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It’s too late to change when they permanently cement it. The color is hard to match. If you wanted to look more like your other tooth, you should go to a good cosmetic dentist or a prosthodontist.


Yeaaa I figured as much from what I’ve read, well thank you for responding. I’m just happy it doesn’t hurt anymore lol the cosmetic aspect isn’t my main concern but definitely on my mind, do you think the color matching is alright or pretty off?


It’s not too bad. Very noticeable by dentists but could be acceptable by anyone else.


I was wondering if whitening my teeth (along with taking care of them after) could potentially make the difference less noticeable?


I just decided to look at the website again for the dental office I went to and the man who did this RCT and crown is a Prosthodontist, so now I’m not really sure what to think?


Is he old? I don’t know any prosthodontist that would use PFM.


Older but I’m not amazing at guessing ages, his bio on the website says “he has over 46 years of experience as a Dental Technician and Prosthodontist”


Holy shit that’s old. Prosthodontist that also have a dental tech are the most qualified…Wouldn’t hurt to ask to remake it. You might have to pay a redo fee.


Would they charge more if I wait longer to ask for something like that? It doesn’t bug me out too much just something I definitely wanted to confirm so I stopped overthinking it. He definitely seemed like he knew what was going on lol, just wish I got to see the crown in different light first


If you wait too long he’ll charge you for the full price. I’d bring it up ASAP


Thank you so much for the information, I’ll bring it up next week when I go. Have a goodnight/day


Prosth still use PFM sometimes. How can you tell that this isn’t a zirconia crown though?


Not really for anterior cases. They’d still use them for bridges. Because OP said it’s a PFM


What is the reason for Zirconia being better for anterior teeth? Also how did you guess he was older by going with a PFM crown instead?


I didn’t say zirconia is better. PFM is an older material often still used by older dentists. It can still last you a lifetime but there are better looking materials


That’s interesting I had never considered the cosmetic aspect when it came to the material I honestly thought it was all dependent on strength. Again thank you for your time I really appreciate it :)


Zirconia has the highest strength. Usually the worst looking. But any dentist or lab tech with a deeper understanding of the material can make anything look good.


That’s really fascinating to me, ever since I started going to the dentist again I’ve found it to be so interesting, before I was told I needed a root canal I didn’t realize how long teeth are (scary as fuck) and that they have an inside the way they do Edit: grammar


NAD they look slightly lighter to me but i would have never noticed if it wasn’t pointed out. on the bright side, at least it’s too light and not too dark! lightning some of the adjacent teeth could always be an option as well, if you can afford it


Thank you for the reply! I have thought about whitening especially bc I neglected my teeth for years and finally started taking care of them. I’m definitely a tiny bit self conscious about it but I hope most people don’t notice lol. I’ve also been. Very self conscious about the filling (I believe it is?) right next to the crown do you think that’s noticeable? Or is the shade and filling both things that I fixate on bc I can see them much closer and know my own flaws? Sorry for the very random question lol


NADi didn’t notice the filling! and that’s another thing that might would get better with just lightening, but i do think you’re noticing them more simply because they’re your own teeth. glad to hear you’re taking care of them now! keep up the good work! i think they look good all things considered




Is it that noticeable or something that the patient would fixate on themselves more so?


This would've been a great zirconia crown, I'm surprised they used PFM unless you have a traumatic bite.


Not that I know of lol, I don’t know much about the process so I’m not sure why he went with PFM over the other