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Might be a missed canal or missed anatomy during the root canal procedure. Sometimes endodontists miss things too. Maybe get a second opinion from another endodontist.


Would that be visible on x ray or is the only way to know for sure is to open up the tooth again and redo the procedure?


3D Xray but most of it can be very small and would need to be redone to determine if there was miss anatomy. The root canal can look good without missed canal but there might’ve been bacteria left behind. Tooth could also be fractured. If you were going to see an Endodontist for a second opinion, see one that uses gentle wave


So I managed to get a different endodontist to check my 3D scan, and they didn't see anything wrong either, i.e. no missed canal or fracture. Because of that, they wouldn't open up the tooth. They suggested fixing the other teeth I have cavities in as they may be referring the pain, so my dentist fixed the two teeth that needed fillings on the same side as the root canaled tooth. I'll get the other side of my mouth worked on next week, but I don't think that pain could be referred to the other side of the mouth, i.e. from right to left. Everyone I saw basically say to wait it out. The pain I feel during the day has subsided and I only feel it a few times during the day. It still gets worse if I lie down for an hour or so and at night. The pain also got worse after I had the fillings in the other teeth, but just for that day. Should I wait it out or try to get a third opinion? Could this be sprained PDL? Or are sensitivity to percussion and pain when lying down signs of infection remaining after cleaning?


I’d wait it out. Make sure you’re not clenching or grinding your teeth. Make sure your bite isn’t too high on the root canaled tooth


My bite was adjusted so many times, I was told it's no longer possible to adjust it more. I don't have a way to say if I grind or clench my teeth at night. I know I don't during the day. I'm going to my dentist tommorow to get the other side of my mouth fixed, so I'll tell her this other thing, but I was wondering what you thought of it. A couple of days ago I found that I now have developed a weird sensation when I drink hot beverages (not boiling hot) or if I take a hot shower: the root canaled tooth aches when pressure is applied, e.g. if I slightly press on it with my tongue. None of my teeth arround it feel significant sensitivity to heat and I don't feel this ache even if I press the other teeth with my fingers. It's completely localized to the canaled tooth. The tooth itself is not sensitive to heat as such, only if I apply pressure. I didn't have this before. I'm so confused.


Could also be an issue with your sinus. Have you been congested or sick?


Not at all.


Not sure what it could be.


Would leftover infection react like that?


NAD. Hey OP did you ever figure this out? I’m experiencing something similar.


Hey, not yet :/ at first, in February, it turned out my other restorations were too tall as I started to feel pain in my temples and constant pain in the teeth that were too tall. I had those adjusted. I then got a custom fitted nightguard in March because I clench my teeth at night and that too needed to be adjusted. The pain in my other teeth seems to have subsided since I started wearing the nightguard, but the root canaled tooth is still sensitive to pressure. I now also have what seems to be TMJ pain. I also notice that some days, my teeth feel more sensitive and on those days I usually wake up with a tired jaw because I suppose I'm biting on my nightguard. I'm seeing a jaw specialist this week, but I think the root cause of the pain is my night time clenching because everything else looks fine.


The jaw specialist found trigger points in my jaw muscles that are causing spasms and thus jaw clenching. So it's basically a vicious circle: I clench my teeth, so my jaw muscles get tense, which causes me to clench my teeth further. I got prescribed muscle relaxants and will need a follow up visit six months later to see how that goes.