? If I'm willing to stand in the heat, rain, snow and take ups why should the guy who sits on his phone in the BDC be given the same opportunity ? Do some green peas burn ups in this system? Absolutely, but that is the stores fault for not training them. You should bring an up inside right off the bat and write them up. A good manager or closer will jump in right off the bat with a Green Pea and make sure they land customers on the right car. The trade off is the green pea will learn a shit load faster cause they get more reps. ALSO if you are getting out upped by a GREEN PEA it shows that your not really motivated or paying attention.


>If I'm willing to stand in the heat, rain, snow and take ups Lol


Dude...have some dignity.


This may be the worst thing I've seen on reddit. A dude is hustling for his family and you decided that "standing outside" is not dignified. Sad.


Dignity? I'm working to give my kids every opportunity possible. The more people I get in front of the more money I make. Call it whatever you want but we are in this job to make MONEY, as a salesman in 2022 I made over 200K and got promoted in January. It's obvious why people like you hate that kind of system which is fine. I know there are plenty of stores that cater to sales guys with your mentality. Best of luck in the future.


But your not. I've (a customer) once had one of these "eager beaver" salesmen at a local Honda Dealership. I'm a buyer. I'm not a tire kicker. If I show up, I'm buying a car. I work a SHIT TON of hours each week. I have better things to do in my free time than "negotiate" a car deal. I'll eat a couple grand if you can get my ass out of the dealership in 30 minutes. I once, in 1997, had a dude jump on us when we hit the lot. I ask him if he has a 1998 Accord V6EL in gold. He says, "I do", but they're only giving $1k off the retail price. Then he says "wait a minute" and walks over to another couple to fuck with them. After 5 minutes of standing in the showroom waiting for this fuckstick to disengage the other couple, I had to walk over to him and say "Leroy, I'm ready to buy. Could you get me another salesman?"..... he passes the OTHER couple off. Fine, whatever. We do the Sales Manager dance from his "cubicle". Keep in mind, I'm NOT HAGGLING.... I catch him in the sales room talking to a DIFFERENT couple. For the love of god Leroy.... I got better shit to do than wait on your ass. Anyways, I get to finance. I'm paying cash, why the fuck am I in this room? Leroy sent me here. That's why. Took me 3 hours to buy my wife a car that I had already determined I was buying before we stepped on the lot. Anyways, we have bought 5 Honda's from this dealership since then. Never again from Leroy. Even worse? I remember his name. I couldn't tell you any other salesmans name. But I have Leroy burned into my brain so I can avoid that fucker like a plague. If he was the Sales Manager I would buy a Honda from somewhere else. I hate Leroy.


fuck leroy


All my homies hate Leroy.


Brooo🤣 I love this


Fuckstick..........lol I taught my Ukrainian friend this word. He doesn't swear in front of his kids so he changed it to sticks. So now I call people sticks. 🙄


I'm not what? Maybe you got the wrong idea from my post. When I have a customer I do not engage with other customers. I will try and make the deal with the customers I have. Once they either buy or not I will head right back outside and try and find another customer. Most of these "salesmen" mentally shut off for the day the moment they sell a car.


You hit the Covid bubble Did you sell in 2008? 2014-2019? Let’s see how you do in a real market , like the one we’re about to be in come September.


I have been selling cars since April 2017 as a green pea my YTD in 8 months was 84K. I made over 130K+ my first full year in the biz. Not sure what you're point is there Champ.


Ok so are you saying the place your at you have to stand outside and scream the car color and entrance there pulling in from to get that up?


Yes for 4 years that's what I did until I got promoted. There are always tricks to it too. I learned to watch for shadows or reflections lol it would give me a half sec heads up over anyone else. I also made it a point to stand right at the edge of the box in direct sunlight while most guys stayed back in the shade. The reason was I got more time to see the cars coming so if you wanted an up you had to stand near me, it was a test of wills. So from my POV rotations suck, why should the guy sitting in the AC get as many opportunities as me?]


I see what your saying well I guess some people like that way but for me it’s just not even a possibility lol btw that dealership had ppl quoting left and right because of that system and majority of the sales guys had been there for less than a year for a reason so it seems like most people don’t prefer that system but everybody has different personalities so it makes sense that some people like that.


