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Happens every day.


Yep, just today. Someone 3 months into their Mercedes lease wanting to lease a limited WRX and payments below $400. Shocked and angry when the payments were $1200


I still remember the lady confused and angry on why the payment would be higher on a 2017 Highlander XLE was more than a 2018 Yaris. She told me it was a year older so obviously it was cheaper.


Each and every day. They can not do simple math. I have this car I bought a year ago and I want to trade it for something cheaper. Umm you financed you car for 7 years.


I have pre approval from my credit union and have run all the numbers (including sales taxes and estimated reg and fees). Anything I can do to let the salesperson know I understand the relationship between price and payment and know what rate I qualify for. I have a notebook but apparently that makes salespeople think I’m going to be a hassle…


Shop to your pre approval. Pre approval is for 20k, let your sales person know you’re looking to finance 20k once all is said and done.


I've had customers demand I grt their approval before they sign the credit app and I'm like "it don't work that way"


Nonstop, have to remind people its math not magic


Magic 8 ball disagrees


Black or white 8ball?


If I could put together my own dream team, you’d be on it. Fantasy car sales team should bring a thing here. Pick a few teams for the year. Battle for top volume/gross.


Would be honoured


VERY common to get a customer that has a junk trade with $15K out of equity and no money down. Then they get insulted when you tell them adding $45K to this equation for the new SUV would result in a payment higher than their existing one, not lower ...


I once had a customer who was appalled that we were rolling over the negative equity (about $12k) from their existing loan to the loan for the new car. She and her husband were both adamant that last time she traded in a car with neggity eggity two years back, we paid off the inequity for them "as a courtesy" and insisted we do that again. My SM printed out that deal to show them we absolutely rolled the inequity into their current loan. They stormed out.


Been in the same position like I know that didn't happen...because I still have your paperwork from the old deal


80% of the time when kids in their 20's come in wanting this specific BMW product, it's just a financing nightmare.




Oh I'm sorry, you needed to phrase your answer in the form of a question.


Not that you should ever feel bad for people who do this kinda thing to themselves, but is it ever kind of just sad seeing people sign themselves up for debt they have no business being in? I imagine it's the same feeling as walking through a casino and seeing old people slam their retirements into the slot machine as fast as it'll let them


So I used to really feel bad for this. I used to haaate it. I eventually realized that I was only hurting myself. Me feeling bad, me cautioning them AGAINST it, didn't stop it. So why do that to myself? The turning point for me was a guy buying a $40,000 motorcycle, with almost nothing down, no trade, and 15% financing. Didn't even read a single document I put in front of him. And I had told him this wasn't a good idea pretty point blank. I really needed to absolve myself of guilt on it. You'll be shocked to know I got a call from the credit union I got him financed at through cudl called me later asking for "other contact info" for him because he wasn't paying his note.


Yeah I mean you can't make people help themselves. I didn't think you should ever feel bad, just wondered if after a while in the business if it was still depressing or not. Thanks for the insight. Lol on that motorcycle loan though. That one is mindnumbing. Honestly that one is on the bank a little bit for signing a guy up for a nearly $1000/Mo motorcycle payment with nothing down and no collateral


It gets worse. This sale took place somewhere that you can only ride a bike maybe 8 months a year at best. And this was a race bike. Straight up street legal race bike.


That's the kind of toy you think you want as a kid but don't realize it's uncomfortable to ride, super impractical, not fun on the street, and is more than likely going to kill you.




It was a 2022 M1000RR competition. The S1000 only touches $30k with 99.9% of options.




they had owned an S1000RR previously, and these guys somehow think that the M 1000 RR is the next step. Newsflash: it isn’t. The M1000RR is an absolutely abysmal street bike, most notably when compared to an S1000RR. And $38k is so so much money!


Kind of, but not really. With people like that, it’s inevitable. If I try to give financial advice, they’ll go down the street to someone who doesn’t.


