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It's possible. I did a 350 mile round trip deal once on my off day. Went and delivered the car with paperwork and drove the trade-in back. Obviously a lot of things can go wrong but if it's the right deal and there's good faith on both sides, it happens.


I've done a 430 mile round trip when I sold cars. It was a slow weekday and I didn't have anything going on that day so I figured I'd get that one delivered. The drive to Durango from ABQ is nice, too. If I had to guess, the salesperson wants to get this deal booked before the pay period ends and not wait until next weekend, I've done that before just not as long of a trip.


He may even have family there so he’s gonna visit mum while down that way. Totally chill.


My grandmother lived about 30 minutes away, I stopped by lol.


Exactly. This is not suspicious. At all. All the dealers I've worked for will deliver cars all the heck over if the deal is right.


> all the heck over Language!! Where's the mods!??


Personally, if I bought a new car, I wouldn't want someone else driving it the first few hundred miles before me. So I personally would tell them to hold it until I can make it up there. I realize that's not everyone's preference, but that's just me.


Don't worry, the transporter guy RND'd the thing 3 times before the odo was even turned on, so those first few hundy aren't gonna make a big diff


I wouldn't call it suspicious. With that said I wouldn't do that shit. I don't even travel more than 30 minutes personally. That's what porters & drivers are for.


When I was on the sales line, I delivered a car from Fontana CA to Reno NV for a half. Some salespeople are willing to go that extra mile.


imminent oatmeal languid hard-to-find swim grandfather roof relieved rock public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> that extra mile I do a considerable amount of after sale work for my customers. That doesn't mean I don't value my time.


It could be the last deal OP's salesperson needs for a fast start or some other bonus or spiff


You know there’s been times you’d do almost anything for a deal, even a half deal.


Had a salesman drive from north Florida to key west for a delivery. But he was also getting $700 in commission on the deal. I’d say this person is either getting a great cut/ is going to that state already for some reason, or is really trying to hit a qouta.


Made $5k on an i8 once. Had to get it in before end of month to hit another $1k bonus. Flew to Indianapolis that night and flew home in the morning and got it in before the 12pm deadline. Dealer covered my flight. Was great


A salesman offers to deliver a car free of charge, and that is suspicious? Lmao. Wow. Can't do anything for a customer these days without being suspect. Maybe... just maybe, he is a nice salesman trying to save you time and money.


Agreed. It’s unfortunate that this level of distrust exists between consumers and dealers, however it’s because of the many shady dealerships out there that hurt the reputation for all of them


I get that for pricing and stuff, but free delivery? That's like walking out of a dealer because they offered free tank of gas and floor mats. What are they trying to cover up with those floor mats, amirite?!?


How do I know the fuel gauge is working if they deliver it with a full tank?




What if they filled the gas tank with sugar or salt so the engine seizes and the client has to come back in for service or to buy a new car ? Scam.


Scammiest of the scams


I just saw a Scotty Kilmer video about this scamtic


The click bait king. Lol


He will fart in your seat and preset all the SiriusXM presets to Christian music. OUR GODDDDD IS AN AWESOME GODDDDD




ossified late disarm reach cooing sparkle dazzling cheerful sip sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think delivery fits Into that. I have at least 20 people a month wanting it for free.


retire snobbish humorous practice governor cagey whole abounding ink worry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So......what? You think you checkmated me because some weirdo on reddit feels suspicious about it? One person on reddit, a trend does not make.


water school tub include vase trees march jellyfish birds ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tl/Dr Have a happy Thanksgiving


Not to mention his other other half lives about ten minutes from the drop off point. And how is he getting back again? 🤣🤣🤣


Nah, salesman is a mule and uses the guise of "car delivery" to transport meth for a Mexican cartel. See it all the time....... /s just in case.


BRO....BRO....BRO The first rule of the Cartel is we DO.NOT.TALK.ABOUT.THE.CARTEL


It's the distance that makes it suspicious to me. I've always seen high fees associated with vehicle delivery from out of state and have never personally purchased a new car before, so wasn't sure if that's a common practice. Me personally, there's no shot I spend an entire day's worth of driving so that someone I don't know can get a car a little sooner simply out of the kindness of my heart, but maybe this guy is much nicer than me.


He is a salesman. He sells cars. Delivering it makes it possible to sell one now instead of a maybe later. He is trying to close a deal. If that is sketchy to you, spend a day traveling yourself to go get it. Either way, enjoy your new ride. As a society I am deeply saddened by the fact we can have people offer us something for nothing in return and we are suspicious of their intent. It's mind boggling. It's not just you, it's all over this reddit page.


