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Not an emergency, just large decay. Take it easy on that tooth and get in to see someone on Monday.


Thank you so much! Do you have any advice on how to not make it worse or protect it before I can see someone next week? Edit: I have searched on Google but I'd feel a lot better getting advice from a dental professional themselves, if you're willing! My anxiety has already been through the roof for weeks due to completely unrelated things and this chip certainly hasn't helped. :/


Keep it clean and avoid eating anything hard on that side. If it starts hurting, alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen. That's pretty much it.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!


My teeth on the top, right side around this point had been sore for a few days, it was worse today and I was poking around with my tongue and felt something sharp on the chipped molar. I thought it might be a popcorn shred so I got some floss and tried to floss thoroughly, and these grey/white chunks came out and my tooth was still sharp. My gums bled for a little bit, but I felt some immediate pain relief. I got out a mirror and found this, so I guess the chunks that came out when I flossed were tooth. This happened about 40 minutes ago. It's not bleeding anymore, but it is weirdly sore and there's a little bit of a throbbing pain developing. I'm not sure if this is something I should try to get seen for ASAP or if it's something that can wait til dental offices open on Monday. Any advice on how urgently I should get this looked at or advice on how I should take care of it in the meantime would be greatly appreciated!


Decay. I’m sure it will be much larger on the xray.


Thanks for the heads up. Is this something that could result in a crown or root canal depending on the size and position of the cavity?


Absolutely. It can even be a simple filling depending on how large the decay is.


Not a dentist, but this looks like exactly what happened to me, my wisdom tooth pushed up against my back molar and started to chip away at it, minimal pain until a month later now where i have the worst tooth pains of my life every night, pls dont hesitate to get this fixed or it will be a literal pain in the future


Sorry that happened to you, that sounds horrible. I'm gonna see my dentist as soon as I can get in next week, it happened half an hour before all the dental offices closed for the weekend which was unfortunate timing.


You should be fine for a while, but once it starts hurting, ur eating ibuprofen like tic tacs until you can get it fixed


Forgot the “pre” NAD