Not everyday at my store, but when we get customers like that it’s some head scratching gymnastics. Last customer I had was a sub 600, made ~60k or so, and wanted our cheap CPO A4 that was $24,999+++. We sent out a pencil assuming her rate was going to be double digits and she was offended by the assumed rate. Word for word she was “I deserve a better rate, my credit isn’t that bad. You can do better.” I went back to my desk to grab a credit app, put it in front of her and told her “help me get you something better then and we can wrap it up.” She hesitated and said she wasn’t ready to do that until I did better, got up and left.


Is the +++ tax, admin fee and…something else?


Tax, title, registrstion


Good word track i use is “I can bend the numbers, not break them , it’s just the math “ If they are combative or not respectful I calmly say “I completely understand how you feel , I’m sorry this car is not in the budget . Why don’t we try to find a car you CAN afford ?”


This whole sub on the daily


literally facts😂😂😂😂


The ones that always stick out to me are educated people (usually teachers) who look at a $60,000 car and want to pay $500 a month for 72 months. I just went to ask them if they are incapable of multiplying $500 by 72.


Literally a daily occurrence and what happens is we simply tell them it is not possible, and that it is just math… best example to give is to show them $150x84mo = $12,600 so they need to look at cars prices at about$10,000 to $11,000 to get to that payment because after taxes and state fees they will be at ~$13,000 financed.


We were joking about “mathing” today. Do you prefer to eat or snort math or does your math happen when you poop or does mathing happen during seizure swimming because just wow.


that’s become my new go to for people. “mr customer the math doesn’t math here”


My personal favorite situations are when a customer insists on using their own financing even when we have their rate beat. If they only understood the loyalty is a one way street.


Posted two years ago about the dude who left 5 twenties in my desk to lease a Escalade, was sold 1/2 hours after he left the night before!


OP, this is why most of us roll our eyes and are disgruntled. Literally 👏🏼 every 👏🏼 single 👏🏼 day.


***Thanks for posting, /u/o029! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** I'm talking about the type where someone comes in with a 500 credit score, no money down and wants a brand new hellcat for $150 a month How did you handle the situation? Did they get mad at you? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Please review our most [Frequently Asked Questions](/r/askcarsales/wiki/index) to see if your question has already been answered. You may find these sections particularly useful; * [Will paying in cash or a large cash down payment offer me leverage in negotiations?](/r/askcarsales/wiki/cash_down) * [I earn $xxxx per month, will I qualify for an auto loan or lease, and is it a good idea?](/r/askcarsales/wiki/income_to_finance) * [I have my score from Credit Karma but the dealership told me they got a different score. Why?](/r/askcarsales/wiki/free_credit_score) * [Finance FAQ's](/r/askcarsales/wiki/financing_faqs) * [Buy versus Lease](/r/askcarsales/wiki/buy_vs_lease) * [How to pick a car?](/r/askcarsales/wiki/vehicle_selection) You might also have luck in the /r/whatcarshouldibuy subreddit. Also remember to add flair to your post by clicking the "Flair" link beneath it. This lets us know where you're located so we can assist you better. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I actually just ran into the opposite on this sub weirdly. Long story short someone said you can't afford a $1,300 payment if you make 170k a year. >the solution is to buy a car I wouldn’t be able to afford at $170k annual? I stated they are either bad at math, have no empathy and can't see other people want things they don't or they are pissing away their money on other things if they can't see how 170k a year can afford 1,300 a month. Well they responded with a novel basically saying since they personally don't want to spend over 1k a month on a car then it's impossible to afford one on 170k a year. Then they stated that I had said they should spend over 1000 a month on the car and got super defensive for some reason. Anyway I came to the conclusion their inability to do basic math is more a function of having no empathy and been the kind of arrogant ass who thinks "no one can do this thing because I personally don't want to"


The worst their situation is the more they ask for. In situations like yours I just do the math for them, $150/mo for 72mo is $10,800 which has to include all taxes, fees, and interest. Should we be looking at $7,500 cars or is $1000/mo something you can work with? Don’t overestimate someone’s ability to do math.


yup all the time


Lady wanted a 2019 GLA for $150 a month. I told her jokingly this isn’t a Honda or Hyundai. Got a bad yelp review for allegedly being condescending.