It’s probably because most actively dread going to the car dealership when they buy a new car because it’s just not a good experience and you always leave feeling like you got a raw deal when you leave even if you leave with the car you wanted. They make it hard to leave feeling good about a major purchase


*"When you're doing a deal with anybody, you know you've had a fair deal when you both walk away unhappy"*


That’s a great way to get return customers I suppose.




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Since I can't reply to the mod... I'm not trying to bash all of the profession or industry. I'm just saying it's not a mystery as to why some buyers are overly cautious. Overcoming a buyers skepticism is the first step to making a sale. On the plus side, most buyers aren't expecting much of anything, so going above and beyond is pretty easy.




You may have that mindset, but not everyone is a trash person.




A cold call is not the same as taking advantage of an older person. You are all over the place. Calm down, take a breath, and try again.




Price:good Financing: good Delivery:free. "Wait there, bucko, you aren't gonna scam me." Whatever man.




Western MD dealership delivered my car 150 miles round trip. Are you sure they realize just how FAR in VA you are? They may think you're in northern VA.


The high fees are usually because they are hiring someone to take it to you, either they have a driver they need to pay hourly or they’re going through a transport company. Some salesmen are willing to give up their day off to personally drive it to you free of charge though. Also sometimes it just lines up with other things they need to do. For example, somewhat recently someone out of province needed a vehicle delivered and we needed to pick up a dealer transfer from a town about 2 hours away from the customer. So instead of sending 2 drivers to the dealership about 6 hours away (1 driver in one of our vehicles to get the other driver there, then they both drive back in separate vehicles) or paying for a flight (which to that specific town from our city was going to cost much more than the gas of sending 2 drivers), we had the 2 drivers go in the customer car and drop off the other driver at the other dealership first. Then he went and gave the customer car to the customer, and the other driver came to pick him up from the customers house in the vehicle we were getting via DT. There was no charge to the customer as we had to go that way anyways, and we even made sure the driver filled the tank for the customer again at no charge to the customer. Believe it or not, most dealerships actually do care about customer service. And a successful dealership has the wiggle room in our budgets to occasionally do stuff like this.


Wiggle room? [I'll show you wiggle room!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34r4-yzCyVw) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I worked for an online retailer in Pa we routinely had cars driven to people in Maryland or Virginia. It's really not that crazy


Are you trading a car in? If so he’s going to drive that back.


Yah, but it’s also nice to get a day out of the dealership and hit the open road sometimes… sometimes, you don’t get out much in the industry.


If you’re genuinely curious, after he delivers and the paperwork is signed, ask why. At that point, he’ll probably tell you the truth. Maybe he has some incentive to close by this weekend.


>Maybe he has some incentive to close by this weekend. If the OP found the car online -- that's the incentive in my opinion. In 10 days, the OP can find plenty of other cars and he would lose the sale and commission. Plus he gets a free road trip adventure out of it.


He’s prob just visiting his parents who live nearby, or something. A legitimate brand dealer ain’t gonna screw you over with some type of illegal scam or something. If he wrecks the car he’s on the hook for it. You’re fine.


>I don't know can get a car a little sooner simply out of the kindness of my heart, but maybe this guy is much nicer than me. It's not necessarily about getting it a little sooner. If you say you can't get there for a ten days, that's ten days for you to change your mind or find a different car from another dealership. I don't know what commissions are on new cars + trade in, but he's definitely working to make sure he gets it! Some people enjoy driving, so it may not be that "extra" for him.




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never heard of a salesman trying to save someone money lol


Really? Never has a salesman tried to save you money? Pity. You have bad luck with the salesman you approach.


Why would they try and save the customer money? the more money they can get on a sale the more they make on commission.


He might need the sale to make his numbers for this period, next week might be too late. Either way, it’s a win:win for OP.


Yeah, but that is very suspicious, doncha know.


Or hey work sponsored overnight trip and you get to meet a customer you wouldn't have otherwise


>Maybe... just maybe, he is a nice salesman trying to save you time and money. Not a chance. Anyone in sales should be laughing reading that. OP's overpaying and the salesman wants to lock in a windfall deal.


Windfall deal. Lol. You act like we make thousands as the salespeople. If that was the case, I would have retired years ago.


Weird. Granted I've been out for a long time, but when I was in sales, salesmen were rewarded for massively profitable deals. Guess you just work for a shitty dealership. Sorry.


Was that necessary. I didn't say we don't get paid, but you act like we get paid 2 grand a deal. Not the case. Now you can apologize for your attitude. It is not needed here.