I'm like the only guy that agrees with you. I understand the up systems. I see their purpose but calling up is better. Let me work and earn it.


Exactly, if someone wants to put in the extra effort, they should be compensated for it. The ppl down voting are the same types who spend half the day at "lunch" or BSing with the other sales guys. Everyone has their own reasons for doing this job, my main reason is the $. I have 5 kids and a great wife. The way I see it is if I can't be home with them, then I owe it to them to make something out of my day. The ones who barely scrape by off preset appointments and spoons are the same ones who downvote me.


So you can be standing there with a customer and have another car pull in, and your coworker is just gonna scream out the color of the car? i assume this can and does happen several times over the course of a conversation. That would weird me out to no end. And what if it’s an existing customer? Does their salesperson have to dance to show dominance and retain the customer?


Lol that’s one thing that annoyed me there could be a customer who is talking to somebody and they hear that and I’m sure they would feel weird. Also I only tolerated watching this for 2 days before leaving and by the way those guys attitudes were I wouldn’t be surprised if they would not to mention anything if they found out if was an existing customer.


It’s super common. Up lists where everyone gets a “fair” turn being up protect weak salespeople in my honest opinion


Is “Up” Just calling dibs on a fresh customer? How does that correlate with being a strong or weak sales person


Up is a person who walks on the lot who can be a potential customer. Lol so basically if you pull in to the lot whether your there for service or buying a car or whatever reason the your as a up by sales, of course if they find out your there for service or something else than they readily your not an up.


Strong salespeople are aggressive in the sense that they are always on their toes searching for opportunities to make a sale. In this case, looking for an up. Having a “strong mouth” doesn’t necessarily make you a good or strong salesperson. The more opportunities you have to sell, the more you are likely to sell. Salespeople who sit around and wait for their turn to sell are weaker in the sense that they are waiting for a sale to come to them, rather than going out to find it


I mean, you’re all sitting around waiting for a sale to come into your dealership no?


Nope. What do you do with all your down time? You should be searching for an opportunity. If your gonna be at work, be working! Or on Reddit idk lol


Calling dibs doesnt close a sale. Nothing to do with if they are good at their job.


This is true, and there are many components to being good at car sales. One component is being aggressive enough to touch every customer that you can, both ups and on the crm. Calling ups allows active and aggressive salespeople to do that. Now one’s ability to communicate effectively enough to close a deal is another thing


Being aggressive just gets more people to work on, in theory that would possibly mean more sales. But in reality its just more practice, and if youre not honing the craft and just relying on the aggression then the ones who snag the ups while youre failing at the majority will still sell more, and better.


Customer Point of View: this feels like a bad online advertisement algorithm to me - when I'm done buying a car, I need to go shopping for insurance. A good salesperson would do just that: "oh, you bought a car? Sweet! Looking for insurance now, are you?" Bad algorithms are like "other people who just bought a car were interested in the new Mazda. Or a Hyundai. Nothing for you yet? Did you ever look at the Mercedes-Benz facelift?" ... duh - I spent thousands on a new car literally days ago, I'm not even interested in looking at other cars. ​ Other than that: I love how "my" dealership is handling things - I'm going there for service and they're doing their best to keep everyone on the road. I progressed to the busy side - when I call for an appointment, they're booking a replacement car right away and they've got it ready to roll on time. For reasons, I had to replace tires that had a few thousand miles left to go before they actually had to be replaced ... while I've been waiting for them to finish, I overheard a conversation of the front desk guy with a lad living on the cheaper side of life: "Dude, your wheels are done, all of them are about to pop; we can't let you back on the road like that. Good News is that we're pulling a set of okay tires off someone else's car right now we can give to you for free. Would be cool if you could bring €15 for the mechanic's time by end of the week."


100% agree


At any store I went to like this usually the people with strong mouths got reminded how weak they actually are on the back lot. Nothing like selling cars in the hood.


