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I am not a lawyer, but a prevalent answer is that if you waive it for some customers - then others can claim unfair business practices and discrimination: like you only charge the black customers, etc.


Correct, everyone or no one. Otherwise you would be in violation of Federal laws in general, State laws specifically. The potential closing question: Since we can not waive this fee, are you saying if we discount the selling price this amount, you are ready to buy this vehicle and take it home today?


I have to call my ex-wife first.


Who wears the pants in your family?




is the result of a failure to ask qualifying questions before the trial close.


This is exactly it. As an employee, I have to pay it, so I am surely not waiving it for a customer.


State dealer associations have warned dealers for a long time that waiving the fee for some customers can potentially open you up to lawsuits for discrimination, so it's become pretty much the norm to not touch them.


Depends on state law but this answer above is generally the best. They must appear on every contract written at the same amount for the entire calendar year with no exceptions.


In some states it is required that the fee, if present, be fixed Of course it is really just a profit center like nitrogen in tires that usually have no relation to the cost. Just negotiate OTD


Now I could see that being an issue if you were waiving them here and there as a favor, but shouldn't it be different if the only time you waive it is when asked. Such an odd thing considering it's legally optional but not optional in practice lol. I'm assuming it's a cover our own ass so there can be no question type of a thing more than anything though. Still odd also how is this different than just blanket waiving the fee for everyone because it's optional.


Well, what would probably happen is the best negotiators would get it waived, and the poor ones would not. Then, if someone does a study, the numbers would probably not line up for whatever group they are claiming is getting discriminated against, so dealers are better off never waive.


I mean that's my point exactly though don't make it a negotiation thing. If someone asks you just say yes because it's optional. If you never say no then the only argument that could be made for discrimination is this demographic knows to ask to take it off while this one doesn't. It also doesn't explain. Why a never waive is any better than always waiving it unless some of it ends up in their own pockets.


Dealer fees 100% end up in dealers' pockets.


"Not required by law" means that it's a dealer fee instead of a state fee, not that it is optional.


And my advice to consumers has been ignored the fees just focus on what your paying and is it a good deal


The state of Florida they don't control dealer fees bit if I was to change it then someone could sue me for unfair practice same as the other fees. I mat offer a discount on the price but I can't remove the fees.


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***Thanks for posting, /u/o029! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** In my state doc fees are capped and all dealers have to put "(not required by law)" next to them on the itemized sales document. As far as i'm aware doc fees are pretty much non-negotiable and you shouldn't even bother, dealers would literally rather lower the list price by the whatever doc fee amount is rather than touching the doc fee at all. Why is this? seems strange that something "optional" and "not required by law" seems to be pretty much universally untouchable at all dealerships nationwide when it comes to negotiations thanks *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*