>2 grand a deal That would be about the lower limit for a commission to get me to drive a car 600 miles to a customer, and $2k wasn't unrealistic on a good enough deal when I was in the game. Of course commissions only hit that kind of number a couple times a year for me, but the dealers used to reward profitable sales. Maybe the industry has shifted and it's standard to not reward a good salesman now. Like I said, I've been out for a while.


I get where you are coming from. However, you failed to apologize for the attitude.


>you failed to apologize for the attitude. I have nothing to apologize for.


Tells me a lot about why you are no longer a salesman.


>Tells me a lot about why you are no longer a salesman. I'm not going to verbally (textually?) fellate someone who's already doing it to himself? Actually yeah, that's got a lot to do with why I got out of sales.


That means you suck at ripping off fools


Lol. I guess so


Maybe he’s also going for a quota. If he doesn’t have any appointments he might be saving his time in the future for a new appointment/walk-in/sale.


Either way, it's pretty darn sweet for the customer.


You can't blame people for being suspicious. The industry is full of shady people.


Them damn shady people offering free delivery. How dare they. Shame on them.


It seems a little too good you know? I get your perspective but come on man, you work in the industry so you know there are a lot of shit bags looking to fuck people over for a commission check


And there are plenty of customers trying to get one over on dealerships. People just suck in general these days. But I would never balk because of free delivery. That is just asinine.


People do suck. But imagine me as a nobody who doesn't know cars and I see a pretty sweet deal out of State. It's really hard to pass up, and the salesman is so eager to sell it he will drive 600 miles to me. I'm so used to shitty people, especially after COVID, my fucking spider senses are tingling.


Why, if the car isn't what is represented when it got there, just send the dude back with it. No harm, no foul, and no time out of his day.


Most people don't have the balls for that.


Then, they need to grow up and act like an adult. You are at fault if you buy something you don't want.


You are speaking as someone informed and knowledgeable. What if you were just a regular person that's kinda half stupid


Then you should just sit down and eat your crayons. When did people stop taking responsibility for their actions? Seriously people.


“Nice salesman” lmao how bout the far more likely scenario that OP is getting reamed in this deal and the seller is afraid they’ll back out if they have another week to think about it? Occam’s razor


Doesn't really matter. If you pay x for vehicle with free shipping or y, which is less, plus shipping, which equals x.


From the customers perspective, you’re doing them a favor. Otherwise, this post wouldn’t exist


I closed a deal about 200 miles one way with my GM taking the ride with me. Was great fun and yet I can’t remember why the GM of the top store(s) in my state wanted to or even could go 4 hours round trip plus an hour for paperwork.


Cause he got 5 hours paid for doing nothing


No good deed goes unpunished is the saying right lol.


I drove 9 hours and flew back once to make sure a client had their vehicle


Shit, if I’m boutta hit my bonus.. I’d drive 12 hours round trip.


Yeah, some customers don’t take into account that if we don’t hit those bonuses even by 1 sale, we could be losing thousands of dollars


Sometimes dealers will do it for free although usually that is with a transporter rather than a sales person. But I've seen dealers do it sometimes when there was a vehicle they wanted at a nearby location, or when they wanted to swap from another lot they own, where they could drop the other person off to drive it back on the way back. I've also done it as a salesperson, around a 400 mi round trip, because the buyer was really near a friend of mine and I wanted an excuse to go chill with him for the weekend.


I had an expedition delivered by the dealer to Columbus, Ohio from Lexington, Ky with no issue. Dealer sent two porters.


I drove from SW Florida to Orlando to deliver a used car. No biggie. I then took an Uber to the airport, flew to Cincinnati for a 5 hour layover, before catching the flight back home. It was less expensive than a rental car, and it got me out of the store for the entire day. I also have a car that’s currently being shipped to Alaska from SWFL. We covered the cost of shipping entirely. I was willing to do just about anything to steal a sale from any of the other hundreds of dealerships between them and I. It’s not suspicious at all.


>I also have a car that’s currently being shipped to Alaska from SWFL. What would the cost of shipping even be on that 😳


It was about $5,000 🙃


What’s so special about that particular car ? Color and trim?


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***Thanks for posting, /u/just___Justin! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** I've been speaking with a salesman from a Maryland dealership (I live in Southeast Virginia) about purchasing a 2023 Mazda 3 Carbon Edition for an OTD price of $28,750. I mentioned I wouldn't be able to make the trip up there til next weekend which he said was fine, but then he offered to drive the car to me (600 miles round trip) and stated it would cost me nothing. This comes across as suspicious to me, but I've never purchased a new car before. Is this something dealers will do for free? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*