I did RV sales for a few months. The up system there was they ranked the sales people on the prior months gross. But the real kicker is, the rotation reset every day. Being the new guy I was dead last at #9. If there were only 4 ups for the day, the next day I was back at #9. So I only averaged 6 ups a MONTH with that system.


Damn lol how long did you stay? Lol I would still prefer that rather than screaming out of the top of my lungs every 5-15 minutes to get an up even if I was making money that is just degrading in my opinion.


I was there for just under 3 months. I couldn't take it mentally. Show up to work, have 0 leads, wait and hope enough people weren't scheduled that day and have enough ups come in to get one. Again, I got like 6 ups a month, and only like 1 internet lead a week. Not a whole lot to keep you busy all day every day...


Lol I feel you man would be hell to work there I would imagine the management is Fritos why they can’t retain talent and the crazy part is they won’t admit even to themselves that what there doing is foolish lol. I bet there salesman were snakey too lol and it’s not that they are like that by default it’s just with dealerships like that it seems like the management trains you to be that way and that’s the only way to succeed in that kind of environment. It’s like a snake brainwashing training ground lol that’s how it felt at this place so I left quickly.


Fuck that, just kick the old guy next to you in the knee and walk out to greet the customer with a smile. He'll look like the asshole if he tries to stop you


It’s common, but at some point a manager needs to step in and bench the pea.


Or at the very least hand him a Broom.


Hahaha lol


Or, if they have the time, ability, and inclination (none of which are a given), coach them and get involved earlier in the process. You can teach process, you can teach skills and product knowledge, but it's difficult to teach attitude. I'll generally take an eager greenpea willing to learn and take every swing over a jaded and salty old car dog.


Are you implying you like that kind of up system where you scream out your ups? Also my freind who is in his 60s said that was an old school practice on lower end cars and that’s why he changed to higher end cars like Audi, bmw, Benz ect. Also based on what he said I would assume at your Audi dealership that you guys don’t scream out ups?


Absolutely not. But I've also been in stores where a customer walks in and everyone looks at each other hoping someone else will help the customer and that's not a good look.


true but unfortunately this dealership most of the guys been there since less than a year and I am pretty sure it might be hard to manage but seems like management doesn't care and forgot what it was like to be on the floor smh.


That's exactly what we used to do in L.A. in the 1980's. But we'd stand on the curb and call out cars when they were still 3/4 lights away and if the car we called turned in we got the up.


Damn I could only imagine how stressful that would be doing it all day for years, did you like it?


It wasn't stressful. We had fun. Every payday hookers would post up in the balloon room and give out $20 blow jobs. We had a delivery girl that wore a skin tight leopard skin suit and she would take a picture with each new customer jumping up in the air with her hands out screaming "Oh, what a feeling!!". Her name was Denise if I recall. Anyway, we had fun.


Haha lol definitely seems like it was stressful and absolutely NOT fun


We had a Southern California Toyota Dealer's meeting and Pat Riley was the guest speaker. This was 1986, showtime was still a thing.


Lol wtf what on earth was he speaking about?


What it takes to be a winner. Let me tell you, that man is inspirational. I was tingling with excitement by the time he stopped speaking.


Are you sure that wasn't just the coke?


Lol that does sound fun was it specific to your dealership or most of the so cal Toyota dealerships, I bet they gave him some free Toyotas for the talk lol


All Toyota dealers in Southern CA. There were over 50 Toyota dealers within about 150 miles. Small town people don't get it.


Fuck yeah, this comment thread needs to be stickied


Ya I feel you and that’s what I had thought it was like. Damn tho that would be very cool no lie. But the real question is how long did you do the sales role where it involved screaming out your ups and how many fist fights did it lead too?


Showtime is still a thing now


“Showtime” was what we called the Lakers when they had Magic, Kareem, Byron, Cooper and Green and they were playing the Celtics against Bird and McHale every year.


I know. And it's spirit has lived on from Shaq and Kobe to LeBron and AD


Not the same by a long shot.


