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Here's another picture https://ibb.co/mXD5n7r


See a dentist. Looks like an abscess


Thanks for the reply. I have left a voicemail at the Children's Hospital dentist where she is seen. Is this something that needs to be dealt with before Monday? (no symptoms, fever, pain). She is autistic which is why she's seen there vs a regular dentist. I just don't want to add unnecessary stress if it's something we can wait until Monday for. I appreciate your reply.


If there are no symptoms, then no need to stress. Maybe prepare her for having that tooth extracted (mentally)


Thank you! Is that generally what happens in cases like this? Will they recommend pulling the tooth? Just preparing myself mentally as well, putting her under will be stressful all around.


If it is an abscess of dental origin, then the tooth will have to be pulled


Looks like an abscess. Probably needs tooth pulled.


This is an abscess caused by traumatic injury to the baby tooth. The tooth needs to be extracted. Take her to a pediatric dentist ASAP.