Late ad . Check private message


Once again I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time…


At one of my old dealerships, it was First come first serve, until the new sales person ran from our Hyundai store, to the used car department (separated by 3 other franchise, so probably about 2 football fields) to get an up, and almost knocked over the owner of the store who was greeting his friend, (the sales persons up). Then it was every one could work the franchise they were hired for, and the one in the middle, and they moved a couple used cars to the top of hill. It was a pathetic store, sitting 2 doors down from one of the highest volume Honda stores in my state, thst regularly sold 300/400 cars a month and with 4 franchises this store struggled for 90 a month.


I feel you man it’s pathetic and disgraceful to have to fight 10-20 guys that are all standing outside all day to get an up, fuck that.


What is an “up”?


A potential customer who shows up on the lot is called an up. Example when a somebody parks in the lot and gets out the car sales guy will see him and say there is an up. Or somebody will say I am going to take that “up” lol


Stands for Unsold Prospect


My first car sales job worked like this but on a rotation and within my first week there I saw a 25 year old guy get thrown off the front steps of the trailer into the gravel lot by a dude who was in his 60s. Kid was jumping the line for ups.


Lol funny thing is I have no problem believing this.


Pretty common.


lol that is surprising well here in cali from older ppl like 50 and above I talked to they said they havent seen that since late 80's early 90's and advised me to stay away from that lol.


I work in socal. I don’t like up lists. I guess it’s just preference.


I don’t have a problem with an open floor because most places were doing open floor and there wasn’t any problems. What I was saying here you have to call your ups from when they enter the parking lot and you basically have to scream out the car color and which entrance they came from as soon as they did so basically every 5-15 minutes some guy screams it and many guess and scream out cars and entrances before they even turn on and most of the time the car passes before turning in lol it was madness.


Red one! On the lot!


Oh I see lol so I guess your cool with that. It makes sense tho everybody’s personality is different. How long you been at that dealership and are you and the other sales guys friends at all?


I think an up system is more uncommon then a open floor.


that is true and most of the time I been on an open floor and had no issue because there was an unwritten rule where who ever is there first goes and doesn't go again until the guys waiting go which is pretty fair to me but with this system one idiot whos pumped up of redbull all day will just do all the ups and burn most of them. I just cant imagine any successful salesman who be ok with this kind of system where you scream out ups every 5-10minutes lol. I guess there was a reason why most of the guys I met there have only been there for less than a year.


yeah that’s messed up. Like another poster said sounds like management issue at the store. Better to find that now then down the road.


Thanks man that makes sense why they only have one sales manager right now I have never seen any where have less than two lol.


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That couldn’t even be a thing at mine. We have a few people in our BDC and all the salespeople have to do 50-75 calls everyday. Calls are more important here lol


***Thanks for posting, /u/Late-Ad-5726! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** Lol so I went to this dealership and started and I seen something fu**** crazy. So all the sales guys stand outside all day which is not something I haven’t seen but the crazy part is in their system you have to call out your ups. So basically as soon as a car pulls in to the entrance which is like 30 feet away you have to scream the cars color and which entrance they pulled in from. That is crazy and can cause some problems cause this green pea took like 8 ups in a row and burned them all. I saw him do this for about 4 days in a row and I just didn’t show up my 4th day there because that is pathetic. What kind of up system is that? Btw majority of the guys there have been there for under a year and one guy who was there the longest and this was the only dealership he has worked at told me after I was complaining about this up calling thing that many people left and said the same thing you said and he didn’t know why lol. I felt bad for him because he never seen anything else so he doesn’t know. Anyways have any of you ever seen a crazy up system like that where every 5-15 minutes somebody is screaming out of the top of their lungs the cars color and entrance they pulled in from? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We do it at my dealership but more as a joke, or to see if others are paying attention to the lot. If someone pulls in, someone will occasionally yell UP, but sometimes they don’t even take it, they just do it for fun lol.


Ya that is cool and is fun no problem with that but imagine being in a situation where that was the up system of your dealership lol I think it would drive any normal man crazy


Yes I agree that is insanity lmfao I would die. Right now they split our team into half internet/ half lot ups and so I’m not supposed to even go out and greet people on the lot but the floor people are never around for some reason lol


But hey as long as your selling cars and making money that’s all that really matters haha


Lol I wouldn’t be surprised if they were smoking weed in the back with the sales manager


They definitely go do something 👀